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Example 1 with FragmentDescriptor

use of org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class TestAnnotationConfiguration method testGetFragmentFromJar.

public void testGetFragmentFromJar() throws Exception {
    String dir = MavenTestingUtils.getTargetTestingDir("getFragmentFromJar").getAbsolutePath();
    File file = new File(dir);
    file = new File(file.getCanonicalPath());
    URL url = file.toURL();
    Resource jar1 = Resource.newResource(url + "file.jar");
    AnnotationConfiguration config = new AnnotationConfiguration();
    WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
    List<FragmentDescriptor> frags = new ArrayList<FragmentDescriptor>();
    frags.add(new FragmentDescriptor(Resource.newResource("jar:" + url + "file.jar!/fooa.props")));
    frags.add(new FragmentDescriptor(Resource.newResource("jar:" + url + "file2.jar!/foob.props")));
    assertNotNull(config.getFragmentFromJar(jar1, frags));
Also used : WebAppContext(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext) Resource(org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) File( FragmentDescriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor) URL( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with FragmentDescriptor

use of org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class AnnotationConfiguration method parseWebInfLib.

     * Scan jars in WEB-INF/lib
     * @param context the context for the scan
     * @param parser the annotation parser to use
     * @throws Exception if unable to scan and/or parse
public void parseWebInfLib(final WebAppContext context, final AnnotationParser parser) throws Exception {
    List<FragmentDescriptor> frags = context.getMetaData().getFragments();
    //email from Rajiv Mordani jsrs 315 7 April 2010
    //jars that do not have a web-fragment.xml are still considered fragments
    //they have to participate in the ordering
    ArrayList<URI> webInfUris = new ArrayList<URI>();
    List<Resource> jars = null;
    if (context.getMetaData().getOrdering() != null)
        jars = context.getMetaData().getOrderedWebInfJars();
        //No ordering just use the jars in any order
        jars = context.getMetaData().getWebInfJars();
    _webInfLibStats = new CounterStatistic();
    for (Resource r : jars) {
        //for each jar, we decide which set of annotations we need to parse for
        final Set<Handler> handlers = new HashSet<Handler>();
        FragmentDescriptor f = getFragmentFromJar(r, frags);
        //or if it has a fragment we scan it if it is not metadata complete
        if (f == null || !isMetaDataComplete(f) || _classInheritanceHandler != null || !_containerInitializerAnnotationHandlers.isEmpty()) {
            //register the classinheritance handler if there is one
            if (_classInheritanceHandler != null)
            //register the handlers for the @HandlesTypes values that are themselves annotations if there are any
            //only register the discoverable annotation handlers if this fragment is not metadata complete, or has no fragment descriptor
            if (f == null || !isMetaDataComplete(f))
            if (_parserTasks != null) {
                ParserTask task = new ParserTask(parser, handlers, r);
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    task.setStatistic(new TimeStatistic());
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Resource(org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource) Handler(org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser.Handler) URI( CounterStatistic(org.eclipse.jetty.util.statistic.CounterStatistic) FragmentDescriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor) ConcurrentHashSet(org.eclipse.jetty.util.ConcurrentHashSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 3 with FragmentDescriptor

use of org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class PlusDescriptorProcessor method visitResourceRef.

