use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class HTTP2ServerTest method testRequestWithContinuationFramesWithEmptyContinuationFrame.
public void testRequestWithContinuationFramesWithEmptyContinuationFrame() throws Exception {
testRequestWithContinuationFrames(null, () -> {
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
generator.control(lease, new SettingsFrame(new HashMap<>(), false));
MetaData.Request metaData = newRequest("GET", new HttpFields());
generator.control(lease, new HeadersFrame(1, metaData, null, true));
// Take the ContinuationFrame header, duplicate it, and set the length to zero.
List<ByteBuffer> buffers = lease.getByteBuffers();
ByteBuffer continuationFrameHeader = buffers.get(4);
ByteBuffer duplicate = ByteBuffer.allocate(continuationFrameHeader.remaining());
continuationFrameHeader.put(0, (byte) 0);
continuationFrameHeader.putShort(1, (short) 0);
// Insert a CONTINUATION frame header for the body of the previous CONTINUATION frame.
lease.insert(5, duplicate, false);
return lease;
use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class HTTP2ServerTest method testRequestWithContinuationFramesWithEmptyHeadersFrame.
public void testRequestWithContinuationFramesWithEmptyHeadersFrame() throws Exception {
testRequestWithContinuationFrames(null, () -> {
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
generator.control(lease, new SettingsFrame(new HashMap<>(), false));
MetaData.Request metaData = newRequest("GET", new HttpFields());
generator.control(lease, new HeadersFrame(1, metaData, null, true));
// Take the HeadersFrame header and set the length to zero.
List<ByteBuffer> buffers = lease.getByteBuffers();
ByteBuffer headersFrameHeader = buffers.get(2);
headersFrameHeader.put(0, (byte) 0);
headersFrameHeader.putShort(1, (short) 0);
// Insert a CONTINUATION frame header for the body of the HEADERS frame.
lease.insert(3, buffers.get(4).slice(), false);
return lease;
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the class HTTP2ServerTest method testBadPingWrongPayload.
public void testBadPingWrongPayload() throws Exception {
startServer(new HttpServlet() {
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
generator.control(lease, new SettingsFrame(new HashMap<>(), false));
generator.control(lease, new PingFrame(new byte[8], false));
// Modify the length of the frame to a wrong one.
lease.getByteBuffers().get(2).putShort(0, (short) 7);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
try (Socket client = new Socket("localhost", connector.getLocalPort())) {
OutputStream output = client.getOutputStream();
for (ByteBuffer buffer : lease.getByteBuffers()) {
Parser parser = new Parser(byteBufferPool, new Parser.Listener.Adapter() {
public void onGoAway(GoAwayFrame frame) {
Assert.assertEquals(ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR.code, frame.getError());
}, 4096, 8192);
parseResponse(client, parser);
Assert.assertTrue(latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
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the class HTTP2ServerTest method testCommitFailure.
public void testCommitFailure() throws Exception {
final long delay = 1000;
final AtomicBoolean broken = new AtomicBoolean();
startServer(new HttpServlet() {
protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
try {
// Wait for the SETTINGS frames to be exchanged.
} catch (InterruptedException x) {
throw new InterruptedIOException();
ServerConnector connector2 = new ServerConnector(server, new HTTP2ServerConnectionFactory(new HttpConfiguration())) {
protected ChannelEndPoint newEndPoint(SocketChannel channel, ManagedSelector selectSet, SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
return new SocketChannelEndPoint(channel, selectSet, key, getScheduler()) {
public void write(Callback callback, ByteBuffer... buffers) throws IllegalStateException {
if (broken.get())
callback.failed(new IOException("explicitly_thrown_by_test"));
super.write(callback, buffers);
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
generator.control(lease, new SettingsFrame(new HashMap<>(), false));
MetaData.Request metaData = newRequest("GET", new HttpFields());
generator.control(lease, new HeadersFrame(1, metaData, null, true));
try (Socket client = new Socket("localhost", connector2.getLocalPort())) {
OutputStream output = client.getOutputStream();
for (ByteBuffer buffer : lease.getByteBuffers()) output.write(BufferUtil.toArray(buffer));
// The server will close the connection abruptly since it
// cannot write and therefore cannot even send the GO_AWAY.
Parser parser = new Parser(byteBufferPool, new Parser.Listener.Adapter(), 4096, 8192);
boolean closed = parseResponse(client, parser, 2 * delay);
use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class HTTP2ServerTest method testBadPingWrongStreamId.
public void testBadPingWrongStreamId() throws Exception {
startServer(new HttpServlet() {
ByteBufferPool.Lease lease = new ByteBufferPool.Lease(byteBufferPool);
generator.control(lease, new PrefaceFrame());
generator.control(lease, new SettingsFrame(new HashMap<>(), false));
generator.control(lease, new PingFrame(new byte[8], false));
// Modify the streamId of the frame to non zero.
lease.getByteBuffers().get(2).putInt(4, 1);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
try (Socket client = new Socket("localhost", connector.getLocalPort())) {
OutputStream output = client.getOutputStream();
for (ByteBuffer buffer : lease.getByteBuffers()) {
Parser parser = new Parser(byteBufferPool, new Parser.Listener.Adapter() {
public void onGoAway(GoAwayFrame frame) {
Assert.assertEquals(ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR.code, frame.getError());
}, 4096, 8192);
parseResponse(client, parser);
Assert.assertTrue(latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));