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Example 1 with StringUnmarshaller

use of in project che by eclipse.

the class GitServiceClientImpl method statusText.

public Promise<String> statusText(DevMachine devMachine, Path project, StatusFormat format) {
    String params = "?projectPath=" + project.toString() + "&format=" + format;
    String url = appContext.getDevMachine().getWsAgentBaseUrl() + STATUS + params;
    return asyncRequestFactory.createGetRequest(url).loader(loader).header(CONTENTTYPE, APPLICATION_JSON).header(ACCEPT, TEXT_PLAIN).send(new StringUnmarshaller());
Also used : StringUnmarshaller(

Example 2 with StringUnmarshaller

use of in project che by eclipse.

the class DebuggerServiceClientImpl method evaluate.

public Promise<String> evaluate(String id, String expression) {
    String requestUrl = getBaseUrl(id) + "/evaluation";
    String params = "?expression=" + URL.encodeQueryString(expression);
    return asyncRequestFactory.createGetRequest(requestUrl + params).loader(loaderFactory.newLoader()).send(new StringUnmarshaller());
Also used : StringUnmarshaller(


StringUnmarshaller (