use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class RDBMSStoreHelper method getClassNameForIdUsingUnion.
* Utility that does a union candidate query for the specified candidate(s) and subclasses
* and returns the class name of the instance that has the specified identity (if any).
* @param storeMgr RDBMS StoreManager
* @param ec execution context
* @param id The id
* @param rootCmds Metadata for the classes at the root
* @return Name of the class with this identity (or null if none found)
public static String getClassNameForIdUsingUnion(RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr, ExecutionContext ec, Object id, List<AbstractClassMetaData> rootCmds) {
// Check for input error
if (rootCmds == null || rootCmds.isEmpty() || id == null) {
return null;
SQLExpressionFactory exprFactory = storeMgr.getSQLExpressionFactory();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = ec.getClassLoaderResolver();
// Form a query UNIONing all possible root candidates (and their subclasses)
Iterator<AbstractClassMetaData> rootCmdIter = rootCmds.iterator();
// Metadata for sample class in the tree so we can check if needs locking
AbstractClassMetaData sampleCmd = null;
SelectStatement sqlStmtMain = null;
while (rootCmdIter.hasNext()) {
AbstractClassMetaData rootCmd =;
DatastoreClass rootTbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(rootCmd.getFullClassName(), clr);
InheritanceMetaData rootInhmd = rootCmd.getBaseAbstractClassMetaData().getInheritanceMetaData();
if (rootInhmd.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE) {
// COMPLETE TABLE so use one branch of UNION for each possible class
if (rootTbl != null) {
UnionStatementGenerator stmtGen = new UnionStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, clr.classForName(rootCmd.getFullClassName()), false, null, null);
if (sqlStmtMain == null) {
sampleCmd = rootCmd;
sqlStmtMain = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
// WHERE (object id) = ?
JavaTypeMapping idMapping = sqlStmtMain.getPrimaryTable().getTable().getIdMapping();
JavaTypeMapping idParamMapping = new PersistableIdMapping((PersistableMapping) idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmtMain, sqlStmtMain.getPrimaryTable(), idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmtMain, idParamMapping, id, "ID");
sqlStmtMain.whereAnd(fieldExpr.eq(fieldVal), true);
} else {
SelectStatement sqlStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
// WHERE (object id) = ?
JavaTypeMapping idMapping = sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable().getTable().getIdMapping();
JavaTypeMapping idParamMapping = new PersistableIdMapping((PersistableMapping) idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmt, idParamMapping, id, "ID");
sqlStmt.whereAnd(fieldExpr.eq(fieldVal), true);
Collection<String> rootSubclassNames = storeMgr.getSubClassesForClass(rootCmd.getFullClassName(), true, clr);
for (String rootSubclassName : rootSubclassNames) {
AbstractClassMetaData rootSubclassCmd = storeMgr.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(rootSubclassName, clr);
DatastoreClass rootSubclassTbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(rootSubclassCmd.getFullClassName(), clr);
if (rootSubclassTbl != null) {
UnionStatementGenerator stmtGen = new UnionStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, clr.classForName(rootSubclassCmd.getFullClassName()), false, null, null);
if (sqlStmtMain == null) {
sampleCmd = rootSubclassCmd;
sqlStmtMain = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
// WHERE (object id) = ?
JavaTypeMapping idMapping = sqlStmtMain.getPrimaryTable().getTable().getIdMapping();
JavaTypeMapping idParamMapping = new PersistableIdMapping((PersistableMapping) idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmtMain, sqlStmtMain.getPrimaryTable(), idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmtMain, idParamMapping, id, "ID");
sqlStmtMain.whereAnd(fieldExpr.eq(fieldVal), true);
} else {
SelectStatement sqlStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
// WHERE (object id) = ?
