use of org.eclipse.elk.graph.util.ElkGraphUtil in project elk by eclipse.
the class ElkGraphImporter method transformPort.
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Port Transformation
* Transforms the given port. The new port will be added to the given node and will be
* registered with the {@code transformMap}.
* @param elkport
* the port to transform.
* @param parentLNode
* the node the port should be added to.
* @param graphProperties
* the graph properties of the graph the transformed port will be part of. The graph
* properties are modified depending on the port's properties.
* @param layoutDirection
* the layout direction in the graph the port will be part of.
* @param portConstraints
* the port constraints of the port's node.
* @return the transformed port.
private LPort transformPort(final ElkPort elkport, final LNode parentLNode, final Set<GraphProperties> graphProperties, final Direction layoutDirection, final PortConstraints portConstraints) {
// create layered port, copying its position
LPort lport = new LPort();
lport.setProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN, elkport);
KVector portSize = lport.getSize();
portSize.x = elkport.getWidth();
portSize.y = elkport.getHeight();
KVector portPos = lport.getPosition();
portPos.x = elkport.getX();
portPos.y = elkport.getY();
nodeAndPortMap.put(elkport, lport);
// check if the original port has any outgoing connections to descendants of its node
boolean connectionsToDescendants = elkport.getOutgoingEdges().stream().flatMap(edge -> edge.getTargets().stream()).map(ElkGraphUtil::connectableShapeToNode).anyMatch(targetNode -> ElkGraphUtil.isDescendant(targetNode, elkport.getParent()));
// there could be yet incoming connections from descendants
if (!connectionsToDescendants) {
// check if the original port has any incoming connections from descendants of its node
connectionsToDescendants = elkport.getIncomingEdges().stream().flatMap(edge -> edge.getSources().stream()).map(ElkGraphUtil::connectableShapeToNode).anyMatch(sourceNode -> ElkGraphUtil.isDescendant(sourceNode, elkport.getParent()));
// if there are still no connections to descendants, there might yet be inside self loops involved
if (!connectionsToDescendants) {
// check if the original port has any incoming connections from descendants of its node
connectionsToDescendants = elkport.getOutgoingEdges().stream().anyMatch(edge -> edge.isSelfloop() && edge.getProperty(LayeredOptions.INSIDE_SELF_LOOPS_YO));
// if we have found connections to / from descendants, mark the port accordingly
lport.setProperty(InternalProperties.INSIDE_CONNECTIONS, connectionsToDescendants);
// initialize the port's side, offset, and anchor point
LGraphUtil.initializePort(lport, portConstraints, layoutDirection, elkport.getProperty(LayeredOptions.PORT_ANCHOR));
// create the port's labels
for (ElkLabel elklabel : elkport.getLabels()) {
if (!elklabel.getProperty(LayeredOptions.NO_LAYOUT) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(elklabel.getText())) {
switch(layoutDirection) {
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
if (lport.getSide() == PortSide.NORTH || lport.getSide() == PortSide.SOUTH) {
case UP:
case DOWN:
if (lport.getSide() == PortSide.EAST || lport.getSide() == PortSide.WEST) {
return lport;