use of org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Point in project osate2 by osate.
the class MoveConnectionPointInteraction method onMouseDragged.
protected Interaction.InteractionState onMouseDragged(final MouseEvent e) {
if (e.getButton() != MouseButton.PRIMARY) {
return super.onMouseDragged(e);
final Transform sceneToDiagramTransform = editor.getGefDiagram().getSceneNode().getSceneToLocalTransform();
final Point2D eventInDiagram = sceneToDiagramTransform.transform(e.getSceneX(), e.getSceneY());
final Point2D snappedDiagramPosition = InputEventHandlerUtil.snap(editor, eventInDiagram, false);
if (activeHandle instanceof FlowIndicatorPositionHandle) {
final FlowIndicatorNode c = ((FlowIndicatorPositionHandle) activeHandle).getSceneNode();
final Node positioningReference = c.getPositioningReferenceOrThrow();
// The the position relative to the reference
final Point2D newPoint = getLocalPositionFromDiagram(editor.getGefDiagram(), snappedDiagramPosition, positioningReference);
final Point2D oldPosition = PreferredPosition.get(activeHandle.getSceneNode());
PreferredPosition.set(activeHandle.getSceneNode(), newPoint);
// Adjust positions of control points so that only the ending position of the flow indicator is moved.
if (oldPosition != null) {
final double dx = newPoint.getX() - oldPosition.getX();
final double dy = newPoint.getY() - oldPosition.getY();
c.getInnerConnection().setControlPoints(c.getInnerConnection().getControlPoints().stream().map(p -> new Point(p.x - dx, p.y - dy)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
} else if (controlPointIndex != null) {
final BaseConnectionNode c = activeHandle.getSceneNode();
final Connection ic = c.getInnerConnection();
final Point2D newPosition = getLocalPositionFromDiagram(editor.getGefDiagram(), snappedDiagramPosition, ic);
// Get a list of the control points and the start and end points of connection.
final List<Point> allPoints = ic.getPointsUnmodifiable();
final List<org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Point> controlPoints = ic.getControlPoints();
final ArrayList<org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Point> endAndControlPoints = new ArrayList<>(controlPoints.size() + 2);
endAndControlPoints.add(allPoints.get(allPoints.size() - 1));
// Determine whether the point should be removed or added
final boolean remove = controlPointExists && distanceToLineSegment(newPosition, endAndControlPoints, controlPointIndex, controlPointIndex + 2) <= REMOVE_POINT_DISTANCE;
final boolean add = !remove && !controlPointExists && distanceToLineSegment(newPosition, endAndControlPoints, controlPointIndex, controlPointIndex + 1) >= ADD_POINT_DISTANCE;
if (remove) {
controlPointExists = false;
} else if (add) {
controlPoints.add(controlPointIndex, FX2Geometry.toPoint(newPosition));
controlPointExists = true;
} else if (controlPointExists) {
ic.setControlPoint(controlPointIndex, FX2Geometry.toPoint(newPosition));
return InteractionState.IN_PROGRESS;
use of org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Point in project osate2 by osate.
the class DockedShape method layoutChildren.
protected void layoutChildren() {
final DockSide tmpSide = this.getSide();
final double width = getWidth();
final double height = getHeight();
// Position Labels
double y = 0;
for (final Group labelGroup : labelGroups) {
if (labelGroup.isManaged()) {
for (final Node label : labelGroup.getChildren()) {
if (label.isManaged()) {
final double childWidth = label.prefWidth(-1);
final double childHeight = label.prefHeight(-1);
if (tmpSide.alignEnd) {
if (tmpSide.vertical) {
// Right
label.resizeRelocate(width - childWidth, y, childWidth, childHeight);
} else {
// Bottom
label.resizeRelocate(0, y, childWidth, childHeight);
} else {
// Top/Left
label.resizeRelocate(0, y, childWidth, childHeight);
y += childHeight;
// Label padding is added regardless of whether there were any labels in order to match the previous implementation
// Offset for children. Dimension is dependent on the side
for (final Node graphic : graphicWrapper.getChildren()) {
if (tmpSide.vertical) {
final double childWidth = graphic.prefWidth(-1);
final double childHeight = Math.min(Math.max(graphic.minHeight(-1), height - y), graphic.maxHeight(-1));
graphic.resize(childWidth, childHeight);
if (tmpSide.alignEnd) {
// Right
graphicWrapper.relocate(width - childWidth, y);
} else {
// Left
graphicWrapper.relocate(0, y);
} else {
// Determine width and height and resize the inner graphic.
