use of org.dbflute.dbmeta.accessory.ColumnNullObjectable in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class TnRowCreatorExtension method adjustCreatedRow.
// ===================================================================================
// Fix Row
// =======
* Adjust created row. (clearing modified info, ...)
* @param row The row of result list. (NotNull)
* @param checkNonSp Does is use the check of access to non-specified column?
* @param colNullObj Does is use the handling of column null object?
* @param basePointBmd The bean meta data of the row for base-point table. (NotNull)
* @param cb The condition-bean for the select. (NullAllowed: when not condition-bean select)
public static void adjustCreatedRow(final Object row, boolean checkNonSp, boolean colNullObj, TnBeanMetaData basePointBmd, ConditionBean cb) {
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
if (row instanceof Entity) {
final Entity entity = (Entity) row;
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
if (checkNonSp) {
// contains enabled by CB and using SpecifyColumn
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
if (colNullObj && cb != null) {
// check 'cb' just in case
final SqlClause sqlClause = cb.getSqlClause();
for (ColumnInfo columnInfo : sqlClause.getLocalSpecifiedNullObjectColumnSet()) {
// only table that has null object target column is object-able (generated as it)
if (colNullObj && entity instanceof ColumnNullObjectable) {
((ColumnNullObjectable) entity).enableColumnNullObject();
// clear modified properties for update process using selected entity
// mark as select to determine the entity is selected or user-created
// basically for e.g. determine columns of batch insert
} else {
// not DBFlute entity
// actually any bean meta data can be accepted
// because only it gets modified properties
use of org.dbflute.dbmeta.accessory.ColumnNullObjectable in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class TnRelationRowCreatorExtension method adjustCreatedRelationRow.
* Adjust created row for relation tables.
* @param relationRow The relation row of tables related to the base-point table. (NotNull)
* @param relationNoSuffix The suffix of relation no, e.g. _0, _1_3. (NotNull)
* @param relSelector The selector of relation, which has various determination. (NotNull)
* @param rpt The property type of the relation. (NotNull)
public static void adjustCreatedRelationRow(Object relationRow, String relationNoSuffix, TnRelationSelector relSelector, TnRelationPropertyType rpt) {
// *similar implementation for base-point row exists, see it for the details
if (relationRow instanceof Entity) {
final Entity entity = (Entity) relationRow;
// check access to non-specified-column
if (// not allowed
!relSelector.isNonSpecifiedColumnAccessAllowed(relationNoSuffix) && relSelector.isUsingSpecifyColumnInRelation(relationNoSuffix)) {
// and use SpecifyColumn
// so check it
// adjust specification for column null object handling
final Set<ColumnInfo> nullObjectColumnSet = relSelector.getRelationSpecifiedNullObjectColumnSet(relationNoSuffix);
for (ColumnInfo columnInfo : nullObjectColumnSet) {
// might be empty loop if no null object
// enable the handling of column null object if allowed and object-able
if (relSelector.isColumnNullObjectEnabled(relationNoSuffix) && entity instanceof ColumnNullObjectable) {
((ColumnNullObjectable) entity).enableColumnNullObject();
// clear modified properties for update process using selected entity
// mark as select to determine the entity is selected or user-created
// basically for e.g. determine columns of batch insert
} else {
// not DBFlute entity
// actually any bean meta data can be accepted
// because only it gets modified properties