use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class QueryToSQLMapper method compileUpdate.
* Method to compile the result clause of the query into the SQLStatement.
* @param stmt UPDATE statement
protected void compileUpdate(UpdateStatement stmt) {
if (compilation.getExprUpdate() != null) {
// Update statement, so generate update expression(s)
compileComponent = CompilationComponent.UPDATE;
Expression[] updateExprs = compilation.getExprUpdate();
SQLExpression[] updateSqlExprs = new SQLExpression[updateExprs.length];
// TODO If the field being set is in a different table omit it
boolean performingUpdate = false;
for (int i = 0; i < updateExprs.length; i++) {
// "field = value"
DyadicExpression updateExpr = (DyadicExpression) updateExprs[i];
// Left-side has to be PrimaryExpression
SQLExpression leftSqlExpr = null;
if (updateExpr.getLeft() instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
processPrimaryExpression((PrimaryExpression) updateExpr.getLeft());
leftSqlExpr = stack.pop();
if (leftSqlExpr.getSQLTable() != stmt.getPrimaryTable()) {
// Set left to null to signify that it is not applicable to the table of this UPDATE statement
leftSqlExpr = null;
} else {
throw new NucleusException("Dont currently support update clause containing left expression of type " + updateExpr.getLeft());
if (leftSqlExpr != null) {
if (!stmt.getDatastoreAdapter().supportsOption(DatastoreAdapter.UPDATE_STATEMENT_ALLOW_TABLE_ALIAS_IN_SET_CLAUSE)) {
// This datastore doesn't allow table alias in UPDATE SET clause, so just use column name
for (int j = 0; j < leftSqlExpr.getNumberOfSubExpressions(); j++) {
ColumnExpression colExpr = leftSqlExpr.getSubExpression(j);
performingUpdate = true;
SQLExpression rightSqlExpr = null;
if (updateExpr.getRight() instanceof Literal) {
processLiteral((Literal) updateExpr.getRight());
rightSqlExpr = stack.pop();
} else if (updateExpr.getRight() instanceof ParameterExpression) {
ParameterExpression paramExpr = (ParameterExpression) updateExpr.getRight();
paramMappingForName.put(paramExpr.getId(), leftSqlExpr.getJavaTypeMapping());
rightSqlExpr = stack.pop();
} else if (updateExpr.getRight() instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
processPrimaryExpression((PrimaryExpression) updateExpr.getRight());
rightSqlExpr = stack.pop();
} else if (updateExpr.getRight() instanceof DyadicExpression) {
rightSqlExpr = stack.pop();
} else if (updateExpr.getRight() instanceof CaseExpression) {
CaseExpression caseExpr = (CaseExpression) updateExpr.getRight();
processCaseExpression(caseExpr, leftSqlExpr);
rightSqlExpr = stack.pop();
} else if (updateExpr.getRight() instanceof VariableExpression) {
// Subquery?
processVariableExpression((VariableExpression) updateExpr.getRight());
rightSqlExpr = stack.pop();
if (rightSqlExpr instanceof UnboundExpression) {
// TODO Support whatever this is
throw new NucleusException("Found UnboundExpression in UPDATE clause!");
} else {
throw new NucleusException("Dont currently support update clause containing right expression of type " + updateExpr.getRight());
if (rightSqlExpr != null) {
updateSqlExprs[i] = leftSqlExpr.eq(rightSqlExpr);
if (candidateCmd.isVersioned() && options.contains(OPTION_BULK_UPDATE_VERSION)) {
SQLExpression updateSqlExpr = null;
ClassTable table = (ClassTable) stmt.getPrimaryTable().getTable();
JavaTypeMapping verMapping = table.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.VERSION, true);
ClassTable verTable = table.getTableManagingMapping(verMapping);
if (verTable == stmt.getPrimaryTable().getTable()) {
VersionMetaData vermd = candidateCmd.getVersionMetaDataForClass();
if (vermd.getVersionStrategy() == VersionStrategy.VERSION_NUMBER) {
// Increment the version
SQLTable verSqlTbl = stmt.getTable(verTable, stmt.getPrimaryTable().getGroupName());
SQLExpression verExpr = new NumericExpression(stmt, verSqlTbl, verMapping);
SQLExpression incrExpr = verExpr.add(new IntegerLiteral(stmt, exprFactory.getMappingForType(Integer.class, false), Integer.valueOf(1), null));
updateSqlExpr = verExpr.eq(incrExpr);
SQLExpression[] oldArray = updateSqlExprs;
updateSqlExprs = new SQLExpression[oldArray.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, updateSqlExprs, 0, oldArray.length);
updateSqlExprs[oldArray.length] = updateSqlExpr;
performingUpdate = true;
} else if (vermd.getVersionStrategy() == VersionStrategy.DATE_TIME) {
// Set version to the time of update
SQLTable verSqlTbl = stmt.getTable(verTable, stmt.getPrimaryTable().getGroupName());
SQLExpression verExpr = new NumericExpression(stmt, verSqlTbl, verMapping);
Object newVersion = ec.getLockManager().getNextVersion(vermd, null);
JavaTypeMapping valMapping = exprFactory.getMappingForType(newVersion.getClass(), false);
SQLExpression valExpr = new TemporalLiteral(stmt, valMapping, newVersion, null);
updateSqlExpr = verExpr.eq(valExpr);
SQLExpression[] oldArray = updateSqlExprs;
updateSqlExprs = new SQLExpression[oldArray.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, updateSqlExprs, 0, oldArray.length);
updateSqlExprs[oldArray.length] = updateSqlExpr;
performingUpdate = true;
if (performingUpdate) {
// Only set the updates component of the SQLStatement if anything to update in this table
compileComponent = null;