use of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CastExpression in project lombok by rzwitserloot.
the class HandleGetter method createLazyGetterBody.
public Statement[] createLazyGetterBody(ASTNode source, EclipseNode fieldNode) {
java.lang.Object value = this.fieldName.get();
if (value == null) {
synchronized (this.fieldName) {
value = this.fieldName.get();
if (value == null) {
final RawValueType actualValue = INITIALIZER_EXPRESSION;
value = actualValue;
value = actualValue == null ? this.fieldName : actualValue;
return (BoxedValueType) value;
return (BoxedValueType) (value == this.fieldName ? null : value);
FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) fieldNode.get();
int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE;
TypeReference rawComponentType = copyType(field.type, source);
TypeReference boxedComponentType = null;
boolean isPrimitive = false;
if (field.type instanceof SingleTypeReference && !(field.type instanceof ArrayTypeReference)) {
char[][] newType = TYPE_MAP.get(new String(((SingleTypeReference) field.type).token));
if (newType != null) {
boxedComponentType = new QualifiedTypeReference(newType, poss(source, 3));
isPrimitive = true;
if (boxedComponentType == null)
boxedComponentType = copyType(field.type, source);
boxedComponentType.sourceStart = pS;
boxedComponentType.sourceEnd = boxedComponentType.statementEnd = pE;
Statement[] statements = new Statement[3];
/* java.lang.Object value = this.fieldName.get(); */
LocalDeclaration valueDecl = new LocalDeclaration(valueName, pS, pE);
valueDecl.type = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, poss(source, 3));
valueDecl.type.sourceStart = pS;
valueDecl.type.sourceEnd = valueDecl.type.statementEnd = pE;
MessageSend getter = new MessageSend();
getter.sourceStart = pS;
getter.statementEnd = getter.sourceEnd = pE;
getter.selector = new char[] { 'g', 'e', 't' };
getter.receiver = createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
valueDecl.initialization = getter;
statements[0] = valueDecl;
if (value == null) {
synchronized (this.fieldName) {
value = this.fieldName.get();
if (value == null) {
final ValueType actualValue = INITIALIZER_EXPRESSION;
value = actualValue;
value = actualValue == null ? this.fieldName : actualValue;
EqualExpression cond = new EqualExpression(new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE), BinaryExpression.EQUAL_EQUAL);
Block then = new Block(0);
Expression lock = createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
Block inner = new Block(0);
inner.statements = new Statement[2];
/* value = this.fieldName.get(); */
MessageSend getter = new MessageSend();
getter.sourceStart = pS;
getter.sourceEnd = getter.statementEnd = pE;
getter.selector = new char[] { 'g', 'e', 't' };
getter.receiver = createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
Assignment assign = new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), getter, pE);
assign.sourceStart = pS;
assign.statementEnd = assign.sourceEnd = pE;
inner.statements[0] = assign;
/* if (value == null) */
EqualExpression innerCond = new EqualExpression(new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE), BinaryExpression.EQUAL_EQUAL);
innerCond.sourceStart = pS;
innerCond.sourceEnd = innerCond.statementEnd = pE;
Block innerThen = new Block(0);
innerThen.statements = new Statement[3];
/* final ValueType actualValue = INITIALIZER_EXPRESSION */
LocalDeclaration actualValueDecl = new LocalDeclaration(actualValueName, pS, pE);
actualValueDecl.type = rawComponentType;
actualValueDecl.type.sourceStart = pS;
actualValueDecl.type.sourceEnd = actualValueDecl.type.statementEnd = pE;
actualValueDecl.initialization = field.initialization;
actualValueDecl.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccFinal;
innerThen.statements[0] = actualValueDecl;
/* [IF PRIMITIVE] value = actualValue; */
