use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.SelectionRange in project by eclipse.
the class SelectionRangeHandlerTest method testSwitch.
public void testSwitch() throws CoreException {
SelectionRange range = getSelectionRange("org.sample.Foo4", new Position(22, 27));
assertTrue(validateSelectionRange(// simple name
range, // simple name
new Range(new Position(22, 24), new Position(22, 30)), // method invocation
new Range(new Position(22, 5), new Position(22, 31)), // expression statement
new Range(new Position(22, 5), new Position(22, 32)), // switch statement
new Range(new Position(20, 3), new Position(26, 4)), // block
new Range(new Position(19, 6), new Position(27, 3)), // try statement
new Range(new Position(19, 2), new Position(29, 3)), // block
new Range(new Position(18, 85), new Position(30, 2)), // method declaration
new Range(new Position(18, 1), new Position(30, 2)), TYPE_DECL_RANGE, COMP_UNIT_RAGE));
use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.SelectionRange in project by eclipse.
the class SelectionRangeHandlerTest method testParamList.
public void testParamList() throws CoreException {
SelectionRange range = getSelectionRange("org.sample.Foo4", new Position(18, 24));
assertTrue(validateSelectionRange(// simple name
range, // simple name
new Range(new Position(18, 21), new Position(18, 27)), // single variable declaration
new Range(new Position(18, 17), new Position(18, 27)), // method declaration
new Range(new Position(18, 1), new Position(30, 2)), TYPE_DECL_RANGE, COMP_UNIT_RAGE));
use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.SelectionRange in project by eclipse.
the class SelectionRangeHandlerTest method testStringLiteral.
public void testStringLiteral() throws CoreException {
SelectionRange range = getSelectionRange("org.sample.Foo4", new Position(12, 30));
assertTrue(validateSelectionRange(// string literal
range, // string literal
new Range(new Position(12, 21), new Position(12, 40)), // method invocation
new Range(new Position(12, 2), new Position(12, 41)), // expression statement
new Range(new Position(12, 2), new Position(12, 42)), // block
new Range(new Position(11, 8), new Position(16, 2)), // method declaration
new Range(new Position(8, 1), new Position(16, 2)), TYPE_DECL_RANGE, COMP_UNIT_RAGE));
use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.SelectionRange in project by eclipse.
the class SelectionRangeHandler method selectionRange.
public List<SelectionRange> selectionRange(SelectionRangeParams params, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
if (params.getPositions() == null || params.getPositions().isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
ITypeRoot root = JDTUtils.resolveTypeRoot(params.getTextDocument().getUri());
if (root == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
CompilationUnit ast = CoreASTProvider.getInstance().getAST(root, CoreASTProvider.WAIT_YES, monitor);
// extra logic to check within the line comments and block comments, which are not parts of the AST
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Comment> comments = new ArrayList<Comment>(ast.getCommentList());
comments.removeIf(comment -> {
// Javadoc nodes are already in the AST
return (comment instanceof Javadoc);
List<SelectionRange> $ = new ArrayList<>();
for (Position pos : params.getPositions()) {
try {
int offset = JsonRpcHelpers.toOffset(root.getBuffer(), pos.getLine(), pos.getCharacter());
ASTNode node = NodeFinder.perform(ast, offset, 0);
if (node == null) {
// find all the ancestors
List<ASTNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
while (node != null) {
node = node.getParent();
// find all the ranges corresponding to the parent nodes
SelectionRange selectionRange = null;
ListIterator<ASTNode> iterator = nodes.listIterator(nodes.size());
while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {
node = iterator.previous();
Range range = JDTUtils.toRange(root, node.getStartPosition(), node.getLength());
selectionRange = new SelectionRange(range, selectionRange);
// find in comments
ASTNode containingComment = containingComment(comments, offset);
if (containingComment != null) {
Range range = JDTUtils.toRange(root, containingComment.getStartPosition(), containingComment.getLength());
selectionRange = new SelectionRange(range, selectionRange);
if (selectionRange != null) {
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
JavaLanguageServerPlugin.logException("Failed to calculate selection range", e);
return $;
use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.SelectionRange in project by eclipse.
the class SelectionRangeHandlerTest method testComments.
public void testComments() throws CoreException {
// line comment
SelectionRange range = getSelectionRange("org.sample.Foo4", new Position(12, 57));
assertTrue(validateSelectionRange(// line comment
range, // line comment
new Range(new Position(12, 43), new Position(12, 66)), // block
new Range(new Position(11, 8), new Position(16, 2)), // method declaration
new Range(new Position(8, 1), new Position(16, 2)), TYPE_DECL_RANGE, COMP_UNIT_RAGE));
// block comment
range = getSelectionRange("org.sample.Foo4", new Position(14, 17));
assertTrue(validateSelectionRange(// block comment
range, // block comment
new Range(new Position(14, 2), new Position(14, 29)), // block
new Range(new Position(11, 8), new Position(16, 2)), // method declaration
new Range(new Position(8, 1), new Position(16, 2)), TYPE_DECL_RANGE, COMP_UNIT_RAGE));
// block comment in param list
range = getSelectionRange("org.sample.Foo4", new Position(18, 42));
assertTrue(validateSelectionRange(// block comment
range, // block comment
new Range(new Position(18, 27), new Position(18, 68)), // method declaration
new Range(new Position(18, 1), new Position(30, 2)), TYPE_DECL_RANGE, COMP_UNIT_RAGE));