use of org.eclipse.californium.scandium.config.DtlsConnectorConfig.Builder in project leshan by eclipse.
the class LeshanClientBuilder method build.
* Creates an instance of {@link LeshanClient} based on the properties set on this builder.
public LeshanClient build() {
if (localAddress == null) {
localAddress = new InetSocketAddress(0);
if (objectEnablers == null) {
ObjectsInitializer initializer = new ObjectsInitializer();
initializer.setInstancesForObject(LwM2mId.SECURITY, Security.noSec("coap://", 12345));
initializer.setInstancesForObject(LwM2mId.SERVER, new Server(12345, 5 * 60, BindingMode.U, false));
initializer.setInstancesForObject(LwM2mId.DEVICE, new Device("Eclipse Leshan", "model12345", "12345", "U"));
objectEnablers = initializer.createMandatory();
if (coapConfig == null) {
coapConfig = createDefaultNetworkConfig();
// handle dtlsConfig
DtlsConnectorConfig dtlsConfig = null;
if (dtlsConfigBuilder == null) {
dtlsConfigBuilder = new DtlsConnectorConfig.Builder();
DtlsConnectorConfig incompleteConfig = dtlsConfigBuilder.getIncompleteConfig();
// Handle PSK Store
LwM2mObjectEnabler securityEnabler = this.objectEnablers.get(LwM2mId.SECURITY);
if (securityEnabler == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Security object is mandatory");
if (incompleteConfig.getPskStore() == null) {
dtlsConfigBuilder.setPskStore(new SecurityObjectPskStore(securityEnabler));
} else {
LOG.warn("PskStore should be automatically set by Leshan. Using a custom implementation is not advised.");
// Handle secure address
if (incompleteConfig.getAddress() == null) {
if (localSecureAddress == null) {
localSecureAddress = new InetSocketAddress(0);
} else if (localSecureAddress != null && !localSecureAddress.equals(incompleteConfig.getAddress())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Configuration conflict between LeshanBuilder and DtlsConnectorConfig.Builder for secure address: %s != %s", localSecureAddress, incompleteConfig.getAddress()));
// Handle active peers
if (incompleteConfig.getMaxConnections() == null)
if (incompleteConfig.getStaleConnectionThreshold() == null)
// Use only 1 thread to handle DTLS connection by default
if (incompleteConfig.getConnectionThreadCount() == null) {
dtlsConfig =;
// create endpoints
CoapEndpoint unsecuredEndpoint = null;
if (!noUnsecuredEndpoint) {
if (endpointFactory != null) {
unsecuredEndpoint = endpointFactory.createUnsecuredEndpoint(localAddress, coapConfig, null);
} else {
CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder builder = new CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder();
unsecuredEndpoint =;
CoapEndpoint securedEndpoint = null;
if (!noSecuredEndpoint) {
if (endpointFactory != null) {
securedEndpoint = endpointFactory.createSecuredEndpoint(dtlsConfig, coapConfig, null);
} else {
CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder builder = new CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder();
builder.setConnector(new DTLSConnector(dtlsConfig));
securedEndpoint =;
if (securedEndpoint == null && unsecuredEndpoint == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("All CoAP enpoints are deactivated, at least one endpoint should be activated");
return new LeshanClient(endpoint, unsecuredEndpoint, securedEndpoint, objectEnablers, coapConfig, additionalAttributes);
use of org.eclipse.californium.scandium.config.DtlsConnectorConfig.Builder in project leshan by eclipse.
the class LeshanBootstrapServerBuilder method build.
public LeshanBootstrapServer build() {
if (localAddress == null)
localAddress = new InetSocketAddress(LwM2m.DEFAULT_COAP_PORT);
// TODO we should have default implementation for BootstrapStore in leshan.server project.
if (configStore == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("BootstrapStore is mandatory");
if (sessionManager == null)
sessionManager = new DefaultBootstrapSessionManager(securityStore);
if (model == null)
model = new LwM2mModel(ObjectLoader.loadDefault());
if (coapConfig == null) {
coapConfig = createDefaultNetworkConfig();
// handle dtlsConfig
DtlsConnectorConfig dtlsConfig = null;
if (!noSecuredEndpoint) {
if (dtlsConfigBuilder == null) {
dtlsConfigBuilder = new DtlsConnectorConfig.Builder();
DtlsConnectorConfig incompleteConfig = dtlsConfigBuilder.getIncompleteConfig();
// Handle PSK Store
if (incompleteConfig.getPskStore() == null && securityStore != null) {
dtlsConfigBuilder.setPskStore(new LwM2mBootstrapPskStore(securityStore));
} else {
LOG.warn("PskStore should be automatically set by Leshan. Using a custom implementation is not advised.");
// Handle secure address
if (incompleteConfig.getAddress() == null) {
if (localAddressSecure == null) {
localAddressSecure = new InetSocketAddress(0);
} else if (localAddressSecure != null && !localAddressSecure.equals(incompleteConfig.getAddress())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Configuration conflict between LeshanBuilder and DtlsConnectorConfig.Builder for secure address: %s != %s", localAddressSecure, incompleteConfig.getAddress()));
// Handle active peers
if (incompleteConfig.getMaxConnections() == null)
if (incompleteConfig.getStaleConnectionThreshold() == null)
// we try to build the dtlsConfig, if it fail we will just not create the secured endpoint
try {
dtlsConfig =;
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
CoapEndpoint unsecuredEndpoint = null;
if (!noUnsecuredEndpoint) {
if (endpointFactory != null) {
unsecuredEndpoint = endpointFactory.createUnsecuredEndpoint(localAddress, coapConfig, null);
} else {
CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder builder = new CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder();
unsecuredEndpoint =;
CoapEndpoint securedEndpoint = null;
if (!noSecuredEndpoint && dtlsConfig != null) {
if (endpointFactory != null) {
securedEndpoint = endpointFactory.createSecuredEndpoint(dtlsConfig, coapConfig, null);
} else {
CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder builder = new CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder();
builder.setConnector(new DTLSConnector(dtlsConfig));
builder.setEndpointContextMatcher(new Lwm2mEndpointContextMatcher());
securedEndpoint =;
if (securedEndpoint == null && unsecuredEndpoint == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("All CoAP enpoints are deactivated, at least one endpoint should be activated");
return new LeshanBootstrapServer(unsecuredEndpoint, securedEndpoint, configStore, securityStore, sessionManager, model, coapConfig);