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Example 1 with TaskContextMetadata

use of org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata in project dkpro-lab by dkpro.

the class DefaultTaskContextFactory method createContext.

public TaskContext createContext(Task aConfiguration) {
    TaskContextMetadata metadata = new TaskContextMetadata();
    TaskContext ctx = createContext(metadata);
    return ctx;
Also used : TaskContextMetadata(org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata) TaskContext(org.dkpro.lab.engine.TaskContext)

Example 2 with TaskContextMetadata

use of org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata in project dkpro-lab by dkpro.

the class MultiThreadBatchTaskEngine method executeConfiguration.

protected void executeConfiguration(BatchTask aConfiguration, TaskContext aContext, Map<String, Object> aConfig, Set<String> aExecutedSubtasks) throws ExecutionException, LifeCycleException {
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        // Show all subtasks executed so far
        for (String est : aExecutedSubtasks) {
            log.trace("-- Already executed: " + est);
    // Set up initial scope used by sub-batch-tasks using the inherited scope. The scope is
    // extended as the subtasks of this batch are executed with the present configuration.
    // FIXME: That means that sub-batch-tasks in two different configurations cannot see
    // each other. Is that intended? Mind that the "executedSubtasks" set is intentionally
    // maintained *across* configurations, so maybe the scope should also be maintained
    // *across* configurations? - REC 2014-06-15
    Set<String> scope = new HashSet<>();
    if (aConfiguration.getScope() != null) {
    // Configure subtasks
    for (Task task : aConfiguration.getTasks()) {
        // Now the setup is complete
        aContext.getLifeCycleManager().configure(aContext, task, aConfig);
    Queue<Task> queue = new LinkedList<>(aConfiguration.getTasks());
    // keeps track of the execution threads;
    // TODO MW: do we really need this or can we work with the futures list only?
    Map<Task, ExecutionThread> threads = new HashMap<>();
    // keeps track of submitted Futures and their associated tasks
    Map<Future<?>, Task> futures = new HashMap<Future<?>, Task>();
    // will be instantiated with all exceptions from current loop
    ConcurrentMap<Task, Throwable> exceptionsFromLastLoop = null;
    ConcurrentMap<Task, Throwable> exceptionsFromCurrentLoop = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    int outerLoopCounter = 0;
    // main loop
    do {
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxThreads);
        // set the exceptions from the last loop
        exceptionsFromLastLoop = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(exceptionsFromCurrentLoop);
        // Fix MW: Clear exceptionsFromCurrentLoop; otherwise the loop with run at most twice.
        // process all tasks from the queue
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            Task task = queue.poll();
            TaskContextMetadata execution = getExistingExecution(aConfiguration, aContext, task, aConfig, aExecutedSubtasks);
            // does already exist ...
            if (execution == null) {
                // ... otherwise execute it with the present configuration
      "Executing task [" + task.getType() + "]");
                // set scope here so that the inherited scopes are considered
                if (task instanceof BatchTask) {
                    ((BatchTask) task).setScope(scope);
                ExecutionThread thread = new ExecutionThread(aContext, task, aConfig, aExecutedSubtasks);
                threads.put(task, thread);
                futures.put(executor.submit(thread), task);
            } else {
                log.debug("Using existing execution [" + execution.getId() + "]");
                // Record new/existing execution
        // try and get results from all futures to check for failed executions
        for (Map.Entry<Future<?>, Task> entry : futures.entrySet()) {
            try {
            } catch (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException ex) {
                Task task = entry.getValue();
                // TODO MW: add a retry-counter here to prevent endless loops?
      "Task exec failed for [" + task.getType() + "]");
                // record the failed task, so that it can be re-added to the queue
                exceptionsFromCurrentLoop.put(task, ex);
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                // thread interrupted, exit
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        log.debug("Calling shutdown");
        log.debug("All threads finished");
        // collect the results
        for (Map.Entry<Task, ExecutionThread> entry : threads.entrySet()) {
            Task task = entry.getKey();
            ExecutionThread thread = entry.getValue();
            TaskContextMetadata execution = thread.getTaskContextMetadata();
            // probably failed
            if (execution == null) {
                Throwable exception = exceptionsFromCurrentLoop.get(task);
                if (!(exception instanceof UnresolvedImportException) && !(exception instanceof java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(exception);
                exceptionsFromCurrentLoop.put(task, exception);
                // re-add to the queue
            } else {
                // Record new/existing execution
    } while (// finish if the same tasks failed again
    if (!exceptionsFromCurrentLoop.isEmpty()) {
        // collect all details
        StringBuilder details = new StringBuilder();
        for (Throwable throwable : exceptionsFromCurrentLoop.values()) {
            details.append("\n -");
        // we re-throw the first exception
        Throwable next = exceptionsFromCurrentLoop.values().iterator().next();
        if (next instanceof RuntimeException) {
            throw (RuntimeException) next;
        // otherwise wrap it
        throw new RuntimeException(details.toString(), next);
    }"MultiThreadBatchTask completed successfully. Total number of outer loop runs: " + outerLoopCounter);
Also used : Task(org.dkpro.lab.task.Task) BatchTask(org.dkpro.lab.task.BatchTask) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TaskContextMetadata(org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) BatchTask(org.dkpro.lab.task.BatchTask) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) UnresolvedImportException( ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ConcurrentMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 3 with TaskContextMetadata

use of org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata in project dkpro-lab by dkpro.

the class BatchTaskEngine method executeConfiguration.

