use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class DescribeStep method readField.
private void readField(InProgressSubmission obj, SubmissionStepConfig config, DataDescribe data, DCInputSet inputConfig) throws DCInputsReaderException {
String documentTypeValue = "";
List<MetadataValue> documentType = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(obj.getItem(), configurationService.getProperty("submit.type-bind.field", "dc.type"));
if (documentType.size() > 0) {
documentTypeValue = documentType.get(0).getValue();
// Get list of all field names (including qualdrop names) allowed for this dc.type
List<String> allowedFieldNames = inputConfig.populateAllowedFieldNames(documentTypeValue);
// Loop input rows and process submitted metadata
for (DCInput[] row : inputConfig.getFields()) {
for (DCInput input : row) {
List<String> fieldsName = new ArrayList<String>();
if (input.isQualdropValue()) {
for (Object qualifier : input.getPairs()) {
fieldsName.add(input.getFieldName() + "." + (String) qualifier);
} else {
for (String fieldName : fieldsName) {
List<MetadataValue> mdv = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(obj.getItem(), fieldName);
for (MetadataValue md : mdv) {
MetadataValueRest dto = new MetadataValueRest();
String[] metadataToCheck = Utils.tokenize(md.getMetadataField().toString());
if (data.getMetadata().containsKey(Utils.standardize(metadataToCheck[0], metadataToCheck[1], metadataToCheck[2], "."))) {
// all values for this field
if (allowedFieldNames.contains(fieldName)) {
data.getMetadata().get(Utils.standardize(md.getMetadataField().getMetadataSchema().getName(), md.getMetadataField().getElement(), md.getMetadataField().getQualifier(), ".")).add(dto);
} else {
data.getMetadata().remove(Utils.standardize(metadataToCheck[0], metadataToCheck[1], metadataToCheck[2], "."));
} else {
// Add values only if allowed by type bind
if (allowedFieldNames.contains(fieldName)) {
List<MetadataValueRest> listDto = new ArrayList<>();
data.getMetadata().put(Utils.standardize(md.getMetadataField().getMetadataSchema().getName(), md.getMetadataField().getElement(), md.getMetadataField().getQualifier(), "."), listDto);
use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class ExtractMetadataStep method doPostProcessing.
public void doPostProcessing(Context context, InProgressSubmission wsi) {
Map<String, List<MetadataValue>> metadataMapValue = metadataMap.get();
Set<String> changedMetadata = getChangedMetadata(wsi.getItem(), listener.getMetadataToListen(), metadataMapValue);
// are listened metadata changed?
try {
if (!changedMetadata.isEmpty()) {
ExternalDataObject obj = listener.getExternalDataObject(context, wsi.getItem(), changedMetadata);
if (obj != null) {
// add metadata to the item if no values are already here
Set<String> alreadyFilledMetadata = new HashSet();
for (MetadataValue mv : wsi.getItem().getMetadata()) {
for (MetadataValueDTO metadataValue : obj.getMetadata()) {
StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(".");
if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(metadataValue.getQualifier())) {
if (!alreadyFilledMetadata.contains(joiner.toString())) {
itemService.addMetadata(context, wsi.getItem(), metadataValue.getSchema(), metadataValue.getElement(), metadataValue.getQualifier(), null, metadataValue.getValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class MetadataValidation method validate.
public List<ErrorRest> validate(SubmissionService submissionService, InProgressSubmission obj, SubmissionStepConfig config) throws DCInputsReaderException, SQLException {
List<ErrorRest> errors = new ArrayList<>();
String documentTypeValue = "";
DCInputSet inputConfig = getInputReader().getInputsByFormName(config.getId());
List<MetadataValue> documentType = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(obj.getItem(), configurationService.getProperty("submit.type-bind.field", "dc.type"));
if (documentType.size() > 0) {
documentTypeValue = documentType.get(0).getValue();
// Get list of all field names (including qualdrop names) allowed for this dc.type
List<String> allowedFieldNames = inputConfig.populateAllowedFieldNames(documentTypeValue);
// Begin the actual validation loop
for (DCInput[] row : inputConfig.getFields()) {
for (DCInput input : row) {
String fieldKey = metadataAuthorityService.makeFieldKey(input.getSchema(), input.getElement(), input.getQualifier());
boolean isAuthorityControlled = metadataAuthorityService.isAuthorityControlled(fieldKey);
List<String> fieldsName = new ArrayList<String>();
if (input.isQualdropValue()) {
boolean foundResult = false;
List<Object> inputPairs = input.getPairs();
// values are also in the list and before the stored values.
for (int i = 1; i < inputPairs.size(); i += 2) {
String fullFieldname = input.getFieldName() + "." + (String) inputPairs.get(i);
List<MetadataValue> mdv = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(obj.getItem(), fullFieldname);
// then remove. This includes field name without qualifier.
