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Example 1 with BlockStateParser

use of org.dynmap.utils.BlockStateParser in project dynmap by webbukkit.

the class TexturePack method loadTextureFile.

 * Load texture pack mappings from texture.txt file
private static void loadTextureFile(InputStream txtfile, String txtname, ConfigurationNode config, DynmapCore core, String blockset) {
    LineNumberReader rdr = null;
    int cnt = 0;
    HashMap<String, Integer> filetoidx = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    HashMap<String, Integer> varvals = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    final String mcver = core.getDynmapPluginPlatformVersion();
    boolean mod_cfg_needed = false;
    boolean mod_cfg_loaded = false;
    // Default to minecraft base
    String modname = "minecraft";
    String modversion = null;
    String texturemod = null;
    String texturepath = null;
    boolean terrain_ok = true;
    BlockStateParser bsp = new BlockStateParser();
    Map<DynmapBlockState, BitSet> bsprslt;
    try {
        String line;
        rdr = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(txtfile));
        while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) {
            boolean skip = false;
            int lineNum = rdr.getLineNumber();
            if ((line.length() > 0) && (line.charAt(0) == '[')) {
                // If version constrained like
                // Find end
                int end = line.indexOf(']');
                if (end < 0) {
                    Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname + ": bad version limit");
                String vertst = line.substring(1, end);
                String tver = mcver;
                if (vertst.startsWith("mod:")) {
                    // If mod version ranged
                    tver = modversion;
                    vertst = vertst.substring(4);
                if (!HDBlockModels.checkVersionRange(tver, vertst)) {
                    skip = true;
                line = line.substring(end + 1);
            if (line.startsWith("#") || line.startsWith(";")) {
                skip = true;
            // If we're skipping due to version restriction
            if (skip)
            // Split off <type>:
            int typeend = line.indexOf(':');
            String typeid = "";
            if (typeend >= 0) {
                typeid = line.substring(0, typeend);
                line = line.substring(typeend + 1).trim();
            if (typeid.equals("block")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                int srctxtid = TXTID_TERRAINPNG;
                if (!terrain_ok)
                    // Mark as not usable
                    srctxtid = TXTID_INVALID;
                int[] txtidx = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
                byte[] layers = null;
                BlockTransparency trans = BlockTransparency.OPAQUE;
                int colorMult = 0;
                int blockColorIdx = -1;
                // Legacy top/bottom rotation
                boolean stdrot = false;
                CustomColorMultiplier custColorMult = null;
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    else if (av[0].equals("txtid")) {
                        if (filetoidx.containsKey(av[1]))
                            srctxtid = filetoidx.get(av[1]);
                            Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname + ": bad texture " + av[1]);
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if (bsprslt.size() > 0) {
                    for (String a : args) {
                        String[] av = a.split("=");
                        if (av.length < 2)
                        if (av[0].equals("top") || av[0].equals("y-") || av[0].equals("face1")) {
                            faces[BlockStep.Y_MINUS.ordinal()] = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                        } else if (av[0].equals("bottom") || av[0].equals("y+") || av[0].equals("face0")) {
                            faces[BlockStep.Y_PLUS.ordinal()] = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                        } else if (av[0].equals("north") || av[0].equals("x+") || av[0].equals("face4")) {
                            faces[BlockStep.X_PLUS.ordinal()] = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                        } else if (av[0].equals("south") || av[0].equals("x-") || av[0].equals("face5")) {
                            faces[BlockStep.X_MINUS.ordinal()] = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                        } else if (av[0].equals("west") || av[0].equals("z-") || av[0].equals("face3")) {
                            faces[BlockStep.Z_MINUS.ordinal()] = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                        } else if (av[0].equals("east") || av[0].equals("z+") || av[0].equals("face2")) {
                            faces[BlockStep.Z_PLUS.ordinal()] = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                        } else if (av[0].startsWith("face")) {
                            int fid0, fid1;
                            String idrange = av[0].substring(4);
                            String[] ids = idrange.split("-");
                            if (ids.length > 1) {
                                fid0 = Integer.parseInt(ids[0]);
                                fid1 = Integer.parseInt(ids[1]);
                            } else {
                                fid0 = fid1 = Integer.parseInt(ids[0]);
                            if ((fid0 < 0) || (fid1 < fid0)) {
                                Log.severe("Texture mapping has invalid face index - " + av[1] + " - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                            int[] faceToOrd = { BlockStep.Y_PLUS.ordinal(), BlockStep.Y_MINUS.ordinal(), BlockStep.Z_PLUS.ordinal(), BlockStep.Z_MINUS.ordinal(), BlockStep.X_PLUS.ordinal(), BlockStep.X_MINUS.ordinal() };
                            int txtid = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                            for (int i = fid0; (i <= fid1) && (i < 6); i++) {
                                faces[faceToOrd[i]] = txtid;
                        } else if (av[0].equals("allfaces")) {
                            int id = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                                faces[i] = id;
                        } else if (av[0].equals("allsides")) {
                            int id = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                            faces[BlockStep.X_PLUS.ordinal()] = id;
                            faces[BlockStep.X_MINUS.ordinal()] = id;
                            faces[BlockStep.Z_PLUS.ordinal()] = id;
                            faces[BlockStep.Z_MINUS.ordinal()] = id;
                        } else if (av[0].equals("topbottom")) {
                            faces[BlockStep.Y_MINUS.ordinal()] = faces[BlockStep.Y_PLUS.ordinal()] = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                        } else if (av[0].equals("blockcolor")) {
                            if (filetoidx.containsKey(av[1]))
                                blockColorIdx = filetoidx.get(av[1]);
                                Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname + ": bad texture " + av[1]);
                        } else if (av[0].startsWith("patch")) {
                            int patchid0, patchid1;
                            String idrange = av[0].substring(5);
                            String[] ids = idrange.split("-");
                            if (ids.length > 1) {
                                patchid0 = Integer.parseInt(ids[0]);
                                patchid1 = Integer.parseInt(ids[1]);
                            } else {
                                patchid0 = patchid1 = Integer.parseInt(ids[0]);
                            if ((patchid0 < 0) || (patchid1 < patchid0)) {
                                Log.severe("Texture mapping has invalid patch index - " + av[1] + " - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                            if (faces.length <= patchid1) {
