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Example 1 with NetInterfaceType

use of in project kura by eclipse.

the class NetworkConfiguration method populateNetInterfaceConfiguration.

private void populateNetInterfaceConfiguration(AbstractNetInterface<? extends NetInterfaceAddressConfig> netInterfaceConfig, Map<String, Object> props) throws UnknownHostException, KuraException {
    String interfaceName = netInterfaceConfig.getName();
    StringBuffer keyBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    NetInterfaceType interfaceType = NetInterfaceType.valueOf((String) props.get(keyBuffer.toString()));
    s_logger.trace("Populating interface: {} of type {}", interfaceName, interfaceType);
    // build the prefixes for all the properties associated with this interface
    StringBuilder sbPrefix = new StringBuilder();
    String netIfReadOnlyPrefix = sbPrefix.toString();
    String netIfPrefix = sbPrefix.append("config.").toString();
    String netIfConfigPrefix = sbPrefix.toString();
    // [RO] State
    String stateConfig = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "state";
    if (props.containsKey(stateConfig)) {
        try {
            NetInterfaceState state = (NetInterfaceState) props.get(stateConfig);
            s_logger.trace("got state: {}", state);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            s_logger.error("Could not process State configuration. Retaining current value.", e);
    // Auto connect
    boolean autoConnect = false;
    String autoConnectKey = netIfPrefix + "autoconnect";
    if (props.containsKey(autoConnectKey)) {
        autoConnect = (Boolean) props.get(autoConnectKey);
        s_logger.trace("got autoConnect: {}", autoConnect);
    // MTU
    String mtuConfig = netIfPrefix + "mtu";
    if (props.containsKey(mtuConfig)) {
        int mtu = (Integer) props.get(mtuConfig);
        s_logger.trace("got MTU: {}", mtu);
    // Driver
    String driverKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "driver";
    if (props.containsKey(driverKey)) {
        String driver = (String) props.get(driverKey);
        s_logger.trace("got Driver: {}", driver);
    // Driver Version
    String driverVersionKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "driver.version";
    if (props.containsKey(driverVersionKey)) {
        String driverVersion = (String) props.get(driverVersionKey);
        s_logger.trace("got Driver Version: {}", driverVersion);
    // Firmware Version
    String firmwardVersionKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "firmware.version";
    if (props.containsKey(firmwardVersionKey)) {
        String firmwareVersion = (String) props.get(firmwardVersionKey);
        s_logger.trace("got Firmware Version: {}", firmwareVersion);
    // Mac Address
    String macAddressKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "mac";
    if (props.containsKey(macAddressKey)) {
        String macAddress = (String) props.get(macAddressKey);
        s_logger.trace("got Mac Address: {}", macAddress);
    // Is Loopback
    String loopbackKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "loopback";
    if (props.containsKey(loopbackKey)) {
        Boolean isLoopback = (Boolean) props.get(loopbackKey);
        s_logger.trace("got Is Loopback: {}", isLoopback);
    // Is Point to Point
    String ptpKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "ptp";
    if (props.containsKey(ptpKey)) {
        Boolean isPtp = (Boolean) props.get(ptpKey);
        s_logger.trace("got Is PtP: {}", isPtp);
    // Is Up
    String upKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "up";
    if (props.containsKey(upKey)) {
        Boolean isUp = (Boolean) props.get(upKey);
        s_logger.trace("got Is Up: {}", isUp);
        if (isUp) {
        } else {
    } else {
        s_logger.trace("Setting state to");
    // Is Virtual
    String virtualKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "virtual";
    if (props.containsKey(virtualKey)) {
        Boolean isVirtual = (Boolean) props.get(virtualKey);
        s_logger.trace("got Is Virtual: {}", isVirtual);
    // USB
    String vendorId = (String) props.get(netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "");
    String vendorName = (String) props.get(netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "");
    String productId = (String) props.get(netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "");
    String productName = (String) props.get(netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "");
    String usbBusNumber = (String) props.get(netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "usb.busNumber");
    String usbDevicePath = (String) props.get(netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "usb.devicePath");
    if (vendorId != null && productId != null) {
        UsbDevice usbDevice = new UsbNetDevice(vendorId, productId, vendorName, productName, usbBusNumber, usbDevicePath, interfaceName);