     * Common Annotations Spec section 2.3:
     * <p>
     *  resource-ref is for:
     * <ul>
     * <li>javax.sql.DataSource</li>
     * <li>javax.jms.ConnectionFactory</li>
     * <li>javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory</li>
     * <li>javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory</li>
     * <li>javax.mail.Session</li>
     * <li></li>
     * <li>javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory</li>
     * <li>org.omg.CORBA_2_3.ORB</li>
     * <li>any other connection factory defined by a resource adapter</li>
     * </ul>
     * If web.xml contains a resource-ref with injection targets, all resource-ref entries
     * of the same name are ignored in web fragments. If web.xml does not contain any
     * injection-targets, then they are merged from all the fragments.
     * If web.xml does not contain a resource-ref element of same name, but 2 fragments
     * declare the same name it is an error.
     * resource-ref entries are ONLY for connection factories
     * the resource-ref says how the app will reference the jndi lookup relative
     * to java:comp/env, but it is up to the deployer to map this reference to
     * a real resource in the environment. At the moment, we insist that the
     * jetty.xml file name of the resource has to be exactly the same as the
     * name in web.xml deployment descriptor, but it shouldn't have to be
     * <p>
     * Maintenance update 3.0a to spec:
     * <p>
     *   Update Section 8.2.3.h.ii with the following -  If a resource reference
     *   element is specified in two fragments, while absent from the main web.xml,
     *   and all the attributes and child elements of the resource reference element
     *   are identical, the resource reference will be merged  into the main web.xml.
     *   It is considered an error if a resource reference element has the same name
     *   specified in two fragments, while absent from the main web.xml and the attributes
     *   and child elements are not identical in the two fragments. For example, if two
     *   web fragments declare a <code>&lt;resource-ref&gt;</code> with the same <code>&lt;resource-ref-name&gt;</code> element
     *   but the type in one is specified as javax.sql.DataSource while the type in the
     *   other is that of a java mail resource, then an error must be reported and the
     *   application MUST fail to deploy.
     * @param context the context  
     * @param descriptor the descriptor
     * @param node the xml node
     * @throws Exception if unable to bind nodes, or load classes
public void visitResourceRef(WebAppContext context, Descriptor descriptor, XmlParser.Node node) throws Exception {
    String jndiName = node.getString("res-ref-name", false, true);
    String type = node.getString("res-type", false, true);
    String auth = node.getString("res-auth", false, true);
    String shared = node.getString("res-sharing-scope", false, true);
    Origin o = context.getMetaData().getOrigin("resource-ref." + jndiName);
    switch(o) {
        case NotSet:
                //No descriptor or annotation previously declared a resource-ref of this name.
                context.getMetaData().setOrigin("resource-ref." + jndiName, descriptor);
                //check for <injection> elements
                Class<?> typeClass = TypeUtil.fromName(type);
                if (typeClass == null)
                    typeClass = context.loadClass(type);
                addInjections(context, descriptor, node, jndiName, typeClass);
                bindResourceRef(context, jndiName, typeClass);
        case WebXml:
        case WebDefaults:
        case WebOverride:
                //A web xml previously declared the resource-ref.
                if (!(descriptor instanceof FragmentDescriptor)) {
                    //We're processing web-defaults, web.xml or web-override. Any of them can
                    //set or change the resource-ref.
                    context.getMetaData().setOrigin("resource-ref." + jndiName, descriptor);
                    //check for <injection> elements
                    Class<?> typeClass = TypeUtil.fromName(type);
                    if (typeClass == null)
                        typeClass = context.loadClass(type);
                    addInjections(context, descriptor, node, jndiName, typeClass);
                    //bind the entry into jndi
                    bindResourceRef(context, jndiName, typeClass);
                } else {
                    //A web xml declared the resource-ref and we're processing a
                    //web-fragment. Check to see if any injections were declared for it by web.xml.
                    //If any injection was declared in web.xml then don't merge any injections.
                    //If it was declared in a web-fragment, then we can keep merging fragments.
                    Descriptor d = context.getMetaData().getOriginDescriptor("resource-ref." + jndiName + ".injection");
                    if (d == null || d instanceof FragmentDescriptor) {
                        Class<?> typeClass = TypeUtil.fromName(type);
                        if (typeClass == null)
                            typeClass = context.loadClass(type);
                        addInjections(context, descriptor, node, jndiName, TypeUtil.fromName(type));
        case WebFragment:
                Descriptor otherFragment = context.getMetaData().getOriginDescriptor("resource-ref." + jndiName);
                XmlParser.Node otherFragmentRoot = otherFragment.getRoot();
                Iterator<Object> iter = otherFragmentRoot.iterator();
                XmlParser.Node otherNode = null;
                while (iter.hasNext() && otherNode == null) {
                    Object obj =;
                    if (!(obj instanceof XmlParser.Node))
                    XmlParser.Node n = (XmlParser.Node) obj;
                    if ("resource-ref".equals(n.getTag()) && jndiName.equals(n.getString("res-ref-name", false, true)))
                        otherNode = n;
                //If declared in another web-fragment
                if (otherNode != null) {
                    //declarations of the resource-ref must be the same in both fragment descriptors
                    String otherType = otherNode.getString("res-type", false, true);
                    String otherAuth = otherNode.getString("res-auth", false, true);
                    String otherShared = otherNode.getString("res-sharing-scope", false, true);
                    //otherType, otherAuth and otherShared must be the same as type, auth, shared
                    type = (type == null ? "" : type);
                    otherType = (otherType == null ? "" : otherType);
                    auth = (auth == null ? "" : auth);
                    otherAuth = (otherAuth == null ? "" : otherAuth);
                    shared = (shared == null ? "" : shared);
                    otherShared = (otherShared == null ? "" : otherShared);
                    //ServletSpec p.75. No declaration of resource-ref in web xml, but different in multiple web-fragments. Error.
                    if (!type.equals(otherType) || !auth.equals(otherAuth) || !shared.equals(otherShared))
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Conflicting resource-ref " + jndiName + " in " + descriptor.getResource());
                    //same in multiple web-fragments, merge the injections
                    addInjections(context, descriptor, node, jndiName, TypeUtil.fromName(type));
                } else
                    throw new IllegalStateException("resource-ref." + jndiName + " not found in declaring descriptor " + otherFragment);
Also used : Origin(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Origin) XmlParser(org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlParser) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) FragmentDescriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor) Descriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Descriptor) FragmentDescriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor)

