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Example 1 with ISynchronizable

use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable in project xtext-eclipse by eclipse.

the class EmbeddedEditorModelAccess method setModel.

protected void setModel(XtextDocument document, String prefix, String editablePart, String suffix) {
    if (this.insertLineBreaks) {
        String delimiter = document.getDefaultLineDelimiter();
        prefix = prefix + delimiter;
        suffix = delimiter + suffix;
    String model = prefix + editablePart + suffix;
    XtextResource resource = createResource(model);
    AnnotationModel annotationModel = new AnnotationModel();
    if (document instanceof ISynchronizable) {
        Object lock = ((ISynchronizable) document).getLockObject();
        if (lock == null) {
            lock = new Object();
            ((ISynchronizable) document).setLockObject(lock);
        ((ISynchronizable) annotationModel).setLockObject(lock);
    this.viewer.setDocument(document, annotationModel, prefix.length(), editablePart.length());
Also used : ISynchronizable(org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable) AnnotationModel(org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel) XtextResource(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResource) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)

Example 2 with ISynchronizable

use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable in project eclipse.platform.text by eclipse.

the class DocumentLineDiffer method initialize.

 * (Re-)initializes the differ using the current reference and <code>DiffInitializer</code>.
 * @since 3.2 protected for testing reasons, package visible before
protected synchronized void initialize() {
    // make new incoming changes go into the queue of stored events, plus signal we can't restore.
    fState = INITIALIZING;
    if (fRightDocument == null)
    // there is no point in receiving updates before the job we get a new copy of the document for diffing
    fIgnoreDocumentEvents = true;
    if (fLeftDocument != null) {
        fLeftDocument = null;
        fLeftEquivalent = null;
    // if there already is a job:
    // return if it has not started yet, cancel it if already running
    final Job oldJob = fInitializationJob;
    if (oldJob != null) {
        // don't chain up jobs if there is one waiting already.
        if (oldJob.getState() == Job.WAITING) {
    fInitializationJob = new Job(QuickDiffMessages.quickdiff_initialize) {

