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Example 71 with Symbol

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class JavacClass method getDirectMethods.

public List<MethodMirror> getDirectMethods() {
    if (methods == null) {
        List<MethodMirror> ret = new LinkedList<MethodMirror>();
        for (Symbol sym : classSymbol.getEnclosedElements()) {
            if (sym instanceof MethodSymbol && (sym.flags() & Flags.PRIVATE) == 0) {
                ret.add(new JavacMethod(this, (MethodSymbol) sym));
        methods = Collections.unmodifiableList(ret);
    return methods;
Also used : MethodMirror(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.loader.mirror.MethodMirror) MethodSymbol( VarSymbol( MethodSymbol( Symbol( ClassSymbol( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 72 with Symbol

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class JavacClass method getEnclosingMethod.

public MethodMirror getEnclosingMethod() {
    if (!enclosingMethodSet) {
        Symbol encl = classSymbol.getEnclosingElement();
        if (encl != null && encl instanceof MethodSymbol) {
            // it's a method, it must be in a Class
            ClassSymbol enclosingClass = (ClassSymbol) encl.getEnclosingElement();
            JavacClass enclosingClassMirror = new JavacClass(enclosingClass);
            enclosingMethod = new JavacMethod(enclosingClassMirror, (MethodSymbol) encl);
        enclosingMethodSet = true;
    return enclosingMethod;
Also used : MethodSymbol( VarSymbol( MethodSymbol( Symbol( ClassSymbol( ClassSymbol(

Example 73 with Symbol

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Lower method visitIterableForeachLoop.

 * A statement of the form
 * <pre>
 *     for ( T v : coll ) stmt ;
 * </pre>
 * (where coll implements {@code Iterable<? extends T>}) gets translated to
 * <pre>{@code
 *     for ( Iterator<? extends T> #i = coll.iterator(); #i.hasNext(); ) {
 *         T v = (T);
 *         stmt;
 *     }
 * }</pre>
 * where #i is a freshly named synthetic local variable.
private void visitIterableForeachLoop(JCEnhancedForLoop tree) {
    Type iteratorTarget = syms.objectType;
    Type iterableType = types.asSuper(types.cvarUpperBound(tree.expr.type), syms.iterableType.tsym);
    if (iterableType.getTypeArguments().nonEmpty())
        iteratorTarget = types.erasure(iterableType.getTypeArguments().head);
    Type eType = tree.expr.type;
    while (eType.hasTag(TYPEVAR)) {
        eType = eType.getUpperBound();
    tree.expr.type = types.erasure(eType);
    if (eType.isCompound())
        tree.expr = make.TypeCast(types.erasure(iterableType), tree.expr);
    Symbol iterator = lookupMethod(tree.expr.pos(), names.iterator, eType, List.<Type>nil());
    VarSymbol itvar = new VarSymbol(SYNTHETIC, names.fromString("i" + target.syntheticNameChar()), types.erasure(types.asSuper(iterator.type.getReturnType(), syms.iteratorType.tsym)), currentMethodSym);
    JCStatement init = make.VarDef(itvar, make.App(make.Select(tree.expr, iterator).setType(types.erasure(iterator.type))));
    Symbol hasNext = lookupMethod(tree.expr.pos(), names.hasNext, itvar.type, List.<Type>nil());
    JCMethodInvocation cond = make.App(make.Select(make.Ident(itvar), hasNext));
    Symbol next = lookupMethod(tree.expr.pos(),, itvar.type, List.<Type>nil());
    JCExpression vardefinit = make.App(make.Select(make.Ident(itvar), next));
    if (tree.var.type.isPrimitive())
        vardefinit = make.TypeCast(types.cvarUpperBound(iteratorTarget), vardefinit);
        vardefinit = make.TypeCast(tree.var.type, vardefinit);
    JCVariableDecl indexDef = (JCVariableDecl) make.VarDef(tree.var.mods,, tree.var.vartype, vardefinit).setType(tree.var.type);
    indexDef.sym = tree.var.sym;
    JCBlock body = make.Block(0, List.of(indexDef, tree.body));
    body.endpos = TreeInfo.endPos(tree.body);
    result = translate(make.ForLoop(List.of(init), cond, List.<JCExpressionStatement>nil(), body));
    patchTargets(body, tree, result);
Also used : Type( Symbol(

Example 74 with Symbol

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Lower method accessClass.

 * The class in which an access method for given symbol goes.
 *  @param sym        The access symbol
 *  @param protAccess Is access to a protected symbol in another
 *                    package?
ClassSymbol accessClass(Symbol sym, boolean protAccess, JCTree tree) {
    if (protAccess) {
        Symbol qualifier = null;
        ClassSymbol c = currentClass;
        if (tree.hasTag(SELECT) && (sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0) {
            qualifier = ((JCFieldAccess) tree).selected.type.tsym;
            while (!qualifier.isSubClass(c, types)) {
                c = c.owner.enclClass();
            return c;
        } else {
            while (!c.isSubClass(sym.owner, types)) {
                c = c.owner.enclClass();
        return c;
    } else {
        // the symbol is private
        return sym.owner.enclClass();
Also used : Symbol(

Example 75 with Symbol

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Lower method classDollarSymBody.

