use of org.eclipse.jetty.http2.frames.PrefaceFrame in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class HTTP2CServerTest method testHTTP_2_0_DirectWithoutH2C.
public void testHTTP_2_0_DirectWithoutH2C() throws Exception {
AtomicLong fills = new AtomicLong();
// Remove "h2c", leaving only "http/1.1".
HttpConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new HttpConnectionFactory() {
public Connection newConnection(Connector connector, EndPoint endPoint) {
HttpConnection connection = new HttpConnection(getHttpConfiguration(), connector, endPoint, getHttpCompliance(), isRecordHttpComplianceViolations()) {
public void onFillable() {
return configure(connection, connector, endPoint);
// Now send a HTTP/2 direct request, which
// will have the PRI * HTTP/2.0 preface.
byteBufferPool = new MappedByteBufferPool();
generator = new Generator(byteBufferPool);
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
try (Socket client = new Socket("localhost", connector.getLocalPort())) {
OutputStream output = client.getOutputStream();
for (ByteBuffer buffer : lease.getByteBuffers()) output.write(BufferUtil.toArray(buffer));
// We sent a HTTP/2 preface, but the server has no "h2c" connection
// factory so it does not know how to handle this request.
InputStream input = client.getInputStream();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
String responseLine = reader.readLine();
Assert.assertThat(responseLine, Matchers.containsString(" 426 "));
while (true) {
if ( < 0)
// Make sure we did not spin.
Assert.assertThat(fills.get(), Matchers.lessThan(5L));
use of org.eclipse.jetty.http2.frames.PrefaceFrame in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class HTTP2ServerTest method testRequestResponseNoContent.
public void testRequestResponseNoContent() throws Exception {
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(3);
startServer(new HttpServlet() {
protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
generator.control(lease, new SettingsFrame(new HashMap<>(), false));
MetaData.Request metaData = newRequest("GET", new HttpFields());
generator.control(lease, new HeadersFrame(1, metaData, null, true));
try (Socket client = new Socket("localhost", connector.getLocalPort())) {
OutputStream output = client.getOutputStream();
for (ByteBuffer buffer : lease.getByteBuffers()) {
final AtomicReference<HeadersFrame> frameRef = new AtomicReference<>();
Parser parser = new Parser(byteBufferPool, new Parser.Listener.Adapter() {
public void onSettings(SettingsFrame frame) {
public void onHeaders(HeadersFrame frame) {
}, 4096, 8192);
parseResponse(client, parser);
Assert.assertTrue(latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
HeadersFrame response = frameRef.get();
MetaData.Response responseMetaData = (MetaData.Response) response.getMetaData();
Assert.assertEquals(200, responseMetaData.getStatus());
use of org.eclipse.jetty.http2.frames.PrefaceFrame in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class HTTP2ServerTest method testRequestWithPriorityWithContinuationFrames.
public void testRequestWithPriorityWithContinuationFrames() throws Exception {
PriorityFrame priority = new PriorityFrame(1, 13, 200, true);
testRequestWithContinuationFrames(priority, () -> {
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
generator.control(lease, new SettingsFrame(new HashMap<>(), false));
MetaData.Request metaData = newRequest("GET", new HttpFields());
generator.control(lease, new HeadersFrame(1, metaData, priority, true));
return lease;
use of org.eclipse.jetty.http2.frames.PrefaceFrame in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class HTTP2ServerTest method testRequestWithContinuationFramesWithEmptyLastContinuationFrame.
public void testRequestWithContinuationFramesWithEmptyLastContinuationFrame() throws Exception {
testRequestWithContinuationFrames(null, () -> {
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
generator.control(lease, new SettingsFrame(new HashMap<>(), false));
MetaData.Request metaData = newRequest("GET", new HttpFields());
generator.control(lease, new HeadersFrame(1, metaData, null, true));
// Take the last CONTINUATION frame and reset the flag.
List<ByteBuffer> buffers = lease.getByteBuffers();
ByteBuffer continuationFrameHeader = buffers.get(buffers.size() - 2);
continuationFrameHeader.put(4, (byte) 0);
// Add a last, empty, CONTINUATION frame.
ByteBuffer last = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { // Length
0, // Length
0, // Length
0, (byte) FrameType.CONTINUATION.getType(), (byte) Flags.END_HEADERS, // Stream ID
0, // Stream ID
0, // Stream ID
0, // Stream ID
1 });
lease.append(last, false);
return lease;
use of org.eclipse.jetty.http2.frames.PrefaceFrame in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class HTTP2ServerTest method testRequestWithContinuationFramesWithEmptyContinuationFrame.
public void testRequestWithContinuationFramesWithEmptyContinuationFrame() throws Exception {
testRequestWithContinuationFrames(null, () -> {
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
generator.control(lease, new SettingsFrame(new HashMap<>(), false));
MetaData.Request metaData = newRequest("GET", new HttpFields());
generator.control(lease, new HeadersFrame(1, metaData, null, true));
// Take the ContinuationFrame header, duplicate it, and set the length to zero.
List<ByteBuffer> buffers = lease.getByteBuffers();
ByteBuffer continuationFrameHeader = buffers.get(4);
ByteBuffer duplicate = ByteBuffer.allocate(continuationFrameHeader.remaining());
continuationFrameHeader.put(0, (byte) 0);
continuationFrameHeader.putShort(1, (short) 0);
// Insert a CONTINUATION frame header for the body of the previous CONTINUATION frame.
lease.insert(5, duplicate, false);
return lease;