use of in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class SpnegoAuthenticator method authenticate.
/* =========================================================
* Based on
* =========================================================
private ZimbraPrincipal authenticate(LoginService realm, Request request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServiceException, IOException {
Principal user = null;
String header = request.getHeader(HttpHeader.AUTHORIZATION.toString());
* if the header is null then we need to challenge...this is after the error page check
if (header == null) {
sendChallenge(realm, request, response);
throw SSOAuthenticatorServiceException.SENT_CHALLENGE();
} else if (header != null && header.startsWith(HttpHeader.NEGOTIATE.toString())) {
* we have gotten a negotiate header to try and authenticate
// skip over "Negotiate "
String token = header.substring(10);
UserIdentity identity = realm.login(null, token, request);
if (identity == null) {
throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED("SpengoAuthenticator: unable to login", (Throwable) null);
user = identity.getUserPrincipal();
if (user != null) {
ZimbraLog.account.debug("SpengoAuthenticator: obtained principal: " + user.getName());
Account acct = getAccountByPrincipal(user);
ZimbraPrincipal zimbraPrincipal = new ZimbraPrincipal(user.getName(), acct);
String clientName = ((SpnegoUserPrincipal) user).getName();
String role = clientName.substring(clientName.indexOf('@') + 1);
SpnegoUserIdentity spnegoUserIdentity = new SpnegoUserIdentity(identity.getSubject(), zimbraPrincipal, Arrays.asList(role));
Authentication authentication = new UserAuthentication(getAuthType(), spnegoUserIdentity);
response.addHeader(HttpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE.toString(), HttpHeader.NEGOTIATE.toString() + " " + ((SpnegoUserPrincipal) user).getToken());
return zimbraPrincipal;
} else {
* no user was returned from the authentication which means something failed
* so process error logic
ZimbraLog.account.debug("SpengoAuthenticator: no user found, authentication failed");
throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED("SpengoAuthenticator: no user found, authentication failed", (Throwable) null);
} else {
* the header was not null, but we didn't get a negotiate so process error logic
throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED("SpengoAuthenticator: authentication failed, unknown header (browser is likely misconfigured for SPNEGO)", (Throwable) null);