        s_logger.trace("adding usbDevice: {}, port: {}", usbDevice, usbDevice.getUsbPort());
    if (netInterfaceConfig instanceof EthernetInterfaceConfigImpl) {
        // Is Up
        String linkUpKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "";
        if (props.containsKey(linkUpKey)) {
            Boolean linkUp = (Boolean) props.get(linkUpKey);
            s_logger.trace("got Is Link Up: {}", linkUp);
            ((EthernetInterfaceConfigImpl) netInterfaceConfig).setLinkUp(linkUp);
    } else if (netInterfaceConfig instanceof WifiInterfaceConfigImpl) {
        // Wifi Capabilities
        String capabilitiesKey = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "wifi.capabilities";
        if (props.containsKey(capabilitiesKey)) {
            String capabilitiesString = (String) props.get(capabilitiesKey);
            if (capabilitiesString != null) {
                String[] capabilities = capabilitiesString.split(" ");
                if (capabilities != null && capabilities.length > 0) {
                    EnumSet<Capability> capabilitiesEnum = EnumSet.noneOf(Capability.class);
                    for (String capability : capabilities) {
                        if (capability != null && !capability.isEmpty()) {
                    ((WifiInterfaceConfigImpl) netInterfaceConfig).setCapabilities(capabilitiesEnum);
    } else if (netInterfaceConfig instanceof ModemInterfaceConfigImpl) {
        ModemInterfaceConfigImpl modemInterfaceConfig = (ModemInterfaceConfigImpl) netInterfaceConfig;
        String key;
        // manufacturer
        key = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "manufacturer";
        if (props.containsKey(key)) {
            modemInterfaceConfig.setManufacturer((String) props.get(key));
        // manufacturer
        key = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "model";
        if (props.containsKey(key)) {
            modemInterfaceConfig.setModel((String) props.get(key));
        // revision id
        key = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "revisionId";
        if (props.containsKey(key)) {
            String revisionIdString = (String) props.get(key);
        // serial number
        key = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "serialNum";
        if (props.containsKey(key)) {
            modemInterfaceConfig.setSerialNumber((String) props.get(key));
        // technology types
        key = netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "technologyTypes";
        if (props.containsKey(key)) {
            ArrayList<ModemTechnologyType> technologyTypes = new ArrayList<ModemTechnologyType>();
            String techTypesString = (String) props.get(netIfReadOnlyPrefix + "technologyTypes");
            if (techTypesString != null && !techTypesString.isEmpty()) {
                for (String techTypeString : techTypesString.split(",")) {
                    if (techTypeString != null && !techTypeString.isEmpty()) {
                        try {
                            ModemTechnologyType modemTechType = ModemTechnologyType.valueOf(techTypeString);
                        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                            s_logger.error("Could not parse type " + techTypeString);
        // modem identifier
        key = netIfConfigPrefix + "identifier";
        if (props.containsKey(key)) {
            modemInterfaceConfig.setModemIdentifier((String) props.get(key));
        // power mode
        key = netIfConfigPrefix + "powerMode";
        if (props.containsKey(key)) {
            ModemPowerMode powerMode = ModemPowerMode.UNKNOWN;
            String modemPowerModeString = (String) props.get(netIfConfigPrefix + "powerMode");
            if (modemPowerModeString != null) {
                powerMode = ModemPowerMode.valueOf(modemPowerModeString);
        // ppp number
        key = netIfConfigPrefix + "pppNum";
        if (props.containsKey(key)) {
            if (props.get(key) != null) {
                modemInterfaceConfig.setPppNum((Integer) props.get(key));
        // powered on
        key = netIfConfigPrefix + "poweredOn";
        if (props.containsKey(key)) {
            if (props.get(key) != null) {
                modemInterfaceConfig.setPoweredOn((Boolean) props.get(key));
    // Status
    String configStatus4 = null;
    String configStatus4Key = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.ip4.status";
    if (props.containsKey(configStatus4Key)) {
        configStatus4 = (String) props.get(configStatus4Key);
    if (configStatus4 == null) {
        configStatus4 =;
    s_logger.trace("Status Ipv4? {}", configStatus4);
    String configStatus6 = null;
    String configStatus6Key = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.ip6.status";
    if (props.containsKey(configStatus6Key)) {
        configStatus6 = (String) props.get(configStatus6Key);
    if (configStatus6 == null) {
        configStatus6 =;
    // POPULATE NetInterfaceAddresses
