use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ITypedRegion in project che by eclipse.
the class FastPartitioner method computePartitioning.
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* May be replaced or extended by subclasses.
* </p>
public ITypedRegion[] computePartitioning(int offset, int length, boolean includeZeroLengthPartitions) {
List list = new ArrayList();
try {
int endOffset = offset + length;
Position[] category = getPositions();
TypedPosition previous = null, current = null;
int start, end, gapOffset;
Position gap = new Position(0);
int startIndex = getFirstIndexEndingAfterOffset(category, offset);
int endIndex = getFirstIndexStartingAfterOffset(category, endOffset);
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
current = (TypedPosition) category[i];
gapOffset = (previous != null) ? previous.getOffset() + previous.getLength() : 0;
gap.setLength(current.getOffset() - gapOffset);
if ((includeZeroLengthPartitions && overlapsOrTouches(gap, offset, length)) || (gap.getLength() > 0 && gap.overlapsWith(offset, length))) {
start = Math.max(offset, gapOffset);
end = Math.min(endOffset, gap.getOffset() + gap.getLength());
list.add(new TypedRegion(start, end - start, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE));
if (current.overlapsWith(offset, length)) {
start = Math.max(offset, current.getOffset());
end = Math.min(endOffset, current.getOffset() + current.getLength());
list.add(new TypedRegion(start, end - start, current.getType()));
previous = current;
if (previous != null) {
gapOffset = previous.getOffset() + previous.getLength();
gap.setLength(fDocument.getLength() - gapOffset);
if ((includeZeroLengthPartitions && overlapsOrTouches(gap, offset, length)) || (gap.getLength() > 0 && gap.overlapsWith(offset, length))) {
start = Math.max(offset, gapOffset);
end = Math.min(endOffset, fDocument.getLength());
list.add(new TypedRegion(start, end - start, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE));
if (list.isEmpty())
list.add(new TypedRegion(offset, length, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE));
} catch (BadPositionCategoryException ex) {
// Make sure we clear the cache
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// Make sure we clear the cache
throw ex;
TypedRegion[] result = new TypedRegion[list.size()];
return result;
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ITypedRegion in project che by eclipse.
the class FastPartitioner method getPartition.
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* May be replaced or extended by subclasses.
* </p>
public ITypedRegion getPartition(int offset) {
try {
Position[] category = getPositions();
if (category == null || category.length == 0)
return new TypedRegion(0, fDocument.getLength(), IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
int index = fDocument.computeIndexInCategory(fPositionCategory, offset);
if (index < category.length) {
TypedPosition next = (TypedPosition) category[index];
if (offset == next.offset)
return new TypedRegion(next.getOffset(), next.getLength(), next.getType());
if (index == 0)
return new TypedRegion(0, next.offset, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
TypedPosition previous = (TypedPosition) category[index - 1];
if (previous.includes(offset))
return new TypedRegion(previous.getOffset(), previous.getLength(), previous.getType());
int endOffset = previous.getOffset() + previous.getLength();
return new TypedRegion(endOffset, next.getOffset() - endOffset, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
TypedPosition previous = (TypedPosition) category[category.length - 1];
if (previous.includes(offset))
return new TypedRegion(previous.getOffset(), previous.getLength(), previous.getType());
int endOffset = previous.getOffset() + previous.getLength();
return new TypedRegion(endOffset, fDocument.getLength() - endOffset, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
} catch (BadPositionCategoryException x) {
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
return new TypedRegion(0, fDocument.getLength(), IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ITypedRegion in project che by eclipse.
the class SmartSemicolonAutoEditStrategy method isDefaultPartition.
* Checks whether <code>position</code> resides in a default (Java) partition of <code>document</code>.
* @param document the document being modified
* @param position the position to be checked
* @param partitioning the document partitioning
* @return <code>true</code> if <code>position</code> is in the default partition of <code>document</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise
private static boolean isDefaultPartition(IDocument document, int position, String partitioning) {
Assert.isTrue(position >= 0);
Assert.isTrue(position <= document.getLength());
try {
// don't use getPartition2 since we're interested in the scanned character's partition
ITypedRegion region = TextUtilities.getPartition(document, partitioning, position, false);
return region.getType().equals(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
return false;
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ITypedRegion in project che by eclipse.
the class SmartSemicolonAutoEditStrategy method nextPartitionOrLineEnd.
* Returns a position in the first java partition after the last non-empty and non-comment partition.
* There is no non-whitespace from the returned position to the end of the partition it is contained in.
* @param document the document being modified
* @param line the line under investigation
* @param offset the caret offset into <code>line</code>
* @param partitioning the document partitioning
* @return the position of the next Java partition, or the end of <code>line</code>
private static int nextPartitionOrLineEnd(IDocument document, ITextSelection line, int offset, String partitioning) {
// run relative to document
final int docOffset = offset + line.getOffset();
final int eol = line.getOffset() + line.getLength();
// init with line end
int nextPartitionPos = eol;
int validPosition = docOffset;
try {
ITypedRegion partition = TextUtilities.getPartition(document, partitioning, nextPartitionPos, true);
validPosition = getValidPositionForPartition(document, partition, eol);
while (validPosition == -1) {
nextPartitionPos = partition.getOffset() - 1;
if (nextPartitionPos < docOffset) {
validPosition = docOffset;
partition = TextUtilities.getPartition(document, partitioning, nextPartitionPos, false);
validPosition = getValidPositionForPartition(document, partition, eol);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
validPosition = Math.max(validPosition, docOffset);
// make relative to line
validPosition -= line.getOffset();
return validPosition;
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.ITypedRegion in project xtext-eclipse by eclipse.
the class DocumentPartitioner method getPartition.
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* May be replaced or extended by subclasses.
* </p>
* @since 2.2
public synchronized ITypedRegion getPartition(int offset) {
try {
Position[] category = getPositions();
if (category == null || category.length == 0)
return new TypedRegion(0, fDocument.getLength(), IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
int index = fDocument.computeIndexInCategory(fPositionCategory, offset);
if (index < category.length) {
TypedPosition next = (TypedPosition) category[index];
if (offset == next.offset)
return new TypedRegion(next.getOffset(), next.getLength(), next.getType());
if (index == 0)
return new TypedRegion(0, next.offset, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
TypedPosition previous = (TypedPosition) category[index - 1];
if (previous.includes(offset))
return new TypedRegion(previous.getOffset(), previous.getLength(), previous.getType());
int endOffset = previous.getOffset() + previous.getLength();
return new TypedRegion(endOffset, next.getOffset() - endOffset, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
TypedPosition previous = (TypedPosition) category[category.length - 1];
if (previous.includes(offset)) {
return new TypedRegion(previous.getOffset(), previous.getLength(), previous.getType());
if (isOpenSingleLineCommentPartition(previous, offset)) {
return new TypedRegion(previous.getOffset(), previous.getLength() + 1, previous.getType());
int endOffset = previous.getOffset() + previous.getLength();
return new TypedRegion(endOffset, fDocument.getLength() - endOffset, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
} catch (BadPositionCategoryException x) {
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
return new TypedRegion(0, fDocument.getLength(), IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);