use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class FKSetStore method iterator.
* Accessor for an iterator for the set.
* @param ownerOP ObjectProvider for the owner.
* @return Iterator for the set.
public Iterator<E> iterator(ObjectProvider ownerOP) {
ExecutionContext ec = ownerOP.getExecutionContext();
if (elementInfo == null || elementInfo.length == 0) {
return null;
// Generate the statement, and statement mapping/parameter information
IteratorStatement iterStmt = getIteratorStatement(ec, ec.getFetchPlan(), true);
SelectStatement sqlStmt = iterStmt.getSelectStatement();
StatementClassMapping iteratorMappingClass = iterStmt.getStatementClassMapping();
// Input parameter(s) - the owner
int inputParamNum = 1;
StatementMappingIndex ownerStmtMapIdx = new StatementMappingIndex(ownerMapping);
if (sqlStmt.getNumberOfUnions() > 0) {
// Add parameter occurrence for each union of statement
for (int j = 0; j < sqlStmt.getNumberOfUnions() + 1; j++) {
int[] paramPositions = new int[ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
for (int k = 0; k < ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings(); k++) {
paramPositions[k] = inputParamNum++;
} else {
int[] paramPositions = new int[ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
for (int k = 0; k < ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings(); k++) {
paramPositions[k] = inputParamNum++;
if (ec.getTransaction().getSerializeRead() != null && ec.getTransaction().getSerializeRead()) {
sqlStmt.addExtension(SQLStatement.EXTENSION_LOCK_FOR_UPDATE, true);
String stmt = sqlStmt.getSQLText().toSQL();
try {
ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
try {
// Create the statement
PreparedStatement ps = sqlControl.getStatementForQuery(mconn, stmt);
// Set the owner
ObjectProvider stmtOwnerOP = BackingStoreHelper.getOwnerObjectProviderForBackingStore(ownerOP);
int numParams = ownerStmtMapIdx.getNumberOfParameterOccurrences();
for (int paramInstance = 0; paramInstance < numParams; paramInstance++) {
ownerStmtMapIdx.getMapping().setObject(ec, ps, ownerStmtMapIdx.getParameterPositionsForOccurrence(paramInstance), stmtOwnerOP.getObject());
try {
ResultSet rs = sqlControl.executeStatementQuery(ec, mconn, stmt, ps);
try {
ResultObjectFactory rof = null;
if (elementsAreEmbedded || elementsAreSerialised) {
throw new NucleusException("Cannot have FK set with non-persistent objects");
rof = new PersistentClassROF(ec, rs, false, iteratorMappingClass, elementCmd, clr.classForName(elementType));
return new CollectionStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, rof, this);
} finally {
} finally {
sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
} finally {
} catch (SQLException | MappedDatastoreException e) {
throw new NucleusDataStoreException(Localiser.msg("056006", stmt), e);
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class JoinArrayStore method iterator.
* Method to return an iterator to the array.