                                int[] newfaces = new int[patchid1 + 1];
                                Arrays.fill(newfaces, TILEINDEX_BLANK);
                                System.arraycopy(faces, 0, newfaces, 0, faces.length);
                                faces = newfaces;
                                int[] newtxtidx = new int[patchid1 + 1];
                                Arrays.fill(newtxtidx, -1);
                                System.arraycopy(txtidx, 0, newtxtidx, 0, txtidx.length);
                                txtidx = newtxtidx;
                            int txtid = parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]);
                            for (int i = patchid0; i <= patchid1; i++) {
                                faces[i] = txtid;
                        } else if (av[0].equals("transparency")) {
                            trans = BlockTransparency.valueOf(av[1]);
                            if (trans == null) {
                                trans = BlockTransparency.OPAQUE;
                                Log.severe("Texture mapping has invalid transparency setting - " + av[1] + " - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                            /* For leaves, base on leaf transparency setting */
                            if (trans == BlockTransparency.LEAVES) {
                                if (core.getLeafTransparency())
                                    trans = BlockTransparency.TRANSPARENT;
                                    trans = BlockTransparency.OPAQUE;
                        } else if (av[0].equals("colorMult")) {
                            colorMult = (int) Long.parseLong(av[1], 16);
                        } else if (av[0].equals("custColorMult")) {
                            try {
                                Class<?> cls = Class.forName(av[1]);
                                custColorMult = (CustomColorMultiplier) cls.newInstance();
                            } catch (Exception x) {
                                Log.severe("Error loading custom color multiplier - " + av[1] + ": " + x.getMessage());
                        } else if (av[0].equals("stdrot")) {
                            stdrot = av[1].equals("true");
                    for (String a : args) {
                        String[] av = a.split("=");
                        if (av.length < 2)
                        if (av[0].startsWith("layer")) {
                            if (layers == null) {
                                layers = new byte[faces.length];
                                Arrays.fill(layers, (byte) -1);
                            String[] v = av[0].substring(5).split("-");
                            int id1, id2;
                            id1 = id2 = Integer.parseInt(v[0]);
                            if (v.length > 1) {
                                id2 = Integer.parseInt(v[1]);
                            byte val = (byte) Integer.parseInt(av[1]);
                            for (; id1 <= id2; id1++) {
                                layers[id1] = val;
                    /* If we have everything, build block */
                    if (bsprslt.size() > 0) {
                        Integer colorIndex = (blockColorIdx >= 0) ? (blockColorIdx + IMG_CNT) : null;
                        HDBlockStateTextureMap map = new HDBlockStateTextureMap(faces, layers, colorMult, custColorMult, blockset, stdrot, colorIndex, trans);
                    } else {
                        Log.severe("Texture mapping missing required parameters = line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("copyblock")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                String srcname = null;
                int srcmeta = 0;
                BlockTransparency trans = null;
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("srcid")) {
                        srcname = getBlockName(modname, av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("srcmeta")) {
                        srcmeta = getIntValue(varvals, av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("transparency")) {
                        trans = BlockTransparency.valueOf(av[1]);
                        if (trans == null) {
                            trans = BlockTransparency.OPAQUE;
                            Log.severe("Texture mapping has invalid transparency setting - " + av[1] + " - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                        /* For leaves, base on leaf transparency setting */
                        if (trans == BlockTransparency.LEAVES) {
                            if (core.getLeafTransparency())
                                trans = BlockTransparency.TRANSPARENT;
                                trans = BlockTransparency.OPAQUE;
                /* If we have everything, build block */
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if ((bsprslt.size() > 0) && (srcname != null)) {
                    DynmapBlockState srcblk = DynmapBlockState.getStateByNameAndIndex(srcname, srcmeta);
                    HDBlockStateTextureMap map = null;
                    if (srcblk != null)
                        map = HDBlockStateTextureMap.getByBlockState(srcblk);
                    if (map == null) {
                        Log.severe("Copy of texture mapping failed = line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                    } else {
                        for (DynmapBlockState bblk : bsprslt.keySet()) {
                            BitSet stateids = bsprslt.get(bblk);
                            for (int stateid = stateids.nextSetBit(0); stateid >= 0; stateid = stateids.nextSetBit(stateid + 1)) {
                                DynmapBlockState dblk2 = bblk.getState(stateid);
                                HDBlockStateTextureMap.copyToStateIndex(dblk2, map, trans);
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Texture mapping copy missing required parameters = line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("addtotexturemap")) {
                int srctxtid = -1;
                String mapid = null;
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    else if (av[0].equals("txtid")) {
                        if (filetoidx.containsKey(av[1]))
                            srctxtid = filetoidx.get(av[1]);
                            Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("mapid")) {
                        mapid = av[1];
                if (mapid != null) {
                    for (String a : args) {
                        String[] av = a.split("=");
                        if (av.length < 2)
                        if (av[0].startsWith("key:")) {
                            Integer key = getIntValue(varvals, av[0].substring(4));
                            if ((key != null) && (key > 0)) {
                                addTextureByKey(mapid, key, parseTextureIndex(filetoidx, srctxtid, av[1]));
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Missing mapid  - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("texturemap")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                String mapid = null;
                BlockTransparency trans = BlockTransparency.OPAQUE;
                int colorMult = 0;
                CustomColorMultiplier custColorMult = null;
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("mapid")) {
                        mapid = av[1];
                    } else if (av[0].equals("transparency")) {
                        trans = BlockTransparency.valueOf(av[1]);
                        if (trans == null) {
                            trans = BlockTransparency.OPAQUE;
                            Log.severe("Texture mapping has invalid transparency setting - " + av[1] + " - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                        /* For leaves, base on leaf transparency setting */
                        if (trans == BlockTransparency.LEAVES) {
                            if (core.getLeafTransparency())
                                trans = BlockTransparency.TRANSPARENT;