 * Locate the latest task execution compatible with the given task configuration.
 * @param aContext
 *            the context of the current batch task.
 * @param aConfig
 *            the current parameter configuration.
 * @param aExecutedSubtasks
 *            already executed subtasks.
protected void executeConfiguration(BatchTask aConfiguration, TaskContext aContext, Map<String, Object> aConfig, Set<String> aExecutedSubtasks) throws ExecutionException, LifeCycleException {
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        // Show all subtasks executed so far
        for (String est : aExecutedSubtasks) {
            log.trace("-- Already executed: " + est);
    // Set up initial scope used by sub-batch-tasks using the inherited scope. The scope is
    // extended as the subtasks of this batch are executed with the present configuration.
    // FIXME: That means that sub-batch-tasks in two different configurations cannot see
    // each other. Is that intended? Mind that the "executedSubtasks" set is intentionally
    // maintained *across* configurations, so maybe the scope should also be maintained
    // *across* configurations? - REC 2014-06-15
    Set<String> scope = new HashSet<String>();
    if (aConfiguration.getScope() != null) {
    // Configure subtasks
    for (Task task : aConfiguration.getTasks()) {
        aContext.getLifeCycleManager().configure(aContext, task, aConfig);
    Queue<Task> queue = new LinkedList<Task>(aConfiguration.getTasks());
    Set<Task> loopDetection = new HashSet<Task>();
    List<UnresolvedImportException> deferralReasons = new ArrayList<UnresolvedImportException>();
    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
        Task task = queue.poll();
        try {
            // Check if a subtask execution compatible with the present configuration has
            // does already exist ...
            TaskContextMetadata execution = getExistingExecution(aConfiguration, aContext, task, aConfig, aExecutedSubtasks);
            if (execution == null) {
                // ... otherwise execute it with the present configuration
      "Executing task [" + task.getType() + "]");
                // set scope here so that tasks added to scope in this loop are considered
                if (task instanceof BatchTask) {
                    ((BatchTask) task).setScope(scope);
                execution = runNewExecution(aContext, task, aConfig, aExecutedSubtasks);
            } else {
                log.debug("Using existing execution [" + execution.getId() + "]");
            // Record new/existing execution
        } catch (UnresolvedImportException e) {
            // Add task back to queue
            log.debug("Deferring execution of task [" + task.getType() + "]: " + e.getMessage());
            // Detect endless loop
            if (loopDetection.contains(task)) {
                StringBuilder details = new StringBuilder();
                for (UnresolvedImportException r : deferralReasons) {
                    details.append("\n -");
                // needs to be executed first
                throw new UnresolvedImportException(e, details.toString());
            // Record failed execution
Also used : Task(org.dkpro.lab.task.Task) BatchTask(org.dkpro.lab.task.BatchTask) BatchTask(org.dkpro.lab.task.BatchTask) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) UnresolvedImportException( TaskContextMetadata(org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 4 with TaskContextMetadata

use of org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata in project dkpro-lab by dkpro.

the class Lab method runAsking.

public String runAsking(Task aConfiguration) throws Exception {
    boolean found;
    TaskContextMetadata meta = null;
    try {
        meta = getStorageService().getLatestContext(aConfiguration.getType(), aConfiguration.getDescriminators());
        found = true;
    } catch (DataAccessResourceFailureException e) {
        found = false;
    boolean execute = true;
    if (found) {
        InputStreamReader converter = new InputStreamReader(;
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(converter);
        String line = "";
        while (line != null) {
            System.out.println("[" + aConfiguration.getType() + "] has already been executed in" + " this configuration. Do you wish to execute it again? (y/n)");
            line = in.readLine().toLowerCase();
            if ("y".equals(line)) {
                execute = true;
            if ("n".equals(line)) {
                execute = false;
    if (execute) {
        return getTaskExecutionService().run(aConfiguration);
    } else {
        return meta.getId();
Also used : TaskContextMetadata(org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata) InputStreamReader( DataAccessResourceFailureException(org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException) BufferedReader(

Example 5 with TaskContextMetadata

use of org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata in project dkpro-lab by dkpro.

the class TaskBase method getResolvedDescriminators.

public Map<String, String> getResolvedDescriminators(TaskContext aContext) {
    StorageService storageService = aContext.getStorageService();
    Map<String, String> descs = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // defined in this task
    for (String rawUri : aContext.getMetadata().getImports().values()) {
        URI uri = URI.create(rawUri);
        if (isStaticImport(uri)) {
        final TaskContextMetadata meta = aContext.resolve(uri);
        Map<String, String> prerequisiteDiscriminators = storageService.retrieveBinary(meta.getId(), DISCRIMINATORS_KEY, new PropertiesAdapter()).getMap();
        for (Entry<String, String> e : prerequisiteDiscriminators.entrySet()) {
            if (descs.containsKey(e.getKey()) && !descs.get(e.getKey()).equals(e.getValue())) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Discriminator [" + e.getKey() + "] in task [" + getType() + "] conflicts with dependency [" + meta.getType() + "]");
            descs.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
    return descs;
Also used : TaskContextMetadata(org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata) PropertiesAdapter( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) URI( StorageService(


TaskContextMetadata (org.dkpro.lab.task.TaskContextMetadata)15 File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 StorageService ( PropertiesAdapter ( IOException ( InputStream ( Map (java.util.Map)3 ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( URI ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 AnalysisEngineDescription (org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineDescription)2 TaskExecutionEngine (org.dkpro.lab.engine.TaskExecutionEngine)2 StreamReader ( UnresolvedImportException ( FileSystemStorageService ( BatchTask (org.dkpro.lab.task.BatchTask)2