JavaTypeMapping idMapping = sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable().getTable().getIdMapping();
JavaTypeMapping idParamMapping = new PersistableIdMapping((PersistableMapping) idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmt, idParamMapping, id, "ID");
sqlStmt.whereAnd(fieldExpr.eq(fieldVal), true);
if (rootTbl == null) {
// Class must be using "subclass-table" (no table of its own) so find where it is
AbstractClassMetaData[] subcmds = storeMgr.getClassesManagingTableForClass(rootCmd, clr);
if (subcmds == null || subcmds.length == 0) {
// No table for this class so ignore
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < subcmds.length; i++) {
UnionStatementGenerator stmtGen = new UnionStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, clr.classForName(subcmds[i].getFullClassName()), true, null, null);
if (sqlStmtMain == null) {
sampleCmd = subcmds[i];
sqlStmtMain = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
// WHERE (object id) = ?
JavaTypeMapping idMapping = sqlStmtMain.getPrimaryTable().getTable().getIdMapping();
JavaTypeMapping idParamMapping = new PersistableIdMapping((PersistableMapping) idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmtMain, sqlStmtMain.getPrimaryTable(), idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmtMain, idParamMapping, id, "ID");
sqlStmtMain.whereAnd(fieldExpr.eq(fieldVal), true);
} else {
SelectStatement sqlStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
// WHERE (object id) = ?
JavaTypeMapping idMapping = sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable().getTable().getIdMapping();
JavaTypeMapping idParamMapping = new PersistableIdMapping((PersistableMapping) idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmt, idParamMapping, id, "ID");
sqlStmt.whereAnd(fieldExpr.eq(fieldVal), true);
} else {
UnionStatementGenerator stmtGen = new UnionStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, clr.classForName(rootCmd.getFullClassName()), true, null, null);
if (sqlStmtMain == null) {
sampleCmd = rootCmd;
sqlStmtMain = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
// WHERE (object id) = ?
JavaTypeMapping idMapping = sqlStmtMain.getPrimaryTable().getTable().getIdMapping();
JavaTypeMapping idParamMapping = new PersistableIdMapping((PersistableMapping) idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmtMain, sqlStmtMain.getPrimaryTable(), idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmtMain, idParamMapping, id, "ID");
sqlStmtMain.whereAnd(fieldExpr.eq(fieldVal), true);
} else {
SelectStatement sqlStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
// WHERE (object id) = ?
JavaTypeMapping idMapping = sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable().getTable().getIdMapping();
JavaTypeMapping idParamMapping = new PersistableIdMapping((PersistableMapping) idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), idMapping);
SQLExpression fieldVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmt, idParamMapping, id, "ID");
sqlStmt.whereAnd(fieldExpr.eq(fieldVal), true);
// Perform the query
if (sqlStmtMain != null) {
try {
ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
if (sampleCmd != null && ec.getSerializeReadForClass(sampleCmd.getFullClassName())) {
sqlStmtMain.addExtension(SQLStatement.EXTENSION_LOCK_FOR_UPDATE, true);
try {
PreparedStatement ps = SQLStatementHelper.getPreparedStatementForSQLStatement(sqlStmtMain, ec, mconn, null, null);
String statement = sqlStmtMain.getSQLText().toSQL();
try {
ResultSet rs = sqlControl.executeStatementQuery(ec, mconn, statement, ps);
try {
while ( {
try {
return rs.getString(UnionStatementGenerator.DN_TYPE_COLUMN).trim();
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
} finally {
} finally {
sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
} finally {
} catch (SQLException sqe) {
NucleusLogger.DATASTORE.error("Exception with UNION statement", sqe);
throw new NucleusDataStoreException(sqe.toString());
return null;
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class QueryToSQLMapper method compile.
* Method to update the supplied SQLStatement with the components of the specified query.
* During the compilation process this updates the SQLStatement "compileComponent" to the
* component of the query being compiled.
