use of org.eclipse.aether.transfer.ArtifactTransferException in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class AetherBasedResolver method isRetryableException.
public RetryChance isRetryableException(Exception exception) {
RetryChance retry = RetryChance.NEVER;
RepositoryException aetherException = findAetherException(exception);
if (aetherException instanceof ArtifactResolutionException) {
// aggregate case - exception that contains exceptions - usually per repository
ArtifactResolutionException resolutionException = (ArtifactResolutionException) aetherException;
if (resolutionException.getResult() != null) {
for (Exception ex : resolutionException.getResult().getExceptions()) {
RetryChance singleRetry = isRetryableException(ex);
if (retry.chance() < singleRetry.chance()) {
retry = singleRetry;
} else if (aetherException != null) {
// single exception case
if (aetherException instanceof ArtifactNotFoundException) {
// very little chance we'll find the artifact next time
retry = RetryChance.NEVER;
} else if (aetherException instanceof MetadataNotFoundException) {
retry = RetryChance.NEVER;
} else if (aetherException instanceof ArtifactTransferException || aetherException instanceof MetadataTransferException) {
// we could try again
Throwable root = rootException(aetherException);
if (root instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
// we could try again - but without assuming we'll succeed eventually
retry = RetryChance.LOW;
} else if (root instanceof ConnectException) {
// "connection refused" - not retryable
retry = RetryChance.NEVER;
} else if (root instanceof NoRouteToHostException) {
// not retryable
retry = RetryChance.NEVER;
} else {
// general aether exception - let's fallback to NEVER, as retryable cases should be
// handled explicitly
retry = RetryChance.NEVER;
} else {
// we don't know about non-aether exceptions, so let's allow
retry = RetryChance.UNKNOWN;
return retry;
use of org.eclipse.aether.transfer.ArtifactTransferException in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class AetherResolutionWithHintsTest method hintedResolution.
public void hintedResolution() throws Exception {
final MavenConfigurationImpl mavenConfiguration = mavenConfiguration();
MavenResolver resolver = new AetherBasedResolver(mavenConfiguration);
try {"mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-api/1");
fail("Resolution should fail");
} catch (IOException e) {
RepositoryException exception = ((AetherBasedResolver) resolver).findAetherException(e);
assertTrue(exception instanceof ArtifactResolutionException);
ArtifactResolutionException are = (ArtifactResolutionException) exception;
assertThat(are.getResult().getExceptions().size(), equalTo(3));
assertTrue("Non-retryable exception", are.getResult().getExceptions().get(0) instanceof ArtifactNotFoundException);
assertTrue("Non-retryable exception", are.getResult().getExceptions().get(1) instanceof ArtifactNotFoundException);
assertTrue("Retryable exception", are.getResult().getExceptions().get(2) instanceof ArtifactTransferException);
assertFalse("Retryable exception", are.getResult().getExceptions().get(2) instanceof ArtifactNotFoundException);
try {
// try again with exception hint"mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-api/1", e);
fail("Resolution should fail");
} catch (IOException e2) {
exception = ((AetherBasedResolver) resolver).findAetherException(e2);
assertTrue(exception instanceof ArtifactResolutionException);
are = (ArtifactResolutionException) exception;
assertThat(are.getResult().getExceptions().size(), equalTo(1));
assertTrue("Retryable exception", are.getResult().getExceptions().get(0) instanceof ArtifactTransferException);
assertFalse("Retryable exception", are.getResult().getExceptions().get(0) instanceof ArtifactNotFoundException);
} finally {
use of org.eclipse.aether.transfer.ArtifactTransferException in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class AetherBasedResolver method resolveFile.
* Resolve maven artifact as file in repository.
public File resolveFile(Artifact artifact, MavenRepositoryURL repositoryURL, Exception previousException) throws IOException {
List<LocalRepository> defaultRepos = selectDefaultRepositories();
List<RemoteRepository> remoteRepos = selectRepositories();
if (repositoryURL != null) {
addRepo(remoteRepos, repositoryURL);
if (previousException != null) {
// we'll try using previous repositories, without these that will fail again anyway
List<RemoteRepository> altered = new LinkedList<>();
RepositoryException repositoryException = findAetherException(previousException);
if (repositoryException instanceof ArtifactResolutionException) {
// check only this aggregate exception and assume it's related to current artifact
ArtifactResult result = ((ArtifactResolutionException) repositoryException).getResult();
if (result != null && result.getRequest() != null && result.getRequest().getArtifact().equals(artifact)) {
// - these exceptions contain repository that was checked
for (Exception exception : result.getExceptions()) {
RepositoryException singleException = findAetherException(exception);
if (singleException instanceof ArtifactTransferException) {
RemoteRepository repository = ((ArtifactTransferException) singleException).getRepository();
if (repository != null) {
RetryChance chance = isRetryableException(singleException);
if (chance == RetryChance.NEVER) {
LOG.debug("Removing " + repository + " from list of repositories, previous exception: " + singleException.getClass().getName() + ": " + singleException.getMessage());
} else {
// swap list of repos now
remoteRepos = altered;
File resolved = resolve(defaultRepos, remoteRepos, artifact);
LOG.debug("Resolved ({}) as {}", artifact.toString(), resolved.getAbsolutePath());
return resolved;