    for (NetInterfaceAddressConfig netInterfaceAddress : netInterfaceConfig.getNetInterfaceAddresses()) {
        List<NetConfig> netConfigs = new ArrayList<NetConfig>();
        if (netInterfaceAddress instanceof NetInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) {
            ((NetInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) netInterfaceAddress).setNetConfigs(netConfigs);
        } else if (netInterfaceAddress instanceof WifiInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) {
            ((WifiInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) netInterfaceAddress).setNetConfigs(netConfigs);
        } else if (netInterfaceAddress instanceof ModemInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) {
            ((ModemInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) netInterfaceAddress).setNetConfigs(netConfigs);
        // Common NetInterfaceAddress
        if (netInterfaceAddress instanceof NetInterfaceAddressImpl) {
            s_logger.trace("netInterfaceAddress is instanceof NetInterfaceAddressImpl");
            NetInterfaceAddressImpl netInterfaceAddressImpl = (NetInterfaceAddressImpl) netInterfaceAddress;
            // TODO: determine dynamically
            String addressType = ".ip4";
            // populate current address status
            String key = "net.interface." + interfaceName + addressType + ".address";
            if (props.containsKey(key)) {
                IPAddress address = IPAddress.parseHostAddress((String) props.get(key));
                s_logger.trace("got {}: {}", key, address);
            key = "net.interface." + interfaceName + addressType + ".broadcast";
            if (props.containsKey(key)) {
                IPAddress broadcast = IPAddress.parseHostAddress((String) props.get(key));
                s_logger.trace("got {}: {}", key, broadcast);
            key = "net.interface." + interfaceName + addressType + ".dnsServers";
            if (props.containsKey(key)) {
                List<IPAddress> dnsServers = new ArrayList<IPAddress>();
                String dnsServersString = (String) props.get(key);
                s_logger.trace("got {}: {}", key, dnsServersString);
                for (String dnsServer : dnsServersString.split(",")) {
            key = "net.interface." + interfaceName + addressType + ".gateway";
            if (props.containsKey(key)) {
                if (props.get(key) != null && !((String) props.get(key)).trim().equals("")) {
                    IPAddress gateway = IPAddress.parseHostAddress((String) props.get(key));
                    s_logger.trace("got {}: {}", key, gateway);
                } else {
                    s_logger.trace("got {}: null", key);
            key = "net.interface." + interfaceName + addressType + ".netmask";
            if (props.containsKey(key)) {
                IPAddress netmask = IPAddress.parseHostAddress((String) props.get(key));
                s_logger.trace("got {}: {}", key, netmask);
            key = "net.interface." + interfaceName + addressType + ".prefix";
            if (props.containsKey(key)) {
                Short prefix = (Short) props.get(key);
                s_logger.trace("got {}: {}", key, prefix);
        // WifiInterfaceAddress
        if (netInterfaceAddress instanceof WifiInterfaceAddressImpl) {
            s_logger.trace("netInterfaceAddress is instanceof WifiInterfaceAddressImpl");
            WifiInterfaceAddressImpl wifiInterfaceAddressImpl = (WifiInterfaceAddressImpl) netInterfaceAddress;
            // wifi mode
            String configWifiMode = netIfPrefix + "wifi.mode";
            if (props.containsKey(configWifiMode)) {
                // FIXME: INFRA for now while debugging - probably want this as
                WifiMode mode = WifiMode.INFRA;
                // UNKNOWN
                if (props.get(configWifiMode) != null) {
                    mode = WifiMode.valueOf((String) props.get(configWifiMode));
                s_logger.trace("Adding wifiMode: {}", mode);
        // ModemInterfaceAddress
        if (netInterfaceAddress instanceof ModemInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) {
            s_logger.trace("netInterfaceAddress is instanceof ModemInterfaceAddressConfigImpl");
            ModemInterfaceAddressConfigImpl modemInterfaceAddressImpl = (ModemInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) netInterfaceAddress;
            // connection type
            String configConnType = netIfPrefix + "connection.type";
            if (props.containsKey(configConnType)) {
                ModemConnectionType connType = ModemConnectionType.PPP;
                String connTypeStr = (String) props.get(configConnType);
                if (connTypeStr != null && !connTypeStr.isEmpty()) {
                    connType = ModemConnectionType.valueOf(connTypeStr);
                s_logger.trace("Adding modem connection type: {}", connType);
            // connection type
            String configConnStatus = netIfPrefix + "connection.status";
            if (props.containsKey(configConnStatus)) {
