use of org.drools.model.functions.Function1 in project drools by kiegroup.
the class GroupByTest method testWithNull.
public void testWithNull() {
Variable<MyType> var = D.declarationOf(MyType.class);
Variable<MyType> groupKey = D.declarationOf(MyType.class);
Variable<Long> count = D.declarationOf(Long.class);
AtomicInteger mappingFunctionCallCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
Function1<MyType, MyType> mappingFunction = (a) -> {
return a.getNested();
D.PatternDef<MyType> onlyOnesWithNested = D.pattern(var).expr(myType -> myType.getNested() != null);
ExprViewItem groupBy = D.groupBy(onlyOnesWithNested, var, groupKey, mappingFunction, D.accFunction(CountAccumulateFunction::new).as(count));
List<MyType> result = new ArrayList<>();
Rule rule = D.rule("R").build(groupBy, D.on(groupKey, count).execute((drools, key, acc) -> result.add(key)));
Model model = new ModelImpl().addRule(rule);
KieBase kieBase = KieBaseBuilder.createKieBaseFromModel(model);
MyType objectWithoutNestedObject = new MyType(null);
MyType objectWithNestedObject = new MyType(objectWithoutNestedObject);
KieSession ksession = kieBase.newKieSession();
// Side issue: this number is unusually high. Perhaps we should try to implement some cache for this?
System.out.println("GroupKey mapping function was called " + mappingFunctionCallCounter.get() + " times.");
use of org.drools.model.functions.Function1 in project drools by kiegroup.
the class GroupByTest method testTwoGroupByUsingBindings.
// FIXME This does not work, because Declaration only works with function1
public void testTwoGroupByUsingBindings() {
// DROOLS-5697
Global<Map> var_results = D.globalOf(Map.class, "defaultpkg", "results");
Variable<String> var_$key_1 = D.declarationOf(String.class);
Variable<Person> var_$p = D.declarationOf(Person.class);
Variable<Integer> var_$age = D.declarationOf(Integer.class);
Variable<Integer> var_$sumOfAges = D.declarationOf(Integer.class);
// "$g1", D.from(var_$key_1, var_$sumOfAges, ($k, $v) -> new Group($k, $v)));
Variable<Group> var_$g1 = D.declarationOf(Group.class);
Variable<Integer> var_$g1_value = D.declarationOf(Integer.class);
Variable<String> var_$key_2 = D.declarationOf(String.class);
Variable<Integer> var_$maxOfValues = D.declarationOf(Integer.class);
Rule rule1 = D.rule("R1").build(D.groupBy(D.and(D.groupBy(D.pattern(var_$p).bind(var_$age, person -> person.getAge()), var_$p, var_$key_1, person -> person.getName().substring(0, 3), D.accFunction(IntegerSumAccumulateFunction::new, var_$age).as(var_$sumOfAges)), // Currently this does not work
D.pattern(var_$key_1).bind(var_$g1, var_$sumOfAges, ($k, $v) -> new Group($k, $v)), D.pattern(var_$g1).bind(var_$g1_value, group -> (Integer) group.getValue())), var_$g1, var_$key_2, groupResult -> ((String) groupResult.getKey()).substring(0, 2), D.accFunction(IntegerMaxAccumulateFunction::new, var_$g1_value).as(var_$maxOfValues)), D.on(var_$key_2, var_results, var_$maxOfValues).execute(($key, results, $maxOfValues) -> {
System.out.println($key + " -> " + $maxOfValues);
results.put($key, $maxOfValues);
Model model = new ModelImpl().addRule(rule1).addGlobal(var_results);
KieSession ksession = KieBaseBuilder.createKieBaseFromModel(model).newKieSession();
Map results = new HashMap();
ksession.setGlobal("results", results);
ksession.insert(new Person("Mark", 42));
ksession.insert(new Person("Edoardo", 33));
FactHandle meFH = ksession.insert(new Person("Mario", 45));
ksession.insert(new Person("Maciej", 39));
ksession.insert(new Person("Edson", 38));
FactHandle geoffreyFH = ksession.insert(new Person("Geoffrey", 35));
* In the first groupBy:
* Mark+Mario become "(Mar, 87)"
* Maciej becomes "(Mac, 39)"
* Geoffrey becomes "(Geo, 35)"
* Edson becomes "(Eds, 38)"
* Edoardo becomes "(Edo, 33)"
* Then in the second groupBy:
* "(Mar, 87)" and "(Mac, 39)" become "(Ma, 87)"
* "(Eds, 38)" and "(Edo, 33)" become "(Ed, 38)"
* "(Geo, 35)" becomes "(Ge, 35)"
assertEquals(3, results.size());
assertEquals(87, results.get("Ma"));
assertEquals(38, results.get("Ed"));
assertEquals(35, results.get("Ge"));
// No Mario anymore, so "(Mar, 42)" instead of "(Mar, 87)".
// Therefore "(Ma, 42)".
assertEquals(1, results.size());
assertEquals(42, results.get("Ma"));
// "(Geo, 35)" is gone.
// "(Mat, 38)" is added, but Mark still wins, so "(Ma, 42)" stays.
ksession.insert(new Person("Matteo", 38));
assertEquals(1, results.size());
assertEquals(42, results.get("Ma"));
use of org.drools.model.functions.Function1 in project drools by kiegroup.
the class ToStringTest method testToString.