public void compile() {
if (NucleusLogger.QUERY.isDebugEnabled() && parentMapper == null) {
// Give debug output of compilation
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("JoinType : navigation(default=");
str.append(defaultJoinType != null ? defaultJoinType : "(using nullability)");
str.append(", filter=");
str.append(defaultJoinTypeFilter != null ? defaultJoinTypeFilter : "(using nullability)");
if (extensionsByName != null) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> extensionsIter = extensionsByName.entrySet().iterator();
while (extensionsIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
String key = entry.getKey();
if (key.startsWith("datanucleus.query.jdoql.") && key.endsWith(".join")) {
// Alias join definition
String alias = key.substring("datanucleus.query.jdoql.".length(), key.lastIndexOf(".join"));
str.append(", ").append(alias).append("=").append(entry.getValue());
NucleusLogger.QUERY.debug("Compile of " + compilation.getQueryLanguage() + " into SQL - " + str);
if (stmt instanceof UpdateStatement) {
compileUpdate((UpdateStatement) stmt);
} else if (stmt instanceof SelectStatement) {
SelectStatement selectStmt = (SelectStatement) stmt;
// the datastore doesn't allow select of some field types when used with DISTINCT
if (compilation.getResultDistinct()) {
} else if (!options.contains(OPTION_EXPLICIT_JOINS) && compilation.getExprResult() == null) {
// Joins are made implicitly and no result so set distinct based on whether joining to other table groups
if (selectStmt.getNumberOfTableGroups() > 1) {
// Queries against an extent always consider only distinct candidate instances, regardless of whether distinct is specified (JDO spec)
if (!options.contains(OPTION_NON_DISTINCT_IMPLICIT_JOINS)) {
// If user can guarantee distinct w/ query no reason to take performance hit of distinct clause
// Check for variables that haven't been bound to the query (declared but not used)
for (String symbol : compilation.getSymbolTable().getSymbolNames()) {
Symbol sym = compilation.getSymbolTable().getSymbol(symbol);
if (sym.getType() == Symbol.VARIABLE) {
if (compilation.getCompilationForSubquery(sym.getQualifiedName()) == null && !hasSQLTableMappingForAlias(sym.getQualifiedName())) {
// Variable not a subquery, nor had its table allocated
throw new QueryCompilerSyntaxException("Query has variable \"" + sym.getQualifiedName() + "\" which is not bound to the query");
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class QueryToSQLMapper method compileResult.
* Method to compile the result clause of the query into the SQLStatement.
* Note that this also compiles queries of the candidate (no specified result), selecting the candidate field(s).
* @param stmt SELECT statement
protected void compileResult(SelectStatement stmt) {
compileComponent = CompilationComponent.RESULT;
boolean unionsPresent = stmt.getNumberOfUnions() > 0;
// TODO Cater for more expression types where we have UNIONs and select each UNION separately
if (compilation.getExprResult() != null) {
// Select any result expressions
Expression[] resultExprs = compilation.getExprResult();
for (int i = 0; i < resultExprs.length; i++) {
String alias = resultExprs[i].getAlias();
if (alias != null && resultAliases == null) {
resultAliases = new HashSet<>();
if (resultExprs[i] instanceof InvokeExpression || resultExprs[i] instanceof ParameterExpression || resultExprs[i] instanceof Literal) {
// Process expressions that need no special treatment
if (resultExprs[i] instanceof InvokeExpression) {
processInvokeExpression((InvokeExpression) resultExprs[i]);
} else if (resultExprs[i] instanceof ParameterExpression) {
// Second argument : parameters are literals in result
processParameterExpression((ParameterExpression) resultExprs[i], true);
} else {
processLiteral((Literal) resultExprs[i]);
SQLExpression sqlExpr = stack.pop();
int[] cols =, alias);
StatementMappingIndex idx = new StatementMappingIndex(sqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping());
if (alias != null) {
resultDefinition.addMappingForResultExpression(i, idx);
} else if (resultExprs[i] instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
PrimaryExpression primExpr = (PrimaryExpression) resultExprs[i];
if (primExpr.getId().equals(candidateAlias)) {
// "this", so select fetch plan fields
if (unionsPresent) {
// Process the first union separately (in case they have TYPE/instanceof) and then handle remaining UNIONs below