                                trans = BlockTransparency.OPAQUE;
                    } else if (av[0].equals("colorMult")) {
                        colorMult = Integer.valueOf(av[1], 16);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("custColorMult")) {
                        try {
                            Class<?> cls = Class.forName(av[1]);
                            custColorMult = (CustomColorMultiplier) cls.newInstance();
                        } catch (Exception x) {
                            Log.severe("Error loading custom color multiplier - " + av[1] + ": " + x.getMessage());
                /* If we have everything, build texture map */
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if ((bsprslt.size() > 0) && (mapid != null)) {
                    addTextureIndex(mapid, bsprslt, trans, colorMult, custColorMult, blockset);
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Texture map missing required parameters = line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("texturefile") || typeid.equals("texture")) {
                boolean istxt = typeid.equals("texture");
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                int xdim = 16, ydim = 16;
                String fname = null;
                String id = null;
                TileFileFormat fmt = TileFileFormat.GRID;
                MaterialType mt = null;
                if (istxt) {
                    xdim = ydim = 1;
                    fmt = TileFileFormat.GRID;
                for (String arg : args) {
                    String[] aval = arg.split("=");
                    if (aval.length < 2)
                    if (aval[0].equals("id")) {
                        id = aval[1];
                        if (fname == null) {
                            if (texturepath != null) {
                                fname = texturepath + id + ".png";
                            } else if (texturemod != null) {
                                fname = "mods/" + texturemod + "/textures/blocks/" + id + ".png";
                    } else if (aval[0].equals("filename"))
                        fname = aval[1];
                    else if (aval[0].equals("xcount"))
                        xdim = Integer.parseInt(aval[1]);
                    else if (aval[0].equals("ycount"))
                        ydim = Integer.parseInt(aval[1]);
                    else if (aval[0].equals("format")) {
                        fmt = TileFileFormat.valueOf(aval[1].toUpperCase());
                        if (fmt == null) {
                            Log.severe("Invalid format type " + aval[1] + " - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                    } else if (aval[0].equals("material")) {
                        mt = MaterialType.valueOf(aval[1]);
                        if (mt == null) {
                            Log.warning("Bad custom material type: " + aval[1]);
                if ((fname != null) && (id != null)) {
                    /* Register the file */
                    int fid = findOrAddDynamicTileFile(fname, modname, xdim, ydim, fmt, args);
                    filetoidx.put(id, fid);
                    /* Save lookup */
                    if (mt != null) {
                        addonfiles.get(fid).material = mt;
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("enabled")) {
                /* Test if texture file is enabled */
                if (line.startsWith("true")) {
                /* We're enabled? */
                /* Nothing to do - keep processing */
                } else if (line.startsWith("false")) {
                    /* Disabled */
                /* Quit */
                } else /* If setting is not defined or false, quit */
                if (config.getBoolean(line, false) == false) {
                } else {
           + " textures enabled");
            } else if (typeid.equals("var")) {
                /* Test if variable declaration */
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                    String[] v = args[i].split("=");
                    if (v.length < 2) {
                        Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                    try {
                        int val = Integer.valueOf(v[1]);
                        /* Parse default value */
                        int parmval = config.getInteger(v[0], val);
                        /* Read value, with applied default */
                        varvals.put(v[0], parmval);
                    /* And save value */
                    } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) {
                        Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname + ": " + nfx.getMessage());
            } else if (typeid.equals("cfgfile")) {
                /* If config file */
                if (!mod_cfg_loaded) {
                    mod_cfg_needed = true;
                File cfgfile = new File(line);
                ForgeConfigFile cfg = new ForgeConfigFile(cfgfile);
                if (cfg.load()) {
                    mod_cfg_needed = false;
                    mod_cfg_loaded = true;
            } else if (typeid.equals("modname")) {
                String[] names = line.split(",");
                boolean found = false;
                for (String n : names) {
                    String[] ntok = n.split("[\\[\\]]");
                    String rng = null;
                    if (ntok.length > 1) {
                        n = ntok[0].trim();
                        rng = ntok[1].trim();
                    n = n.trim();
                    // If already supplied by mod, quit processing this file
                    if (loadedmods.contains(n)) {
                    String modver = core.getServer().getModVersion(n);
                    if ((modver != null) && ((rng == null) || HDBlockModels.checkVersionRange(modver, rng))) {
                        found = true;
               + "[" + modver + "] textures enabled");
                        modname = n;
                        modversion = modver;
                        if (texturemod == null)
                            texturemod = modname;
                        // Prime values from block and item unique IDs
                        core.addModBlockItemIDs(modname, varvals);
                if (!found)
            } else if (typeid.equals("texturemod")) {
                texturemod = line;
            } else if (typeid.equals("texturepath")) {
                texturepath = line.trim();
                if (texturepath.charAt(texturepath.length() - 1) != '/') {
                    texturepath += "/";
            } else if (typeid.equals("biome")) {
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                int id = 0;
                int grasscolormult = -1;
                int foliagecolormult = -1;
                int watercolormult = -1;
                double rain = -1.0;
                double tmp = -1.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                    String[] v = args[i].split("=");
                    if (v.length < 2) {
                        Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname);
                    if (v[0].equals("id")) {
                        id = getIntValue(varvals, v[1]);
                    } else if (v[0].equals("grassColorMult")) {
                        grasscolormult = Integer.valueOf(v[1], 16);
                    } else if (v[0].equals("foliageColorMult")) {
                        foliagecolormult = Integer.valueOf(v[1], 16);
                    } else if (v[0].equals("waterColorMult")) {
                        watercolormult = Integer.valueOf(v[1], 16);
                    } else if (v[0].equals("temp")) {
                        tmp = Double.parseDouble(v[1]);
                    } else if (v[0].equals("rain")) {
                        rain = Double.parseDouble(v[1]);
                if (id > 0) {
                    BiomeMap b = BiomeMap.byBiomeID(id);
                    /* Find biome */
                    if (b == null) {
                        Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + txtname + ": " + id);
                    } else {