                ModemConnectionStatus connStatus = ModemConnectionStatus.UNKNOWN;
                String connStatusStr = (String) props.get(configConnStatus);
                if (connStatusStr != null && !connStatusStr.isEmpty()) {
                    connStatus = ModemConnectionStatus.valueOf(connStatusStr);
                s_logger.trace("Adding modem connection status: {}", connStatus);
        // POPULATE NetConfigs
        // dhcp4
        String configDhcp4 = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.dhcpClient4.enabled";
        NetConfigIP4 netConfigIP4 = null;
        boolean dhcpEnabled = false;
        if (props.containsKey(configDhcp4)) {
            dhcpEnabled = (Boolean) props.get(configDhcp4);
            s_logger.trace("DHCP 4 enabled? {}", dhcpEnabled);
        netConfigIP4 = new NetConfigIP4(NetInterfaceStatus.valueOf(configStatus4), autoConnect, dhcpEnabled);
        if (!dhcpEnabled) {
            // NetConfigIP4
            String configIp4 = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.ip4.address";
            if (props.containsKey(configIp4)) {
                s_logger.trace("got {}: {}", configIp4, props.get(configIp4));
                // address
                String addressIp4 = (String) props.get(configIp4);
                s_logger.trace("IPv4 address: {}", addressIp4);
                if (addressIp4 != null && !addressIp4.isEmpty()) {
                    IP4Address ip4Address = (IP4Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(addressIp4);
                // prefix
                String configIp4Prefix = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.ip4.prefix";
                short networkPrefixLength = -1;
                if (props.containsKey(configIp4Prefix)) {
                    if (props.get(configIp4Prefix) instanceof Short) {
                        networkPrefixLength = (Short) props.get(configIp4Prefix);
                    } else if (props.get(configIp4Prefix) instanceof String) {
                        networkPrefixLength = Short.parseShort((String) props.get(configIp4Prefix));
                    try {
                    } catch (KuraException e) {
                        s_logger.error("Exception while setting Network Prefix length!", e);
                         * s_logger.trace("IPv4 prefix: " + networkPrefixLength);
                         * netInterfaceAddress.setNetworkPrefixLength(networkPrefixLength);
                         * //FIXME - hack for now
                         * netInterfaceAddress.setBroadcast((IP4Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(""));
                         * ip4Config.setNetworkPrefixLength(networkPrefixLength);
                // gateway
                String configIp4Gateway = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.ip4.gateway";
                if (props.containsKey(configIp4Gateway)) {
                    String gatewayIp4 = (String) props.get(configIp4Gateway);
                    s_logger.trace("IPv4 gateway: {}", gatewayIp4);
                    if (gatewayIp4 != null && !gatewayIp4.isEmpty()) {
                        IP4Address ip4Gateway = (IP4Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(gatewayIp4);
        // dns servers
        String configDNSs = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.ip4.dnsServers";
        if (props.containsKey(configDNSs)) {
            List<IP4Address> dnsIPs = new ArrayList<IP4Address>();
            String dnsAll = (String) props.get(configDNSs);
            String[] dnss = dnsAll.split(",");
            for (String dns : dnss) {
                if (dns != null && dns.length() > 0) {
                    s_logger.trace("IPv4 DNS: {}", dns);
                    IP4Address dnsIp4 = (IP4Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(dns);
        // win servers
        String configWINSs = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.ip4.winsServers";
        if (props.containsKey(configWINSs)) {
            List<IP4Address> winsIPs = new ArrayList<IP4Address>();
            String winsAll = (String) props.get(configWINSs);
            String[] winss = winsAll.split(",");
            for (String wins : winss) {
                s_logger.trace("WINS: {}", wins);
                IP4Address winsIp4 = (IP4Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(wins);
        // domains
        String configDomains = "net.interface." + interfaceName + "";
        if (props.containsKey(configDomains)) {
            List<String> domainNames = new ArrayList<String>();
            String domainsAll = (String) props.get(configDomains);
            String[] domains = domainsAll.split(",");
            for (String domain : domains) {
                s_logger.trace("IPv4 Domain: {}", domain);
        // FirewallNatConfig - see if NAT is enabled
        String configNatEnabled = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.nat.enabled";
        if (props.containsKey(configNatEnabled)) {
