use of org.drools.kiesession.audit.WorkingMemoryFileLogger in project drools by kiegroup.
the class CepEspTest method testIdleTimeAndTimeToNextJob.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testIdleTimeAndTimeToNextJob() {
final KieBase kbase = KieBaseUtil.getKieBaseFromClasspathResources("cep-esp-test", kieBaseTestConfiguration, "org/drools/compiler/integrationtests/test_CEP_SimpleTimeWindow.drl");
final StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl wm = (StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl) kbase.newKieSession(KieSessionTestConfiguration.STATEFUL_PSEUDO.getKieSessionConfiguration(), null);
try {
final WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger((WorkingMemory) wm);
final File testTmpDir = new File("target/test-tmp/");
try {
final List results = new ArrayList();
wm.setGlobal("results", results);
// how to initialize the clock?
// how to configure the clock?
final SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock();
// 5 seconds
clock.advanceTime(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// there is no next job, so returns -1
assertEquals(-1, wm.getTimeToNextJob());
wm.insert(new OrderEvent("1", "customer A", 70));
assertEquals(0, wm.getIdleTime());
// now, there is a next job in 30 seconds: expire the event
assertEquals(30000, wm.getTimeToNextJob());
assertEquals(1, results.size());
assertEquals(70, ((Number) results.get(0)).intValue());
// advance clock and assert new data
// 10 seconds
clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// next job is in 20 seconds: expire the event
assertEquals(20000, wm.getTimeToNextJob());
wm.insert(new OrderEvent("2", "customer A", 60));
assertEquals(2, results.size());
assertEquals(65, ((Number) results.get(1)).intValue());
// advance clock and assert new data
// 10 seconds
clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// next job is in 10 seconds: expire the event
assertEquals(10000, wm.getTimeToNextJob());
wm.insert(new OrderEvent("3", "customer A", 50));
assertEquals(3, results.size());
assertEquals(60, ((Number) results.get(2)).intValue());
// advance clock and assert new data
// 10 seconds
clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// advancing clock time will cause events to expire
assertEquals(0, wm.getIdleTime());
// next job is in 10 seconds: expire another event
// assertEquals( 10000, iwm.getTimeToNextJob());
wm.insert(new OrderEvent("4", "customer A", 25));
// first event should have expired, making average under the rule threshold, so no additional rule fire
assertEquals(3, results.size());
// advance clock and assert new data
// 10 seconds
clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
wm.insert(new OrderEvent("5", "customer A", 70));
assertEquals(0, wm.getIdleTime());
// wm = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm);
// still under the threshold, so no fire
assertEquals(3, results.size());
} finally {
} finally {
use of org.drools.kiesession.audit.WorkingMemoryFileLogger in project drools by kiegroup.
the class CepEspTest method testCollectWithWindows.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testCollectWithWindows() {
final KieBase kbase = KieBaseUtil.getKieBaseFromClasspathResources("cep-esp-test", kieBaseTestConfiguration, "org/drools/compiler/integrationtests/test_CEP_CollectWithWindows.drl");
final KieSession ksession = kbase.newKieSession(KieSessionTestConfiguration.STATEFUL_PSEUDO.getKieSessionConfiguration(), null);
try {
final WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger(ksession);
final File testTmpDir = new File("target/test-tmp/");
final List<Number> timeResults = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Number> lengthResults = new ArrayList<>();
ksession.setGlobal("timeResults", timeResults);
ksession.setGlobal("lengthResults", lengthResults);
final SessionPseudoClock clock = ksession.getSessionClock();
try {
// First interaction
// 5 seconds
clock.advanceTime(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ksession.insert(new OrderEvent("1", "customer A", 70));
assertEquals(1, timeResults.size());
assertEquals(1, timeResults.get(0).intValue());
assertEquals(1, lengthResults.size());
assertEquals(1, lengthResults.get(0).intValue());
// Second interaction: advance clock and assert new data
// 10 seconds
clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ksession.insert(new OrderEvent("2", "customer A", 60));
assertEquals(2, timeResults.size());
assertEquals(2, timeResults.get(1).intValue());
assertEquals(2, lengthResults.size());
assertEquals(2, lengthResults.get(1).intValue());
// Third interaction: advance clock and assert new data
// 10 seconds
clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ksession.insert(new OrderEvent("3", "customer A", 50));
assertEquals(3, timeResults.size());
assertEquals(3, timeResults.get(2).intValue());
assertEquals(3, lengthResults.size());
assertEquals(3, lengthResults.get(2).intValue());
// Fourth interaction: advance clock and assert new data
// 10 seconds
clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ksession.insert(new OrderEvent("4", "customer A", 25));
// first event should have expired now
assertEquals(4, timeResults.size());
assertEquals(3, timeResults.get(3).intValue());
assertEquals(4, lengthResults.size());
assertEquals(3, lengthResults.get(3).intValue());
// Fifth interaction: advance clock and assert new data
// 10 seconds
clock.advanceTime(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ksession.insert(new OrderEvent("5", "customer A", 70));
assertEquals(5, timeResults.size());
assertEquals(4, timeResults.get(4).intValue());
assertEquals(5, lengthResults.size());
assertEquals(3, lengthResults.get(4).intValue());
} finally {
} finally {