if (isPrimitive) {
Assignment innerAssign = new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), new SingleNameReference(actualValueName, p), pE);
innerAssign.sourceStart = pS;
innerAssign.statementEnd = innerAssign.sourceEnd = pE;
innerThen.statements[1] = innerAssign;
/* [ELSE] value = actualValue == null ? this.fieldName : actualValue; */
if (!isPrimitive) {
EqualExpression avIsNull = new EqualExpression(new SingleNameReference(actualValueName, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE), BinaryExpression.EQUAL_EQUAL);
avIsNull.sourceStart = pS;
avIsNull.sourceEnd = avIsNull.statementEnd = pE;
Expression fieldRef = createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
ConditionalExpression ternary = new ConditionalExpression(avIsNull, fieldRef, new SingleNameReference(actualValueName, p));
ternary.sourceStart = pS;
ternary.sourceEnd = ternary.statementEnd = pE;
Assignment innerAssign = new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), ternary, pE);
innerAssign.sourceStart = pS;
innerAssign.statementEnd = innerAssign.sourceEnd = pE;
innerThen.statements[1] = innerAssign;
/* this.fieldName.set(value); */
MessageSend setter = new MessageSend();
setter.sourceStart = pS;
setter.sourceEnd = setter.statementEnd = pE;
setter.receiver = createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
setter.selector = new char[] { 's', 'e', 't' };
setter.arguments = new Expression[] { new SingleNameReference(valueName, p) };
innerThen.statements[2] = setter;
IfStatement innerIf = new IfStatement(innerCond, innerThen, pS, pE);
inner.statements[1] = innerIf;
SynchronizedStatement sync = new SynchronizedStatement(lock, inner, pS, pE);
then.statements = new Statement[] { sync };
IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(cond, then, pS, pE);
statements[1] = ifStatement;
/* [IF PRIMITIVE] return (BoxedValueType)value; */
if (isPrimitive) {
CastExpression cast = makeCastExpression(new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), boxedComponentType, source);
statements[2] = new ReturnStatement(cast, pS, pE);
/* [ELSE] return (BoxedValueType)(value == this.fieldName ? null : value); */
if (!isPrimitive) {
EqualExpression vIsThisFieldName = new EqualExpression(new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source), BinaryExpression.EQUAL_EQUAL);
vIsThisFieldName.sourceStart = pS;
vIsThisFieldName.sourceEnd = vIsThisFieldName.statementEnd = pE;
ConditionalExpression ternary = new ConditionalExpression(vIsThisFieldName, new NullLiteral(pS, pE), new SingleNameReference(valueName, p));
ternary.sourceStart = pS;
ternary.sourceEnd = ternary.statementEnd = pE;
ternary.bits |= PARENTHESIZED;
CastExpression cast = makeCastExpression(ternary, boxedComponentType, source);
statements[2] = new ReturnStatement(cast, pS, pE);
// update the field type and init last
/* private final java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<java.lang.Object> fieldName = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<java.lang.Object>(); */
TypeReference innerType = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, poss(source, 3));
TypeReference[][] typeParams = new TypeReference[5][];
typeParams[4] = new TypeReference[] { innerType };
TypeReference type = new ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference(AR, typeParams, 0, poss(source, 5));
// Some magic here
type.sourceStart = -1;
type.sourceEnd = -2;
field.type = type;
AllocationExpression init = new AllocationExpression();
// Some magic here
init.sourceStart = field.initialization.sourceStart;
init.sourceEnd = init.statementEnd = field.initialization.sourceEnd;
init.type = copyType(type, source);
field.initialization = init;
return statements;
use of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CastExpression in project lombok by rzwitserloot.
the class HandleEqualsAndHashCode method createEquals.
