use of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.PostfixExpression in project lombok by rzwitserloot.
the class EclipseJavaUtilSingularizer method createJavaUtilSimpleCreationAndFillStatements.
protected List<Statement> createJavaUtilSimpleCreationAndFillStatements(SingularData data, EclipseNode builderType, boolean mapMode, boolean defineVar, boolean addInitialCapacityArg, boolean nullGuard, String targetType) {
char[] varName = mapMode ? (new String(data.getPluralName()) + "$key").toCharArray() : data.getPluralName();
Statement createStat;
// pluralName = new java.util.TargetType(initialCap);
Expression[] constructorArgs = null;
if (addInitialCapacityArg) {
// this.varName.size() < MAX_POWER_OF_2 ? 1 + this.varName.size() + (this.varName.size() - 3) / 3 : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// lessThanCutOff = this.varName.size() < MAX_POWER_OF_2
Expression lessThanCutoff = new BinaryExpression(getSize(builderType, varName, nullGuard), makeIntLiteral("0x40000000".toCharArray(), null), OperatorIds.LESS);
FieldReference integerMaxValue = new FieldReference("MAX_VALUE".toCharArray(), 0L);
integerMaxValue.receiver = new QualifiedNameReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_INTEGER, NULL_POSS, 0, 0);
Expression sizeFormulaLeft = new BinaryExpression(makeIntLiteral(new char[] { '1' }, null), getSize(builderType, varName, nullGuard), OperatorIds.PLUS);
Expression sizeFormulaRightLeft = new BinaryExpression(getSize(builderType, varName, nullGuard), makeIntLiteral(new char[] { '3' }, null), OperatorIds.MINUS);
Expression sizeFormulaRight = new BinaryExpression(sizeFormulaRightLeft, makeIntLiteral(new char[] { '3' }, null), OperatorIds.DIVIDE);
Expression sizeFormula = new BinaryExpression(sizeFormulaLeft, sizeFormulaRight, OperatorIds.PLUS);
Expression cond = new ConditionalExpression(lessThanCutoff, sizeFormula, integerMaxValue);
constructorArgs = new Expression[] { cond };
TypeReference targetTypeRef = new QualifiedTypeReference(new char[][] { TypeConstants.JAVA, TypeConstants.UTIL, targetType.toCharArray() }, NULL_POSS);
targetTypeRef = addTypeArgs(mapMode ? 2 : 1, false, builderType, targetTypeRef, data.getTypeArgs());
AllocationExpression constructorCall = new AllocationExpression();
constructorCall.type = targetTypeRef;
constructorCall.arguments = constructorArgs;
if (defineVar) {
TypeReference localShadowerType = new QualifiedTypeReference(fromQualifiedName(data.getTargetFqn()), NULL_POSS);
localShadowerType = addTypeArgs(mapMode ? 2 : 1, false, builderType, localShadowerType, data.getTypeArgs());
LocalDeclaration localShadowerDecl = new LocalDeclaration(data.getPluralName(), 0, 0);
localShadowerDecl.type = localShadowerType;
localShadowerDecl.initialization = constructorCall;
createStat = localShadowerDecl;
} else {
createStat = new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(data.getPluralName(), 0L), constructorCall, 0);
Statement fillStat;
if (mapMode) {
// for (int $i = 0; $i < this.pluralname$key.size(); i++) pluralname.put(this.pluralname$key.get($i), this.pluralname$value.get($i));
char[] iVar = new char[] { '$', 'i' };
MessageSend pluralnameDotPut = new MessageSend();
pluralnameDotPut.selector = new char[] { 'p', 'u', 't' };
pluralnameDotPut.receiver = new SingleNameReference(data.getPluralName(), 0L);
FieldReference thisDotKey = new FieldReference(varName, 0L);
thisDotKey.receiver = new ThisReference(0, 0);
FieldReference thisDotValue = new FieldReference((new String(data.getPluralName()) + "$value").toCharArray(), 0L);
thisDotValue.receiver = new ThisReference(0, 0);
MessageSend keyArg = new MessageSend();
keyArg.receiver = thisDotKey;
keyArg.arguments = new Expression[] { new SingleNameReference(iVar, 0L) };
keyArg.selector = new char[] { 'g', 'e', 't' };
MessageSend valueArg = new MessageSend();
valueArg.receiver = thisDotValue;
valueArg.arguments = new Expression[] { new SingleNameReference(iVar, 0L) };
valueArg.selector = new char[] { 'g', 'e', 't' };
pluralnameDotPut.arguments = new Expression[] { keyArg, valueArg };
LocalDeclaration forInit = new LocalDeclaration(iVar, 0, 0);
forInit.type = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0);
forInit.initialization = makeIntLiteral(new char[] { '0' }, null);
Expression checkExpr = new BinaryExpression(new SingleNameReference(iVar, 0L), getSize(builderType, varName, nullGuard), OperatorIds.LESS);
Expression incrementExpr = new PostfixExpression(new SingleNameReference(iVar, 0L), IntLiteral.One, OperatorIds.PLUS, 0);
fillStat = new ForStatement(new Statement[] { forInit }, checkExpr, new Statement[] { incrementExpr }, pluralnameDotPut, true, 0, 0);
} else {
// pluralname.addAll(this.pluralname);
MessageSend pluralnameDotAddAll = new MessageSend();
pluralnameDotAddAll.selector = new char[] { 'a', 'd', 'd', 'A', 'l', 'l' };
pluralnameDotAddAll.receiver = new SingleNameReference(data.getPluralName(), 0L);
FieldReference thisDotPluralname = new FieldReference(varName, 0L);
thisDotPluralname.receiver = new ThisReference(0, 0);
pluralnameDotAddAll.arguments = new Expression[] { thisDotPluralname };
fillStat = pluralnameDotAddAll;
if (nullGuard) {
FieldReference thisDotField = new FieldReference(varName, 0L);
thisDotField.receiver = new ThisReference(0, 0);
Expression cond = new EqualExpression(thisDotField, new NullLiteral(0, 0), OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL);
fillStat = new IfStatement(cond, fillStat, 0, 0);
Statement unmodifiableStat;
// pluralname = Collections.unmodifiableInterfaceType(pluralname);
Expression arg = new SingleNameReference(data.getPluralName(), 0L);
MessageSend invoke = new MessageSend();
invoke.arguments = new Expression[] { arg };
invoke.selector = ("unmodifiable" + data.getTargetSimpleType()).toCharArray();
invoke.receiver = new QualifiedNameReference(JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTIONS, NULL_POSS, 0, 0);
unmodifiableStat = new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(data.getPluralName(), 0L), invoke, 0);
return Arrays.asList(createStat, fillStat, unmodifiableStat);