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Example 1 with JCBlock

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class AbstractTransformer method makeGetterBlock.

JCBlock makeGetterBlock(TypedDeclaration declarationModel, final Tree.Block block, final Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression expression) {
    List<JCStatement> stats;
    if (block != null) {
        stats = statementGen().transformBlock(block);
    } else {
        BoxingStrategy boxing = CodegenUtil.getBoxingStrategy(declarationModel);
        Type type = declarationModel.getType();
        JCStatement transStat;
        HasErrorException error = errors().getFirstExpressionErrorAndMarkBrokenness(expression.getExpression());
        int flags = CodegenUtil.downcastForSmall(expression.getExpression(), declarationModel) ? ExpressionTransformer.EXPR_UNSAFE_PRIMITIVE_TYPECAST_OK : 0;
        if (error != null) {
            transStat = this.makeThrowUnresolvedCompilationError(error);
        } else {
            transStat = make().Return(expressionGen().transformExpression(expression.getExpression(), boxing, type, flags));
        stats = List.<JCStatement>of(transStat);
    JCBlock getterBlock = make().Block(0, stats);
    return getterBlock;
Also used : Type(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type) ModelUtil.appliedType(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ModelUtil.appliedType) JCBlock( HasErrorException( JCStatement(

Example 2 with JCBlock

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class AbstractTransformer method makeSetterBlock.

JCBlock makeSetterBlock(TypedDeclaration declarationModel, final Tree.Block block, final Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression expression) {
    List<JCStatement> stats;
    if (block != null) {
        stats = statementGen().transformBlock(block);
    } else {
        Type type = declarationModel.getType();
        JCStatement transStmt;
        HasErrorException error = errors().getFirstExpressionErrorAndMarkBrokenness(expression.getExpression());
        if (error != null) {
            transStmt = this.makeThrowUnresolvedCompilationError(error);
        } else {
            transStmt = make().Exec(expressionGen().transformExpression(expression.getExpression(), BoxingStrategy.INDIFFERENT, type));
        stats = List.<JCStatement>of(transStmt);
    JCBlock setterBlock = make().Block(0, stats);
    return setterBlock;
Also used : Type(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type) ModelUtil.appliedType(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ModelUtil.appliedType) JCBlock( HasErrorException( JCStatement(

Example 3 with JCBlock

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class ClassTransformer method transform.

public AttributeDefinitionBuilder transform(AttributeSetterDefinition decl, boolean forCompanion) {
    Setter model = decl.getDeclarationModel();
    if (Strategy.onlyOnCompanion(model) && !forCompanion) {
        return null;
    String name = decl.getIdentifier().getText();
    final AttributeDefinitionBuilder builder = AttributeDefinitionBuilder.setter(this, decl, name, model.getGetter()).modifiers(modifierTransformation().getterSetter(model, forCompanion));
    // companion class members are never actual no matter what the Declaration says
    if (forCompanion)
    if (model.isClassMember() || forCompanion || model.getGetter().isStatic()) {
        JCBlock setterBlock = makeSetterBlock(model, decl.getBlock(), decl.getSpecifierExpression());
    } else {
    builder.userAnnotationsSetter(expressionGen().transformAnnotations(OutputElement.SETTER, decl));
    return builder;
Also used : JCBlock( Setter(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Setter)

Example 4 with JCBlock

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class StatementTransformer method transformCaseMatch.