                        if (foliagecolormult != -1)
                        if (grasscolormult != -1)
                        if (watercolormult != -1)
                        if (tmp != -1.0)
                        if (rain != -1.0)
            } else if (typeid.equals("version")) {
                if (!HDBlockModels.checkVersionRange(mcver, line)) {
            } else if (typeid.equals("noterrainpng")) {
                if (line.startsWith("true")) {
                    terrain_ok = false;
                } else {
                    terrain_ok = true;
        if (mod_cfg_needed) {
            Log.severe("Error loading configuration file for " + modname);
        Log.verboseinfo("Loaded " + cnt + " texture mappings from " + txtname);
    } catch (IOException iox) {
        Log.severe("Error reading " + txtname + " - " + iox.toString());
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) {
        Log.severe("Format error - line " + rdr.getLineNumber() + " of " + txtname + ": " + nfx.getMessage());
    } finally {
        if (rdr != null) {
            try {
                rdr = null;
            } catch (IOException e) {
Also used : DynIntHashMap(org.dynmap.utils.DynIntHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DynmapBlockState(org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState) LineNumberReader( ForgeConfigFile(org.dynmap.utils.ForgeConfigFile) InputStreamReader( BlockStateParser(org.dynmap.utils.BlockStateParser) BitSet(java.util.BitSet) CustomColorMultiplier(org.dynmap.renderer.CustomColorMultiplier) BiomeMap(org.dynmap.common.BiomeMap) IOException( ZipException( IOException( FileNotFoundException( ForgeConfigFile(org.dynmap.utils.ForgeConfigFile) ZipFile( File(

Example 2 with BlockStateParser

use of org.dynmap.utils.BlockStateParser in project dynmap by webbukkit.

the class HDBlockModels method loadModelFile.

 * Load models from file
 * @param core
private static void loadModelFile(InputStream in, String fname, ConfigurationNode config, DynmapCore core, String blockset) {
    LineNumberReader rdr = null;
    int cnt = 0;
    boolean need_mod_cfg = false;
    boolean mod_cfg_loaded = false;
    String modname = "minecraft";
    String modversion = null;
    final String mcver = core.getDynmapPluginPlatformVersion();
    BlockStateParser bsp = new BlockStateParser();
    Map<DynmapBlockState, BitSet> bsprslt;
    try {
        String line;
        ArrayList<HDBlockVolumetricModel> modlist = new ArrayList<HDBlockVolumetricModel>();
        ArrayList<HDBlockPatchModel> pmodlist = new ArrayList<HDBlockPatchModel>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> varvals = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        HashMap<String, PatchDefinition> patchdefs = new HashMap<String, PatchDefinition>();
        int layerbits = 0;
        int rownum = 0;
        int scale = 0;
        rdr = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
        while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) {
            boolean skip = false;
            int lineNum = rdr.getLineNumber();
            if ((line.length() > 0) && (line.charAt(0) == '[')) {
                // If version constrained like
                // Find end
                int end = line.indexOf(']');
                if (end < 0) {
                    Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + fname + ": bad version limit");
                String vertst = line.substring(1, end);
                String tver = mcver;
                if (vertst.startsWith("mod:")) {
                    // If mod version ranged
                    tver = modversion;
                    vertst = vertst.substring(4);
                if (!HDBlockModels.checkVersionRange(tver, vertst)) {
                    skip = true;
                line = line.substring(end + 1);
            // Comment line
            if (line.startsWith("#") || line.startsWith(";")) {
                skip = true;
            // If we're skipping due to version restriction
            if (skip)
            // Split off <type>:
            int typeend = line.indexOf(':');
            String typeid = "";
            if (typeend >= 0) {
                typeid = line.substring(0, typeend);
                line = line.substring(typeend + 1).trim();
            if (typeid.equals("block")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                scale = 0;
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("scale")) {
                        scale = Integer.parseInt(av[1]);
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                /* If we have everything, build block */
                if ((bsprslt.size() > 0) && (scale > 0)) {
                    for (DynmapBlockState bblk : bsprslt.keySet()) {
                        if (bblk.isNotAir()) {
                            modlist.add(new HDBlockVolumetricModel(bblk, bsprslt.get(bblk), scale, new long[0], blockset));
                        } else {
                            Log.severe("Invalid model block name " + bblk.blockName + " at line " + lineNum);
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Block model missing required parameters = line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
                layerbits = 0;
            } else if (typeid.equals("layer")) {
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                layerbits = 0;
                rownum = 0;
                for (String a : args) {
                    layerbits |= (1 << Integer.parseInt(a));
            } else if (typeid.equals("rotate")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                int rot = -1;
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("rot")) {
                        rot = Integer.parseInt(av[1]);
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if (bsprslt.size() != 1) {
                    Log.severe("Missing rotate source on line " + lineNum);
                DynmapBlockState basebs = bsprslt.keySet().iterator().next();
                BitSet bits = bsprslt.get(basebs);
                /* get old model to be rotated */
                DynmapBlockState bs = basebs.getState(bits.nextSetBit(0));
                if (bs.isAir()) {
                    Log.severe("Invalid rotate ID: " + bs + " on line " + lineNum);
                HDBlockModel mod = models_by_id_data.get(bs.globalStateIndex);
                if (modlist.isEmpty()) {
                } else if ((mod != null) && ((rot % 90) == 0) && (mod instanceof HDBlockVolumetricModel)) {
                    HDBlockVolumetricModel vmod = (HDBlockVolumetricModel) mod;
                    for (int x = 0; x < scale; x++) {
                        for (int y = 0; y < scale; y++) {
                            for (int z = 0; z < scale; z++) {
                                if (vmod.isSubblockSet(x, y, z) == false)
                                switch(rot) {
                                    case 0:
                                        for (HDBlockVolumetricModel bm : modlist) {
                                            bm.setSubblock(x, y, z, true);
                                    case 90:
                                        for (HDBlockVolumetricModel bm : modlist) {
                                            bm.setSubblock(scale - z - 1, y, x, true);
                                    case 180:
                                        for (HDBlockVolumetricModel bm : modlist) {
                                            bm.setSubblock(scale - x - 1, y, scale - z - 1, true);
                                    case 270:
                                        for (HDBlockVolumetricModel bm : modlist) {
                                            bm.setSubblock(z, y, scale - x - 1, true);
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Invalid rotate error - line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("patchrotate")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                int rotx = 0;
                int roty = 0;
                int rotz = 0;
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("rot")) {
                        roty = Integer.parseInt(av[1]);