// Width and height are swapped when referring to the inner graphic because rotation.
// Variable names are from docked shape's orientation
final double maxLabelWidth = computeMaxLabelWidth();
final double childWidth = Math.min(Math.max(graphic.minHeight(-1), width - maxLabelWidth), graphic.maxHeight(-1));
final double childHeight = graphic.prefWidth(-1);
graphic.resize(childHeight, childWidth);
if (tmpSide.alignEnd) {
// Bottom
graphicWrapper.relocate(maxLabelWidth, height - childHeight);
} else {
// Top
graphicWrapper.relocate(maxLabelWidth, 0);
// Layout children
if (tmpSide.vertical) {
if (tmpSide.alignEnd) {
// Right
dockedChildren.layout(width - maxUntransformedGraphicPrefWidth(), 0);
} else {
// Left
dockedChildren.layout(maxUntransformedGraphicPrefWidth(), 0);
} else {
if (tmpSide.alignEnd) {
// Bottom
dockedChildren.layout(0.0, height - maxUntransformedGraphicPrefWidth());
} else {
// Top
dockedChildren.layout(0.0, maxUntransformedGraphicPrefWidth());
// Position anchors
if (tmpSide.vertical) {
final Bounds graphicWrapperBounds = graphicWrapper.getBoundsInLocal();
final double anchorY = (graphicWrapperBounds.getMinY() + graphicWrapperBounds.getMaxY()) / 2.0;
if (tmpSide.alignEnd) {
// Right
interiorAnchor.setReferencePosition(new Point(graphicWrapperBounds.getMinX() + 1, anchorY));
exteriorAnchor.setReferencePosition(new Point(graphicWrapperBounds.getMaxX() - 1, anchorY));
} else {
// Left
interiorAnchor.setReferencePosition(new Point(graphicWrapperBounds.getMaxX() - 1, anchorY));
exteriorAnchor.setReferencePosition(new Point(graphicWrapperBounds.getMinX() + 1, anchorY));
} else {
final Bounds graphicWrapperBounds = graphicWrapper.getBoundsInLocal();
final double anchorX = (graphicWrapperBounds.getMinX() + graphicWrapperBounds.getMaxX()) / 2.0;
if (tmpSide.alignEnd) {
// Bottom
interiorAnchor.setReferencePosition(new Point(anchorX, graphicWrapperBounds.getMinY() + 1));
exteriorAnchor.setReferencePosition(new Point(anchorX, graphicWrapperBounds.getMaxY() - 1));
} else {
// Top
interiorAnchor.setReferencePosition(new Point(anchorX, graphicWrapperBounds.getMaxY() - 1));
exteriorAnchor.setReferencePosition(new Point(anchorX, graphicWrapperBounds.getMinY() + 1));
use of org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Point in project osate2 by osate.
the class JavaFXBot method click.
* Clicks a scene graph node.
* If the node is contained in a {@link ScrollPane}, this function will scroll the pane so that it is visible.