 * Generate code for class$(String name).
JCBlock classDollarSymBody(DiagnosticPosition pos, JCMethodDecl md) {
    MethodSymbol classDollarSym = md.sym;
    ClassSymbol outerCacheClass = (ClassSymbol) classDollarSym.owner;
    JCBlock returnResult;
    // which requires we cache the current loader in cl$
    if (target.classLiteralsNoInit()) {
        // clsym = "private static ClassLoader cl$"
        VarSymbol clsym = new VarSymbol(STATIC | SYNTHETIC, names.fromString("cl" + target.syntheticNameChar()), syms.classLoaderType, outerCacheClass);
        enterSynthetic(pos, clsym, outerCacheClass.members());
        // emit "private static ClassLoader cl$;"
        JCVariableDecl cldef = make.VarDef(clsym, null);
        JCClassDecl outerCacheClassDef = classDef(outerCacheClass);
        outerCacheClassDef.defs = outerCacheClassDef.defs.prepend(cldef);
        // newcache := "new cache$1[0]"
        JCNewArray newcache = make.NewArray(make.Type(outerCacheClass.type), List.<JCExpression>of(make.Literal(INT, 0).setType(syms.intType)), null);
        newcache.type = new ArrayType(types.erasure(outerCacheClass.type), syms.arrayClass);
        // forNameSym := java.lang.Class.forName(
        // String s,boolean init,ClassLoader loader)
        Symbol forNameSym = lookupMethod(make_pos, names.forName, types.erasure(syms.classType), List.of(syms.stringType, syms.booleanType, syms.classLoaderType));
        // clvalue := "(cl$ == null) ?
        // $newcache.getClass().getComponentType().getClassLoader() : cl$"
        JCExpression clvalue = make.Conditional(makeBinary(EQ, make.Ident(clsym), makeNull()), make.Assign(make.Ident(clsym), makeCall(makeCall(makeCall(newcache, names.getClass, List.<JCExpression>nil()), names.getComponentType, List.<JCExpression>nil()), names.getClassLoader, List.<JCExpression>nil())).setType(syms.classLoaderType), make.Ident(clsym)).setType(syms.classLoaderType);
        // returnResult := "{ return Class.forName(param1, false, cl$); }"
        List<JCExpression> args = List.of(make.Ident(md.params.head.sym), makeLit(syms.booleanType, 0), clvalue);
        returnResult = make.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(make.Call(// return
        make.App(make.Ident(forNameSym), args))));
    } else {
        // forNameSym := java.lang.Class.forName(String s)
        Symbol forNameSym = lookupMethod(make_pos, names.forName, types.erasure(syms.classType), List.of(syms.stringType));
        // returnResult := "{ return Class.forName(param1); }"
        returnResult = make.Block(0, List.of(make.Call(// return
        make.App(make.QualIdent(forNameSym), List.<JCExpression>of(make.Ident(md.params.head.sym))))));
    // catchParam := ClassNotFoundException e1
    VarSymbol catchParam = new VarSymbol(SYNTHETIC, make.paramName(1), syms.classNotFoundExceptionType, classDollarSym);
    JCStatement rethrow;
    if (target.hasInitCause()) {
        // rethrow = "throw new NoClassDefFoundError().initCause(e);
        JCExpression throwExpr = makeCall(makeNewClass(syms.noClassDefFoundErrorType, List.<JCExpression>nil()), names.initCause, List.<JCExpression>of(make.Ident(catchParam)));
        rethrow = make.Throw(throwExpr);
    } else {
        // getMessageSym := ClassNotFoundException.getMessage()
        Symbol getMessageSym = lookupMethod(make_pos, names.getMessage, syms.classNotFoundExceptionType, List.<Type>nil());
        // rethrow = "throw new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getMessage());"
        rethrow = make.Throw(makeNewClass(syms.noClassDefFoundErrorType, List.<JCExpression>of(make.App(make.Select(make.Ident(catchParam), getMessageSym), List.<JCExpression>nil()))));
    // rethrowStmt := "( $rethrow )"
    JCBlock rethrowStmt = make.Block(0, List.of(rethrow));
    // catchBlock := "catch ($catchParam) $rethrowStmt"
    JCCatch catchBlock = make.Catch(make.VarDef(catchParam, null), rethrowStmt);
    // tryCatch := "try $returnResult $catchBlock"
    JCStatement tryCatch = make.Try(returnResult, List.of(catchBlock), null);
    return make.Block(0, List.of(tryCatch));
Also used : Symbol(


Symbol ( Type ( ClassSymbol ( MethodSymbol ( VarSymbol ( TypeSymbol ( JCTree ( DeferredAttrContext ( DeferredType ( DiagnosticType ( DynamicMethodSymbol ( MethodType ( JavaFileObject ( DiagnosticPosition ( ErrorType (org.eclipse.ceylon.javax.lang.model.type.ErrorType)3 Scope ( PackageSymbol ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 DeclaredType (org.eclipse.ceylon.javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType)2