use of org.eclipse.hono.deviceregistry.util.Versioned in project hono by eclipse.
the class ManagementStore method create.
* Create a new tenant.
* <p>
* The operation may fail with a {@link} if a
* tenant with the ID or trust anchor already exists.
* @param tenantId The ID of the new tenant.
* @param tenant The tenant information.
* @param spanContext The span to contribute to.
* @return A future, tracking the outcome of the operation.
public Future<Versioned<Void>> create(final String tenantId, final Tenant tenant, final SpanContext spanContext) {
final var json = tenantToJson(tenant);
final var version = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final Span span = TracingHelper.buildChildSpan(this.tracer, spanContext, "create tenant", getClass().getSimpleName()).withTag(TracingHelper.TAG_TENANT_ID, tenantId).start();
return SQL.runTransactionally(this.client, this.tracer, span.context(), (connection, context) -> {
final var expanded = this.createStatement.expand(params -> {
params.put("tenant_id", tenantId);
params.put("version", version);
params.put("data", json);
log.debug("create - statement: {}", expanded);
return expanded.trace(this.tracer, span.context()).update(this.client).recover(SQL::translateException).flatMap(r -> insertAllTrustAnchors(connection, tenantId, tenant, span));
}).map(new Versioned<Void>(version, null)).onComplete(x -> span.finish());
use of org.eclipse.hono.deviceregistry.util.Versioned in project hono by eclipse.
the class ManagementStore method update.
* Create a new tenant.
* <p>
* The operation may fail with a {@link} if the
* specified tenant does not exist.
* <p>
* The operation may fail with a {@link} if a
* tenant with the ID or trust anchor already exists.
* <p>
* The operation may fail with an {@link} if
* an expected resource version was provided, but the current version did not match.
* @param tenantId The ID of the new tenant.
* @param tenant The tenant information.
* @param resourceVersion An optional resource version.
* @param spanContext The span to contribute to.
* @return A future, tracking the outcome of the operation.
public Future<Versioned<Void>> update(final String tenantId, final Tenant tenant, final Optional<String> resourceVersion, final SpanContext spanContext) {
final var json = tenantToJson(tenant);
final Span span = TracingHelper.buildChildSpan(this.tracer, spanContext, "update tenant", getClass().getSimpleName()).withTag(TracingHelper.TAG_TENANT_ID, tenantId).start();
final var nextVersion = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
resourceVersion.ifPresent(version -> span.setTag("version", version));
final Statement statement = resourceVersion.isPresent() ? this.updateVersionedStatement : this.updateStatement;
return SQL.runTransactionally(this.client, this.tracer, span.context(), (connection, context) -> updateJsonField(connection, tenantId, statement, json, resourceVersion, nextVersion, span).flatMap(r -> {
if (r.getUpdated() <= 0) {
return Future.failedFuture(new EntityNotFoundException());
} else {
return Future.succeededFuture();
}).flatMap(x -> deleteAllTrustAnchors(connection, tenantId, span)).flatMap(r -> insertAllTrustAnchors(connection, tenantId, tenant, span))).map(new Versioned<Void>(nextVersion, null)).onComplete(x -> span.finish());
use of org.eclipse.hono.deviceregistry.util.Versioned in project hono by eclipse.
the class TableManagementStore method updateDevice.
* Update device registration information.
* <p>
* This called the {@link #updateJsonField(DeviceKey, Statement, String, Optional, String, Span)} method
* with either the {@code updateRegistration} or {@code updateRegistrationVersioned}
* statement.
* @param key The key of the device to update.
* @param device The device data to store.
* @param resourceVersion The optional resource version.
* @param spanContext The span to contribute to.
* @return A future, tracking the outcome of the operation.
public Future<Versioned<Void>> updateDevice(final DeviceKey key, final Device device, final Optional<String> resourceVersion, final SpanContext spanContext) {
final Span span = TracingHelper.buildChildSpan(this.tracer, spanContext, "update device", getClass().getSimpleName()).withTag(TracingHelper.TAG_TENANT_ID, key.getTenantId()).withTag(TracingHelper.TAG_DEVICE_ID, key.getDeviceId()).start();
resourceVersion.ifPresent(version -> span.setTag("version", version));
final var memberOf = Optional.ofNullable(device.getMemberOf()).<Set<String>>map(HashSet::new).orElse(Collections.emptySet());
final JdbcBasedDeviceDto deviceDto = JdbcBasedDeviceDto.forUpdate(key, device, DeviceRegistryUtils.getUniqueIdentifier());
return SQL.runTransactionally(this.client, this.tracer, span.context(), (connection, context) -> readDeviceForUpdate(connection, key, context).compose(result -> extractVersionForUpdate(result, resourceVersion)).compose(version -> deleteGroups(connection, key, context).map(version)).compose(version -> createGroups(connection, key, memberOf, context).map(version)).compose(version -> this.updateRegistrationVersionedStatement.expand(map -> {
map.put("tenant_id", deviceDto.getTenantId());
map.put("device_id", deviceDto.getDeviceId());
map.put("data", deviceDto.getDeviceJson());
map.put("expected_version", version);
map.put("next_version", deviceDto.getVersion());
map.put("updated_on", Timestamp.from(deviceDto.getUpdatedOn()));
map.put("auto_provisioning_notification_sent", deviceDto.isAutoProvisioningNotificationSent());
}).trace(this.tracer, span.context()).update(connection).compose(TableManagementStore::checkUpdateOutcome).map(version))).map(x -> new Versioned<Void>(deviceDto.getVersion(), null)).onComplete(x -> span.finish());
use of org.eclipse.hono.deviceregistry.util.Versioned in project hono by eclipse.
the class TableManagementStore method setCredentials.
* Set all credentials for a device.