StatementClassMapping map = new StatementClassMapping(candidateCmd.getFullClassName(), null);
SQLStatementHelper.selectFetchPlanOfCandidateInStatement(stmt, map, candidateCmd, fetchPlan, 1);
resultDefinition.addMappingForResultExpression(i, map);
if (unionsPresent) {
// Process remaining UNIONs. Assumed that we have the same result mapping as the first UNION otherwise SQL wouldn't work anyway
List<SelectStatement> unionStmts = stmt.getUnions();
SelectStatement originalStmt = stmt;
for (SelectStatement unionStmt : unionStmts) {
this.stmt = unionStmt;
StatementClassMapping dummyClsMapping = new StatementClassMapping(candidateCmd.getFullClassName(), null);
SQLStatementHelper.selectFetchPlanOfCandidateInStatement(unionStmt, dummyClsMapping, candidateCmd, fetchPlan, 1);
this.stmt = originalStmt;
} else {
SQLExpression sqlExpr = stack.pop();
if (primExpr.getId().endsWith("#KEY") || primExpr.getId().endsWith("#VALUE")) {
// JPQL KEY(map) or VALUE(map), so select FetchPlan fields where persistable
if (sqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping() instanceof PersistableMapping) {
// Method returns persistable object, so select the FetchPlan
String selectedType = ((PersistableMapping) sqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping()).getType();
AbstractClassMetaData selectedCmd = ec.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(selectedType, clr);
FetchPlanForClass fpForCmd = fetchPlan.getFetchPlanForClass(selectedCmd);
int[] membersToSelect = fpForCmd.getMemberNumbers();
ClassTable selectedTable = (ClassTable) sqlExpr.getSQLTable().getTable();
StatementClassMapping map = new StatementClassMapping(selectedCmd.getFullClassName(), null);
if (selectedCmd.getIdentityType() == IdentityType.DATASTORE) {
int[] cols =, selectedTable.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.DATASTORE_ID, false), alias);
StatementMappingIndex idx = new StatementMappingIndex(selectedTable.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.DATASTORE_ID, false));
map.addMappingForMember(SurrogateColumnType.DATASTORE_ID.getFieldNumber(), idx);
// Select the FetchPlan members
for (int memberToSelect : membersToSelect) {
AbstractMemberMetaData selMmd = selectedCmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(memberToSelect);
// TODO Arbitrary penultimate argument
SQLStatementHelper.selectMemberOfSourceInStatement(stmt, map, fetchPlan, sqlExpr.getSQLTable(), selMmd, clr, 1, null);
resultDefinition.addMappingForResultExpression(i, map);
} else if (sqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping() instanceof EmbeddedMapping) {
// Method returns embedded object, so select the FetchPlan
EmbeddedMapping embMapping = (EmbeddedMapping) sqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping();
AbstractClassMetaData selectedCmd = ec.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(embMapping.getType(), clr);
// Select the FetchPlan members
StatementClassMapping map = new StatementClassMapping(selectedCmd.getFullClassName(), null);
int[] membersToSelect = fetchPlan.getFetchPlanForClass(selectedCmd).getMemberNumbers();
for (int memberToSelect : membersToSelect) {
AbstractMemberMetaData selMmd = selectedCmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(memberToSelect);
JavaTypeMapping selMapping = embMapping.getJavaTypeMapping(selMmd.getName());
if (selMapping.includeInFetchStatement()) {
int[] cols =, selMapping, alias);
StatementMappingIndex idx = new StatementMappingIndex(selMapping);
map.addMappingForMember(memberToSelect, idx);
resultDefinition.addMappingForResultExpression(i, map);
// TODO If the user selects an alias here that is joined, should maybe respect FetchPlan for that (like above for candidate)
// TODO Cater for use of UNIONs (e.g "complete-table" inheritance) where mapping is different in other UNION
// The difficulty here is that processPrimaryExpression makes use of the sqlTableByPrimary lookup, which is based on the primary statement, so
// it still doesn't find the right table/mapping for the UNIONed statements.
int[] cols = null;
if (sqlExpr instanceof SQLLiteral) {
cols =, alias);
} else {
cols =, sqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping(), alias);
StatementMappingIndex idx = new StatementMappingIndex(sqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping());
if (alias != null) {
resultDefinition.addMappingForResultExpression(i, idx);
} else if (resultExprs[i] instanceof VariableExpression) {
// Subquery?
