use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project datanucleus-core by datanucleus.
the class JPQLQueryHelper method getJPQLForExpression.
* Convenience method to return the JPQL single-string query text for the provided expression.
* @param expr The expression
* @return The JPQL single-string text that equates to this expression
public static String getJPQLForExpression(Expression expr) {
if (expr instanceof DyadicExpression) {
DyadicExpression dyExpr = (DyadicExpression) expr;
Expression left = dyExpr.getLeft();
Expression right = dyExpr.getRight();
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("(");
if (left != null) {
// Special cases
if (right != null && right instanceof Literal && ((Literal) right).getLiteral() == null && (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_EQ || dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_NOTEQ)) {
str.append(dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_EQ ? " IS NULL" : " IS NOT NULL");
} else {
if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_AND) {
str.append(" AND ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_OR) {
str.append(" OR ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_ADD) {
str.append(" + ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_SUB) {
str.append(" - ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_MUL) {
str.append(" * ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_DIV) {
str.append(" / ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_EQ) {
str.append(" = ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_GT) {
str.append(" > ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_LT) {
str.append(" < ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_GTEQ) {
str.append(" >= ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_LTEQ) {
str.append(" <= ");
} else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_NOTEQ) {
str.append(" <> ");
} else {
// TODO Support other operators
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dont currently support operator " + dyExpr.getOperator() + " in JPQL conversion");
if (right != null) {
return str.toString();
} else if (expr instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
PrimaryExpression primExpr = (PrimaryExpression) expr;
return primExpr.getId();
} else if (expr instanceof ParameterExpression) {
ParameterExpression paramExpr = (ParameterExpression) expr;
if (paramExpr.getId() != null) {
return ":" + paramExpr.getId();
return "?" + paramExpr.getPosition();
} else if (expr instanceof InvokeExpression) {
InvokeExpression invExpr = (InvokeExpression) expr;
Expression invoked = invExpr.getLeft();
List<Expression> args = invExpr.getArguments();
String method = invExpr.getOperation();
if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("CURRENT_DATE")) {
return "CURRENT_DATE";
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("CURRENT_TIME")) {
return "CURRENT_TIME";
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")) {
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("length")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("LENGTH(");
if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) {
Expression firstExpr = args.get(0);
if (args.size() == 2) {
Expression secondExpr = args.get(1);
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equals("toLowerCase")) {
return "LOWER(" + JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(invoked) + ")";
} else if (method.equals("toUpperCase")) {
return "UPPER(" + JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(invoked) + ")";
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("isEmpty")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
str.append(" IS EMPTY");
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("indexOf")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("LOCATE(");
if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) {
Expression firstExpr = args.get(0);
if (args.size() > 1) {
Expression secondExpr = args.get(1);
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("substring")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("SUBSTRING(");
if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) {
Expression firstExpr = args.get(0);
if (args.size() > 1) {
Expression secondExpr = args.get(1);
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("trim")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("TRIM(BOTH ");
if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) {
Expression trimChrExpr = args.get(0);
str.append(" FROM ");
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("trimLeft")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("TRIM(LEADING ");
if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) {
Expression trimChrExpr = args.get(0);
str.append(" FROM ");
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("trimRight")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("TRIM(TRAILING ");
if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) {
Expression trimChrExpr = args.get(0);
str.append(" FROM ");
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("matches")) {
if (args == null || args.isEmpty()) {
throw new NucleusUserException("Cannot use 'matches' without an argument");
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
str.append(" LIKE ");
Expression firstExpr = args.get(0);
if (args != null && args.size() > 1) {
Expression secondExpr = args.get(1);
str.append(" ESCAPE ").append(JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(secondExpr));
