use of org.eclipse.che.api.core.NotFoundException in project che by eclipse.
the class ProjectService method search.
@ApiOperation(value = "Search for resources", notes = "Search for resources applying a number of search filters as query parameters", response = ItemReference.class, responseContainer = "List")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "User not authorized to call this operation"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Not found"), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Conflict error"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error") })
public List<ItemReference> search(@ApiParam(value = "Path to resource, i.e. where to search?", required = true) @PathParam("path") String path, @ApiParam(value = "Resource name") @QueryParam("name") String name, @ApiParam(value = "Search keywords") @QueryParam("text") String text, @ApiParam(value = "Maximum items to display. If this parameter is dropped, there are no limits") @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") int maxItems, @ApiParam(value = "Skip count") @QueryParam("skipCount") int skipCount) throws NotFoundException, ForbiddenException, ConflictException, ServerException {
final Searcher searcher;
try {
searcher = projectManager.getSearcher();
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (skipCount < 0) {
throw new ConflictException(String.format("Invalid 'skipCount' parameter: %d.", skipCount));
final QueryExpression expr = new QueryExpression().setPath(path.startsWith("/") ? path : ('/' + path)).setName(name).setText(text).setMaxItems(maxItems).setSkipCount(skipCount);
final SearchResult result =;
final List<SearchResultEntry> searchResultEntries = result.getResults();
final List<ItemReference> items = new ArrayList<>(searchResultEntries.size());
final FolderEntry root = projectManager.getProjectsRoot();
for (SearchResultEntry searchResultEntry : searchResultEntries) {
final VirtualFileEntry child = root.getChild(searchResultEntry.getFilePath());
if (child != null && child.isFile()) {
items.add(injectFileLinks(asDto((FileEntry) child)));
return items;
use of org.eclipse.che.api.core.NotFoundException in project che by eclipse.
the class ProjectService method exportFile.
public Response exportFile(@ApiParam(value = "Path to resource to be imported") @PathParam("path") String path) throws NotFoundException, ForbiddenException, ServerException {
final FileEntry file = projectManager.asFile(path);
if (file == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("File not found " + path);
final VirtualFile virtualFile = file.getVirtualFile();
return Response.ok(virtualFile.getContent(), TIKA.detect(virtualFile.getName())).lastModified(new Date(virtualFile.getLastModificationDate())).header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, Long.toString(virtualFile.getLength())).header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\"" + virtualFile.getName() + '"').build();
use of org.eclipse.che.api.core.NotFoundException in project che by eclipse.
the class ProjectService method createProject.
@ApiOperation(value = "Creates new project", response = ProjectConfigDto.class)
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Operation is forbidden"), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Project with specified name already exist in workspace"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Server error") })
@GenerateLink(rel = LINK_REL_CREATE_PROJECT)
public /**
* NOTE: parentPath is added to make a module
ProjectConfigDto createProject(@ApiParam(value = "Add to this project as module", required = false) @Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Description("descriptor of project") ProjectConfigDto projectConfig) throws ConflictException, ForbiddenException, ServerException, NotFoundException {
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
MultivaluedMap<String, String> map = uriInfo.getQueryParameters();
for (String key : map.keySet()) {
options.put(key, map.get(key).get(0));
String pathToProject = projectConfig.getPath();
String pathToParent = pathToProject.substring(0, pathToProject.lastIndexOf("/"));
if (!pathToParent.equals("/")) {
VirtualFileEntry parentFileEntry = projectManager.getProjectsRoot().getChild(pathToParent);
if (parentFileEntry == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("The parent folder with path " + pathToParent + " does not exist.");
final RegisteredProject project = projectManager.createProject(projectConfig, options);
final ProjectConfigDto configDto = asDto(project);
eventService.publish(new ProjectCreatedEvent(workspace, project.getPath()));
return injectProjectLinks(configDto);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.core.NotFoundException in project che by eclipse.
the class GitHubService method updateSSHKey.
public void updateSSHKey() throws ApiException {
final String host = "";
SshPair sshPair = null;
try {
sshPair = sshServiceClient.getPair("vcs", host);
} catch (NotFoundException ignored) {
if (sshPair != null) {
if (sshPair.getPublicKey() == null) {
sshServiceClient.removePair("vcs", host);
sshPair = sshServiceClient.generatePair(newDto(GenerateSshPairRequest.class).withService("vcs").withName(host));
} else {
sshPair = sshServiceClient.generatePair(newDto(GenerateSshPairRequest.class).withService("vcs").withName(host));
// update public key
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Upload github ssh key fail", e);
throw new GitException(e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.core.NotFoundException in project che by eclipse.
the class Workspace method createResource.
public void createResource(IResource resource, int updateFlags) throws CoreException {
try {
IPath path = resource.getFullPath();
switch(resource.getType()) {
case IResource.FILE:
String newName = path.lastSegment();
VirtualFileEntry child = getProjectsRoot().getChild(path.removeLastSegments(1).toOSString());
if (child == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("Can't find parent folder: " + path.removeLastSegments(1).toOSString());
FolderEntry entry = (FolderEntry) child;
entry.createFile(newName, new byte[0]);
case IResource.FOLDER:
case IResource.PROJECT:
ProjectConfigImpl projectConfig = new ProjectConfigImpl();
projectManager.get().createProject(projectConfig, new HashMap<>());
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} catch (ForbiddenException | ConflictException | ServerException | NotFoundException e) {
throw new CoreException(new Status(0, ResourcesPlugin.getPluginId(), e.getMessage(), e));