processVariableExpression((VariableExpression) resultExprs[i]);
SQLExpression sqlExpr = stack.pop();
if (sqlExpr instanceof UnboundExpression) {
// Variable wasn't bound in the compilation so far, so handle as cross-join
processUnboundExpression((UnboundExpression) sqlExpr);
sqlExpr = stack.pop();
NucleusLogger.QUERY.debug("QueryToSQL.exprResult variable was still unbound, so binding via cross-join");
int[] cols =, alias);
StatementMappingIndex idx = new StatementMappingIndex(sqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping());
if (alias != null) {
resultDefinition.addMappingForResultExpression(i, idx);
} else if (resultExprs[i] instanceof TypeExpression) {
// TYPE(identification_variable | single_valued_path_expr | input_parameter)
TypeExpression typeExpr = (TypeExpression) resultExprs[i];
Expression containedExpr = typeExpr.getContainedExpression();
if (containedExpr instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
processPrimaryExpression((PrimaryExpression) containedExpr);
SQLExpression sqlExpr = stack.pop();
JavaTypeMapping discrimMapping = sqlExpr.getSQLTable().getTable().getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.DISCRIMINATOR, true);
if (discrimMapping == null) {
// TODO If we have a UNIONED primary expression then it would be possible to just select the DN_TYPE from the particular union
throw new NucleusException("Result has call to " + typeExpr + " but contained expression has no discriminator. Not supported");
int[] cols =, discrimMapping, null, true);
StatementMappingIndex idx = new StatementMappingIndex(discrimMapping);
resultDefinition.addMappingForResultExpression(i, idx);
} else {
throw new NucleusException("Result has call to " + typeExpr + " but contained expression not supported");
} else if (resultExprs[i] instanceof CreatorExpression) {
processCreatorExpression((CreatorExpression) resultExprs[i]);
NewObjectExpression sqlExpr = (NewObjectExpression) stack.pop();
StatementNewObjectMapping stmtMap = getStatementMappingForNewObjectExpression(sqlExpr, stmt);
resultDefinition.addMappingForResultExpression(i, stmtMap);
} else if (resultExprs[i] instanceof DyadicExpression || resultExprs[i] instanceof CaseExpression) {
if (unionsPresent) {
// Process the first union separately (in case they have TYPE/instanceof) and then handle remaining UNIONs below
SQLExpression sqlExpr = stack.pop();
int[] cols =, alias);
StatementMappingIndex idx = new StatementMappingIndex(sqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping());
if (alias != null) {
resultDefinition.addMappingForResultExpression(i, idx);
if (unionsPresent) {
// Process remaining UNIONs. Assumed that we have the same result mapping as the first UNION otherwise SQL wouldn't work anyway
List<SelectStatement> unionStmts = stmt.getUnions();
SelectStatement originalStmt = stmt;
for (SelectStatement unionStmt : unionStmts) {
this.stmt = unionStmt;
sqlExpr = stack.pop();, alias);
this.stmt = originalStmt;
} else {
throw new NucleusException("Dont currently support result clause containing expression of type " + resultExprs[i]);
if (stmt.getNumberOfSelects() == 0) {
// Nothing selected so likely the user had some "new MyClass()" expression, so select "1", storeMgr.getMappingManager().getMapping(Integer.class), 1), null);
} else {
// Select of the candidate (no result)
if (candidateCmd.getIdentityType() == IdentityType.NONDURABLE) {
// Nondurable identity cases have no "id" for later fetching so get all fields now
if (NucleusLogger.QUERY.isDebugEnabled()) {
NucleusLogger.QUERY.debug(Localiser.msg("052520", candidateCmd.getFullClassName()));
if (subclasses) {
// TODO Check for special case of candidate+subclasses stores in same table with discriminator, so select FetchGroup of subclasses also
int maxFetchDepth = fetchPlan.getMaxFetchDepth();
if (maxFetchDepth < 0) {
NucleusLogger.QUERY.debug("No limit specified on query fetch so limiting to 3 levels from candidate. " + "Specify the '" + PropertyNames.PROPERTY_MAX_FETCH_DEPTH + "' to override this");
// TODO Arbitrary
maxFetchDepth = 3;
// This means that we then cater for a UNION using a different column name than the primary statement
if (unionsPresent) {
// Process the first union separately (in case they have TYPE/instanceof) and then handle remaining UNIONs below
selectFetchPlanForCandidate(stmt, resultDefinitionForClass, maxFetchDepth);
if (unionsPresent) {
// Process remaining UNIONs. Assumed that we have the same result mapping as the first UNION otherwise SQL wouldn't work anyway
List<SelectStatement> unionStmts = stmt.getUnions();
SelectStatement originalStmt = stmt;
for (SelectStatement unionStmt : unionStmts) {
this.stmt = unionStmt;
// We don't want to overwrite anything in the root StatementClassMapping
StatementClassMapping dummyResClsMapping = new StatementClassMapping();
selectFetchPlanForCandidate(unionStmt, dummyResClsMapping, maxFetchDepth);
this.stmt = originalStmt;
compileComponent = null;
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class RDBMSQueryUtils method getStatementForCandidates.