public MethodDeclaration createEquals(EclipseNode type, Collection<EclipseNode> fields, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, FieldAccess fieldAccess, boolean needsCanEqual, List<Annotation> onParam) {
int pS = source.sourceStart;
int pE = source.sourceEnd;
long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE;
MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(((CompilationUnitDeclaration);
setGeneratedBy(method, source);
method.modifiers = toEclipseModifier(AccessLevel.PUBLIC);
method.returnType = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_boolean, 0);
method.returnType.sourceStart = pS;
method.returnType.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(method.returnType, source);
method.annotations = new Annotation[] { makeMarkerAnnotation(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OVERRIDE, source) };
method.selector = "equals".toCharArray();
method.thrownExceptions = null;
method.typeParameters = null;
method.bits |= Eclipse.ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG;
method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = source.sourceStart;
method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
TypeReference objectRef = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, new long[] { p, p, p });
setGeneratedBy(objectRef, source);
method.arguments = new Argument[] { new Argument(new char[] { 'o' }, 0, objectRef, Modifier.FINAL) };
method.arguments[0].sourceStart = pS;
method.arguments[0].sourceEnd = pE;
if (!onParam.isEmpty())
method.arguments[0].annotations = onParam.toArray(new Annotation[0]);
setGeneratedBy(method.arguments[0], source);
List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<Statement>();
/* if (o == this) return true; */
SingleNameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] { 'o' }, p);
setGeneratedBy(oRef, source);
ThisReference thisRef = new ThisReference(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(thisRef, source);
EqualExpression otherEqualsThis = new EqualExpression(oRef, thisRef, OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL);
setGeneratedBy(otherEqualsThis, source);
TrueLiteral trueLiteral = new TrueLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(trueLiteral, source);
ReturnStatement returnTrue = new ReturnStatement(trueLiteral, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(returnTrue, source);
IfStatement ifOtherEqualsThis = new IfStatement(otherEqualsThis, returnTrue, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(ifOtherEqualsThis, source);
/* if (!(o instanceof Outer.Inner.MyType) return false; */
SingleNameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] { 'o' }, p);
setGeneratedBy(oRef, source);
TypeReference typeReference = createTypeReference(type, p, source, false);
setGeneratedBy(typeReference, source);
InstanceOfExpression instanceOf = new InstanceOfExpression(oRef, typeReference);
instanceOf.sourceStart = pS;
instanceOf.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(instanceOf, source);
Expression notInstanceOf = new UnaryExpression(instanceOf, OperatorIds.NOT);
setGeneratedBy(notInstanceOf, source);
FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(returnFalse, source);
IfStatement ifNotInstanceOf = new IfStatement(notInstanceOf, returnFalse, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(ifNotInstanceOf, source);
char[] otherName = "other".toCharArray();
/* Outer.Inner.MyType<?> other = (Outer.Inner.MyType<?>) o; */
if (!fields.isEmpty() || needsCanEqual) {
LocalDeclaration other = new LocalDeclaration(otherName, pS, pE);
other.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccFinal;
setGeneratedBy(other, source);
TypeReference targetType = createTypeReference(type, p, source, true);
setGeneratedBy(targetType, source);
other.type = createTypeReference(type, p, source, true);
setGeneratedBy(other.type, source);
NameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] { 'o' }, p);
setGeneratedBy(oRef, source);
other.initialization = makeCastExpression(oRef, targetType, source);
/* if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false; */
if (needsCanEqual) {
MessageSend otherCanEqual = new MessageSend();
otherCanEqual.sourceStart = pS;
otherCanEqual.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(otherCanEqual, source);
otherCanEqual.receiver = new SingleNameReference(otherName, p);
setGeneratedBy(otherCanEqual.receiver, source);
otherCanEqual.selector = "canEqual".toCharArray();
ThisReference thisReference = new ThisReference(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(thisReference, source);
CastExpression castThisRef = makeCastExpression(thisReference, generateQualifiedTypeRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT), source);
castThisRef.sourceStart = pS;
castThisRef.sourceEnd = pE;
otherCanEqual.arguments = new Expression[] { castThisRef };
Expression notOtherCanEqual = new UnaryExpression(otherCanEqual, OperatorIds.NOT);
setGeneratedBy(notOtherCanEqual, source);
FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(returnFalse, source);
IfStatement ifNotCanEqual = new IfStatement(notOtherCanEqual, returnFalse, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(ifNotCanEqual, source);
/* if (!super.equals(o)) return false; */
if (callSuper) {
MessageSend callToSuper = new MessageSend();
callToSuper.sourceStart = pS;
callToSuper.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(callToSuper, source);
callToSuper.receiver = new SuperReference(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(callToSuper.receiver, source);
callToSuper.selector = "equals".toCharArray();
SingleNameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] { 'o' }, p);
setGeneratedBy(oRef, source);