if (!input.isAllowedFor(documentTypeValue) && (!allowedFieldNames.contains(fullFieldname) && !allowedFieldNames.contains(input.getFieldName()))) {
itemService.removeMetadataValues(ContextUtil.obtainCurrentRequestContext(), obj.getItem(), mdv);
} else {
validateMetadataValues(mdv, input, config, isAuthorityControlled, fieldKey, errors);
if (mdv.size() > 0 && input.isVisible(DCInput.SUBMISSION_SCOPE)) {
foundResult = true;
if (input.isRequired() && !foundResult) {
// for this required qualdrop no value was found, add to the list of error fields
addError(errors, ERROR_VALIDATION_REQUIRED, "/" + WorkspaceItemRestRepository.OPERATION_PATH_SECTIONS + "/" + config.getId() + "/" + input.getFieldName());
} else {
for (String fieldName : fieldsName) {
boolean valuesRemoved = false;
List<MetadataValue> mdv = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(obj.getItem(), fieldName);
if (!input.isAllowedFor(documentTypeValue)) {
// then remove. Otherwise, do not
if (!(allowedFieldNames.contains(fieldName))) {
itemService.removeMetadataValues(ContextUtil.obtainCurrentRequestContext(), obj.getItem(), mdv);
valuesRemoved = true;
log.debug("Stripping metadata values for " + input.getFieldName() + " on type " + documentTypeValue + " as it is allowed by another input of the same field " + "name");
} else {
log.debug("Not removing unallowed metadata values for " + input.getFieldName() + " on type " + documentTypeValue + " as it is allowed by another input of the same field " + "name");
validateMetadataValues(mdv, input, config, isAuthorityControlled, fieldKey, errors);
if ((input.isRequired() && mdv.size() == 0) && input.isVisible(DCInput.SUBMISSION_SCOPE) && !valuesRemoved) {
// input that is also allowed for this document type
if (input.isAllowedFor(documentTypeValue)) {
// since this field is missing add to list of error
// fields
addError(errors, ERROR_VALIDATION_REQUIRED, "/" + WorkspaceItemRestRepository.OPERATION_PATH_SECTIONS + "/" + config.getId() + "/" + input.getFieldName());
return errors;
use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class ItemMetadataValueAddPatchOperation method add.
void add(Context context, HttpServletRequest currentRequest, InProgressSubmission source, String path, Object value) throws SQLException {
String[] split = getAbsolutePath(path).split("/");
// if split size is one so we have a call to initialize or replace
if (split.length == 1) {
List<MetadataValueRest> list = evaluateArrayObject((LateObjectEvaluator) value);
replaceValue(context, source.getItem(), split[0], list);
} else {
// call with "-" or "index-based" we should receive only single
// object member
MetadataValueRest object = evaluateSingleObject((LateObjectEvaluator) value);
// check if is not empty
List<MetadataValue> metadataByMetadataString = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(source.getItem(), split[0]);
if (split.length > 1) {
String controlChar = split[1];
switch(controlChar) {
case "-":
addValue(context, source.getItem(), split[0], object, -1);
// index based
int index = Integer.parseInt(controlChar);
if (index > metadataByMetadataString.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified index MUST NOT be greater than the number of elements in the array");
addValue(context, source.getItem(), split[0], object, index);
use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class ItemMetadataValueAddPatchOperation method replaceValue.
protected void replaceValue(Context context, Item source, String target, List<MetadataValueRest> list) throws SQLException {
String[] metadata = Utils.tokenize(target);
// fetch pre-existent metadata
List<MetadataValue> preExistentMetadata = getDSpaceObjectService().getMetadata(source, metadata[0], metadata[1], metadata[2], Item.ANY);
// fetch pre-existent relationships
Map<Integer, Relationship> preExistentRelationships = preExistentRelationships(context, preExistentMetadata);
// clear all plain metadata
getDSpaceObjectService().clearMetadata(context, source, metadata[0], metadata[1], metadata[2], Item.ANY);
// remove all deleted relationships
for (Relationship rel : preExistentRelationships.values()) {
try {
Optional<MetadataValueRest> stillPresent = -> ll.getAuthority() != null && rel.getID().equals(getRelId(ll.getAuthority()))).findAny();
if (stillPresent.isEmpty()) {
relationshipService.delete(context, rel);
} catch (AuthorizeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Authorize Exception during relationship deletion.");
// create plain metadata / move relationships in the list order
// if a virtual value is present in the list, it must be present in preExistentRelationships too.
// (with this operator virtual value can only be moved or deleted).
int idx = 0;
for (MetadataValueRest ll : list) {
if (StringUtils.startsWith(ll.getAuthority(), Constants.VIRTUAL_AUTHORITY_PREFIX)) {
Optional<MetadataValue> preExistentMv = -> StringUtils.equals(ll.getAuthority(), mvr.getAuthority())).findFirst();
if (!preExistentMv.isPresent()) {
throw new UnprocessableEntityException("Relationship with authority=" + ll.getAuthority() + " not found");
final RelationshipMetadataValue rmv = (RelationshipMetadataValue) preExistentMv.get();
final Relationship rel = preExistentRelationships.get(rmv.getRelationshipId());
this.updateRelationshipPlace(context, source, idx, rel);
} else {
getDSpaceObjectService().addMetadata(context, source, metadata[0], metadata[1], metadata[2], ll.getLanguage(), ll.getValue(), ll.getAuthority(), ll.getConfidence(), idx);