use of org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class AccountsOnInit method insert.
public void insert(ReviewDb db, Account account) throws OrmException, IOException {
File path = getPath();
if (path != null) {
try (Repository repo = new FileRepository(path);
ObjectInserter oi = repo.newObjectInserter()) {
PersonIdent serverIdent = new GerritPersonIdentProvider(flags.cfg).get();
AccountsUpdate.createUserBranch(repo, oi, serverIdent, serverIdent, account);
use of org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeNotesParserTest method writeCommit.
private RevCommit writeCommit(String body, PersonIdent author) throws Exception {
Change change = newChange();
ChangeNotes notes = newNotes(change).load();
try (ObjectInserter ins = testRepo.getRepository().newObjectInserter()) {
CommitBuilder cb = new CommitBuilder();
cb.setCommitter(new PersonIdent(serverIdent, author.getWhen()));
ObjectId id = ins.insert(cb);
RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(id);
return commit;
use of org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeEditModifier method createCommit.
private ObjectId createCommit(Repository repository, RevCommit basePatchSetCommit, ObjectId tree, String commitMessage, Timestamp timestamp) throws IOException {
try (ObjectInserter objectInserter = repository.newObjectInserter()) {
CommitBuilder builder = new CommitBuilder();
ObjectId newCommitId = objectInserter.insert(builder);
return newCommitId;
use of org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class BanCommit method ban.
public BanCommitResult ban(final ProjectControl projectControl, final List<ObjectId> commitsToBan, final String reason) throws PermissionDeniedException, IOException, ConcurrentRefUpdateException {
if (!projectControl.isOwner()) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException("Not project owner: not permitted to ban commits");
final BanCommitResult result = new BanCommitResult();
NoteMap banCommitNotes = NoteMap.newEmptyMap();
// Add a note for each banned commit to notes.
final Project.NameKey project = projectControl.getProject().getNameKey();
try (Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(project);
RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo);
ObjectInserter inserter = repo.newObjectInserter()) {
ObjectId noteId = null;
for (final ObjectId commitToBan : commitsToBan) {
try {
} catch (MissingObjectException e) {
// Ignore exception, non-existing commits can be banned.
} catch (IncorrectObjectTypeException e) {
if (noteId == null) {
noteId = createNoteContent(reason, inserter);
banCommitNotes.set(commitToBan, noteId);
NotesBranchUtil notesBranchUtil = notesBranchUtilFactory.create(project, repo, inserter);
NoteMap newlyCreated = notesBranchUtil.commitNewNotes(banCommitNotes, REFS_REJECT_COMMITS, createPersonIdent(), buildCommitMessage(commitsToBan, reason));
for (Note n : banCommitNotes) {
if (newlyCreated.contains(n)) {
} else {
return result;
use of org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeEditUtil method publish.
* Promote change edit to patch set, by squashing the edit into its parent.
* @param updateFactory factory for creating updates.
* @param ctl the {@code ChangeControl} of the change to which the change edit belongs
* @param edit change edit to publish
* @param notify Notify handling that defines to whom email notifications should be sent after the
* change edit is published.
* @param accountsToNotify Accounts that should be notified after the change edit is published.
* @throws IOException
* @throws OrmException
* @throws UpdateException
* @throws RestApiException
public void publish(BatchUpdate.Factory updateFactory, ChangeControl ctl, final ChangeEdit edit, NotifyHandling notify, ListMultimap<RecipientType, Account.Id> accountsToNotify) throws IOException, OrmException, RestApiException, UpdateException {
Change change = edit.getChange();
try (Repository repo = gitManager.openRepository(change.getProject());
ObjectInserter oi = repo.newObjectInserter();
ObjectReader reader = oi.newReader();
RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
PatchSet basePatchSet = edit.getBasePatchSet();
if (!basePatchSet.getId().equals(change.currentPatchSetId())) {
throw new ResourceConflictException("only edit for current patch set can be published");
RevCommit squashed = squashEdit(rw, oi, edit.getEditCommit(), basePatchSet);
PatchSet.Id psId = ChangeUtil.nextPatchSetId(repo, change.currentPatchSetId());
PatchSetInserter inserter = patchSetInserterFactory.create(ctl, psId, squashed).setNotify(notify).setAccountsToNotify(accountsToNotify);
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Patch Set ").append(inserter.getPatchSetId().get()).append(": ");
// Previously checked that the base patch set is the current patch set.
ObjectId prior = ObjectId.fromString(basePatchSet.getRevision().get());
ChangeKind kind = changeKindCache.getChangeKind(change.getProject(), rw, repo.getConfig(), prior, squashed);
if (kind == ChangeKind.NO_CODE_CHANGE) {
message.append("Commit message was updated.");
inserter.setDescription("Edit commit message");
} else {
message.append("Published edit on patch set ").append(basePatchSet.getPatchSetId()).append(".");
try (BatchUpdate bu = updateFactory.create(db.get(), change.getProject(), ctl.getUser(), TimeUtil.nowTs())) {
bu.setRepository(repo, rw, oi);
bu.addOp(change.getId(), inserter.setDraft(change.getStatus() == Status.DRAFT || basePatchSet.isDraft()).setMessage(message.toString()));
bu.addOp(change.getId(), new BatchUpdateOp() {
public void updateRepo(RepoContext ctx) throws Exception {
ctx.addRefUpdate(edit.getEditCommit().copy(), ObjectId.zeroId(), edit.getRefName());
indexer.index(db.get(), inserter.getChange());