use of org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.merge.GitCompareEditorInput in project egit by eclipse.
the class CompareVersionsHandler method execute.
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
IStructuredSelection selection = getSelection(event);
if (selection.size() == 2) {
Iterator<?> it = selection.iterator();
RevCommit commit1 = (RevCommit);
RevCommit commit2 = (RevCommit);
Object input = getPage(event).getInputInternal().getSingleItem();
Repository repo = getRepository(event);
IWorkbenchPage workBenchPage = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event).getActivePage();
if (input instanceof IFile) {
IFile resource = (IFile) input;
final RepositoryMapping map = RepositoryMapping.getMapping(resource);
if (map != null) {
final String gitPath = map.getRepoRelativePath(resource);
final String commit1Path = getRenamedPath(gitPath, commit1);
final String commit2Path = getRenamedPath(gitPath, commit2);
CompareUtils.openInCompare(commit1, commit2, commit1Path, commit2Path, map.getRepository(), workBenchPage);
} else if (input instanceof File) {
File fileInput = (File) input;
final String gitPath = getRepoRelativePath(repo, fileInput);
final String commit1Path = getRenamedPath(gitPath, commit1);
final String commit2Path = getRenamedPath(gitPath, commit2);
CompareUtils.openInCompare(commit1, commit2, commit1Path, commit2Path, repo, workBenchPage);
} else if (input instanceof IResource) {
GitCompareEditorInput compareInput = new GitCompareEditorInput(,, repo, (IResource) input);
CompareUtils.openInCompare(workBenchPage, compareInput);
} else if (input == null) {
GitCompareEditorInput compareInput = new GitCompareEditorInput(,, repo);
CompareUtils.openInCompare(workBenchPage, compareInput);
return null;