use of org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class CreateChange method applyImpl.
protected Response<ChangeInfo> applyImpl(BatchUpdate.Factory updateFactory, TopLevelResource parent, ChangeInput input) throws OrmException, IOException, InvalidChangeOperationException, RestApiException, UpdateException, PermissionBackendException {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(input.project)) {
throw new BadRequestException("project must be non-empty");
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(input.branch)) {
throw new BadRequestException("branch must be non-empty");
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(input.subject)) {
throw new BadRequestException("commit message must be non-empty");
if (input.status != null) {
if (input.status != ChangeStatus.NEW && input.status != ChangeStatus.DRAFT) {
throw new BadRequestException("unsupported change status");
if (!allowDrafts && input.status == ChangeStatus.DRAFT) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException("draft workflow is disabled");
String refName = RefNames.fullName(input.branch);
ProjectResource rsrc = projectsCollection.parse(input.project);
Capable r = rsrc.getControl().canPushToAtLeastOneRef();
if (r != Capable.OK) {
throw new AuthException(r.getMessage());
RefControl refControl = rsrc.getControl().controlForRef(refName);
if (!refControl.canUpload() || !refControl.isVisible()) {
throw new AuthException("cannot upload review");
Project.NameKey project = rsrc.getNameKey();
try (Repository git = gitManager.openRepository(project);
ObjectInserter oi = git.newObjectInserter();
ObjectReader reader = oi.newReader();
RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
ObjectId parentCommit;
List<String> groups;
if (input.baseChange != null) {
List<ChangeControl> ctls = changeFinder.find(input.baseChange, rsrc.getControl().getUser());
if (ctls.size() != 1) {
throw new UnprocessableEntityException("Base change not found: " + input.baseChange);
ChangeControl ctl = Iterables.getOnlyElement(ctls);
if (!ctl.isVisible(db.get())) {
throw new UnprocessableEntityException("Base change not found: " + input.baseChange);
PatchSet ps = psUtil.current(db.get(), ctl.getNotes());
parentCommit = ObjectId.fromString(ps.getRevision().get());
groups = ps.getGroups();
} else {
Ref destRef = git.getRefDatabase().exactRef(refName);
if (destRef != null) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(input.newBranch)) {
throw new ResourceConflictException(String.format("Branch %s already exists.", refName));
parentCommit = destRef.getObjectId();
} else {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(input.newBranch)) {
parentCommit = null;
} else {
throw new UnprocessableEntityException(String.format("Branch %s does not exist.", refName));
groups = Collections.emptyList();
RevCommit mergeTip = parentCommit == null ? null : rw.parseCommit(parentCommit);
Timestamp now = TimeUtil.nowTs();
IdentifiedUser me = user.get().asIdentifiedUser();
PersonIdent author = me.newCommitterIdent(now, serverTimeZone);
AccountState account = accountCache.get(me.getAccountId());
GeneralPreferencesInfo info = account.getAccount().getGeneralPreferencesInfo();
ObjectId treeId = mergeTip == null ? emptyTreeId(oi) : mergeTip.getTree();
ObjectId id = ChangeIdUtil.computeChangeId(treeId, mergeTip, author, author, input.subject);
String commitMessage = ChangeIdUtil.insertId(input.subject, id);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(info.signedOffBy)) {
commitMessage += String.format("%s%s", SIGNED_OFF_BY_TAG, account.getAccount().getNameEmail(anonymousCowardName));
RevCommit c;
if (input.merge != null) {
// create a merge commit
if (!(submitType.equals(SubmitType.MERGE_ALWAYS) || submitType.equals(SubmitType.MERGE_IF_NECESSARY))) {
throw new BadRequestException("Submit type: " + submitType + " is not supported");
c = newMergeCommit(git, oi, rw, rsrc.getControl(), mergeTip, input.merge, author, commitMessage);
} else {
// create an empty commit
c = newCommit(oi, rw, author, mergeTip, commitMessage);
Change.Id changeId = new Change.Id(seq.nextChangeId());
ChangeInserter ins = changeInserterFactory.create(changeId, c, refName);
ins.setMessage(String.format("Uploaded patch set %s.", ins.getPatchSetId().get()));
String topic = input.topic;
if (topic != null) {
topic = Strings.emptyToNull(topic.trim());
ins.setDraft(input.status == ChangeStatus.DRAFT);
ins.setPrivate(input.isPrivate != null && input.isPrivate);
ins.setWorkInProgress(input.workInProgress != null && input.workInProgress);
try (BatchUpdate bu = updateFactory.create(db.get(), project, me, now)) {
bu.setRepository(git, rw, oi);
ChangeJson json = jsonFactory.noOptions();
return Response.created(json.format(ins.getChange()));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new BadRequestException(e.getMessage());
use of org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class PRED_commit_edits_2 method exec.