            boolean natEnabled = (Boolean) props.get(configNatEnabled);
            s_logger.trace("NAT enabled? {}", natEnabled);
            if (natEnabled) {
                FirewallAutoNatConfig natConfig = new FirewallAutoNatConfig(interfaceName, "unknown", true);
        // DhcpServerConfigIP4 - see if there is a DHCP 4 Server
        String configDhcpServerEnabled = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.dhcpServer4.enabled";
        if (props.containsKey(configDhcpServerEnabled)) {
            boolean dhcpServerEnabled = (Boolean) props.get(configDhcpServerEnabled);
            s_logger.trace("DHCP Server 4 enabled? {}", dhcpServerEnabled);
            IP4Address subnet = null;
            IP4Address routerAddress = dhcpEnabled ? (IP4Address) netInterfaceAddress.getAddress() : netConfigIP4.getAddress();
            IP4Address subnetMask = null;
            int defaultLeaseTime = -1;
            int maximumLeaseTime = -1;
            short prefix = -1;
            IP4Address rangeStart = null;
            IP4Address rangeEnd = null;
            boolean passDns = false;
            List<IP4Address> dnServers = new ArrayList<IP4Address>();
            // prefix
            String configDhcpServerPrefix = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.dhcpServer4.prefix";
            if (props.containsKey(configDhcpServerPrefix)) {
                if (props.get(configDhcpServerPrefix) instanceof Short) {
                    prefix = (Short) props.get(configDhcpServerPrefix);
                } else if (props.get(configDhcpServerPrefix) instanceof String) {
                    prefix = Short.parseShort((String) props.get(configDhcpServerPrefix));
                s_logger.trace("DHCP Server prefix: {}", prefix);
            // rangeStart
            String configDhcpServerRangeStart = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.dhcpServer4.rangeStart";
            if (props.containsKey(configDhcpServerRangeStart)) {
                String dhcpServerRangeStart = (String) props.get(configDhcpServerRangeStart);
                s_logger.trace("DHCP Server Range Start: {}", dhcpServerRangeStart);
                if (dhcpServerRangeStart != null && !dhcpServerRangeStart.isEmpty()) {
                    rangeStart = (IP4Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(dhcpServerRangeStart);
            // rangeEnd
            String configDhcpServerRangeEnd = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.dhcpServer4.rangeEnd";
            if (props.containsKey(configDhcpServerRangeEnd)) {
                String dhcpServerRangeEnd = (String) props.get(configDhcpServerRangeEnd);
                s_logger.trace("DHCP Server Range End: {}", dhcpServerRangeEnd);
                if (dhcpServerRangeEnd != null && !dhcpServerRangeEnd.isEmpty()) {
                    rangeEnd = (IP4Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(dhcpServerRangeEnd);
            // default lease time
            String configDhcpServerDefaultLeaseTime = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.dhcpServer4.defaultLeaseTime";
            if (props.containsKey(configDhcpServerDefaultLeaseTime)) {
                if (props.get(configDhcpServerDefaultLeaseTime) instanceof Integer) {
                    defaultLeaseTime = (Integer) props.get(configDhcpServerDefaultLeaseTime);
                } else if (props.get(configDhcpServerDefaultLeaseTime) instanceof String) {
                    defaultLeaseTime = Integer.parseInt((String) props.get(configDhcpServerDefaultLeaseTime));
                s_logger.trace("DHCP Server Default Lease Time: {}", defaultLeaseTime);
            // max lease time
            String configDhcpServerMaxLeaseTime = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.dhcpServer4.maxLeaseTime";
            if (props.containsKey(configDhcpServerMaxLeaseTime)) {
                if (props.get(configDhcpServerMaxLeaseTime) instanceof Integer) {
                    maximumLeaseTime = (Integer) props.get(configDhcpServerMaxLeaseTime);
                } else if (props.get(configDhcpServerMaxLeaseTime) instanceof String) {
                    maximumLeaseTime = Integer.parseInt((String) props.get(configDhcpServerMaxLeaseTime));
                s_logger.trace("DHCP Server Maximum Lease Time: {}", maximumLeaseTime);
            // passDns
            String configDhcpServerPassDns = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.dhcpServer4.passDns";
            if (props.containsKey(configDhcpServerPassDns)) {
                if (props.get(configDhcpServerPassDns) instanceof Boolean) {
                    passDns = (Boolean) props.get(configDhcpServerPassDns);
                } else if (props.get(configDhcpServerPassDns) instanceof String) {
                    passDns = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) props.get(configDhcpServerPassDns));
                s_logger.trace("DHCP Server Pass DNS?: {}", passDns);
            if (routerAddress != null && rangeStart != null && rangeEnd != null) {
