use of org.dbflute.optional.RelationOptionalFactory in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class AbstractBehaviorReadable method toRelationOptional.
// ===================================================================================
// Optional Handling
// =================
* Create present or null entity as relation optional.
* @param relationTitle The title of relation for exception message. (NotNull)
* @param relationRow The entity instance of relation row. (NullAllowed)
* @return The optional object for the entity, which has present or null entity. (NotNull)
protected Object toRelationOptional(final String relationTitle, Object relationRow) {
assertObjectNotNull("relationTitle", relationTitle);
final RelationOptionalFactory factory = xgetROpFactory();
final Object result;
if (relationRow != null) {
result = factory.createOptionalPresentEntity(relationRow);
} else {
result = factory.createOptionalNullEntity(new OptionalThingExceptionThrower() {
public void throwNotFoundException() {
String msg = "Not found the relation row for: " + relationTitle;
throw new EntityAlreadyDeletedException(msg);
return result;
use of org.dbflute.optional.RelationOptionalFactory in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class AbstractBehaviorReadable method isRelationOptional.
* Is the property type optional for relation?
* @param relationPropertyType The type of relation property. (NotNull)
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean isRelationOptional(Class<?> relationPropertyType) {
assertObjectNotNull("relationPropertyType", relationPropertyType);
final RelationOptionalFactory factory = xgetROpFactory();
return factory.isOptionalType(relationPropertyType);
use of org.dbflute.optional.RelationOptionalFactory in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class AbstractBehaviorReadable method helpPulloutInternally.
// ===================================================================================
// Pull out Relation
// =================
protected <LOCAL_ENTITY extends Entity, FOREIGN_ENTITY extends Entity> List<FOREIGN_ENTITY> helpPulloutInternally(List<LOCAL_ENTITY> localEntityList, String foreignPropertyName) {
assertObjectNotNull("localEntityList", localEntityList);
assertObjectNotNull("foreignPropertyName", foreignPropertyName);
final DBMeta dbmeta = asDBMeta();
final ForeignInfo foreignInfo = dbmeta.findForeignInfo(foreignPropertyName);
final RelationInfo reverseInfo = foreignInfo.getReverseRelation();
final boolean existsReferrer = reverseInfo != null;
final RelationOptionalFactory optionalFactory = xgetROpFactory();
final Map<Integer, FOREIGN_ENTITY> foreignBasicMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, FOREIGN_ENTITY>();
// lazy-loaded
Map<Integer, List<FOREIGN_ENTITY>> foreignCollisionMap = null;
final Map<FOREIGN_ENTITY, List<LOCAL_ENTITY>> foreignReferrerMap = new LinkedHashMap<FOREIGN_ENTITY, List<LOCAL_ENTITY>>();
for (LOCAL_ENTITY localEntity : localEntityList) {
final FOREIGN_ENTITY foreignEntity = xextractPulloutForeignEntity(foreignInfo, reverseInfo, optionalFactory, localEntity);
if (foreignEntity == null) {
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
// basically mapped foreign entities are unique instances
// but according to circumstances, same PK different instance (rare case)
// e.g. normal pattern (no problem)
// A - M - X
// B - M - X
// C - N - X
// D - O - Y
// e.g. when OverRelation, might be following pattern
// A - M - X
// B - M - Y *same relation but different nested relation
// C - N - X
// D - O - Y
// when the latter pattern, the instance of A's M is different from the one of B's M
// so it need to handle the unique as instance (don't use overridden equals() of entity)
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
foreignCollisionMap = xsavePulloutForeignEntity(foreignBasicMap, foreignCollisionMap, foreignEntity);
if (existsReferrer) {
if (!foreignReferrerMap.containsKey(foreignEntity)) {
foreignReferrerMap.put(foreignEntity, new ArrayList<LOCAL_ENTITY>());
if (existsReferrer) {
for (Entry<FOREIGN_ENTITY, List<LOCAL_ENTITY>> entry : foreignReferrerMap.entrySet()) {
final FOREIGN_ENTITY foreignEntity = entry.getKey();
final List<LOCAL_ENTITY> mappedLocalList = entry.getValue();
final Object writtenObj = xextractPulloutReverseWrittenObject(foreignInfo, reverseInfo, optionalFactory, mappedLocalList);
reverseInfo.write(foreignEntity, writtenObj);
return xpreparePulloutResultList(foreignBasicMap, foreignCollisionMap);