public Operation exec(Prolog engine) throws PrologException {
Term a1 = arg1.dereference();
Term a2 = arg2.dereference();
Pattern fileRegex = getRegexParameter(a1);
Pattern editRegex = getRegexParameter(a2);
PatchList pl = StoredValues.PATCH_LIST.get(engine);
Repository repo = StoredValues.REPOSITORY.get(engine);
try (ObjectReader reader = repo.newObjectReader();
RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
final RevTree aTree;
final RevTree bTree;
final RevCommit bCommit = rw.parseCommit(pl.getNewId());
if (pl.getOldId() != null) {
aTree = rw.parseTree(pl.getOldId());
} else {
// web UI returns no files to match against, just fail.
bTree = bCommit.getTree();
for (PatchListEntry entry : pl.getPatches()) {
String newName = entry.getNewName();
String oldName = entry.getOldName();
if (newName.equals("/COMMIT_MSG")) {
if (fileRegex.matcher(newName).find() || (oldName != null && fileRegex.matcher(oldName).find())) {
List<Edit> edits = entry.getEdits();
if (edits.isEmpty()) {
Text tA;
if (oldName != null) {
tA = load(aTree, oldName, reader);
} else {
tA = load(aTree, newName, reader);
Text tB = load(bTree, newName, reader);
for (Edit edit : edits) {
if (tA != Text.EMPTY) {
String aDiff = tA.getString(edit.getBeginA(), edit.getEndA(), true);
if (editRegex.matcher(aDiff).find()) {
return cont;
if (tB != Text.EMPTY) {
String bDiff = tB.getString(edit.getBeginB(), edit.getEndB(), true);
if (editRegex.matcher(bDiff).find()) {
return cont;
} catch (IOException err) {
throw new JavaException(this, 1, err);
use of org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class WalkSorterTest method subsetOfSeriesOfChangesWithReverseTimestamps.
public void subsetOfSeriesOfChangesWithReverseTimestamps() throws Exception {
TestRepository<Repo> p = newRepo("p");
RevCommit c0 = p.commit().tick(-1).create();
RevCommit c1 = p.commit().tick(-1).parent(c0).create();
RevCommit c2 = p.commit().tick(-1).parent(c1).create();
RevCommit c3 = p.commit().tick(-1).parent(c2).create();
RevCommit c4 = p.commit().tick(-1).parent(c3).create();
RevWalk rw = p.getRevWalk();
ChangeData cd1 = newChange(p, c1);
ChangeData cd2 = newChange(p, c2);
ChangeData cd4 = newChange(p, c4);
List<ChangeData> changes = ImmutableList.of(cd1, cd2, cd4);
WalkSorter sorter = new WalkSorter(repoManager);
List<PatchSetData> expected = ImmutableList.of(patchSetData(cd4, c4), patchSetData(cd2, c2), patchSetData(cd1, c1));
for (List<ChangeData> list : permutations(changes)) {
// Not inOrder(); since child of c2 is missing, partial topo sort isn't
// guaranteed to work.
use of org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class GroupCollectorTest method collectGroupsForMultipleTipsInParallel.
public void collectGroupsForMultipleTipsInParallel() throws Exception {
RevCommit branchTip = tr.commit().create();
RevCommit a = tr.commit().parent(branchTip).create();
RevCommit b = tr.commit().parent(a).create();
RevCommit c = tr.commit().parent(branchTip).create();
RevCommit d = tr.commit().parent(c).create();
RevWalk rw = newWalk(b, branchTip);
// Schema upgrade case: all commits are existing patch sets, but none have
// groups assigned yet.
SortedSetMultimap<ObjectId, String> groups = collectGroups(rw, patchSets().put(branchTip, psId(1, 1)).put(a, psId(2, 1)).put(b, psId(3, 1)).put(c, psId(4, 1)).put(d, psId(5, 1)), groups());
use of org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class GroupCollectorTest method newWalk.
private RevWalk newWalk(ObjectId start, ObjectId branchTip) throws Exception {
// Match RevWalk conditions from ReceiveCommits.
RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(tr.getRepository());
rw.sort(RevSort.REVERSE, true);
return rw;