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("contains")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
if (args == null || args.isEmpty()) {
throw new NucleusUserException("Cannot use 'contains' without an argument");
Expression firstExpr = args.get(0);
str.append(" MEMBER OF ");
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("COUNT")) {
if (args == null || args.isEmpty()) {
throw new NucleusUserException("Cannot use 'COUNT' without an argument");
Expression argExpr = args.get(0);
if (argExpr instanceof DyadicExpression && ((DyadicExpression) argExpr).getOperator() == Expression.OP_DISTINCT) {
DyadicExpression dyExpr = (DyadicExpression) argExpr;
return "COUNT(DISTINCT " + JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(dyExpr.getLeft()) + ")";
return "COUNT(" + JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(argExpr) + ")";
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("COALESCE")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("COALESCE(");
if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
Expression argExpr = args.get(i);
if (i < args.size() - 1) {
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("NULLIF")) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("NULLIF(");
if (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
Expression argExpr = args.get(i);
if (i < args.size() - 1) {
return str.toString();
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("ABS")) {
String argExprStr = (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) ? JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(args.get(0)) : "";
return "ABS(" + argExprStr + ")";
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("AVG")) {
String argExprStr = (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) ? JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(args.get(0)) : "";
return "AVG(" + argExprStr + ")";
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("MAX")) {
String argExprStr = (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) ? JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(args.get(0)) : "";
return "MAX(" + argExprStr + ")";
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("MIN")) {
String argExprStr = (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) ? JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(args.get(0)) : "";
return "MIN(" + argExprStr + ")";
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("SQRT")) {
String argExprStr = (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) ? JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(args.get(0)) : "";
return "SQRT(" + argExprStr + ")";
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("SUM")) {
String argExprStr = (args != null && !args.isEmpty()) ? JPQLQueryHelper.getJPQLForExpression(args.get(0)) : "";
return "SUM(" + argExprStr + ")";
// TODO Support this
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dont currently support InvokeExpression (" + invExpr + ") conversion into JPQL");
} else if (expr instanceof Literal) {
Literal litExpr = (Literal) expr;
Object value = litExpr.getLiteral();
if (value instanceof String || value instanceof Character) {
return "'" + value.toString() + "'";
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
} else {
return litExpr.getLiteral().toString();
} else if (expr instanceof VariableExpression) {
VariableExpression varExpr = (VariableExpression) expr;
return varExpr.getId();
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dont currently support " + expr.getClass().getName() + " in JPQLQueryHelper");
use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project datanucleus-core by datanucleus.
the class VarThisCompilationOptimiser method replaceVariableWithCandidateInExpression.
* Method that replaces any occurrence of the specified variable in the provided expression with the
* candidate primary expression. Recurses to sub-expressions.
* @param varName Variable name
* @param expr The expression to update
* @return Updated expression
private Expression replaceVariableWithCandidateInExpression(String varName, Expression expr) {
if (expr == null) {
return null;
if (expr instanceof VariableExpression && ((VariableExpression) expr).getId().equals(varName)) {
List<String> tuples = new ArrayList<String>();
Expression replExpr = new PrimaryExpression(tuples);
return replExpr;
} else if (expr instanceof DyadicExpression) {
DyadicExpression dyExpr = (DyadicExpression) expr;
if (dyExpr.getLeft() != null) {
dyExpr.setLeft(replaceVariableWithCandidateInExpression(varName, dyExpr.getLeft()));
if (dyExpr.getRight() != null) {
dyExpr.setRight(replaceVariableWithCandidateInExpression(varName, dyExpr.getRight()));
} else if (expr instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
if (expr.getLeft() != null) {
if (expr.getLeft() instanceof VariableExpression && ((VariableExpression) expr.getLeft()).getId().equals(varName)) {
// Needs to be relative to candidate so just remove the "left"
} else {
expr.setLeft(replaceVariableWithCandidateInExpression(varName, expr.getLeft()));
} else if (expr instanceof InvokeExpression) {
InvokeExpression invokeExpr = (InvokeExpression) expr;
if (invokeExpr.getLeft() != null) {
invokeExpr.setLeft(replaceVariableWithCandidateInExpression(varName, invokeExpr.getLeft()));
// List<Expression> args = invokeExpr.getArguments(); // TODO Process Invoke args
// TODO More combinations
return expr;
use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project datanucleus-api-jdo by datanucleus.