                    if (av[0].equals("roty")) {
                        roty = Integer.parseInt(av[1]);
                    if (av[0].equals("rotx")) {
                        rotx = Integer.parseInt(av[1]);
                    if (av[0].equals("rotz")) {
                        rotz = Integer.parseInt(av[1]);
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if (bsprslt.size() != 1) {
                    Log.severe("Missing rotate source on line " + lineNum);
                DynmapBlockState basebs = bsprslt.keySet().iterator().next();
                BitSet bits = bsprslt.get(basebs);
                /* get old model to be rotated */
                DynmapBlockState bs = basebs.getState(bits.nextSetBit(0));
                if (bs.isAir()) {
                    Log.severe("Invalid patchrotate ID: " + bs + " on line " + lineNum);
                HDBlockModel mod = models_by_id_data.get(bs.globalStateIndex);
                if (pmodlist.isEmpty()) {
                } else if ((mod != null) && (mod instanceof HDBlockPatchModel)) {
                    HDBlockPatchModel pmod = (HDBlockPatchModel) mod;
                    PatchDefinition[] patches = pmod.getPatches();
                    PatchDefinition[] newpatches = new PatchDefinition[patches.length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) {
                        newpatches[i] = (PatchDefinition) pdf.getRotatedPatch(patches[i], rotx, roty, rotz, patches[i].textureindex);
                    if (patches.length > max_patches)
                        max_patches = patches.length;
                    for (HDBlockPatchModel patchmod : pmodlist) {
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Invalid rotate error - line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("ignore-updates")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                for (DynmapBlockState bbs : bsprslt.keySet()) {
                    if (bbs.isNotAir()) {
                        BitSet bits = bsprslt.get(bbs);
                        for (int i = bits.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bits.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
                            DynmapBlockState bs = bbs.getState(i);
                    } else {
                        Log.severe("Invalid update ignore block name " + bbs + " at line " + lineNum);
            } else if (typeid.equals("enabled")) {
                /* Test if texture file is enabled */
                if (line.startsWith("true")) {
                /* We're enabled? */
                /* Nothing to do - keep processing */
                } else if (line.startsWith("false")) {
                    /* Disabled */
                /* Quit */
                } else /* If setting is not defined or false, quit */
                if (config.getBoolean(line, false) == false) {
                } else {
           + " models enabled");
            } else if (typeid.equals("var")) {
                /* Test if variable declaration */
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                    String[] v = args[i].split("=");
                    if (v.length < 2) {
                        Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
                    try {
                        int val = Integer.valueOf(v[1]);
                        /* Parse default value */
                        int parmval = config.getInteger(v[0], val);
                        /* Read value, with applied default */
                        varvals.put(v[0], parmval);
                    /* And save value */
                    } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) {
                        Log.severe("Format error - line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("cfgfile")) {
                /* If config file */
                File cfgfile = new File(line);
                ForgeConfigFile cfg = new ForgeConfigFile(cfgfile);
                if (!mod_cfg_loaded) {
                    need_mod_cfg = true;
                if (cfg.load()) {
                    need_mod_cfg = false;
                    mod_cfg_loaded = true;
            } else if (typeid.equals("patch")) {
                String patchid = null;
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                double p_x0 = 0.0, p_y0 = 0.0, p_z0 = 0.0;
                double p_xu = 0.0, p_yu = 1.0, p_zu = 0.0;
                double p_xv = 1.0, p_yv = 0.0, p_zv = 0.0;
                double p_umin = 0.0, p_umax = 1.0;
                double p_vmin = 0.0, p_vmax = 1.0;
                double p_vmaxatumax = -1.0;
                double p_vminatumax = -1.0;
                double p_uplusvmax = -1.0;
                SideVisible p_sidevis = SideVisible.BOTH;
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("id")) {
                        patchid = av[1];
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Ox")) {
                        p_x0 = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Oy")) {
                        p_y0 = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Oz")) {
                        p_z0 = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Ux")) {
                        p_xu = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Uy")) {
                        p_yu = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Uz")) {
                        p_zu = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Vx")) {
                        p_xv = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Vy")) {
                        p_yv = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Vz")) {
                        p_zv = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Umin")) {
                        p_umin = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Umax")) {
                        p_umax = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Vmin")) {
                        p_vmin = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("Vmax")) {
                        p_vmax = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("UplusVmax")) {
                        Log.warning("UplusVmax deprecated - use VmaxAtUMax - line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
                        p_uplusvmax = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("VmaxAtUMax")) {
                        p_vmaxatumax = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("VminAtUMax")) {
                        p_vminatumax = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("visibility")) {
                        if (av[1].equals("top"))
                            p_sidevis = SideVisible.TOP;
                        else if (av[1].equals("topflip"))
                            p_sidevis = SideVisible.TOPFLIP;
                        else if (av[1].equals("topflipv"))
                            p_sidevis = SideVisible.TOPFLIPV;
                        else if (av[1].equals("topfliphv"))
                            p_sidevis = SideVisible.TOPFLIPHV;
                        else if (av[1].equals("bottom"))
                            p_sidevis = SideVisible.BOTTOM;
                        else if (av[1].equals("flip"))
                            p_sidevis = SideVisible.FLIP;
                            p_sidevis = SideVisible.BOTH;
                // Deprecated: If set, compute umax, vmax, and vmaxatumax
                if (p_uplusvmax >= 0.0) {
                    p_umax = p_uplusvmax;
                    p_vmax = p_uplusvmax;
                    p_vmaxatumax = 0.0;
                // If not set, match p_vmax by default
                if (p_vmaxatumax < 0.0) {
                    p_vmaxatumax = p_vmax;
                // If not set, match p_vmin by default
                if (p_vminatumax < 0.0) {
                    p_vminatumax = p_vmin;
                /* If completed, add to map */
                if (patchid != null) {
                    PatchDefinition pd = pdf.getPatch(p_x0, p_y0, p_z0, p_xu, p_yu, p_zu, p_xv, p_yv, p_zv, p_umin, p_umax, p_vmin, p_vminatumax, p_vmax, p_vmaxatumax, p_sidevis, 0);
                    if (pd != null) {