                // get the netmask and subnet
                int prefixInt = prefix;
                int mask = ~((1 << 32 - prefixInt) - 1);
                String subnetMaskString = NetworkUtil.dottedQuad(mask);
                String subnetString = NetworkUtil.calculateNetwork(routerAddress.getHostAddress(), subnetMaskString);
                subnet = (IP4Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(subnetString);
                subnetMask = (IP4Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(subnetMaskString);
                DhcpServerConfigIP4 dhcpServerConfig = new DhcpServerConfigIP4(interfaceName, dhcpServerEnabled, subnet, routerAddress, subnetMask, defaultLeaseTime, maximumLeaseTime, prefix, rangeStart, rangeEnd, passDns, dnServers);
            } else {
                s_logger.trace("Not including DhcpServerConfig - router: " + routerAddress + ", range start: " + rangeStart + ", range end: " + rangeEnd);
        // dhcp6
        String configDhcp6 = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.dhcpClient6.enabled";
        NetConfigIP6 netConfigIP6 = null;
        boolean dhcp6Enabled = false;
        if (props.containsKey(configDhcp6)) {
            dhcp6Enabled = (Boolean) props.get(configDhcp6);
            s_logger.trace("DHCP 6 enabled? {}", dhcp6Enabled);
        if (!dhcp6Enabled) {
            // ip6
            String configIp6 = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.ip6.address";
            if (props.containsKey(configIp6)) {
                // address
                String addressIp6 = (String) props.get(configIp6);
                s_logger.trace("IPv6 address: {}", addressIp6);
                if (addressIp6 != null && !addressIp6.isEmpty()) {
                    IP6Address ip6Address = (IP6Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(addressIp6);
                // dns servers
                String configDNSs6 = "net.interface." + interfaceName + ".config.ip6.dnsServers";
                if (props.containsKey(configDNSs6)) {
                    List<IP6Address> dnsIPs = new ArrayList<IP6Address>();
                    String dnsAll = (String) props.get(configDNSs6);
                    String[] dnss = dnsAll.split(",");
                    for (String dns : dnss) {
                        s_logger.trace("IPv6 DNS: {}", dns);
                        IP6Address dnsIp6 = (IP6Address) IPAddress.parseHostAddress(dns);
                // domains
                String configDomains6 = "net.interface." + interfaceName + "";
                if (props.containsKey(configDomains6)) {
                    List<String> domainNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                    String domainsAll = (String) props.get(configDomains6);
                    String[] domains = domainsAll.split(",");
                    for (String domain : domains) {
                        s_logger.trace("IPv6 Domain: {}", domain);
        if (interfaceType == NetInterfaceType.WIFI) {
            s_logger.trace("Adding wifi netconfig");
            // Wifi access point config
            WifiConfig apConfig = getWifiConfig(netIfConfigPrefix, WifiMode.MASTER, props);
            if (apConfig != null) {
                s_logger.trace("Adding AP wifi config");
            } else {
                s_logger.warn("no AP wifi config specified");
            // Wifi client/adhoc config
            // WifiConfig adhocConfig = getWifiConfig(netIfConfigPrefix, WifiMode.ADHOC, props);
            WifiConfig infraConfig = getWifiConfig(netIfConfigPrefix, WifiMode.INFRA, props);
                 * if(adhocConfig != null && infraConfig != null) {
                 * s_logger.warn("Two conflicting client wifi configs specified");
                 * }
            if (infraConfig != null) {
                s_logger.trace("Adding client INFRA wifi config");
            } else {
                s_logger.warn("no INFRA wifi config specified");
                 * if(adhocConfig != null){
                 * s_logger.trace("Adding client ADHOC wifi config");
                 * netConfigs.add(adhocConfig);
                 * }
        if (interfaceType == NetInterfaceType.MODEM) {
            s_logger.trace("Adding modem netconfig");
            netConfigs.add(getModemConfig(netIfConfigPrefix, props));
Also used : ModemInterfaceAddressConfigImpl( FirewallAutoNatConfig( WifiConfig( UsbDevice(org.eclipse.kura.usb.UsbDevice) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) KuraException(org.eclipse.kura.KuraException) WifiMode( ModemTechnologyType( NetInterfaceAddressConfig( Capability( IP4Address( IP6Address( ModemConnectionStatus( ModemConnectionType( NetConfig( DhcpServerConfigIP4( NetInterfaceState( NetConfigIP4( NetConfigIP6( UsbNetDevice(org.eclipse.kura.usb.UsbNetDevice) EnumSet(java.util.EnumSet) ModemPowerMode( KuraException(org.eclipse.kura.KuraException) UnknownHostException( WifiAccessPoint( NetInterfaceType( ModemInterfaceConfigImpl( IPAddress(