* @param node the node to click.
public void click(final Node node) {
UiTestUtil.waitUntil(() -> UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(() -> isVisible(node)), "Node " + node + " is not visible");
Display.getDefault().syncExec(() -> {
final Point2D p;
if (node instanceof BaseConnectionNode) {
final BaseConnectionNode cn = (BaseConnectionNode) node;
final Connection ic = cn.getInnerConnection();
final Point startPoint = ic.getStartPoint();
p = ic.localToScreen(startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
} else {
p = node.localToScreen(4, 4);
robot.mouseMove(p.getX(), p.getY());
use of org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Point in project osate2 by osate.
the class BaseConnectionNode method layoutChildren.
public void layoutChildren() {
// Find the midpoint and the rotation angle at the midpoint to allow layout of midpoint decorations and
// anchor. Only polylines are supported. This is different from the center provided by the connection.
// The midpoint calculation combines the length of all segments and finds the appropriate segment.
// The center returned by the connection selects a point on the center segment.
final List<Point> points = connection.getPointsUnmodifiable();
if (points.size() <= 1) {
double midpointAngle = 0.0;
// Calculate the total distance
double totalDistance = 0.0;
Point prevPoint = points.get(0);
final List<Point> otherPoints = points.subList(1, points.size());
for (Point p : otherPoints) {
totalDistance += p.getDistance(prevPoint);
prevPoint = p;
Point midpoint = points.get(0);
if (totalDistance != 0.0) {
// Determine where the midpoint is
double distanceRemaining = totalDistance / 2.0;
prevPoint = points.get(0);
for (Point p : otherPoints) {
final double d = p.getDistance(prevPoint);
if (distanceRemaining <= d) {
// Find the point on the segment
double s = distanceRemaining / d;
midpoint = new Point(prevPoint.x + s * (p.x - prevPoint.x), prevPoint.y + s * (p.y - prevPoint.y));
midpointAngle = Math.atan2(p.y - prevPoint.y, p.x - prevPoint.x) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
} else {
distanceRemaining -= d;
prevPoint = p;
// Position the primary label. If a preferred position is set, use it. Otherwise, position the label
// above the connection center.
double labelY = midpoint.y - 2.0;
if (primaryLabels.inner.isManaged()) {
for (final Node child : Lists.reverse(primaryLabels.inner.getChildren())) {
final double childWidth = child.prefWidth(-1);
final double childHeight = child.prefHeight(-1);
final Point2D childRelPosition = PreferredPosition.get(child);
labelY -= childHeight;
if (childRelPosition == null) {
child.resizeRelocate(midpoint.x - childWidth / 2.0, labelY, childWidth, childHeight);
} else {
child.resizeRelocate(midpoint.x + childRelPosition.getX(), midpoint.y + childRelPosition.getY(), childWidth, childHeight);
// Position additional labels below the connection center. If a preferred position is set for any nodes,
// use it.
labelY = midpoint.y;
for (final Node child : secondaryLabels.inner.getChildren()) {
final double childWidth = child.prefWidth(-1);
final double childHeight = child.prefHeight(-1);
final Point2D childRelPosition = PreferredPosition.get(child);
if (childRelPosition == null) {
child.resizeRelocate(midpoint.x - childWidth / 2.0, labelY, childWidth, childHeight);
} else {
child.resizeRelocate(midpoint.x + childRelPosition.getX(), midpoint.y + childRelPosition.getY(), childWidth, childHeight);
labelY += childHeight;
// Layout midpoint decorations
double totalMidpointDecorationWidth = -MIDPOINT_DECORATION_SPACING;
for (final Node child : midpointDecorations.inner.getChildren()) {
totalMidpointDecorationWidth += child.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() + MIDPOINT_DECORATION_SPACING;
// Position the midpoint decorations
double centerDecorationX = midpoint.x - totalMidpointDecorationWidth / 2.0;
for (final Node child : midpointDecorations.inner.getChildren()) {
final Bounds childBounds = child.getLayoutBounds();
child.relocate(centerDecorationX, midpoint.y - childBounds.getHeight() / 2.0);
centerDecorationX += childBounds.getWidth() + MIDPOINT_DECORATION_SPACING;
// Rotate the midpoint decoration to match the orientation of the segment where it is located
// Set the position of the midpoint anchor.