                        patchdefs.put(patchid, pd);
            } else if (typeid.equals("patchblock")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                ArrayList<PatchDefinition> patches = new ArrayList<PatchDefinition>();
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].startsWith("patch")) {
                        int patchnum0, patchnum1;
                        String ids = av[0].substring(5);
                        String[] ids2 = ids.split("-");
                        if (ids2.length == 1) {
                            patchnum0 = patchnum1 = Integer.parseInt(ids2[0]);
                        } else {
                            patchnum0 = Integer.parseInt(ids2[0]);
                            patchnum1 = Integer.parseInt(ids2[1]);
                        if (patchnum0 < 0) {
                            Log.severe("Invalid patch index " + patchnum0 + " - line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
                        if (patchnum1 < patchnum0) {
                            Log.severe("Invalid patch index " + patchnum1 + " - line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
                        String patchid = av[1];
                        /* Look up patch by name */
                        for (int i = patchnum0; i <= patchnum1; i++) {
                            PatchDefinition pd = pdf.getPatchByName(patchid, i);
                            if (pd == null) {
                                Log.severe("Invalid patch ID " + patchid + " - line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
                            patches.add(i, pd);
                /* If we have everything, build block */
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if (bsprslt.size() > 0) {
                    PatchDefinition[] patcharray = patches.toArray(new PatchDefinition[patches.size()]);
                    if (patcharray.length > max_patches)
                        max_patches = patcharray.length;
                    for (DynmapBlockState bs : bsprslt.keySet()) {
                        if (bs.isNotAir()) {
                            pmodlist.add(new HDBlockPatchModel(bs, bsprslt.get(bs), patcharray, blockset));
                        } else {
                            Log.severe("Invalid patchmodel block name " + bs + " at line " + lineNum);
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Patch block model missing required parameters = line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
            } else // Shortcut for defining a patchblock that is a simple rectangular prism, with sidex corresponding to full block sides
            if (typeid.equals("boxblock")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                double xmin = 0.0, xmax = 1.0, ymin = 0.0, ymax = 1.0, zmin = 0.0, zmax = 1.0;
                int[] patchlist = boxPatchList;
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("xmin")) {
                        xmin = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("xmax")) {
                        xmax = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("ymin")) {
                        ymin = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("ymax")) {
                        ymax = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("zmin")) {
                        zmin = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("zmax")) {
                        zmax = Double.parseDouble(av[1]);
                    } else if (av[0].equals("patches")) {
                        String[] v = av[1].split("/");
                        patchlist = new int[6];
                        for (int vidx = 0; (vidx < v.length) && (vidx < patchlist.length); vidx++) {
                            patchlist[vidx] = getIntValue(varvals, v[vidx]);
                /* If we have everything, build block */
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if (bsprslt.size() > 0) {
                    ArrayList<RenderPatch> pd = new ArrayList<RenderPatch>();
                    CustomRenderer.addBox(pdf, pd, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, patchlist);
                    PatchDefinition[] patcharray = new PatchDefinition[pd.size()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < patcharray.length; i++) {
                        patcharray[i] = (PatchDefinition) pd.get(i);
                    if (patcharray.length > max_patches)
                        max_patches = patcharray.length;
                    for (DynmapBlockState bs : bsprslt.keySet()) {
                        if (bs.isNotAir()) {
                            pmodlist.add(new HDBlockPatchModel(bs, bsprslt.get(bs), patcharray, blockset));
                        } else {
                            Log.severe("Invalid boxmodel block name " + bs + " at line " + lineNum);
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Box block model missing required parameters = line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
            } else // Shortcut for defining a patchblock that is a simple rectangular prism, with sidex corresponding to full block sides
            if (typeid.equals("boxlist")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                ArrayList<BoxLimits> boxes = new ArrayList<BoxLimits>();
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("box")) {
                        String[] prms = av[1].split(":");
                        BoxLimits box = new BoxLimits();
                        if (prms.length > 0)
                            box.xmin = Double.parseDouble(prms[0]);
                        if (prms.length > 1)
                            box.xmax = Double.parseDouble(prms[1]);
                        if (prms.length > 2)
                            box.ymin = Double.parseDouble(prms[2]);
                        if (prms.length > 3)
                            box.ymax = Double.parseDouble(prms[3]);
                        if (prms.length > 4)
                            box.zmin = Double.parseDouble(prms[4]);
                        if (prms.length > 5)
                            box.zmax = Double.parseDouble(prms[5]);
                        if (prms.length > 6) {
                            String[] pl = prms[6].split("/");
                            for (int p = 0; (p < 6) && (p < pl.length); p++) {
                                box.patches[p] = Integer.parseInt(pl[p]);
                        if (prms.length > 7) {
                            box.yrot = Integer.parseInt(prms[7]);
                /* If we have everything, build block */
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if (bsprslt.size() > 0) {
                    ArrayList<RenderPatch> pd = new ArrayList<RenderPatch>();
                    for (BoxLimits bl : boxes) {
                        CustomRenderer.addBox(pdf, pd, bl.xmin, bl.xmax, bl.ymin, bl.ymax, bl.zmin, bl.zmax, bl.patches, bl.yrot);
                    PatchDefinition[] patcharray = new PatchDefinition[pd.size()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < patcharray.length; i++) {
                        patcharray[i] = (PatchDefinition) pd.get(i);
                    if (patcharray.length > max_patches)
                        max_patches = patcharray.length;
                    for (DynmapBlockState bs : bsprslt.keySet()) {
                        if (bs.isNotAir()) {
                            pmodlist.add(new HDBlockPatchModel(bs, bsprslt.get(bs), patcharray, blockset));
                        } else {
                            Log.severe("Invalid boxlist block name " + bs + " at line " + lineNum);
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Box list block model missing required parameters = line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
            } else // Shortcur for building JSON model style
            if (typeid.equals("modellist")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                ArrayList<ModelBox> boxes = new ArrayList<ModelBox>();
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("box")) {
                        // box=from-x/y/z:to-x/y/z/rotx/roty/rotz:<side - upnsew>/<txtidx>/umin/vmin/umax/vmax>:...