* @param ownerOP ObjectProvider for the owner of the array
public Iterator<E> iterator(ObjectProvider ownerOP) {
ExecutionContext ec = ownerOP.getExecutionContext();
// Generate the statement, and statement mapping/parameter information
IteratorStatement iterStmt = getIteratorStatement(ec, ec.getFetchPlan(), true);
SelectStatement sqlStmt = iterStmt.sqlStmt;
StatementClassMapping iteratorMappingClass = iterStmt.stmtClassMapping;
// Input parameter(s) - the owner
int inputParamNum = 1;
StatementMappingIndex ownerIdx = new StatementMappingIndex(ownerMapping);
if (sqlStmt.getNumberOfUnions() > 0) {
// Add parameter occurrence for each union of statement
for (int j = 0; j < sqlStmt.getNumberOfUnions() + 1; j++) {
int[] paramPositions = new int[ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
for (int k = 0; k < paramPositions.length; k++) {
paramPositions[k] = inputParamNum++;
} else {
int[] paramPositions = new int[ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
for (int k = 0; k < paramPositions.length; k++) {
paramPositions[k] = inputParamNum++;
StatementParameterMapping iteratorMappingParams = new StatementParameterMapping();
iteratorMappingParams.addMappingForParameter("owner", ownerIdx);
if (ec.getTransaction().getSerializeRead() != null && ec.getTransaction().getSerializeRead()) {
sqlStmt.addExtension(SQLStatement.EXTENSION_LOCK_FOR_UPDATE, true);
String stmt = sqlStmt.getSQLText().toSQL();
try {
ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
try {
// Create the statement
PreparedStatement ps = sqlControl.getStatementForQuery(mconn, stmt);
// Set the owner
ObjectProvider stmtOwnerOP = BackingStoreHelper.getOwnerObjectProviderForBackingStore(ownerOP);
int numParams = ownerIdx.getNumberOfParameterOccurrences();
for (int paramInstance = 0; paramInstance < numParams; paramInstance++) {
ownerIdx.getMapping().setObject(ec, ps, ownerIdx.getParameterPositionsForOccurrence(paramInstance), stmtOwnerOP.getObject());
try {
ResultSet rs = sqlControl.executeStatementQuery(ec, mconn, stmt, ps);
try {
if (elementsAreEmbedded || elementsAreSerialised) {
// No ResultObjectFactory needed - handled by SetStoreIterator
return new ArrayStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, null, this);
} else if (elementMapping instanceof ReferenceMapping) {
// No ResultObjectFactory needed - handled by SetStoreIterator
return new ArrayStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, null, this);
} else {
ResultObjectFactory rof = new PersistentClassROF(ec, rs, false, iteratorMappingClass, elementCmd, clr.classForName(elementType));
return new ArrayStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, rof, this);
} finally {
} finally {
sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
} finally {
} catch (SQLException | MappedDatastoreException e) {
throw new NucleusDataStoreException(Localiser.msg("056006", stmt), e);
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class JoinArrayStore method getIteratorStatement.
* Method to return the SQLStatement and mapping for an iterator for this backing store.
* Create a statement of the form
* <pre>
* [JOIN_TBL.OWNER_ID = {value}] [AND]
* [JOIN_TBL.DISCRIM = {discrimValue}]
* [ORDER BY {orderClause}]
* </pre>
* @param ec ExecutionContext
* @param fp FetchPlan to use in determing which fields of element to select
* @param addRestrictionOnOwner Whether to restrict to a particular owner (otherwise functions as bulk fetch for many owners).
* @return The SQLStatement and its associated StatementClassMapping
public IteratorStatement getIteratorStatement(ExecutionContext ec, FetchPlan fp, boolean addRestrictionOnOwner) {
SelectStatement sqlStmt = null;
SQLExpressionFactory exprFactory = storeMgr.getSQLExpressionFactory();
StatementClassMapping iteratorMappingClass = null;
if (elementsAreEmbedded || elementsAreSerialised) {
// Element = embedded, serialised (maybe Non-PC)
// Just select the join table since we're going to return the embedded/serialised columns from it
sqlStmt = new SelectStatement(storeMgr, containerTable, null, null);
// Select the element column - first select is assumed by SetStoreIterator, elementMapping, null);
// TODO If embedded element and it includes 1-1/N-1 in FetchPlan then select its fields also
} else if (elementMapping instanceof ReferenceMapping) {
// Element = Reference type (interface/Object)
