use of org.eclipse.che.api.machine.server.exception.SourceNotFoundException in project che by eclipse.
the class CheEnvironmentEngine method startInstance.
private Instance startInstance(boolean recover, MessageConsumer<MachineLogMessage> environmentLogger, MachineImpl machine, MachineStarter machineStarter) throws ServerException, EnvironmentException {
LineConsumer machineLogger = null;
Instance instance = null;
try {
machineLogger = getMachineLogger(environmentLogger, machine.getId(), machine.getConfig().getName());
MachineImpl originMachine = new MachineImpl(machine);
try {
MachineSourceImpl machineSource = null;
if (recover) {
try {
SnapshotImpl snapshot = snapshotDao.getSnapshot(machine.getWorkspaceId(), machine.getEnvName(), machine.getConfig().getName());
machineSource = snapshot.getMachineSource();
// Snapshot image location has SHA-256 digest which needs to be removed,
// otherwise it will be pulled without tag and cause problems
String imageName = machineSource.getLocation();
if (imageName.contains("@sha256:")) {
machineSource.setLocation(imageName.substring(0, imageName.indexOf('@')));
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
try {
machineLogger.writeLine("Failed to boot machine from snapshot: snapshot not found. " + "Machine will be created from origin source.");
} catch (IOException ignore) {
instance = machineStarter.startMachine(machineLogger, machineSource);
} catch (SourceNotFoundException e) {
if (recover) {
LOG.error("Image of snapshot for machine " + machine.getConfig().getName() + " not found. " + "Machine will be created from origin source.");
machine = originMachine;
instance = machineStarter.startMachine(machineLogger, null);
} else {
throw e;
return instance;
} catch (ApiException | RuntimeException e) {
boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted();
removeMachine(machine.getWorkspaceId(), machine.getId());
if (instance != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception destroyingExc) {
LOG.error(destroyingExc.getLocalizedMessage(), destroyingExc);
if (machineLogger != null) {
try {
machineLogger.writeLine("[ERROR] " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
} catch (IOException ioEx) {
LOG.error(ioEx.getLocalizedMessage(), ioEx);
try {
} catch (IOException ioEx) {
LOG.error(ioEx.getLocalizedMessage(), ioEx);
if (interrupted) {
throw new ServerException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.machine.server.exception.SourceNotFoundException in project che by eclipse.
the class MachineProviderImpl method pullImage.
* Pulls docker image for container creation.
* @param service
* service that provides description of image that should be pulled
* @param machineImageName
* name of the image that should be assigned on pull
* @param progressMonitor
* consumer of output
* @throws SourceNotFoundException
* if image for pulling not found
* @throws MachineException
* if any other error occurs
protected void pullImage(CheServiceImpl service, String machineImageName, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws MachineException {
DockerMachineSource dockerMachineSource = new DockerMachineSource(new MachineSourceImpl("image").setLocation(service.getImage()));
if (dockerMachineSource.getRepository() == null) {
throw new MachineException(format("Machine creation failed. Machine source is invalid. No repository is defined. Found '%s'.", dockerMachineSource));
try {
boolean isSnapshot = SNAPSHOT_LOCATION_PATTERN.matcher(dockerMachineSource.getLocation()).matches();
if (!isSnapshot || snapshotUseRegistry) {
PullParams pullParams = PullParams.create(dockerMachineSource.getRepository()).withTag(MoreObjects.firstNonNull(dockerMachineSource.getTag(), LATEST_TAG)).withRegistry(dockerMachineSource.getRegistry()).withAuthConfigs(dockerCredentials.getCredentials());
docker.pull(pullParams, progressMonitor);
String fullNameOfPulledImage = dockerMachineSource.getLocation(false);
try {
// tag image with generated name to allow sysadmin recognize it
docker.tag(TagParams.create(fullNameOfPulledImage, machineImageName));
} catch (ImageNotFoundException nfEx) {
throw new SourceNotFoundException(nfEx.getLocalizedMessage(), nfEx);
// remove unneeded tag if restoring snapshot from registry
if (isSnapshot && snapshotUseRegistry) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MachineException("Can't create machine from image. Cause: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.machine.server.exception.SourceNotFoundException in project che by eclipse.
the class MachineProviderImpl method startService.
public Instance startService(String namespace, String workspaceId, String envName, String machineName, boolean isDev, String networkName, CheServiceImpl service, LineConsumer machineLogger) throws ServerException {
// copy to not affect/be affected by changes in origin
service = new CheServiceImpl(service);
ProgressLineFormatterImpl progressLineFormatter = new ProgressLineFormatterImpl();
ProgressMonitor progressMonitor = currentProgressStatus -> {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String container = null;
try {
String image = prepareImage(machineName, service, progressMonitor);
container = createContainer(workspaceId, machineName, isDev, image, networkName, service);
connectContainerToAdditionalNetworks(container, service);
readContainerLogsInSeparateThread(container, workspaceId, service.getId(), machineLogger);
DockerNode node = dockerMachineFactory.createNode(workspaceId, container);
dockerInstanceStopDetector.startDetection(container, service.getId(), workspaceId);
final String userId = EnvironmentContext.getCurrent().getSubject().getUserId();
MachineImpl machine = new MachineImpl(MachineConfigImpl.builder().setDev(isDev).setName(machineName).setType("docker").setLimits(new MachineLimitsImpl((int) Size.parseSizeToMegabytes(service.getMemLimit() + "b"))).setSource(new MachineSourceImpl(service.getBuild() != null ? "context" : "image").setLocation(service.getBuild() != null ? service.getBuild().getContext() : service.getImage())).build(), service.getId(), workspaceId, envName, userId, MachineStatus.RUNNING, null);
return dockerMachineFactory.createInstance(machine, container, image, node, machineLogger);
} catch (SourceNotFoundException e) {
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException | ServerException | NotFoundException | IOException e) {
throw new ServerException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);