use of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.typeconstraints.typesets.TypeSet in project che by eclipse.
the class InferTypeArgumentsConstraintsSolver method maintainSimpleConstraint.
private void maintainSimpleConstraint(ITypeConstraint2 stc) {
ConstraintVariable2 left = stc.getLeft();
ConstraintVariable2 right = stc.getRight();
TypeEquivalenceSet leftSet = left.getTypeEquivalenceSet();
TypeEquivalenceSet rightSet = right.getTypeEquivalenceSet();
TypeSet leftEstimate = (TypeSet) leftSet.getTypeEstimate();
TypeSet rightEstimate = (TypeSet) rightSet.getTypeEstimate();
if (leftEstimate.isUniverse() && rightEstimate.isUniverse())
// nothing to do
if (leftEstimate.equals(rightEstimate))
// nothing to do
TypeSet lhsSuperTypes = leftEstimate.superTypes();
TypeSet rhsSubTypes = rightEstimate.subTypes();
if (!rhsSubTypes.containsAll(leftEstimate)) {
TypeSet xsection = leftEstimate.intersectedWith(rhsSubTypes);
// if (xsection.isEmpty()) // too bad, but this can happen
// throw new IllegalStateException("Type estimate set is now empty for LHS in " + left + " <= " + right + "; estimates were " + leftEstimate + " <= " + rightEstimate); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
if (!lhsSuperTypes.containsAll(rightEstimate)) {
TypeSet xsection = rightEstimate.intersectedWith(lhsSuperTypes);
// if (xsection.isEmpty())
// throw new IllegalStateException("Type estimate set is now empty for RHS in " + left + " <= " + right + "; estimates were " + leftEstimate + " <= " + rightEstimate); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
use of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.typeconstraints.typesets.TypeSet in project che by eclipse.
the class InferTypeArgumentsConstraintsSolver method initializeTypeEstimates.
private void initializeTypeEstimates(ConstraintVariable2[] allConstraintVariables) {
for (int i = 0; i < allConstraintVariables.length; i++) {
ConstraintVariable2 cv = allConstraintVariables[i];
//TODO: not necessary for types that are not used in a TypeConstraint but only as type in CollectionElementVariable
//TODO: handle nested element variables; see ParametricStructureComputer.createAndInitVars()
TypeEquivalenceSet set = cv.getTypeEquivalenceSet();
if (set == null) {
set = new TypeEquivalenceSet(cv);
} else {
TypeSet typeEstimate = (TypeSet) cv.getTypeEstimate();
if (typeEstimate == null) {
ConstraintVariable2[] cvs = set.getContributingVariables();
typeEstimate = fTypeSetEnvironment.getUniverseTypeSet();
for (//TODO: optimize: just try to find an immutable CV; if not found, use Universe
int j = 0; //TODO: optimize: just try to find an immutable CV; if not found, use Universe
j < cvs.length; //TODO: optimize: just try to find an immutable CV; if not found, use Universe
j++) typeEstimate = typeEstimate.intersectedWith(createInitialEstimate(cvs[j]));