Example 4 with FragmentDescriptor

use of org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class PlusDescriptorProcessor method visitMessageDestinationRef.

     * Common Annotations Spec section 2.3:
     * <p>
     * message-destination-ref is for:
     * <ul>
     * <li>javax.jms.Queue</li>
     * <li>javax.jms.Topic</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param context the context 
     * @param descriptor the descriptor 
     * @param node the xml node
     * @throws Exception if unable to load classes or bind jndi entries
public void visitMessageDestinationRef(WebAppContext context, Descriptor descriptor, XmlParser.Node node) throws Exception {
    String jndiName = node.getString("message-destination-ref-name", false, true);
    String type = node.getString("message-destination-type", false, true);
    String usage = node.getString("message-destination-usage", false, true);
    Origin o = context.getMetaData().getOrigin("message-destination-ref." + jndiName);
    switch(o) {
        case NotSet:
                //A message-destination-ref of this name has not been previously declared
                Class<?> typeClass = TypeUtil.fromName(type);
                if (typeClass == null)
                    typeClass = context.loadClass(type);
                addInjections(context, descriptor, node, jndiName, typeClass);
                bindMessageDestinationRef(context, jndiName, typeClass);
                context.getMetaData().setOrigin("message-destination-ref." + jndiName, descriptor);
        case WebXml:
        case WebDefaults:
        case WebOverride:
                //Only allow other web-default, web.xml, web-override to change it.
                if (!(descriptor instanceof FragmentDescriptor)) {
                    Class<?> typeClass = TypeUtil.fromName(type);
                    if (typeClass == null)
                        typeClass = context.loadClass(type);
                    addInjections(context, descriptor, node, jndiName, typeClass);
                    bindMessageDestinationRef(context, jndiName, typeClass);
                    context.getMetaData().setOrigin("message-destination-ref." + jndiName, descriptor);
                } else {
                    //A web-fragment has declared a message-destination-ref with the same name as a web xml.
                    //It can only contribute injections, and only if the web xml didn't declare any.
                    Descriptor d = context.getMetaData().getOriginDescriptor("message-destination-ref." + jndiName + ".injection");
                    if (d == null || d instanceof FragmentDescriptor) {
                        Class<?> typeClass = TypeUtil.fromName(type);
                        if (typeClass == null)
                            typeClass = context.loadClass(type);
                        addInjections(context, descriptor, node, jndiName, typeClass);
        case WebFragment:
                Descriptor otherFragment = context.getMetaData().getOriginDescriptor("message-destination-ref." + jndiName);
                XmlParser.Node otherFragmentRoot = otherFragment.getRoot();
                Iterator<Object> iter = otherFragmentRoot.iterator();
                XmlParser.Node otherNode = null;
                while (iter.hasNext() && otherNode == null) {
                    Object obj =;
                    if (!(obj instanceof XmlParser.Node))
                    XmlParser.Node n = (XmlParser.Node) obj;
                    if ("message-destination-ref".equals(n.getTag()) && jndiName.equals(n.getString("message-destination-ref-name", false, true)))
                        otherNode = n;
                if (otherNode != null) {
                    String otherType = node.getString("message-destination-type", false, true);
                    String otherUsage = node.getString("message-destination-usage", false, true);
                    type = (type == null ? "" : type);
                    usage = (usage == null ? "" : usage);
                    if (!type.equals(otherType) || !usage.equalsIgnoreCase(otherUsage))
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Conflicting message-destination-ref " + jndiName + " in " + descriptor.getResource());
                    //same in multiple web-fragments, merge the injections
                    addInjections(context, descriptor, node, jndiName, TypeUtil.fromName(type));
                } else
                    throw new IllegalStateException("message-destination-ref." + jndiName + " not found in declaring descriptor " + otherFragment);
Also used : Origin(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Origin) XmlParser(org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlParser) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) FragmentDescriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor) Descriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Descriptor) FragmentDescriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor)