the class JDOHelperGetObjectIdFunction method evaluate.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.datanucleus.query.evaluator.memory.InvocationEvaluator#evaluate(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression, org.datanucleus.query.evaluator.memory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator)
public Object evaluate(InvokeExpression expr, Object invokedValue, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator eval) {
Expression argExpr = expr.getArguments().get(0);
if (argExpr instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
PrimaryExpression primExpr = (PrimaryExpression) argExpr;
Object value = eval.getValueForPrimaryExpression(primExpr);
return JDOHelper.getObjectId(value);
} else if (argExpr instanceof ParameterExpression) {
ParameterExpression paramExpr = (ParameterExpression) argExpr;
Object value = QueryUtils.getValueForParameterExpression(eval.getParameterValues(), paramExpr);
return JDOHelper.getObjectId(value);
} else {
throw new NucleusException("Dont currently support JDOHelper.getObjectId with arg of type " + argExpr.getClass().getName());
use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project datanucleus-api-jdo by datanucleus.
the class JDOHelperGetVersionFunction method evaluate.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.datanucleus.query.evaluator.memory.InvocationEvaluator#evaluate(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression, org.datanucleus.query.evaluator.memory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator)
public Object evaluate(InvokeExpression expr, Object invokedValue, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator eval) {
Expression argExpr = expr.getArguments().get(0);
if (argExpr instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
PrimaryExpression primExpr = (PrimaryExpression) argExpr;
Object value = eval.getValueForPrimaryExpression(primExpr);
return JDOHelper.getVersion(value);
} else if (argExpr instanceof ParameterExpression) {
ParameterExpression paramExpr = (ParameterExpression) argExpr;
Object value = QueryUtils.getValueForParameterExpression(eval.getParameterValues(), paramExpr);
return JDOHelper.getVersion(value);
} else {
throw new NucleusException("Dont currently support JDOHelper.getVersion with arg of type " + argExpr.getClass().getName());
use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project tests by datanucleus.
the class JPQLCompilerTest method testFilterWithStringIndexOfLiteral.
* Tests for "String.indexOf(Literal, int)" in filter.
public void testFilterWithStringIndexOfLiteral() {
JavaQueryCompiler compiler = null;
QueryCompilation compilation = null;
try {
compiler = new JPQLCompiler(nucCtx, nucCtx.getClassLoaderResolver(null), null, Project.class, null, "LENGTH(name) > 5", null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
compilation = compiler.compile(new HashMap(), null);
} catch (NucleusException ne) {
NucleusLogger.QUERY.error("Exception during compile", ne);
fail("compilation of filter with valid field threw exception : " + ne.getMessage());
Expression expr = compilation.getExprFilter();
assertTrue("Compiled expression should have been DyadicExpression but wasnt", expr instanceof DyadicExpression);
DyadicExpression dyExpr = (DyadicExpression) expr;
assertTrue("DyadicExpression operator should have been > but wasnt", dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_GT);
assertTrue("DyadicExpression left should have been InvokeExpression but wasnt", dyExpr.getLeft() instanceof InvokeExpression);
InvokeExpression leftInvExpr = (InvokeExpression) dyExpr.getLeft();
assertTrue("InvokeExpression invoked object should have been PrimaryExpression but wasnt", leftInvExpr.getLeft() instanceof PrimaryExpression);
PrimaryExpression invPrimExpr = (PrimaryExpression) leftInvExpr.getLeft();
assertEquals("PrimaryExpression field is wrong", "name", invPrimExpr.getId());
assertEquals("InvokeExpression method is wrong", "length", leftInvExpr.getOperation());
List args = leftInvExpr.getArguments();
assertTrue("Number of args should be 0 but isnt", args == null || args.isEmpty());
assertTrue("DyadicExpression left should have been Literal but wasnt", dyExpr.getRight() instanceof Literal);
Literal rightExpr = (Literal) dyExpr.getRight();
assertEquals("Parameter2 to indexOf() has wrong value", new Long(5), rightExpr.getLiteral());