use of org.docx4j.fonts.Mapper in project docx4j-template by vindell.
the class HtmlConverter method configSimSunFont.
* 为 {@link org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage} 配置中文字体
* @param wordMLPackage
* @throws Exception
protected void configSimSunFont(WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage) throws Exception {
Mapper fontMapper = new IdentityPlusMapper();
String fontFamily = "SimSun";
// 加载字体文件(解决linux环境下无中文字体问题)
URL simsunUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/org/noahx/html2docx/simsun.ttc");
PhysicalFonts.addPhysicalFonts(fontFamily, simsunUrl);
PhysicalFont simsunFont = PhysicalFonts.get(fontFamily);
fontMapper.put(fontFamily, simsunFont);
// 设置文件默认字体
RFonts rfonts = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createRFonts();
use of org.docx4j.fonts.Mapper in project docx4j-template by vindell.
the class PhysicalFontUtils method setPhysicalFont.
* 为 {@link org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage} 增加新的字体
public static void setPhysicalFont(WordprocessingMLPackage wmlPackage, PhysicalFont physicalFont) throws Exception {
Mapper fontMapper = wmlPackage.getFontMapper() == null ? new IdentityPlusMapper() : wmlPackage.getFontMapper();
// 分别设置字体名和别名对应的字体库
fontMapper.put(physicalFont.getName(), physicalFont);
// 设置文档字体库
wmlPackage.setFontMapper(fontMapper, true);
use of org.docx4j.fonts.Mapper in project docx4j-template by vindell.
the class PhysicalFontUtils method newFontMapper.
private static Mapper newFontMapper() throws Exception {
// Set up font mapper (optional)
// example of mapping font Times New Roman which doesn't have certain Arabic glyphs
// eg Glyph "ي" (0x64a, afii57450) not available in font "TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT".
// eg Glyph "ج" (0x62c, afii57420) not available in font "TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT".
// to a font which does
PhysicalFonts.get("Arial Unicode MS");
* This mapper uses Panose to guess the physical font which is a closest fit for the font used in the document.
* (这个映射器使用Panose算法猜测最适合这个文档使用的物理字体。)
* Panose是一种依照字体外观来进行分类的方法。我们可以通过PANOSE体系将字体的外观特征进行整理,并且与其它字体归类比较。
* Panose的原形在1985年由Benjamin Bauermeister开发,当时一种字体由7位16进制数字定义,现在则发展为10位,也就是字体的十种特征。这每一位数字都给出了它定义的一种视觉外观的量度,如笔划的粗细或是字体衬线的样式等。
* Panose定义的范围:Latin Text,Latin Script,Latin Decorative,Iconographic,Japanese Text,Cyrillic Text,Hebrew。
* It is most likely to be suitable on Linux or OSX systems which don't have Microsoft's fonts installed.
* (它很可能适用于没有安装Microsoft字体的Linux或OSX系统。)
* 1、获取Microsoft字体我们需要这些:a.在Microsoft平台上,嵌入PDF输出; b. docx4all - 所有平台 - 填充字体下拉列表
* setupMicrosoftFontFilenames();
* 2、 自动检测系统上可用的字体
* PhysicalFonts.discoverPhysicalFonts();
// Mapper fontMapper = new BestMatchingMapper();
* This mapper automatically maps document fonts for which the exact font is physically available.
* Think of this as an identity mapping. For this reason, it will work best on Windows, or a system on
* which Microsoft fonts have been installed.
* (此映射器自动映射确切可用的文档字体,将此视为标识映射;基于这个原因,它在Windows系统或安装了微软字体库的系统运行的更好。)
* You can manually add your own additional mappings if you wish.
* 如果需要,你可以手动添加自己的字体映射
* 1、 自动检测系统上可用的字体
* PhysicalFonts.discoverPhysicalFonts();
Mapper fontMapper = new IdentityPlusMapper();
// 进行中文字体兼容处理
fontMapper.put("微软雅黑", PhysicalFonts.get("Microsoft Yahei"));
fontMapper.put("黑体", PhysicalFonts.get("SimHei"));
fontMapper.put("楷体", PhysicalFonts.get("KaiTi"));
fontMapper.put("隶书", PhysicalFonts.get("LiSu"));
fontMapper.put("宋体", PhysicalFonts.get("SimSun"));
fontMapper.put("宋体扩展", PhysicalFonts.get("simsun-extB"));
fontMapper.put("新宋体", PhysicalFonts.get("NSimSun"));
fontMapper.put("仿宋", PhysicalFonts.get("FangSong"));
fontMapper.put("仿宋_GB2312", PhysicalFonts.get("FangSong_GB2312"));
fontMapper.put("幼圆", PhysicalFonts.get("YouYuan"));
fontMapper.put("华文宋体", PhysicalFonts.get("STSong"));
fontMapper.put("华文仿宋", PhysicalFonts.get("STFangsong"));
fontMapper.put("华文中宋", PhysicalFonts.get("STZhongsong"));
fontMapper.put("华文行楷", PhysicalFonts.get("STXingkai"));
return fontMapper;
use of org.docx4j.fonts.Mapper in project mdw-designer by CenturyLinkCloud.
the class DocxBuilder method toPdf.
public byte[] toPdf() throws Exception {
Mapper fontMapper = new IdentityPlusMapper();
org.docx4j.convert.out.pdf.PdfConversion c = // = new org.docx4j.convert.out.pdf.viaHTML.Conversion(wordMLPackage);
new org.docx4j.convert.out.pdf.viaXSLFO.Conversion(wordMLPackage);
// = new org.docx4j.convert.out.pdf.viaIText.Conversion(wordMLPackage);
// PdfConversion writes to an output stream
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
c.output(os, new PdfSettings());
return os.toByteArray();
use of org.docx4j.fonts.Mapper in project docx4j-template by vindell.
the class PhysicalFontUtils method setWmlPackageFonts.
* 为 {@link org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage} 配置中文字体;解决中文乱码问题
public static void setWmlPackageFonts(WordprocessingMLPackage wmlPackage) throws Docx4JException {
try {
// 字体映射;
Mapper fontMapper = newFontMapper();
// 设置文档字体库
wmlPackage.setFontMapper(fontMapper, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Docx4JException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());