			 * This is run in a different thread. As the documents might be synchronized, never ever
			 * access the documents in a synchronized section or expect deadlocks. See
        public IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
            // It will return relatively quickly as RangeDifferencer supports canceling
            if (oldJob != null)
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // will not happen as no one interrupts our thread
            // 2:	get the reference document
            IQuickDiffReferenceProvider provider = fReferenceProvider;
            final IDocument left;
            try {
                left = provider == null ? null : provider.getReference(monitor);
            } catch (CoreException e) {
                synchronized (DocumentLineDiffer.this) {
                    if (isCanceled(monitor))
                        return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
                    return e.getStatus();
            } catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
                return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
            // Getting our own copies of the documents for offline diffing.
            // We need to make sure that we do get all document modifications after
            // copying the documents as we want to re-inject them later on to become consistent.
            // fRightDocument, but not subject to change
            IDocument right = fRightDocument;
            // the copy of the actual (right) document
            IDocument actual = null;
            // the copy of the reference (left) document
            IDocument reference = null;
            synchronized (DocumentLineDiffer.this) {
                // 4: take an early exit if the documents are not valid
                if (left == null || right == null) {
                    if (isCanceled(monitor))
                        return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
                    return Status.OK_STATUS;
                // set the reference document
                fLeftDocument = left;
                // start listening to document events.
                fIgnoreDocumentEvents = false;
            // accessing the reference document from a different thread - reference providers need
            // to be able to deal with this.
            // create the reference copy - note that any changes on the
            // reference will trigger re-initialization anyway
            reference = createCopy(left);
            if (reference == null)
                return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
            // create the actual copy
            Object lock = null;
            if (right instanceof ISynchronizable)
                lock = ((ISynchronizable) right).getLockObject();
            if (lock != null) {
                // the document
                synchronized (lock) {
                    synchronized (DocumentLineDiffer.this) {
                        if (isCanceled(monitor))
                            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
                        actual = createUnprotectedCopy(right);
            } else {
                // b) cannot lock the document
                // Now this is fun. The reference documents may be PartiallySynchronizedDocuments
                // which will result in a deadlock if they get changed externally before we get
                // our exclusive copies.
                // Here's what we do: we try over and over (without synchronization) to get copies
                // without interleaving modification. If there is a document change, we just repeat.
                int i = 0;
                do {
                    // this is an arbitrary emergency exit in case a referenced document goes nuts
                    if (i++ == 100)
                        return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TextEditorPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, NLSUtility.format(QuickDiffMessages.quickdiff_error_getting_document_content, new Object[] { left.getClass(), right.getClass() }), null);
                    synchronized (DocumentLineDiffer.this) {
                        if (isCanceled(monitor))
                            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
                    // access documents non synchronized:
                    // get an exclusive copy of the actual document
                    actual = createCopy(right);
                    synchronized (DocumentLineDiffer.this) {
                        if (isCanceled(monitor))
                            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
                        if (fStoredEvents.size() == 0 && actual != null)
                } while (true);
            IHashFunction hash = new DJBHashFunction();
            DocumentEquivalenceClass leftEquivalent = new DocumentEquivalenceClass(reference, hash);
            fLeftEquivalent = leftEquivalent;
            IRangeComparator ref = new DocEquivalenceComparator(leftEquivalent, null);
            DocumentEquivalenceClass rightEquivalent = new DocumentEquivalenceClass(actual, hash);
            fRightEquivalent = rightEquivalent;
            IRangeComparator act = new DocEquivalenceComparator(rightEquivalent, null);
            ArrayList<QuickDiffRangeDifference> diffs = asQuickDiffRangeDifference(RangeDifferencer.findRanges(fRangeDiffFactory, monitor, ref, act));
            // re-inject stored events to get up to date.
            synchronized (DocumentLineDiffer.this) {
                if (isCanceled(monitor))
                    return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
                // set the new differences so we can operate on them
                fDifferences = diffs;
            // re-inject events accumulated in the meantime.
            try {
                do {
                    DocumentEvent event;
                    synchronized (DocumentLineDiffer.this) {
                        if (isCanceled(monitor))
                            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
                        if (fStoredEvents.isEmpty()) {
                            // we are back in sync with the life documents
                            fInitializationJob = null;
                            fState = SYNCHRONIZED;
                            fLastDifference = null;
                            // replace the private documents with the actual
                        event = fStoredEvents.remove(0);
                    // access documents non synchronized:
                    IDocument copy = null;
                    if (event.fDocument == right)
                        copy = actual;
                    else if (event.fDocument == left)
                        copy = reference;
                    // copy the event to inject it into our diff copies
                    // don't modify the original event! See
                    event = new DocumentEvent(copy, event.fOffset, event.fLength, event.fText);
                    // inject the event into our private copy
                    actual.replace(event.fOffset, event.fLength, event.fText);
                } while (true);
            } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
            return Status.OK_STATUS;

        private boolean isCanceled(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
            return fInitializationJob != this || monitor != null && monitor.isCanceled();

        private void clearModel() {
            synchronized (DocumentLineDiffer.this) {
                fLeftDocument = null;
                fLeftEquivalent = null;
                fInitializationJob = null;
                fLastDifference = null;

         * Creates a copy of <code>document</code> and catches any
         * exceptions that may occur if the document is modified concurrently.
         * Only call this method in a synchronized block if the document is
         * an ISynchronizable and has been locked, as document.get() is called
         * and may result in a deadlock otherwise.
         * @param document the document to create a copy of
         * @return a copy of the document, or <code>null</code> if an exception was thrown
        private IDocument createCopy(IDocument document) {
            // this fixes
            try {
                return createUnprotectedCopy(document);
            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            } catch (ArrayStoreException e) {
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
            } catch (NegativeArraySizeException e) {
            return null;

        private IDocument createUnprotectedCopy(IDocument document) {
            return new Document(document.get());
    fInitializationJob.setProperty(IProgressConstants.NO_IMMEDIATE_ERROR_PROMPT_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE);
Also used : IHashFunction( IStatus(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus) ConcurrentModificationException(java.util.ConcurrentModificationException) OperationCanceledException(org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IRangeComparator( Document(org.eclipse.jface.text.Document) IDocument(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) Job( DJBHashFunction( IStatus(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus) Status(org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status) DocumentEquivalenceClass( ISynchronizable(org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable) DocumentEvent(org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentEvent) IProgressMonitor(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) CoreException(org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException) IQuickDiffReferenceProvider(org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff.IQuickDiffReferenceProvider) DocEquivalenceComparator( IDocument(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) BadLocationException(org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException)

Example 3 with ISynchronizable

use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.

the class TTCNPPEditor method updateInactiveCodeAnnotations.

