use of org.eclipse.hono.service.http.HttpContext in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapterTest method testUploadTelemetryWithTtdClosesCommandConsumerIfSendingFails.
* Verifies that the adapter closes the command consumer created as part of
* handling a request with a TTD parameter if sending of the telemetry
* message fails.
public void testUploadTelemetryWithTtdClosesCommandConsumerIfSendingFails() {
// GIVEN an adapter
// with the downstream telemetry sender unable to forward messages
final Promise<Void> sendResult = Promise.promise(); ServerErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE));
// WHEN a device publishes a telemetry message with a TTD
final Buffer payload = Buffer.buffer("some payload");
final HttpServerResponse response = mock(HttpServerResponse.class);
final HttpServerRequest request = mock(HttpServerRequest.class);
final HttpContext ctx = newHttpContext(payload, "text/plain", request, response);
when(ctx.getRoutingContext().addBodyEndHandler(VertxMockSupport.anyHandler())).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
final Handler<Void> handler = invocation.getArgument(0);
return 0;
// and the creation of the command consumer completes at a later point
final Promise<CommandConsumer> commandConsumerPromise = Promise.promise();
when(commandConsumerFactory.createCommandConsumer(anyString(), anyString(), VertxMockSupport.anyHandler(), any(), any())).thenReturn(commandConsumerPromise.future());
adapter.uploadTelemetryMessage(ctx, "tenant", "device");
// THEN the request fails immediately
// the message has been reported
verify(metrics).reportTelemetry(eq(EndpointType.TELEMETRY), eq("tenant"), any(), eq(ProcessingOutcome.UNDELIVERABLE), eq(MetricsTags.QoS.AT_MOST_ONCE), eq(payload.length()), eq(TtdStatus.NONE), any());
// and the command consumer is closed
use of org.eclipse.hono.service.http.HttpContext in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapterTest method testUploadTelemetryDoesNotWaitForAcceptedOutcome.
* Verifies that the adapter does not wait for a telemetry message being settled and accepted
* by a downstream peer before responding with a 202 status to the device.
public void testUploadTelemetryDoesNotWaitForAcceptedOutcome() {
// GIVEN an adapter with a downstream telemetry consumer attached
// WHEN a device publishes a telemetry message
final Buffer payload = Buffer.buffer("some payload");
final HttpServerResponse response = mock(HttpServerResponse.class);
final HttpContext ctx = newHttpContext(payload, "application/text", mock(HttpServerRequest.class), response);
when(ctx.getRoutingContext().addBodyEndHandler(VertxMockSupport.anyHandler())).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
final Handler<Void> handler = invocation.getArgument(0);
return 0;
adapter.uploadTelemetryMessage(ctx, "tenant", "device");
// THEN the device receives a 202 response immediately
assertTelemetryMessageHasBeenSentDownstream(QoS.AT_MOST_ONCE, "tenant", "device", "application/text");
// and the message has been reported as processed
verify(metrics).reportTelemetry(eq(MetricsTags.EndpointType.TELEMETRY), eq("tenant"), any(), eq(MetricsTags.ProcessingOutcome.FORWARDED), eq(MetricsTags.QoS.AT_MOST_ONCE), eq(payload.length()), eq(MetricsTags.TtdStatus.NONE), any());
use of org.eclipse.hono.service.http.HttpContext in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapterTest method testUploadCommandResponseWaitsForAcceptedOutcome.
* Verifies that the adapter waits for a command response being settled and accepted
* by a downstream peer before responding with a 202 status to the device.
public void testUploadCommandResponseWaitsForAcceptedOutcome() {
// GIVEN an adapter with a downstream application attached
final Promise<Void> outcome = Promise.promise();
// WHEN a device publishes a command response
final Buffer payload = Buffer.buffer("some payload");
final HttpServerResponse response = mock(HttpServerResponse.class);
final HttpContext ctx = newHttpContext(payload, "application/text", mock(HttpServerRequest.class), response);
when(ctx.getRoutingContext().addBodyEndHandler(VertxMockSupport.anyHandler())).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
final Handler<Void> handler = invocation.getArgument(0);
return 0;
adapter.uploadCommandResponseMessage(ctx, "tenant", "device", CMD_REQ_ID, 200);
// THEN the device does not get a response
verify(response, never()).end();
// and the response has not been reported as forwarded
verify(metrics, never()).reportCommand(eq(Direction.RESPONSE), eq("tenant"), any(), eq(ProcessingOutcome.FORWARDED), anyInt(), any());
// until the command response has been accepted by the application
verify(metrics).reportCommand(eq(Direction.RESPONSE), eq("tenant"), any(), eq(ProcessingOutcome.FORWARDED), eq(payload.length()), any());
use of org.eclipse.hono.service.http.HttpContext in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapterTest method testMessageLimitExceededForATelemetryMessage.
* Verifies that a telemetry message is rejected due to the limit exceeded.
public void testMessageLimitExceededForATelemetryMessage() {
// GIVEN an adapter with a downstream telemetry consumer attached
final Buffer payload = Buffer.buffer("some payload");
final HttpContext routingContext = newHttpContext(payload);
// WHEN the message limit exceeds
when(resourceLimitChecks.isMessageLimitReached(any(TenantObject.class), anyLong(), any(SpanContext.class))).thenReturn(Future.succeededFuture(Boolean.TRUE));
// WHEN a device that belongs to "my-tenant" publishes a telemetry message
adapter.uploadTelemetryMessage(routingContext, "my-tenant", "the-device", payload, "application/text");
// THEN the device gets a 429
assertContextFailedWithClientError(routingContext, HttpUtils.HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS);
// the message has been reported
verify(metrics).reportTelemetry(eq(EndpointType.TELEMETRY), eq("my-tenant"), any(), eq(ProcessingOutcome.UNPROCESSABLE), eq(MetricsTags.QoS.AT_MOST_ONCE), eq(payload.length()), eq(TtdStatus.NONE), any());
use of org.eclipse.hono.service.http.HttpContext in project hono by eclipse.
the class AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapterTest method testUploadTelemetryUsesConfiguredMaxTtd.
* Verifies that the adapter uses the max TTD configured for the adapter if a device provides
* a TTD value that is greater than the max value.
public void testUploadTelemetryUsesConfiguredMaxTtd() {
// GIVEN an adapter with a downstream telemetry consumer attached
// WHEN a device publishes a telemetry message that belongs to a tenant with
// a max TTD of 20 secs
final TenantObject tenant = TenantObject.from("tenant", true).addAdapter(new Adapter(ADAPTER_TYPE).setEnabled(Boolean.TRUE).setExtensions(Map.of(TenantConstants.FIELD_MAX_TTD, 20)));
when(tenantClient.get(eq("tenant"), any())).thenReturn(Future.succeededFuture(tenant));
// and includes a TTD value of 40 in its request
final Buffer payload = Buffer.buffer("some payload");
final HttpServerResponse response = mock(HttpServerResponse.class);
final HttpServerRequest request = mock(HttpServerRequest.class);
final HttpContext ctx = newHttpContext(payload, "text/plain", request, response);
adapter.uploadTelemetryMessage(ctx, "tenant", "device");
// THEN the device receives a 202 response immediately
// and the downstream message contains the configured max TTD
verify(telemetrySender).sendTelemetry(eq(tenant), argThat(assertion -> assertion.getDeviceId().equals("device")), eq(org.eclipse.hono.util.QoS.AT_MOST_ONCE), eq("text/plain"), any(Buffer.class), argThat(props -> props.get(MessageHelper.APP_PROPERTY_DEVICE_TTD).equals(20)), any());