* Method to return a statement selecting the candidate table(s) required to cover all possible types for this candidates inheritance strategy.
* @param storeMgr RDBMS StoreManager
* @param parentStmt Parent statement (if there is one)
* @param cmd Metadata for the class
* @param clsMapping Mapping for the results of the statement
* @param ec ExecutionContext
* @param candidateCls Candidate class
* @param subclasses Whether to create a statement for subclasses of the candidate too
* @param result The result clause
* @param candidateAlias alias for the candidate (if any)
* @param candidateTableGroupName TableGroup name for the candidate (if any)
* @param options Any options for the statement for getting candidates. See SelectStatementGenerator for some options.
* @return The SQLStatement
* @throws NucleusException if there are no tables for concrete classes in this query (hence would return null)
public static SelectStatement getStatementForCandidates(RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr, SQLStatement parentStmt, AbstractClassMetaData cmd, StatementClassMapping clsMapping, ExecutionContext ec, Class candidateCls, boolean subclasses, String result, String candidateAlias, String candidateTableGroupName, Set<String> options) {
SelectStatement stmt = null;
DatastoreIdentifier candidateAliasId = null;
if (candidateAlias != null) {
candidateAliasId = storeMgr.getIdentifierFactory().newTableIdentifier(candidateAlias);
ClassLoaderResolver clr = ec.getClassLoaderResolver();
List<DatastoreClass> candidateTables = new ArrayList<>();
if (cmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE) {
DatastoreClass candidateTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(cmd.getFullClassName(), clr);
if (candidateTable != null) {
if (subclasses) {
Collection<String> subclassNames = storeMgr.getSubClassesForClass(cmd.getFullClassName(), subclasses, clr);
if (subclassNames != null) {
Iterator<String> subclassIter = subclassNames.iterator();
while (subclassIter.hasNext()) {
String subclassName =;
DatastoreClass tbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(subclassName, clr);
if (tbl != null) {
Iterator<DatastoreClass> iter = candidateTables.iterator();
int maxClassNameLength = cmd.getFullClassName().length();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
DatastoreClass cls =;
String className = cls.getType();
if (className.length() > maxClassNameLength) {
maxClassNameLength = className.length();
iter = candidateTables.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
DatastoreClass cls =;
SelectStatement tblStmt = new SelectStatement(parentStmt, storeMgr, cls, candidateAliasId, candidateTableGroupName);
// Add SELECT of dummy column accessible as "DN_TYPE" containing the classname
JavaTypeMapping m = storeMgr.getMappingManager().getMapping(String.class);
String nuctypeName = cls.getType();
if (maxClassNameLength > nuctypeName.length()) {
nuctypeName = StringUtils.leftAlignedPaddedString(nuctypeName, maxClassNameLength);
StringLiteral lit = new StringLiteral(tblStmt, m, nuctypeName, null);, UnionStatementGenerator.DN_TYPE_COLUMN);
if (stmt == null) {
stmt = tblStmt;
} else {
if (clsMapping != null) {
} else {
// "new-table", "superclass-table", "subclass-table"
List<Class> candidateClasses = new ArrayList<>();
if (ClassUtils.isReferenceType(candidateCls)) {
// Persistent interface, so find all persistent implementations
String[] clsNames = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getClassesImplementingInterface(candidateCls.getName(), clr);
for (int i = 0; i < clsNames.length; i++) {
Class cls = clr.classForName(clsNames[i]);
DatastoreClass table = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(clsNames[i], clr);
AbstractClassMetaData implCmd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(cls, clr);
if (implCmd.getIdentityType() != cmd.getIdentityType()) {
throw new NucleusUserException("You are querying an interface (" + cmd.getFullClassName() + ") " + "yet one of its implementations (" + implCmd.getFullClassName() + ") uses a different identity type!");