Example 5 with FragmentDescriptor

use of org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class PlusDescriptorProcessor method visitEnvEntry.

     * JavaEE
     * @param context the context 
     * @param descriptor the descriptor 
     * @param node the xml node
     * @throws Exception if unable to process jndi bindings
public void visitEnvEntry(WebAppContext context, Descriptor descriptor, XmlParser.Node node) throws Exception {
    String name = node.getString("env-entry-name", false, true);
    String type = node.getString("env-entry-type", false, true);
    String valueStr = node.getString("env-entry-value", false, true);
    //nor processing injection entries
    if (valueStr == null || valueStr.equals("")) {
        LOG.warn("No value for env-entry-name " + name);
    Origin o = context.getMetaData().getOrigin("env-entry." + name);
    switch(o) {
        case NotSet:
                //no descriptor has configured an env-entry of this name previously
                context.getMetaData().setOrigin("env-entry." + name, descriptor);
                //the javaee_5.xsd says that the env-entry-type is optional
                //if there is an <injection> element, because you can get
                //type from the element, but what to do if there is more
                //than one <injection> element, do you just pick the type
                //of the first one?
                addInjections(context, descriptor, node, name, TypeUtil.fromName(type));
                Object value = TypeUtil.valueOf(type, valueStr);
                bindEnvEntry(name, value);
        case WebXml:
        case WebDefaults:
        case WebOverride:
                //the web.xml did not declare any injections.
                if (!(descriptor instanceof FragmentDescriptor)) {
                    //We're processing web-defaults, web.xml or web-override. Any of them can
                    //set or change the env-entry.
                    context.getMetaData().setOrigin("env-entry." + name, descriptor);
                    addInjections(context, descriptor, node, name, TypeUtil.fromName(type));
                    Object value = TypeUtil.valueOf(type, valueStr);
                    bindEnvEntry(name, value);
                } else {
                    //A web.xml declared the env-entry. Check to see if any injections have been
                    //declared for it. If it was declared in web.xml then don't merge any injections.
                    //If it was declared in a web-fragment, then we can keep merging fragments.
                    Descriptor d = context.getMetaData().getOriginDescriptor("env-entry." + name + ".injection");
                    if (d == null || d instanceof FragmentDescriptor)
                        addInjections(context, descriptor, node, name, TypeUtil.fromName(type));
        case WebFragment:
                //ServletSpec p.75. No declaration in web.xml, but in multiple web-fragments. Error.
                throw new IllegalStateException("Conflicting env-entry " + name + " in " + descriptor.getResource());
Also used : Origin(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Origin) FragmentDescriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor) Descriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Descriptor) FragmentDescriptor(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor)


FragmentDescriptor (org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor)9 Origin (org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Origin)6 Descriptor (org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.Descriptor)4 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)3 XmlParser (org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlParser)3 URL ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 LifeCycleCallback ( Resource (org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource)2 WebAppContext (org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext)2 File ( URI ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Context (javax.naming.Context)1 InitialContext (javax.naming.InitialContext)1 Handler (org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser.Handler)1 PostConstructCallback ( PreDestroyCallback ( ConcurrentHashSet (org.eclipse.jetty.util.ConcurrentHashSet)1 CounterStatistic (org.eclipse.jetty.util.statistic.CounterStatistic)1