* <p>
* This will set/update all credentials of the device. If the device does not exist, the result
* will be {@code false}. If the update was successful, then the result will be {@code true}.
* If the resource version was provided, but the provided version was no longer the current version,
* then the future will fail with a {@link OptimisticLockingException}.
* @param key The key of the device to update.
* @param credentials The credentials to set.
* @param resourceVersion The optional resource version to update.
* @param spanContext The span to contribute to.
* @return A future, tracking the outcome of the operation.
public Future<Versioned<Boolean>> setCredentials(final DeviceKey key, final List<CommonCredential> credentials, final Optional<String> resourceVersion, final SpanContext spanContext) {
final Span span = TracingHelper.buildChildSpan(this.tracer, spanContext, "set credentials", getClass().getSimpleName()).withTag(TracingHelper.TAG_TENANT_ID, key.getTenantId()).withTag(TracingHelper.TAG_DEVICE_ID, key.getDeviceId()).withTag("num_credentials", credentials.size()).start();
resourceVersion.ifPresent(version -> span.setTag("version", version));
final String nextVersion = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
return SQL.runTransactionally(this.client, this.tracer, span.context(), (connection, context) -> readDeviceForUpdate(connection, key, context).compose(result -> extractVersionForUpdate(result, resourceVersion)).compose(version -> Future.succeededFuture().compose(x -> {
final Promise<CredentialsDto> result = Promise.promise();
final var updatedCredentialsDto = CredentialsDto.forUpdate(key.getTenantId(), key.getDeviceId(), credentials, nextVersion);
if (updatedCredentialsDto.requiresMerging()) {
getCredentialsDto(key, connection, span).map(updatedCredentialsDto::merge).onComplete(result);
} else {
// simply replace the existing credentials with the
// updated ones provided by the client
return result.future();
}).compose(updatedCredentials -> this.deleteAllCredentialsStatement.expand(map -> {
map.put("tenant_id", key.getTenantId());
map.put("device_id", key.getDeviceId());
}).trace(this.tracer, span.context()).update(connection).map(updatedCredentials)).compose(updatedCredentials -> {
return CompositeFuture.all(updatedCredentials.getData().stream().map(JsonObject::mapFrom).filter(c -> c.containsKey("type") && c.containsKey("auth-id")).map(c -> this.insertCredentialEntryStatement.expand(map -> {
map.put("tenant_id", key.getTenantId());
map.put("device_id", key.getDeviceId());
map.put("type", c.getString("type"));
map.put("auth_id", c.getString("auth-id"));
map.put("data", c.toString());
}).trace(this.tracer, span.context()).update(connection)).collect(Collectors.toList())).mapEmpty();
}).compose(x -> this.updateDeviceVersionStatement.expand(map -> {
map.put("tenant_id", key.getTenantId());
map.put("device_id", key.getDeviceId());
map.put("expected_version", version);
map.put("next_version", nextVersion);
}).trace(this.tracer, span.context()).update(connection).compose(TableManagementStore::checkUpdateOutcome)).map(true))).recover(err -> recoverNotFound(span, err, () -> false)).map(ok -> new Versioned<>(nextVersion, ok)).onComplete(x -> span.finish());
use of org.eclipse.hono.deviceregistry.util.Versioned in project hono by eclipse.
the class TableManagementStore method createDevice.
* Creates a new device.
* <p>
* This method executes the {@code create} statement, providing the named parameters
* {@code tenant_id}, {@code device_id}, {@code version}, and {@code data}.
* <p>
* It returns the plain update result. In case a device with the same ID already
* exists, the underlying database must throw an {@link java.sql.SQLException}, indicating
* a duplicate entity or constraint violation. This will be translated into a
* failed future with an {@link}.
* @param key The key of the device to create.
* @param device The device data.
* @param tenant The configuration of the tenant that the device belongs to.
* @param globalDevicesPerTenantLimit The globally defined maximum number of devices per tenant. A value
* <= 0 will be interpreted as no limit being defined.
* @param spanContext The span to contribute to.
* @return A future, tracking the outcome of the operation.
public Future<Versioned<Void>> createDevice(final DeviceKey key, final Device device, final Tenant tenant, final int globalDevicesPerTenantLimit, final SpanContext spanContext) {
final Span span = TracingHelper.buildChildSpan(this.tracer, spanContext, "create device", getClass().getSimpleName()).withTag(TracingHelper.TAG_TENANT_ID, key.getTenantId()).withTag(TracingHelper.TAG_DEVICE_ID, key.getDeviceId()).start();
final JdbcBasedDeviceDto deviceDto = JdbcBasedDeviceDto.forCreation(key, device, DeviceRegistryUtils.getUniqueIdentifier());
return SQL.runTransactionally(this.client, this.tracer, span.context(), (connection, context) -> {
final var expanded = this.createStatement.expand(params -> {
params.put("tenant_id", deviceDto.getTenantId());
params.put("device_id", deviceDto.getDeviceId());
params.put("version", deviceDto.getVersion());
params.put("data", deviceDto.getDeviceJson());
params.put("created", Timestamp.from(deviceDto.getCreationTime()));
params.put("auto_provisioned", deviceDto.isAutoProvisioned());
log.debug("createDevice - statement: {}", expanded);
return getDeviceCount(key.getTenantId(), span.context()).compose(currentDeviceCount -> tenant.checkDeviceLimitReached(key.getTenantId(), currentDeviceCount, globalDevicesPerTenantLimit)).compose(ok -> expanded.trace(this.tracer, context).update(this.client).recover(SQL::translateException)).compose(x -> createGroups(connection, key, new HashSet<>(device.getMemberOf()), context));
}).map(new Versioned<Void>(deviceDto.getVersion(), null)).onComplete(x -> span.finish());