private JCStatement transformCaseMatch(Naming.SyntheticName selectorAlias, Tree.SwitchClause switchClause, Tree.CaseClause caseClause, String tmpVar, Tree.Term outerExpression, Type expectedType, Tree.MatchCase matchCase, JCStatement last, Type switchType, boolean primitiveSelector) {
    JCVariableDecl decl2 = null;
    Substitution prevSubst2 = null;
    if (matchCase.getVariable() != null) {
        // Use the type of the variable, which is more precise than the type we test for.
        Type varType = matchCase.getVariable().getDeclarationModel().getType();
        String name = matchCase.getVariable().getIdentifier().getText();
        TypedDeclaration varDecl = matchCase.getVariable().getDeclarationModel();
        Naming.SyntheticName tmpVarName = selectorAlias;
        Name substVarName = naming.aliasName(name);
        // Want raw type for instanceof since it can't be used with generic types
        JCExpression rawToTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES | JT_RAW);
        // Substitute variable with the correct type to use in the rest of the code block
        JCExpression tmpVarExpr = at(matchCase).TypeCast(rawToTypeExpr, tmpVarName.makeIdent());
        JCExpression toTypeExpr;
        if (isCeylonBasicType(varType) && varDecl.getUnboxed() == true) {
            toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType);
            tmpVarExpr = unboxType(tmpVarExpr, varType);
        } else {
            toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES);
        // The variable holding the result for the code inside the code block
        decl2 = at(matchCase).VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), substVarName, toTypeExpr, tmpVarExpr);
        // Prepare for variable substitution in the following code block
        prevSubst2 = naming.addVariableSubst(varDecl, substVarName.toString());
    JCExpression tests = null;
    java.util.List<Tree.Expression> expressions = matchCase.getExpressionList().getExpressions();
    for (Tree.Expression expr : expressions) {
        Tree.Term term = ExpressionTransformer.eliminateParens(expr.getTerm());
        boolean unboxedEquality = primitiveSelector || isCeylonBasicType(typeFact().getDefiniteType(switchType));
        Type type = term.getTypeModel();
        JCExpression transformedExpression = expressionGen().transformExpression(term, unboxedEquality ? BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED : BoxingStrategy.BOXED, type);
        JCExpression test;
        if (term instanceof Tree.Literal || term instanceof Tree.NegativeOp) {
            if (unboxedEquality) {
                if (term instanceof Tree.StringLiteral) {
                    test = make().Apply(null, makeSelect(unboxType(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), type), "equals"), List.<JCExpression>of(transformedExpression));
                } else {
                    test = make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.EQ, primitiveSelector ? selectorAlias.makeIdent() : unboxType(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), type), transformedExpression);
            } else {
                test = make().Apply(null, makeSelect(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), "equals"), List.<JCExpression>of(transformedExpression));
            if (isOptional(switchType)) {
                test = make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.AND, make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.NE, selectorAlias.makeIdent(), makeNull()), test);
        } else {
            JCExpression selectorExpr;
            if (!primitiveSelector && isCeylonBasicType(typeFact().getDefiniteType(switchType))) {
                selectorExpr = unboxType(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), type);
            } else {
                selectorExpr = selectorAlias.makeIdent();
            if (term instanceof Tree.Tuple) {
                if (type.isEmpty()) {
                    test = make().TypeTest(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), makeJavaType(typeFact().getEmptyType(), JT_RAW));
                } else {
                    test = make().Apply(null, makeSelect(selectorExpr, "equals"), List.<JCExpression>of(transformedExpression));
                    test = make().Binary(Tag.AND, make().TypeTest(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), make().QualIdent(syms().ceylonTupleType.tsym)), test);
            } else if (type.isString()) {
                test = make().Apply(null, makeSelect(selectorExpr, "equals"), List.<JCExpression>of(transformedExpression));
            } else {
                test = make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.EQ, selectorExpr, transformedExpression);
        if (tests == null) {
            tests = test;
        } else if (isNull(type)) {
            // ensure we do any null check as the first operation in the ||-ed expression
            tests = make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.OR, test, tests);
        } else {
            tests = make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.OR, tests, test);
    java.util.List<Tree.Type> types = matchCase.getExpressionList().getTypes();
    for (Tree.Type caseType : types) {
        // note: There's no point using makeOptimizedTypeTest() because cases are disjoint
        // anyway and the cheap cases get evaluated first.
        Type type = caseType.getTypeModel();
        JCExpression cond = makeTypeTest(null, selectorAlias, type, type);
        if (tests == null) {
            tests = cond;
        } else if (isNull(type)) {
            // ensure we do any null check as the first operation in the ||-ed expression
            tests = make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.OR, cond, tests);
        } else {
            tests = make().Binary(JCTree.Tag.OR, tests, cond);
    Substitution prevSubst = null;
    if (switchClause.getSwitched().getVariable() != null) {
        // Prepare for variable substitution in the following code block
        prevSubst = naming.addVariableSubst(switchClause.getSwitched().getVariable().getDeclarationModel(), selectorAlias.toString());
    JCBlock block;
    if (decl2 != null) {
        List<JCStatement> stats = List.<JCStatement>of(decl2);
        stats = stats.appendList(transformCaseClause(caseClause, tmpVar, outerExpression, expectedType));
        block = at(matchCase).Block(0, stats);
    } else {
        block = transformCaseClauseBlock(caseClause, tmpVar, outerExpression, expectedType);
    if (prevSubst2 != null) {
        // Deactivate the above variable substitution
    if (prevSubst != null) {
        // Deactivate the above variable substitution
    return at(caseClause).If(tests, block, last);
Also used : JCStatement( Name( CName( SyntheticName( Substitution( Expression(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.Expression) CustomTree(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.CustomTree) JCTree( Tree(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree) TypedDeclaration(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration) JCBlock( Term(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.Term) JCVariableDecl( Type(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type) JCExpression( SpecifierOrInitializerExpression(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression) Expression(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.Expression) JCExpression( SyntheticName(