Example 2 with NetInterfaceType

use of in project kura by eclipse.

the class LinuxNetworkUtil method getType.

     * Returns NetInterfaceType.UNKNOWN for ignored interfaces or if the interface is not found
     * Note: may return a cached information
public static NetInterfaceType getType(String ifaceName) throws KuraException {
    // ignore logical interfaces like "1-1.2"
    if (Character.isDigit(ifaceName.charAt(0))) {
        return NetInterfaceType.UNKNOWN;
    for (String ignoreIface : s_ignoreIfaces) {
        if (ifaceName.startsWith(ignoreIface)) {
            return NetInterfaceType.UNKNOWN;
    NetInterfaceType ifaceType = null;
    if (s_ifconfigs.containsKey(ifaceName)) {
        LinuxIfconfig ifconfig = s_ifconfigs.get(ifaceName);
        ifaceType = ifconfig.getType();
    } else {
        LinuxIfconfig ifconfig = getInterfaceConfiguration(ifaceName);
        if (ifconfig != null) {
            ifaceType = ifconfig.getType();
    s_logger.trace("getType() :: interface={}, type={}", ifaceName, ifaceType);
    return ifaceType;
Also used : NetInterfaceType(

Example 3 with NetInterfaceType

use of in project kura by eclipse.

the class LinuxNetworkUtil method getInterfaceType.

private static NetInterfaceType getInterfaceType(String ifaceName, String line) throws KuraException {
    NetInterfaceType ifaceType = NetInterfaceType.UNKNOWN;
    String stringType = null;
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);
    // skip iface name
    // skip Link
    stringType = st.nextToken();
    stringType = stringType.substring(6).toUpperCase();
    if (stringType.equals("LOCAL")) {
        stringType = "LOOPBACK";
    } else if (stringType.equals("ETHERNET")) {
        stringType = "ETHERNET";
    } else if (stringType.equals("POINT-TO-POINT")) {
        stringType = "MODEM";
    // determine if wifi
    if ("ETHERNET".equals(stringType)) {
        Collection<String> wifiOptions = WifiOptions.getSupportedOptions(ifaceName);
        if (wifiOptions.size() > 0) {
            for (String op : wifiOptions) {
                s_logger.trace("WiFi option supported on {} : {}", ifaceName, op);
            stringType = "WIFI";
    if (stringType != null) {
        try {
            ifaceType = NetInterfaceType.valueOf(stringType);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // leave it UNKNOWN
    return ifaceType;
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) NetInterfaceType( KuraException(org.eclipse.kura.KuraException) IOException(

Example 4 with NetInterfaceType

use of in project kura by eclipse.

the class LinuxNetworkUtil method getTypeInternal.