                        String[] prms = av[1].split(":");
                        ModelBox box = new ModelBox();
                        if (prms.length > 0) {
                            // Handle from (from-x/y/z or from-x/y/z/shadow)
                            String[] xyz = prms[0].split("/");
                            if ((xyz.length == 3) || (xyz.length == 4)) {
                                box.from[0] = Double.parseDouble(xyz[0]);
                                box.from[1] = Double.parseDouble(xyz[1]);
                                box.from[2] = Double.parseDouble(xyz[2]);
                                if ((xyz.length >= 4) && (xyz[3].equals("false"))) {
                                    box.shade = false;
                            } else {
                                Log.severe("Invalid modellist FROM value (" + prms[0] + " at line " + lineNum);
                        if (prms.length > 1) {
                            // Handle to (to-x/y/z or to-x/y/z/rotx/roty/rotz) or to-x/y/z/rotx/roty/rotz/rorigx/rorigy/rorigz
                            String[] xyz = prms[1].split("/");
                            if (xyz.length >= 3) {
                      [0] = Double.parseDouble(xyz[0]);
                      [1] = Double.parseDouble(xyz[1]);
                      [2] = Double.parseDouble(xyz[2]);
                                if (xyz.length >= 6) {
                                    // If 6, second set are rotations (xrot/yrot/zrot)
                                    box.xrot = Double.parseDouble(xyz[3]);
                                    box.yrot = Double.parseDouble(xyz[4]);
                                    box.zrot = Double.parseDouble(xyz[5]);
                                if (xyz.length >= 9) {
                                    // If 9, third set is rotation origin (xrot/yrot/zrot)
                                    box.xrotorig = Double.parseDouble(xyz[6]);
                                    box.yrotorig = Double.parseDouble(xyz[7]);
                                    box.zrotorig = Double.parseDouble(xyz[8]);
                            } else {
                                Log.severe("Invalid modellist TO value (" + prms[1] + " at line " + lineNum);
                        // OR R/mrx/mry/mrz for model rotation
                        for (int faceidx = 2; faceidx < prms.length; faceidx++) {
                            String v = prms[faceidx];
                            String[] flds = v.split("/");
                            // If rotation
                            if (flds[0].equals("R") && (flds.length == 4)) {
                                box.modrotx = Integer.parseInt(flds[1]);
                                box.modroty = Integer.parseInt(flds[2]);
                                box.modrotz = Integer.parseInt(flds[3]);
                            ModelBoxSide side = new ModelBoxSide();
                            side.rot = null;
                            if ((flds.length != 2) && (flds.length != 6)) {
                                Log.severe("Invalid modellist face '" + v + "' at line " + lineNum);
                            if (flds.length > 0) {
                                String face = flds[0];
                                side.side = toBlockSide.get(face.substring(0, 1));
                                if (side.side == null) {
                                    Log.severe("Invalid modellist side value (" + face + ") in '" + v + "' at line " + lineNum);
                                if (flds[0].length() > 1) {
                                    String r = flds[0].substring(1);
                                    switch(r) {
                                        case "90":
                                            side.rot = ModelBlockModel.SideRotation.DEG90;
                                        case "180":
                                            side.rot = ModelBlockModel.SideRotation.DEG180;
                                        case "270":
                                            side.rot = ModelBlockModel.SideRotation.DEG270;
                            if (flds.length > 1) {
                                side.textureid = getIntValue(varvals, flds[1]);
                            if (flds.length >= 6) {
                                side.uv = new double[4];
                                side.uv[0] = Double.parseDouble(flds[2]);
                                side.uv[1] = Double.parseDouble(flds[3]);
                                side.uv[2] = Double.parseDouble(flds[4]);
                                side.uv[3] = Double.parseDouble(flds[5]);
                /* If we have everything, build block */
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if (bsprslt.size() > 0) {
                    ArrayList<PatchDefinition> pd = new ArrayList<PatchDefinition>();
                    for (ModelBox bl : boxes) {
                        // Loop through faces
                        for (ModelBoxSide side : bl.sides) {
                            PatchDefinition patch = pdf.getModelFace(bl.from,, side.side, side.uv, side.rot, bl.shade, side.textureid);
                            if (patch != null) {
                                // If any rotations, apply them here
                                if ((bl.xrot != 0) || (bl.yrot != 0) || (bl.zrot != 0)) {
                                    patch = pdf.getPatch(patch, -bl.xrot, -bl.yrot, -bl.zrot, new Vector3D(bl.xrotorig / 16, bl.yrotorig / 16, bl.zrotorig / 16), patch.textureindex);
                                    if (patch == null)
                                // If model rotation, apply too
                                if ((bl.modrotx != 0) || (bl.modroty != 0) || (bl.modrotz != 0)) {
                                    patch = pdf.getPatch(patch, bl.modrotx, bl.modroty, bl.modrotz, patch.textureindex);
                                    if (patch == null)
                            } else {
                                Log.severe(String.format("Invalid modellist patch for box %.02f/%.02f/%.02f:%.02f/%.02f/%.02f side %s at line %d", bl.from[0], bl.from[1], bl.from[2],[0],[1],[2], side.side, lineNum));
                                Log.verboseinfo(String.format("line = %s:%s", typeid, line));
                    PatchDefinition[] patcharray = new PatchDefinition[pd.size()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < patcharray.length; i++) {
                        patcharray[i] = pd.get(i);
                    if (patcharray.length > max_patches)
                        max_patches = patcharray.length;
                    for (DynmapBlockState bs : bsprslt.keySet()) {