// Just select the join table since we're going to return the implementation id columns only
sqlStmt = new SelectStatement(storeMgr, containerTable, null, null);
// Select the reference column(s) - first select is assumed by SetStoreIterator, elementMapping, null);
} else {
// Element = PC
// Join to the element table(s)
iteratorMappingClass = new StatementClassMapping();
for (int i = 0; i < elementInfo.length; i++) {
// TODO This will only work if all element types have a discriminator
final int elementNo = i;
final Class elementCls = clr.classForName(elementInfo[elementNo].getClassName());
SelectStatement elementStmt = null;
if (elementInfo[elementNo].getDiscriminatorStrategy() != null && elementInfo[elementNo].getDiscriminatorStrategy() != DiscriminatorStrategy.NONE) {
// The element uses a discriminator so just use that in the SELECT
String elementType = ownerMemberMetaData.getCollection().getElementType();
if (ClassUtils.isReferenceType(clr.classForName(elementType))) {
String[] clsNames = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getClassesImplementingInterface(elementType, clr);
Class[] cls = new Class[clsNames.length];
for (int j = 0; j < clsNames.length; j++) {
cls[j] = clr.classForName(clsNames[j]);
SelectStatementGenerator stmtGen = new DiscriminatorStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, cls, true, null, null, containerTable, null, elementMapping);
if (allowNulls) {
elementStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
} else {
SelectStatementGenerator stmtGen = new DiscriminatorStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, elementCls, true, null, null, containerTable, null, elementMapping);
if (allowNulls) {
elementStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
iterateUsingDiscriminator = true;
} else {
// No discriminator, but subclasses so use UNIONs
SelectStatementGenerator stmtGen = new UnionStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, elementCls, true, null, null, containerTable, null, elementMapping);
if (allowNulls) {
elementStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
if (sqlStmt == null) {
sqlStmt = elementStmt;
} else {
if (sqlStmt == null) {
throw new NucleusException("Error in generation of SQL statement for iterator over (Join) array. Statement is null");
// Select the required fields
SQLTable elementSqlTbl = sqlStmt.getTable(elementInfo[0].getDatastoreClass(), sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable().getGroupName());
SQLStatementHelper.selectFetchPlanOfSourceClassInStatement(sqlStmt, iteratorMappingClass, fp, elementSqlTbl, elementCmd, fp.getMaxFetchDepth());
if (addRestrictionOnOwner) {
// Apply condition on join-table owner field to filter by owner
SQLTable ownerSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), ownerMapping);
SQLExpression ownerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, ownerSqlTbl, ownerMapping);
SQLExpression ownerVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmt, ownerMapping, null, "OWNER");
sqlStmt.whereAnd(ownerExpr.eq(ownerVal), true);
if (relationDiscriminatorMapping != null) {
// Apply condition on distinguisher field to filter by distinguisher (when present)
SQLTable distSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), relationDiscriminatorMapping);
SQLExpression distExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, distSqlTbl, relationDiscriminatorMapping);
SQLExpression distVal = exprFactory.newLiteral(sqlStmt, relationDiscriminatorMapping, relationDiscriminatorValue);
sqlStmt.whereAnd(distExpr.eq(distVal), true);
if (orderMapping != null) {
// Order by the ordering column, when present
SQLTable orderSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), orderMapping);
SQLExpression[] orderExprs = new SQLExpression[orderMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
boolean[] descendingOrder = new boolean[orderMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
orderExprs[0] = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, orderSqlTbl, orderMapping);
sqlStmt.setOrdering(orderExprs, descendingOrder);
return new IteratorStatement(this, sqlStmt, iteratorMappingClass);
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class JoinSetStore method iterator.
* Accessor for an iterator for the set.
* @param ownerOP ObjectProvider for the set.
* @return Iterator for the set.