* Users may depend on seeing {@link Rule#toString()} in log files giving useful information, in order to understand
* the rules that are being created. The format is not required to be backwards compatible - this test merely checks
* that it does not change unknowingly.
public void testToString() {
Variable<Person> markV = declarationOf(Person.class);
Variable<Integer> markAge = declarationOf(Integer.class);
Variable<Person> olderV = declarationOf(Person.class);
Variable<Double> resultAvg = declarationOf(Double.class);
Variable<Integer> age = declarationOf(Integer.class);
String person = "Mark";
Function1<Person, String> nameGetter = Person::getName;
Function1<Person, Integer> ageGetter = Person::getAge;
Predicate1<Person> markPredicate = p -> p.getName().equals(person);
PatternDSL.PatternDef<Person> pattern1 = pattern(markV).expr("exprA", markPredicate, alphaIndexedBy(String.class, Index.ConstraintType.EQUAL, 0, nameGetter, person)).bind(markAge, ageGetter);
Predicate1<Person> notMarkPredicate = markPredicate.negate();
Predicate2<Person, Integer> agePredicate = (p1, someAge) -> p1.getAge() > someAge;
Function1<Integer, Integer> ageCaster = int.class::cast;
PatternDSL.PatternDef<Person> pattern2 = pattern(olderV).expr("exprB", notMarkPredicate, alphaIndexedBy(String.class, Index.ConstraintType.NOT_EQUAL, 1, nameGetter, person)).expr("exprC", markAge, agePredicate, betaIndexedBy(int.class, Index.ConstraintType.GREATER_THAN, 0, ageGetter, ageCaster));
AccumulateFunction<AverageAccumulateFunction.AverageData> f = new AverageAccumulateFunction();
Supplier<AccumulateFunction<AverageAccumulateFunction.AverageData>> accumulateSupplier = () -> f;
org.drools.model.functions.accumulate.AccumulateFunction actualAccumulate = accFunction(accumulateSupplier, age);
ExprViewItem<Person> accumulate = accumulate(pattern(olderV).expr("exprD", notMarkPredicate).bind(age, ageGetter),;
Rule rule = rule("beta").build(pattern1, pattern2, accumulate, on(olderV, markV).execute((drools, p1, p2) -> drools.insert(p1.getName() + " is older than " + p2.getName())));
String pattern1toString = "PatternImpl (type: PATTERN, inputVars: null, " + "outputVar: " + markV + ", " + "constraint: Constraint for 'exprA' (index: AlphaIndex #0 (EQUAL, left: lambda " + System.identityHashCode(nameGetter) + ", right: " + person + ")))";
String pattern2toString = "PatternImpl (type: PATTERN, inputVars: null, " + "outputVar: " + olderV + ", " + "constraint: MultipleConstraints (constraints: [" + "Constraint for 'exprB' (index: AlphaIndex #1 (NOT_EQUAL, left: lambda " + System.identityHashCode(nameGetter) + ", right: " + person + ")), " + "Constraint for 'exprC' (index: BetaIndex #0 (GREATER_THAN, left: lambda " + System.identityHashCode(ageGetter) + ", right: lambda " + System.identityHashCode(ageCaster) + "))]))";
String accumulatePatternToString = "PatternImpl (type: PATTERN, inputVars: null, " + "outputVar: " + olderV + ", " + "constraint: Constraint for 'exprD' (index: null))";
String accumulateToString = "AccumulatePatternImpl (functions: [" + actualAccumulate + "], " + "condition: " + accumulatePatternToString + ", " + "pattern: " + accumulatePatternToString + ")";
String consequenceToString = "ConsequenceImpl (variables: [" + olderV + ", " + markV + "], language: java, breaking: false)";
String expectedToString = "Rule: defaultpkg.beta (" + "view: CompositePatterns of AND (vars: null, patterns: [" + pattern1toString + ", " + pattern2toString + ", " + accumulateToString + ", NamedConsequenceImpl 'default' (breaking: false)], " + "consequences: {default=" + consequenceToString + "}), consequences: {default=" + consequenceToString + "})";
use of org.drools.model.functions.Function1 in project drools by kiegroup.
the class KiePackagesBuilder method buildPattern.
private RuleConditionElement buildPattern(RuleContext ctx, GroupElement group, org.drools.model.Pattern<?> modelPattern) {
Variable patternVariable = modelPattern.getPatternVariable();
Pattern pattern = addPatternForVariable(ctx, group, patternVariable, modelPattern.getType());;
for (Binding binding : modelPattern.getBindings()) {
// FIXME this is returning null for BindViewItem2, BindViewItem3 etc (mdp)
Function1 f1 = getBindingFunction(ctx, patternVariable, binding);
Declaration declaration = new Declaration(binding.getBoundVariable().getName(), new LambdaReadAccessor(binding.getBoundVariable().getType(), f1), pattern, true);
if (binding.getReactOn() != null) {;
ctx.addDeclaration(binding.getBoundVariable(), declaration);
Declaration queryArgDecl = ctx.getQueryDeclaration(patternVariable);
if (queryArgDecl != null) {
pattern.addConstraint(new UnificationConstraint(queryArgDecl));
addConstraintsToPattern(ctx, pattern, modelPattern.getConstraint());
addReactiveMasksToPattern(pattern, modelPattern.getPatternClassMetadata());
return pattern;