public void updateInactiveCodeAnnotations(final List<Location> inactiveCodeLocations) {
    if ((inactiveCodeLocations == null || inactiveCodeLocations.isEmpty()) && (inactiveCodeAnnotations == null || inactiveCodeAnnotations.length == 0)) {
    IEditorInput editorInput = getEditorInput();
    if (editorInput == null) {
    IDocumentProvider documentProvider = getDocumentProvider();
    if (documentProvider == null) {
    IAnnotationModel annotationModel = documentProvider.getAnnotationModel(editorInput);
    if (annotationModel == null) {
    Object lockObject = (annotationModel instanceof ISynchronizable) ? ((ISynchronizable) annotationModel).getLockObject() : annotationModel;
    synchronized (lockObject) {
        Map<Annotation, Position> annotationMap = new HashMap<Annotation, Position>();
        if (inactiveCodeLocations != null) {
            for (Location loc : inactiveCodeLocations) {
                Annotation annotationToAdd = new Annotation(INACTIVE_CODE_ANNOTATION_TYPE, false, "Inactive code");
                Position position = new Position(loc.getOffset(), loc.getEndOffset() - loc.getOffset());
                annotationMap.put(annotationToAdd, position);
        if (annotationModel instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension) {
            ((IAnnotationModelExtension) annotationModel).replaceAnnotations(inactiveCodeAnnotations, annotationMap);
        } else {
            if (inactiveCodeAnnotations != null) {
                for (Annotation annotationToRemove : inactiveCodeAnnotations) {
            for (Map.Entry<Annotation, Position> entry : annotationMap.entrySet()) {
                annotationModel.addAnnotation(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        inactiveCodeAnnotations = annotationMap.keySet().toArray(new Annotation[annotationMap.keySet().size()]);
Also used : Position(org.eclipse.jface.text.Position) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ISynchronizable(org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable) IAnnotationModelExtension(org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension) IAnnotationModel(org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel) Annotation(org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation) IDocumentProvider(org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProvider) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IEditorInput(org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput) Location(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Location)

Example 4 with ISynchronizable

use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable in project eclipse.platform.text by eclipse.

the class SourceViewer method setDocument.

public void setDocument(IDocument document, IAnnotationModel annotationModel, int modelRangeOffset, int modelRangeLength) {
    if (annotationModel != null && document != null) {
        fVisualAnnotationModel = createVisualAnnotationModel(annotationModel);
        // Make sure the visual model uses the same lock as the underlying model
        if (annotationModel instanceof ISynchronizable && fVisualAnnotationModel instanceof ISynchronizable) {
            ISynchronizable sync = (ISynchronizable) fVisualAnnotationModel;
            sync.setLockObject(((ISynchronizable) annotationModel).getLockObject());
    if (modelRangeOffset == -1 && modelRangeLength == -1)
        super.setDocument(document, modelRangeOffset, modelRangeLength);
    if (fVerticalRuler != null)
    if (fOverviewRuler != null)
Also used : ISynchronizable(org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable)

Example 5 with ISynchronizable

use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable in project eclipse.platform.text by eclipse.

the class TextFileDocumentProvider method setUpSynchronization.

 * Sets up the synchronization for the document
 * and the annotation mode.
 * @param info the file info
 * @since 3.2
protected void setUpSynchronization(FileInfo info) {
    if (info == null || info.fTextFileBuffer == null)
    IDocument document = info.fTextFileBuffer.getDocument();
    IAnnotationModel model = info.fModel;
    if (document instanceof ISynchronizable) {
        Object lock = ((ISynchronizable) document).getLockObject();
        if (lock == null) {
            lock = new Object();
            ((ISynchronizable) document).setLockObject(lock);
        if (model instanceof ISynchronizable)
            ((ISynchronizable) model).setLockObject(lock);
Also used : ISynchronizable(org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable) IAnnotationModel(org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel) IDocument(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument)


ISynchronizable (org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 IDocument (org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument)2 Position (org.eclipse.jface.text.Position)2 Annotation (org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation)2 IAnnotationModel (org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel)2 IAnnotationModelExtension (org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 ConcurrentModificationException (java.util.ConcurrentModificationException)1 IRangeComparator ( ITextFileBufferManager (org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.ITextFileBufferManager)1 CoreException (org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException)1 IProgressMonitor (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)1 IStatus (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus)1 OperationCanceledException (org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException)1 Status (org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status)1 Job ( EObject (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)1 BadLocationException (org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException)1