public Iterator<E> iterator(ObjectProvider ownerOP) {
ExecutionContext ec = ownerOP.getExecutionContext();
// Generate the statement, and statement mapping/parameter information
IteratorStatement iterStmt = getIteratorStatement(ec, ec.getFetchPlan(), true);
SelectStatement sqlStmt = iterStmt.sqlStmt;
StatementClassMapping iteratorMappingClass = iterStmt.stmtClassMapping;
// Input parameter(s) - the owner
int inputParamNum = 1;
StatementMappingIndex ownerStmtMapIdx = new StatementMappingIndex(ownerMapping);
if (sqlStmt.getNumberOfUnions() > 0) {
// Add parameter occurrence for each union of statement
for (int j = 0; j < sqlStmt.getNumberOfUnions() + 1; j++) {
int[] paramPositions = new int[ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
for (int k = 0; k < paramPositions.length; k++) {
paramPositions[k] = inputParamNum++;
} else {
int[] paramPositions = new int[ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
for (int k = 0; k < paramPositions.length; k++) {
paramPositions[k] = inputParamNum++;
if (ec.getTransaction().getSerializeRead() != null && ec.getTransaction().getSerializeRead()) {
sqlStmt.addExtension(SQLStatement.EXTENSION_LOCK_FOR_UPDATE, true);
String stmt = sqlStmt.getSQLText().toSQL();
try {
ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
try {
// Create the statement
PreparedStatement ps = sqlControl.getStatementForQuery(mconn, stmt);
// Set the owner
ObjectProvider stmtOwnerOP = BackingStoreHelper.getOwnerObjectProviderForBackingStore(ownerOP);
int numParams = ownerStmtMapIdx.getNumberOfParameterOccurrences();
for (int paramInstance = 0; paramInstance < numParams; paramInstance++) {
ownerStmtMapIdx.getMapping().setObject(ec, ps, ownerStmtMapIdx.getParameterPositionsForOccurrence(paramInstance), stmtOwnerOP.getObject());
try {
ResultSet rs = sqlControl.executeStatementQuery(ec, mconn, stmt, ps);
try {
if (elementsAreEmbedded || elementsAreSerialised) {
// No ResultObjectFactory needed - handled by SetStoreIterator
return new CollectionStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, null, this);
} else if (elementMapping instanceof ReferenceMapping) {
// No ResultObjectFactory needed - handled by SetStoreIterator
return new CollectionStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, null, this);
} else {
ResultObjectFactory rof = new PersistentClassROF(ec, rs, false, iteratorMappingClass, elementCmd, clr.classForName(elementType));
return new CollectionStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, rof, this);
} finally {
} finally {
sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
} finally {
} catch (SQLException | MappedDatastoreException e) {
throw new NucleusDataStoreException(Localiser.msg("056006", stmt), e);
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class JoinSetStore method getIteratorStatement.
* Method to return the SQLStatement and mapping for an iterator for this backing store.
* Create a statement of the form
* <pre>
* [JOIN_TBL.OWNER_ID = {value}] [AND]
* [JOIN_TBL.DISCRIM = {discrimValue}]
* [ORDER BY {orderClause}]
* </pre>
* @param ec ExecutionContext
* @param fp FetchPlan to use in determining which fields of element to select
* @param addRestrictionOnOwner Whether to restrict to a particular owner (otherwise functions as bulk fetch for many owners).