callToSuper.arguments = new Expression[] { oRef };
Expression superNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(callToSuper, OperatorIds.NOT);
setGeneratedBy(superNotEqual, source);
FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(returnFalse, source);
IfStatement ifSuperEquals = new IfStatement(superNotEqual, returnFalse, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(ifSuperEquals, source);
for (EclipseNode field : fields) {
TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, fieldAccess);
char[] token = fType.getLastToken();
Expression thisFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source);
Expression otherFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source, otherName);
if (fType.dimensions() == 0 && token != null) {
if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.FLOAT, token)) {
statements.add(generateCompareFloatOrDouble(thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor, "Float".toCharArray(), source));
} else if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.DOUBLE, token)) {
statements.add(generateCompareFloatOrDouble(thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor, "Double".toCharArray(), source));
} else if (BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token))) {
EqualExpression fieldsNotEqual = new EqualExpression(thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor, OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL);
setGeneratedBy(fieldsNotEqual, source);
FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(fieldsNotEqual, returnStatement, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source);
} else /* objects */
/* final java.lang.Object this$fieldName = this.fieldName; */
/* final java.lang.Object other$fieldName = other.fieldName; */
/* if (this$fieldName == null ? other$fieldName != null : !this$fieldName.equals(other$fieldName)) return false; */
char[] thisDollarFieldName = ("this$" + field.getName()).toCharArray();
char[] otherDollarFieldName = ("other$" + field.getName()).toCharArray();
statements.add(createLocalDeclaration(source, thisDollarFieldName, generateQualifiedTypeRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT), thisFieldAccessor));
statements.add(createLocalDeclaration(source, otherDollarFieldName, generateQualifiedTypeRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT), otherFieldAccessor));
SingleNameReference this1 = new SingleNameReference(thisDollarFieldName, p);
setGeneratedBy(this1, source);
SingleNameReference this2 = new SingleNameReference(thisDollarFieldName, p);
setGeneratedBy(this2, source);
SingleNameReference other1 = new SingleNameReference(otherDollarFieldName, p);
setGeneratedBy(other1, source);
SingleNameReference other2 = new SingleNameReference(otherDollarFieldName, p);
setGeneratedBy(other2, source);
NullLiteral nullLiteral = new NullLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(nullLiteral, source);
EqualExpression fieldIsNull = new EqualExpression(this1, nullLiteral, OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL);
nullLiteral = new NullLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(nullLiteral, source);
EqualExpression otherFieldIsntNull = new EqualExpression(other1, nullLiteral, OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL);
MessageSend equalsCall = new MessageSend();
equalsCall.sourceStart = pS;
equalsCall.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(equalsCall, source);
equalsCall.receiver = this2;
equalsCall.selector = "equals".toCharArray();
equalsCall.arguments = new Expression[] { other2 };
UnaryExpression fieldsNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(equalsCall, OperatorIds.NOT);
fieldsNotEqual.sourceStart = pS;
fieldsNotEqual.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(fieldsNotEqual, source);
ConditionalExpression fullEquals = new ConditionalExpression(fieldIsNull, otherFieldIsntNull, fieldsNotEqual);
fullEquals.sourceStart = pS;
fullEquals.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(fullEquals, source);
FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(fullEquals, returnStatement, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source);
} else if (fType.dimensions() > 0 && token != null) {
MessageSend arraysEqualCall = new MessageSend();
arraysEqualCall.sourceStart = pS;
arraysEqualCall.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(arraysEqualCall, source);
arraysEqualCall.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA, TypeConstants.UTIL, "Arrays".toCharArray());
if (fType.dimensions() > 1 || !BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token))) {
arraysEqualCall.selector = "deepEquals".toCharArray();
} else {
arraysEqualCall.selector = "equals".toCharArray();
arraysEqualCall.arguments = new Expression[] { thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor };
UnaryExpression arraysNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(arraysEqualCall, OperatorIds.NOT);
arraysNotEqual.sourceStart = pS;
arraysNotEqual.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(arraysNotEqual, source);
FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(arraysNotEqual, returnStatement, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source);
/* return true; */
TrueLiteral trueLiteral = new TrueLiteral(pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(trueLiteral, source);
ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(trueLiteral, pS, pE);
setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
method.statements = statements.toArray(new Statement[statements.size()]);
return method;
use of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CastExpression in project lombok by rzwitserloot.
