use of org.eclipse.che.api.environment.server.exception.EnvironmentNotRunningException in project che by eclipse.
the class CheEnvironmentEngine method stopMachine.
* Stops machine in running environment.
* @param workspaceId
* ID of workspace of environment that owns machine
* @param machineId
* ID of machine that should be stopped
* @throws NotFoundException
* if machine in not found in environment
* @throws EnvironmentNotRunningException
* if environment is not running
* @throws ConflictException
* if stop of dev machine is requested
* @throws ServerException
* if other error occurs
public void stopMachine(String workspaceId, String machineId) throws NotFoundException, ServerException, ConflictException {
Instance targetMachine = null;
try (@SuppressWarnings("unused") Unlocker u = stripedLocks.writeLock(workspaceId)) {
EnvironmentHolder environmentHolder = environments.get(workspaceId);
if (environmentHolder == null || environmentHolder.status != EnvStatus.RUNNING) {
throw new EnvironmentNotRunningException(format("Environment '%s' is not running", workspaceId));
for (Instance machine : environmentHolder.machines) {
if (machine.getId().equals(machineId)) {
if (machine.getConfig().isDev()) {
throw new ConflictException("Stop of dev machine is not allowed. Please, stop whole environment");
targetMachine = machine;
if (targetMachine == null) {
throw new NotFoundException(format("Machine with ID '%s' is not found in environment of workspace '%s'", machineId, workspaceId));
// out of lock to prevent blocking by potentially long-running method
use of org.eclipse.che.api.environment.server.exception.EnvironmentNotRunningException in project che by eclipse.
the class CheEnvironmentEngine method saveSnapshot.
* Saves machine into snapshot.
* @param workspaceId
* ID of workspace that owns environment
* @param machineId
* ID of machine to save
* @return snapshot
* @throws EnvironmentNotRunningException
* if environment of machine is not running
* @throws NotFoundException
* if machine is not running
* @throws ServerException
* if another error occurs
public SnapshotImpl saveSnapshot(String workspaceId, String machineId) throws ServerException, NotFoundException {
EnvironmentHolder environmentHolder;
SnapshotImpl snapshot = null;
Instance instance = null;
try (@SuppressWarnings("unused") Unlocker u = stripedLocks.readLock(workspaceId)) {
environmentHolder = environments.get(workspaceId);
if (environmentHolder == null || environmentHolder.status != EnvStatus.RUNNING) {
throw new EnvironmentNotRunningException(format("Environment '%s' is not running", workspaceId));
for (Instance machine : environmentHolder.machines) {
if (machine.getId().equals(machineId)) {
instance = machine;
snapshot = SnapshotImpl.builder().generateId().setType(machine.getConfig().getType()).setWorkspaceId(machine.getWorkspaceId()).setDescription(machine.getEnvName()).setDev(machine.getConfig().isDev()).setEnvName(machine.getEnvName()).setMachineName(machine.getConfig().getName()).useCurrentCreationDate().build();
if (instance == null) {
throw new NotFoundException(format("Machine with id '%s' is not found in environment of workspace '%s'", machineId, workspaceId));
try {
MachineSource machineSource = instance.saveToSnapshot();
snapshot.setMachineSource(new MachineSourceImpl(machineSource));
return snapshot;
} catch (ServerException e) {
try {
instance.getLogger().writeLine("Snapshot storing failed. " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
} catch (IOException ignore) {
throw e;