                        if (bs.isNotAir()) {
                            pmodlist.add(new HDBlockPatchModel(bs, bsprslt.get(bs), patcharray, blockset));
                        } else {
                            Log.severe("Invalid modellist block name " + bs + " at line " + lineNum);
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Model list block model missing required parameters = line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("customblock")) {
                // Parse block states
                bsp.processLine(modname, line, lineNum, varvals);
                HashMap<String, String> custargs = new HashMap<String, String>();
                String[] args = line.split(",");
                String cls = null;
                for (String a : args) {
                    String[] av = a.split("=");
                    if (av.length < 2)
                    if (av[0].equals("id") || av[0].equals("data") || av[0].equals("state")) {
                    // Skip block state args - should not be bassed to custom block handler
                    } else if (av[0].equals("class")) {
                        cls = av[1];
                    } else {
                        /* See if substitution value available */
                        Integer vv = varvals.get(av[1]);
                        if (vv == null)
                            custargs.put(av[0], av[1]);
                            custargs.put(av[0], vv.toString());
                /* If we have everything, build block */
                bsprslt = bsp.getMatchingStates();
                if ((bsprslt.size() > 0) && (cls != null)) {
                    for (DynmapBlockState bs : bsprslt.keySet()) {
                        if (bs.isNotAir()) {
                            CustomBlockModel cbm = new CustomBlockModel(bs, bsprslt.get(bs), cls, custargs, blockset);
                            if (cbm.render == null) {
                                Log.severe("Custom block model failed to initialize = line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
                            } else {
                                /* Update maximum texture count */
                                int texturecnt = cbm.getTextureCount();
                                if (texturecnt > max_patches) {
                                    max_patches = texturecnt;
                        } else {
                            Log.severe("Invalid custommodel block name " + bs + " at line " + lineNum);
                } else {
                    Log.severe("Custom block model missing required parameters = line " + lineNum + " of " + fname);
            } else if (typeid.equals("modname")) {
                String[] names = line.split(",");
                boolean found = false;
                for (String n : names) {
                    String[] ntok = n.split("[\\[\\]]");
                    String rng = null;
                    if (ntok.length > 1) {
                        n = ntok[0].trim();
                        rng = ntok[1].trim();
                    n = n.trim();
                    if (loadedmods.contains(n)) {
                        // Already supplied by mod itself?
                    String modver = core.getServer().getModVersion(n);
                    if ((modver != null) && ((rng == null) || checkVersionRange(modver, rng))) {
                        found = true;
               + "[" + modver + "] models enabled");
                        modname = n;
                        modversion = modver;
                        // Add to loaded mods
                        // Prime values from block and item unique IDs
                        core.addModBlockItemIDs(modname, varvals);
                if (!found) {
            } else if (typeid.equals("version")) {
                if (!checkVersionRange(mcver, line)) {
            } else if (layerbits != 0) {
                /* Layerbits determine Y, rows count from North to South (X=0 to X=N-1), columns Z are West to East (N-1 to 0) */
                for (int i = 0; (i < scale) && (i < line.length()); i++) {
                    if (line.charAt(i) == '*') {
                        /* If an asterix, set flag */
                        for (int y = 0; y < scale; y++) {
                            if ((layerbits & (1 << y)) != 0) {
                                for (HDBlockVolumetricModel mod : modlist) {
                                    mod.setSubblock(rownum, y, scale - i - 1, true);
                /* See if we're done with layer */
                if (rownum >= scale) {
                    rownum = 0;
                    layerbits = 0;
        if (need_mod_cfg) {
            Log.severe("Error loading configuration file for " + modname);
        Log.verboseinfo("Loaded " + cnt + " block models from " + fname);
    } catch (IOException iox) {
        Log.severe("Error reading models.txt - " + iox.toString());
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) {
        Log.severe("Format error - line " + rdr.getLineNumber() + " of " + fname + ": " + nfx.getMessage());
    } finally {
        if (rdr != null) {
            try {
                rdr = null;
            } catch (IOException e) {
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DynmapBlockState(org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LineNumberReader( ForgeConfigFile(org.dynmap.utils.ForgeConfigFile) Vector3D(org.dynmap.utils.Vector3D) SideVisible(org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatchFactory.SideVisible) InputStreamReader( BlockStateParser(org.dynmap.utils.BlockStateParser) BitSet(java.util.BitSet) PatchDefinition(org.dynmap.utils.PatchDefinition) IOException( RenderPatch(org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatch) ForgeConfigFile(org.dynmap.utils.ForgeConfigFile) ZipFile( File(


File ( IOException ( InputStreamReader ( LineNumberReader ( BitSet (java.util.BitSet)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 ZipFile ( DynmapBlockState (org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState)2 BlockStateParser (org.dynmap.utils.BlockStateParser)2 ForgeConfigFile (org.dynmap.utils.ForgeConfigFile)2 FileNotFoundException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 ZipException ( BiomeMap (org.dynmap.common.BiomeMap)1 CustomColorMultiplier (org.dynmap.renderer.CustomColorMultiplier)1 RenderPatch (org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatch)1 SideVisible (org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatchFactory.SideVisible)1 DynIntHashMap (org.dynmap.utils.DynIntHashMap)1 PatchDefinition (org.dynmap.utils.PatchDefinition)1 Vector3D (org.dynmap.utils.Vector3D)1