use of org.dbunit.ext.mssql.InsertIdentityOperation in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class AbstractDbTester method prepareDbUnit.
private void prepareDbUnit(InputStream... dataSetStream) {
IDatabaseConnection connection = null;
try {
IDataSet[] dataSets = new IDataSet[dataSetStream.length];
for (int i = 0; i < dataSetStream.length; i++) {
dataSets[i] = dbUnitDataSet(dataSetStream[i]);
db.getDbUnitTester().setDataSet(new CompositeDataSet(dataSets));
connection = dbUnitConnection();
new InsertIdentityOperation(DatabaseOperation.INSERT).execute(connection, db.getDbUnitTester().getDataSet());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw translateException("Could not setup DBUnit data", e);
} finally {