} else if (cmd.getIdentityType() == IdentityType.APPLICATION) {
if (cmd.getPKMemberPositions().length != implCmd.getPKMemberPositions().length) {
throw new NucleusUserException("You are querying an interface (" + cmd.getFullClassName() + ") " + "yet one of its implementations (" + implCmd.getFullClassName() + ") has a different number of PK members!");
} else {
DatastoreClass candidateTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(cmd.getFullClassName(), clr);
if (candidateTable != null) {
// Candidate has own table
} else {
// Candidate stored in subclass tables
AbstractClassMetaData[] cmds = storeMgr.getClassesManagingTableForClass(cmd, clr);
if (cmds != null && cmds.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < cmds.length; i++) {
DatastoreClass table = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(cmds[i].getFullClassName(), clr);
Class cls = clr.classForName(cmds[i].getFullClassName());
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No tables for query of " + cmd.getFullClassName());
for (int i = 0; i < candidateTables.size(); i++) {
DatastoreClass tbl = candidateTables.get(i);
Class cls = candidateClasses.get(i);
SelectStatementGenerator stmtGen = null;
if (tbl.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.DISCRIMINATOR, true) != null || QueryUtils.resultHasOnlyAggregates(result)) {
// Either has a discriminator, or only selecting aggregates so need single select
// TODO Add option to omit discriminator restriction
stmtGen = new DiscriminatorStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, cls, subclasses, candidateAliasId, candidateTableGroupName);
if (options != null) {
for (String option : options) {
} else {
// No discriminator, so try to identify using UNIONs (hopefully one per class)
stmtGen = new UnionStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, cls, subclasses, candidateAliasId, candidateTableGroupName);
if (options != null) {
for (String option : options) {
if (result == null) {
// Returning one row per candidate so include distinguisher column
if (clsMapping != null) {
SelectStatement tblStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
if (stmt == null) {
stmt = tblStmt;
} else {
return stmt;
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class FKSetStore method getIteratorStatement.
* Method to return the SQLStatement and mapping for an iterator for this backing store.
* Create a statement of the form
* <pre>
* [ELEM_TBL.OWNER_ID = {value}] [AND]
* [ELEM_TBL.DISCRIM = {discrimValue}]
* [ORDER BY {orderClause}]
* </pre>
* @param ec ExecutionContext
* @param fp FetchPlan to use in determining which fields of element to select
* @param addRestrictionOnOwner Whether to restrict to a particular owner (otherwise functions as bulk fetch for many owners).
* @return The SQLStatement and its associated StatementClassMapping
public IteratorStatement getIteratorStatement(ExecutionContext ec, FetchPlan fp, boolean addRestrictionOnOwner) {
SelectStatement sqlStmt = null;
SQLExpressionFactory exprFactory = storeMgr.getSQLExpressionFactory();
StatementClassMapping iteratorMappingClass = new StatementClassMapping();
if (elementInfo[0].getDatastoreClass().getDiscriminatorMetaData() != null && elementInfo[0].getDatastoreClass().getDiscriminatorMetaData().getStrategy() != DiscriminatorStrategy.NONE) {
// TODO Only caters for one elementInfo, but with subclass-table we can have multiple
String elementType = ownerMemberMetaData.getCollection().getElementType();
if (ClassUtils.isReferenceType(clr.classForName(elementType))) {
String[] clsNames = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getClassesImplementingInterface(elementType, clr);
Class[] cls = new Class[clsNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < clsNames.length; i++) {
cls[i] = clr.classForName(clsNames[i]);
sqlStmt = new DiscriminatorStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, cls, true, null, null).getStatement(ec);
} else {
sqlStmt = new DiscriminatorStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, clr.classForName(elementInfo[0].getClassName()), true, null, null).getStatement(ec);