Example 5 with JCBlock

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class StatementTransformer method transformCaseIs.

 * Transform a "case(is ...)"
 * @param selectorAlias
 * @param caseClause
 * @param isCase
 * @param last
 * @return
private JCStatement transformCaseIs(Naming.SyntheticName selectorAlias, Tree.CaseClause caseClause, String tmpVar, Tree.Term outerExpression, Type expectedType, Tree.IsCase isCase, JCStatement last, Type expressionType) {
    // Use the type of the variable, which is more precise than the type we test for.
    Type varType = isCase.getVariable().getDeclarationModel().getType();
    Type caseType = getIsCaseType(isCase);
    // note: There's no point using makeOptimizedTypeTest() because cases are disjoint
    // anyway and the cheap cases get evaluated first.
    JCExpression cond = makeTypeTest(null, selectorAlias, caseType, expressionType);
    String name = isCase.getVariable().getIdentifier().getText();
    TypedDeclaration varDecl = isCase.getVariable().getDeclarationModel();
    Naming.SyntheticName tmpVarName = selectorAlias;
    Name substVarName = naming.aliasName(name);
    // Want raw type for instanceof since it can't be used with generic types
    JCExpression rawToTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES | JT_RAW);
    // Substitute variable with the correct type to use in the rest of the code block
    JCExpression tmpVarExpr = at(isCase).TypeCast(rawToTypeExpr, tmpVarName.makeIdent());
    JCExpression toTypeExpr;
    if (isCeylonBasicType(varType) && varDecl.getUnboxed() == true) {
        toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType);
        tmpVarExpr = unboxType(tmpVarExpr, varType);
    } else {
        toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES);
    // The variable holding the result for the code inside the code block
    JCVariableDecl decl2 = at(isCase).VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), substVarName, toTypeExpr, tmpVarExpr);
    // Prepare for variable substitution in the following code block
    Substitution prevSubst = naming.addVariableSubst(varDecl, substVarName.toString());
    List<JCStatement> stats = List.<JCStatement>of(decl2);
    stats = stats.appendList(transformCaseClause(caseClause, tmpVar, outerExpression, expectedType));
    JCBlock block = at(isCase).Block(0, stats);
    // Deactivate the above variable substitution
    last = make().If(cond, block, last);
    return last;
Also used : TypedDeclaration(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration) Type(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type) JCBlock( JCExpression( Substitution( SyntheticName( JCStatement( JCVariableDecl( Name( CName( SyntheticName(


JCBlock ( JCTree ( JCStatement ( JCExpression ( JCVariableDecl ( Tree (org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree)5 Type (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type)5 HasErrorException ( CName ( SyntheticName ( CustomTree (org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.CustomTree)3 Expression (org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.Expression)3 JCCatch ( JCNewClass ( Name ( TypedDeclaration (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration)3 IOException ( Substitution ( JCAnnotation ( JCAssign (