private static NetInterfaceType getTypeInternal(String ifaceName) throws KuraException {
    // ignore logical interfaces like "1-1.2"
    if (Character.isDigit(ifaceName.charAt(0))) {
        return NetInterfaceType.UNKNOWN;
    for (String ignoreIface : s_ignoreIfaces) {
        if (ifaceName.startsWith(ignoreIface)) {
            return NetInterfaceType.UNKNOWN;
    NetInterfaceType ifaceType = NetInterfaceType.UNKNOWN;
    if (s_ifconfigs.containsKey(ifaceName)) {
        LinuxIfconfig ifconfig = s_ifconfigs.get(ifaceName);
        ifaceType = ifconfig.getType();
        s_logger.trace("getType() :: interface={}, type={}", ifaceName, ifaceType);
    } else {
        s_ifconfigs.put(ifaceName, new LinuxIfconfig(ifaceName));
    if (ifaceType != NetInterfaceType.UNKNOWN) {
        return ifaceType;
    // String stringType = null;
    SafeProcess proc = null;
    BufferedReader br = null;
    try {
        // start the process
        proc = ProcessUtil.exec("ifconfig " + ifaceName);
        if (proc.waitFor() == 0) {
            // get the output
            br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
            String line = null;
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                int index = line.indexOf("Link encap:");
                if (index > -1) {
                    ifaceType = getInterfaceType(ifaceName, line);
        } else {
            File pppFile = new File(NetworkServiceImpl.PPP_PEERS_DIR + ifaceName);
            if (pppFile.exists() || ifaceName.matches("^ppp\\d+$")) {
                ifaceType = NetInterfaceType.valueOf("MODEM");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new KuraException(KuraErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
    } finally {
        if (br != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                s_logger.error("I/O Exception while closing BufferedReader!");
        if (proc != null) {
    s_logger.trace("getType() :: interface={}, type={}", ifaceName, ifaceType);
    LinuxIfconfig ifconfig = s_ifconfigs.get(ifaceName);
    return ifaceType;
Also used : InputStreamReader( NetInterfaceType( KuraException(org.eclipse.kura.KuraException) SafeProcess(org.eclipse.kura.core.util.SafeProcess) BufferedReader( IOException( File( KuraException(org.eclipse.kura.KuraException) IOException(

Example 5 with NetInterfaceType

use of in project kura by eclipse.

the class DhcpConfigReader method getConfig.

private void getConfig(NetInterfaceConfig<? extends NetInterfaceAddressConfig> netInterfaceConfig, Properties kuraExtendedProps) throws KuraException {
    String interfaceName = netInterfaceConfig.getName();
    s_logger.debug("Getting DHCP server config for {}", interfaceName);
    NetInterfaceType type = netInterfaceConfig.getType();
    if (type == NetInterfaceType.ETHERNET || type == NetInterfaceType.WIFI) {
        // StringBuffer configFilename = new
        // StringBuffer(FILE_DIR).append("dhcpd-").append(interfaceName).append(".conf");
        String configFilename = DhcpServerManager.getConfigFilename(interfaceName);
        File dhcpConfigFile = new File(configFilename);
        if (dhcpConfigFile.exists()) {
            DhcpServerConfig4 dhcpServerConfig4 = populateConfig(interfaceName, dhcpConfigFile, kuraExtendedProps);
            if (dhcpServerConfig4 != null) {
                List<? extends NetInterfaceAddressConfig> netInterfaceAddressConfigs = netInterfaceConfig.getNetInterfaceAddresses();
                if (netInterfaceAddressConfigs == null) {
                    throw KuraException.internalError("NetInterfaceAddress list is null for interface " + interfaceName);
                } else if (netInterfaceAddressConfigs.size() == 0) {
                    throw KuraException.internalError("NetInterfaceAddress list is empty for interface " + interfaceName);
                for (NetInterfaceAddressConfig netInterfaceAddressConfig : netInterfaceAddressConfigs) {
                    List<NetConfig> netConfigs = netInterfaceAddressConfig.getConfigs();
                    if (netConfigs == null) {
                        netConfigs = new ArrayList<NetConfig>();
                        if (netInterfaceAddressConfig instanceof NetInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) {
                            ((NetInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) netInterfaceAddressConfig).setNetConfigs(netConfigs);
                        } else if (netInterfaceAddressConfig instanceof WifiInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) {
                            ((WifiInterfaceAddressConfigImpl) netInterfaceAddressConfig).setNetConfigs(netConfigs);
        } else {
            s_logger.debug("There is no current DHCP server configuration for {}", interfaceName);
Also used : NetInterfaceAddressConfigImpl( NetInterfaceType( NetConfig( DhcpServerConfig4( File( NetInterfaceAddressConfig( WifiInterfaceAddressConfigImpl(


NetInterfaceType ( KuraException (org.eclipse.kura.KuraException)10 NetConfig ( NetInterfaceAddressConfig ( IOException ( File ( UnknownHostException ( NetConfigIP4 ( NetInterfaceAddressConfigImpl ( WifiInterfaceAddressConfigImpl ( IPAddress ( FileNotFoundException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)2 NetworkConfiguration ( NetworkConfigurationVisitor ( WifiInterfaceImpl ( ModemInterfaceConfigImpl ( SupportedSerialModemInfo (