iterateUsingDiscriminator = true;
// TODO Cater for having all possible subclasses stored in the same table (so we can select their fields too)
// String[] elemSubclasses = op.getExecutionContext().getMetaDataManager().getSubclassesForClass(emd.getFullClassName(), false);
//">> FKSetStore.iter iterMapDef=" + iteratorMappingDef + " table=" + sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable() +
// " emd=" + emd.getFullClassName() + " elem.subclasses=" + StringUtils.objectArrayToString(elemSubclasses));
// Select the required fields (of the element class)
SQLStatementHelper.selectFetchPlanOfSourceClassInStatement(sqlStmt, iteratorMappingClass, fp, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), elementCmd, fp.getMaxFetchDepth());
} else {
boolean selectFetchPlan = true;
Class elementTypeCls = clr.classForName(elementType);
if (elementTypeCls.isInterface() && elementInfo.length > 1) {
// Multiple implementations of an interface, so assume the FetchPlan differs between implementation
selectFetchPlan = false;
// TODO This only works if the different elementInfos have the same number of PK fields (otherwise get SQL error in UNION)
for (int i = 0; i < elementInfo.length; i++) {
final Class elementCls = clr.classForName(this.elementInfo[i].getClassName());
UnionStatementGenerator stmtGen = new UnionStatementGenerator(storeMgr, clr, elementCls, true, null, null);
SelectStatement subStmt = stmtGen.getStatement(ec);
if (selectFetchPlan) {
// Select the FetchPlan fields (of the element class)
if (sqlStmt == null) {
SQLStatementHelper.selectFetchPlanOfSourceClassInStatement(subStmt, iteratorMappingClass, fp, subStmt.getPrimaryTable(), elementInfo[i].getAbstractClassMetaData(), fp.getMaxFetchDepth());
} else {
SQLStatementHelper.selectFetchPlanOfSourceClassInStatement(subStmt, null, fp, subStmt.getPrimaryTable(), elementInfo[i].getAbstractClassMetaData(), fp.getMaxFetchDepth());
} else {
// Select the candidate id of the element class only
if (sqlStmt == null) {
SQLStatementHelper.selectIdentityOfCandidateInStatement(subStmt, iteratorMappingClass, elementInfo[i].getAbstractClassMetaData());
} else {
SQLStatementHelper.selectIdentityOfCandidateInStatement(subStmt, null, elementInfo[i].getAbstractClassMetaData());
if (sqlStmt == null) {
sqlStmt = subStmt;
} else {
if (sqlStmt == null) {
throw new NucleusException("Unable to generate iterator statement for field " + getOwnerMemberMetaData().getFullFieldName());
if (addRestrictionOnOwner) {
// Apply condition to filter by owner
// TODO If ownerMapping is not for containerTable then do JOIN to ownerTable in the FROM clause (or find if already done)
SQLTable ownerSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), ownerMapping);
SQLExpression ownerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, ownerSqlTbl, ownerMapping);
SQLExpression ownerVal = exprFactory.newLiteralParameter(sqlStmt, ownerMapping, null, "OWNER");
sqlStmt.whereAnd(ownerExpr.eq(ownerVal), true);
if (relationDiscriminatorMapping != null) {
// Apply condition on distinguisher field to filter by distinguisher (when present)
SQLTable distSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), relationDiscriminatorMapping);
SQLExpression distExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, distSqlTbl, relationDiscriminatorMapping);
SQLExpression distVal = exprFactory.newLiteral(sqlStmt, relationDiscriminatorMapping, relationDiscriminatorValue);
sqlStmt.whereAnd(distExpr.eq(distVal), true);
if (orderMapping != null) {
// Order by the ordering column, when present
SQLTable orderSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(sqlStmt, sqlStmt.getPrimaryTable(), orderMapping);
SQLExpression[] orderExprs = new SQLExpression[orderMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
boolean[] descendingOrder = new boolean[orderMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
orderExprs[0] = exprFactory.newExpression(sqlStmt, orderSqlTbl, orderMapping);
sqlStmt.setOrdering(orderExprs, descendingOrder);
return new IteratorStatement(this, sqlStmt, iteratorMappingClass);