use of org.dcache.auth.JwtSubPrincipal in project dcache by dCache.
the class BaseProfile method addSub.
private void addSub(IdentityProvider idp, Map<String, JsonNode> claims, Set<Principal> principals) {
var node = claims.get("sub");
if (node != null && node.isTextual()) {
String claimValue = node.asText();
principals.add(new OidcSubjectPrincipal(claimValue, idp.getName()));
// REVISIT: the JwtSubPrincipal is only included for backwards compatibility. It is
// not used by dCache and should (very likely) be removed.
principals.add(new JwtSubPrincipal(idp.getName(), claimValue));
use of org.dcache.auth.JwtSubPrincipal in project dcache by dCache.
the class SciTokenPlugin method authenticate.
public void authenticate(Set<Object> publicCredentials, Set<Object> privateCredentials, Set<Principal> identifiedPrincipals, Set<Restriction> restrictions) throws AuthenticationException {
List<String> tokens =;
checkAuthentication(!tokens.isEmpty(), "no JWT bearer token");
checkAuthentication(tokens.size() == 1, "multiple JWT bearer tokens");
try {
JsonWebToken token = checkValid(new JsonWebToken(tokens.get(0)));
Issuer issuer = issuerOf(token);
Collection<Principal> principals = new ArrayList<>();
// REVISIT consider introducing an SPI to allow plugable support for handling claims.
Optional<String> sub = token.getPayloadString("sub"); -> new JwtSubPrincipal(issuer.getId(), s)).ifPresent(principals::add); -> new OidcSubjectPrincipal(s, issuer.getId())).ifPresent(principals::add);
Optional<String> jti = token.getPayloadString("jti"); -> new JwtJtiPrincipal(issuer.getId(), s)).ifPresent(principals::add);
checkAuthentication(sub.isPresent() || jti.isPresent(), "missing sub and jti claims");
List<AuthorisationSupplier> scopes = token.getPayloadString("scope").map(SciTokenPlugin::parseScope).orElse(Collections.emptyList());
if (scopes.isEmpty()) {
// No scopes defined -> not explicit authorisation; however, perhaps the client
// is allowed to do something based on asserted group-membership or from their
// membership of the VO (implied by the OP issuing any token at all).
// This only makes sense if the token follows the WLCG AuthZ profile. A SciToken
// is not valid (or useful) without at least one authorisation statements in the
// 'scope' claim
checkAuthentication(token.getPayloadString("wlcg.ver").isPresent(), "not a SciToken or WLCG profile.");
// allow login to proceed with whatever information we've gained so far.
} else {
Restriction r = buildRestriction(issuer.getPrefix(), scopes);
LOGGER.debug("Authenticated user with restriction: {}", r);
principals.add(new ExemptFromNamespaceChecks());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AuthenticationException(e.getMessage());
use of org.dcache.auth.JwtSubPrincipal in project dcache by dCache.
the class SciTokenPluginTest method shouldAcceptWlcgProfileWithoutScope.
public void shouldAcceptWlcgProfileWithoutScope() throws Exception {
given(aSciTokenPlugin().withProperty("gplazma.scitoken.issuer!EXAMPLE", " /prefix uid:1000 gid:1000"));
givenThat("OP1", isAnIssuer().withURL("").withKey("key1", rsa256Keys()));
String sub = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String jti = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
whenAuthenticatingWith(aJwtToken().withClaim("wlcg.ver", "1.0").withClaim("jti", jti).withClaim("sub", sub).issuedBy("OP1").usingKey("key1"));
assertThat(identifiedPrincipals, hasItems(new JwtSubPrincipal("EXAMPLE", sub), new OidcSubjectPrincipal(sub, "EXAMPLE"), new OAuthProviderPrincipal("EXAMPLE"), new JwtJtiPrincipal("EXAMPLE", jti)));
assertThat(identifiedPrincipals, not(hasItems(new UidPrincipal(1000), new GidPrincipal(1000, true))));