use of in project data-transfer-project by google.
the class FlickrPhotoService method importItem.
public void importItem(PhotosModelWrapper modelWrapper) throws IOException {
// TODO(olsona): what should we do with the continuation information?
try {
for (PhotoAlbum album : modelWrapper.getAlbums()) {
// Store the data in the cache because Flickr only allows you
// to create an album with a photo in it so we need to wait for
// the first photo to create the album.
String key = CACHE_ALBUM_METADATA_PREFIX + album.getId();, album);
for (PhotoModel photo : modelWrapper.getPhotos()) {
String photoId = uploadPhoto(photo);
String oldAlbumId = photo.getAlbumId();
if (!jobDataCache.hasKey(oldAlbumId)) {
PhotoAlbum album = jobDataCache.getData(CACHE_ALBUM_METADATA_PREFIX + oldAlbumId, PhotoAlbum.class);
Photoset photoset = photosetsInterface.create(COPY_PREFIX + album.getName(), album.getDescription(), photoId);, photoset.getId());
} else {
String newAlbumId = jobDataCache.getData(oldAlbumId, String.class);
photosetsInterface.addPhoto(newAlbumId, photoId);
} catch (FlickrException e) {
throw new IOException("Problem communicating with", e);
use of in project data-transfer-project by google.
the class FlickrPhotoService method getAlbums.
private PhotosModelWrapper getAlbums(Optional<PaginationInformation> paginationInformation) throws IOException {
try {
ImmutableList.Builder<PhotoAlbum> results = ImmutableList.builder();
List<IdOnlyResource> subResources = new ArrayList<>();
int page = getPage(paginationInformation);
Photosets photoSetList = photosetsInterface.getList(auth.getUser().getId(), PHOTO_SETS_PER_PAGE, page, PHOTOSET_EXTRAS);
for (Photoset photoset : photoSetList.getPhotosets()) {
// Saving data to the album allows the target service
// to recreate the album structure.
results.add(new PhotoAlbum(photoset.getId(), photoset.getTitle(), photoset.getDescription()));
// Adding sub-resources tells the framework to re-call
// export to get all the photos.
subResources.add(new IdOnlyResource(photoset.getId()));
FlickrPaginationInformation newPage = null;
boolean hasMore = photoSetList.getPage() != photoSetList.getPages() && !photoSetList.getPhotosets().isEmpty();
if (hasMore) {
newPage = new FlickrPaginationInformation(page + 1);
return new PhotosModelWrapper(, null, new ContinuationInformation(subResources, newPage));
} catch (FlickrException e) {
throw new IOException("Couldn't fetch albums", e);
use of in project data-transfer-project by google.
the class FlickrPhotoServiceTest method exportAlbumInitial.
public void exportAlbumInitial() throws IOException, FlickrException {
// Set up initial export information, such as what FlickrPhotoService would see when a transfer
// is initiated
ExportInformation emptyExportInfo = new ExportInformation(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
// Set up auth
// Set up photoset
String photosetId = "photosetId";
String photosetTitle = "title";
String photosetDescription = "description";
Photoset photoset = initializePhotoset(photosetId, photosetTitle, photosetDescription);
// Set up photosets list (aka album view)
int page = 1;
Photosets photosetList = new Photosets();
photosetList.setPages(page + 1);
when(photosetsInterface.getList(anyString(), anyInt(), anyInt(), anyString())).thenReturn(photosetList);
// Run test
PhotosModelWrapper result = photoService.export(emptyExportInfo);
// Make sure album/photo information is correct
Collection<PhotoAlbum> albums = result.getAlbums();
assertThat(albums).containsExactly(new PhotoAlbum(photosetId, photosetTitle, photosetDescription));
// Make sure continuation information is correct
ContinuationInformation continuationInformation = result.getContinuationInformation();
assertThat((FlickrPaginationInformation) continuationInformation.getPaginationInformation()).isEqualTo(new FlickrPaginationInformation(page + 1));
Collection<? extends Resource> subResources = continuationInformation.getSubResources();
assertThat(subResources).containsExactly(new IdOnlyResource(photosetId));