* @return The SQLStatement and its associated StatementClassMapping
public IteratorStatement getIteratorStatement(ExecutionContext ec, FetchPlan fp, boolean addRestrictionOnOwner) {
SelectStatement sqlStmt = null;
SQLExpressionFactory exprFactory = storeMgr.getSQLExpressionFactory();
StatementClassMapping iteratorMappingClass = null;
if (elementsAreEmbedded || elementsAreSerialised) {
// Element = embedded, serialised (maybe Non-PC)
// Just select the join table since we're going to return the embedded/serialised columns from it
sqlStmt = new SelectStatement(storeMgr, containerTable, null, null);
// Select the element column - first select is assumed by SetStoreIterator, elementMapping, null);
// TODO If embedded element and it includes 1-1/N-1 in FetchPlan then select its fields also
} else if (elementMapping instanceof ReferenceMapping) {
// Element = Reference type (interface/Object)
// Just select the join table since we're going to return the implementation id columns only
sqlStmt = new SelectStatement(storeMgr, containerTable, null, null);
// Select the reference column(s) - first select is assumed by SetStoreIterator, elementMapping, null);
} else {
// Element = PC
// Join to the element table(s)
iteratorMappingClass = new StatementClassMapping();
for (int i = 0; i < elementInfo.length; i++) {
final int elementNo = i;
final Class elementCls = clr.classForName(elementInfo[elementNo].getClassName());
SelectStatement elementStmt = null;
if (elementInfo[elementNo].getDiscriminatorStrategy() != null && elementInfo[elementNo].getDiscriminatorStrategy() != DiscriminatorStrategy.NONE) {
// The element uses a discriminator so just use that in the SELECT
String elementType = ownerMemberMetaData.getCollection().getElementType();
if (ClassUtils.isReferenceType(clr.classForName(elementType))) {
String[] clsNames = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getClassesImplementingInterface(elementType, clr);
Class[] cls = new Class[clsNames.length];
for (int j = 0; j < clsNames.length; j++) {
cls[j] = clr.classForName(clsNames[j]);
SelectStatementGenerator stmtGen = new DiscriminatorStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, cls, true, null, null, containerTable, null, elementMapping);
if (allowNulls) {
elementStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
} else {
SelectStatementGenerator stmtGen = new DiscriminatorStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, elementCls, true, null, null, containerTable, null, elementMapping);
if (allowNulls) {
elementStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
iterateUsingDiscriminator = true;
} else {
// No discriminator, but subclasses so use UNIONs
SelectStatementGenerator stmtGen = new UnionStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, elementCls, true, null, null, containerTable, null, elementMapping);
elementStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
// TODO What if the first elementInfo has fields selected in one order and then the second in a different order?
if (sqlStmt == null) {
sqlStmt = elementStmt;
// Select the required fields
SQLTable elementSqlTbl = sqlStmt.getTable(elementInfo[i].getDatastoreClass(), sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable().getGroupName());
SQLStatementHelper.selectFetchPlanOfSourceClassInStatement(sqlStmt, iteratorMappingClass, fp, elementSqlTbl, elementCmd, fp.getMaxFetchDepth());
} else {
// Select the required fields
SQLTable elementSqlTbl = elementStmt.getTable(elementInfo[i].getDatastoreClass(), elementStmt.getPrimaryTable().getGroupName());
SQLStatementHelper.selectFetchPlanOfSourceClassInStatement(elementStmt, iteratorMappingClass, fp, elementSqlTbl, elementCmd, fp.getMaxFetchDepth());
if (sqlStmt == null) {
throw new NucleusException("Error in generation of SQL statement for iterator over (Join) set. Statement is null");
if (addRestrictionOnOwner) {
// Apply condition on join-table owner field to filter by owner
SQLTable ownerSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), ownerMapping);
SQLExpression ownerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, ownerSqlTbl, ownerMapping);
SQLExpression ownerVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmt, ownerMapping, null, "OWNER");
sqlStmt.whereAnd(ownerExpr.eq(ownerVal), true);
if (relationDiscriminatorMapping != null) {
// Apply condition on distinguisher field to filter by distinguisher (when present)
SQLTable distSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), relationDiscriminatorMapping);
SQLExpression distExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, distSqlTbl, relationDiscriminatorMapping);
SQLExpression distVal = exprFactory.newLiteral(sqlStmt, relationDiscriminatorMapping, relationDiscriminatorValue);
sqlStmt.whereAnd(distExpr.eq(distVal), true);
if (orderMapping != null) {
// TODO If we have multiple roots then cannot allow this
// Order by the ordering column, when present
SQLTable orderSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), orderMapping);
SQLExpression[] orderExprs = new SQLExpression[orderMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
boolean[] descendingOrder = new boolean[orderMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
orderExprs[0] = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, orderSqlTbl, orderMapping);
sqlStmt.setOrdering(orderExprs, descendingOrder);
return new IteratorStatement(this, sqlStmt, iteratorMappingClass);