use of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AllocationExpression in project lombok by rzwitserloot.
the class EclipseJavaUtilListSingularizer method appendBuildCode.
public void appendBuildCode(SingularData data, EclipseNode builderType, List<Statement> statements, char[] targetVariableName) {
if (useGuavaInstead(builderType)) {
guavaListSetSingularizer.appendBuildCode(data, builderType, statements, targetVariableName);
List<Statement> switchContents = new ArrayList<Statement>();
/* case 0: (empty) break; */
switchContents.add(new CaseStatement(makeIntLiteral(new char[] { '0' }, null), 0, 0));
MessageSend invoke = new MessageSend();
invoke.receiver = new QualifiedNameReference(JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTIONS, NULL_POSS, 0, 0);
invoke.selector = "emptyList".toCharArray();
switchContents.add(new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(data.getPluralName(), 0), invoke, 0));
switchContents.add(new BreakStatement(null, 0, 0));
/* case 1: (singleton) break; */
switchContents.add(new CaseStatement(makeIntLiteral(new char[] { '1' }, null), 0, 0));
FieldReference thisDotField = new FieldReference(data.getPluralName(), 0L);
thisDotField.receiver = new ThisReference(0, 0);
MessageSend thisDotFieldGet0 = new MessageSend();
thisDotFieldGet0.receiver = thisDotField;
thisDotFieldGet0.selector = new char[] { 'g', 'e', 't' };
thisDotFieldGet0.arguments = new Expression[] { makeIntLiteral(new char[] { '0' }, null) };
Expression[] args = new Expression[] { thisDotFieldGet0 };
MessageSend invoke = new MessageSend();
invoke.receiver = new QualifiedNameReference(JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTIONS, NULL_POSS, 0, 0);
invoke.selector = "singletonList".toCharArray();
invoke.arguments = args;
switchContents.add(new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(data.getPluralName(), 0), invoke, 0));
switchContents.add(new BreakStatement(null, 0, 0));
/* default: Create by passing builder field to constructor. */
switchContents.add(new CaseStatement(null, 0, 0));
Expression argToUnmodifiable;
/* new j.u.ArrayList<Generics>(this.pluralName); */
FieldReference thisDotPluralName = new FieldReference(data.getPluralName(), 0L);
thisDotPluralName.receiver = new ThisReference(0, 0);
TypeReference targetTypeExpr = new QualifiedTypeReference(JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYLIST, NULL_POSS);
targetTypeExpr = addTypeArgs(1, false, builderType, targetTypeExpr, data.getTypeArgs());
AllocationExpression constructorCall = new AllocationExpression();
constructorCall.type = targetTypeExpr;
constructorCall.arguments = new Expression[] { thisDotPluralName };
argToUnmodifiable = constructorCall;
/* pluralname = Collections.unmodifiableList(-newlist-); */
MessageSend unmodInvoke = new MessageSend();
unmodInvoke.receiver = new QualifiedNameReference(JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTIONS, NULL_POSS, 0, 0);
unmodInvoke.selector = "unmodifiableList".toCharArray();
unmodInvoke.arguments = new Expression[] { argToUnmodifiable };
switchContents.add(new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(data.getPluralName(), 0), unmodInvoke, 0));
SwitchStatement switchStat = new SwitchStatement();
switchStat.statements = switchContents.toArray(new Statement[switchContents.size()]);
switchStat.expression = getSize(builderType, data.getPluralName(), true);
TypeReference localShadowerType = new QualifiedTypeReference(Eclipse.fromQualifiedName(data.getTargetFqn()), NULL_POSS);
localShadowerType = addTypeArgs(1, false, builderType, localShadowerType, data.getTypeArgs());
LocalDeclaration varDefStat = new LocalDeclaration(data.getPluralName(), 0, 0);
varDefStat.type = localShadowerType;
use of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AllocationExpression in project lombok by rzwitserloot.
the class EclipseJavaUtilSingularizer method createConstructBuilderVarIfNeeded.
protected Statement createConstructBuilderVarIfNeeded(SingularData data, EclipseNode builderType, boolean mapMode) {
char[] v1Name, v2Name;
if (mapMode) {
String n = new String(data.getPluralName());
v1Name = (n + "$key").toCharArray();
v2Name = (n + "$value").toCharArray();
} else {
v1Name = data.getPluralName();
v2Name = null;
FieldReference thisDotField = new FieldReference(v1Name, 0L);
thisDotField.receiver = new ThisReference(0, 0);
Expression cond = new EqualExpression(thisDotField, new NullLiteral(0, 0), OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL);
thisDotField = new FieldReference(v1Name, 0L);
thisDotField.receiver = new ThisReference(0, 0);
TypeReference v1Type = new QualifiedTypeReference(JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYLIST, NULL_POSS);
v1Type = addTypeArgs(1, false, builderType, v1Type, data.getTypeArgs());
AllocationExpression constructArrayList = new AllocationExpression();
constructArrayList.type = v1Type;
Assignment initV1 = new Assignment(thisDotField, constructArrayList, 0);
Statement thenPart;
if (mapMode) {
thisDotField = new FieldReference(v2Name, 0L);
thisDotField.receiver = new ThisReference(0, 0);
TypeReference v2Type = new QualifiedTypeReference(JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYLIST, NULL_POSS);
List<TypeReference> tArgs = data.getTypeArgs();
if (tArgs != null && tArgs.size() > 1)
tArgs = Collections.singletonList(tArgs.get(1));
tArgs = Collections.emptyList();
v2Type = addTypeArgs(1, false, builderType, v2Type, tArgs);
constructArrayList = new AllocationExpression();
constructArrayList.type = v2Type;
Assignment initV2 = new Assignment(thisDotField, constructArrayList, 0);
Block b = new Block(0);
b.statements = new Statement[] { initV1, initV2 };
thenPart = b;
} else {
thenPart = initV1;
return new IfStatement(cond, thenPart, 0, 0);