the class EclipseHandlerUtil method makeCastExpression.
* In eclipse 3.7+, the CastExpression constructor was changed from a really weird version to
* a less weird one. Unfortunately that means we need to use reflection as we want to be compatible
* with eclipse versions before 3.7 and 3.7+.
* @param ref The {@code foo} in {@code (String)foo}.
* @param castTo The {@code String} in {@code (String)foo}.
public static CastExpression makeCastExpression(Expression ref, TypeReference castTo, ASTNode source) {
CastExpression result;
try {
if (castExpressionConstructorIsTypeRefBased) {
result = castExpressionConstructor.newInstance(ref, castTo);
} else {
Expression castToConverted = castTo;
if (castTo.getClass() == SingleTypeReference.class && !isPrimitive(castTo)) {
SingleTypeReference str = (SingleTypeReference) castTo;
// Why a SingleNameReference instead of a SingleTypeReference you ask? I don't know. It seems dumb. Ask the ecj guys.
castToConverted = new SingleNameReference(str.token, 0);
castToConverted.bits = (castToConverted.bits & ~Binding.VARIABLE) | Binding.TYPE;
castToConverted.sourceStart = str.sourceStart;
castToConverted.sourceEnd = str.sourceEnd;
setGeneratedBy(castToConverted, source);
} else if (castTo.getClass() == QualifiedTypeReference.class) {
QualifiedTypeReference qtr = (QualifiedTypeReference) castTo;
// Same here, but for the more complex types, they stay types.
castToConverted = new QualifiedNameReference(qtr.tokens, copy(qtr.sourcePositions), qtr.sourceStart, qtr.sourceEnd);
castToConverted.bits = (castToConverted.bits & ~Binding.VARIABLE) | Binding.TYPE;
setGeneratedBy(castToConverted, source);
result = castExpressionConstructor.newInstance(ref, castToConverted);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw Lombok.sneakyThrow(e.getCause());
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw Lombok.sneakyThrow(e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw Lombok.sneakyThrow(e);
result.sourceStart = source.sourceStart;
result.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
result.statementEnd = source.sourceEnd;
setGeneratedBy(result, source);
return result;
use of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CastExpression in project lombok by rzwitserloot.
the class HandleEqualsAndHashCode method longToIntForHashCode.
* Give 2 clones!
public Expression longToIntForHashCode(Expression ref1, Expression ref2, ASTNode source) {
int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
/* (int)(ref >>> 32 ^ ref) */
IntLiteral int32 = makeIntLiteral("32".toCharArray(), source);
BinaryExpression higherBits = new BinaryExpression(ref1, int32, OperatorIds.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT);
setGeneratedBy(higherBits, source);
BinaryExpression xorParts = new BinaryExpression(ref2, higherBits, OperatorIds.XOR);
setGeneratedBy(xorParts, source);
TypeReference intRef = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0);
intRef.sourceStart = pS;
intRef.sourceEnd = pE;
setGeneratedBy(intRef, source);
CastExpression expr = makeCastExpression(xorParts, intRef, source);
expr.sourceStart = pS;
expr.sourceEnd = pE;
return expr;