use of org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker in project Payara by payara.
the class CircuitBreakerInterceptor method circuitBreak.
private Object circuitBreak(InvocationContext invocationContext) throws Exception {
Object proceededInvocationContext = null;
FaultToleranceService faultToleranceService = Globals.getDefaultBaseServiceLocator().getService(FaultToleranceService.class);
CircuitBreaker circuitBreaker = FaultToleranceCdiUtils.getAnnotation(beanManager, CircuitBreaker.class, invocationContext);
Config config = null;
try {
config = ConfigProvider.getConfig();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "No config could be found", ex);
Class<? extends Throwable>[] failOn = circuitBreaker.failOn();
try {
String failOnString = ((String) FaultToleranceCdiUtils.getOverrideValue(config, Retry.class, "failOn", invocationContext, String.class).get());
List<Class> classList = new ArrayList<>();
// Remove any curly or square brackets from the string, as well as any spaces and ".class"es and loop
for (String className : failOnString.replaceAll("[\\{\\[ \\]\\}]", "").replaceAll("\\.class", "").split(",")) {
// Get a class object
failOn = classList.toArray(failOn);
} catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Could not find element in config", nsee);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Could not find class from failOn config, defaulting to annotation. " + "Make sure you give the full canonical class name.", cnfe);
long delay = (Long) FaultToleranceCdiUtils.getOverrideValue(config, CircuitBreaker.class, "value", invocationContext, Long.class).orElse(circuitBreaker.delay());
ChronoUnit delayUnit = (ChronoUnit) FaultToleranceCdiUtils.getOverrideValue(config, CircuitBreaker.class, "delayUnit", invocationContext, ChronoUnit.class).orElse(circuitBreaker.delayUnit());
int requestVolumeThreshold = (Integer) FaultToleranceCdiUtils.getOverrideValue(config, CircuitBreaker.class, "requestVolumeThreshold", invocationContext, Integer.class).orElse(circuitBreaker.requestVolumeThreshold());
double failureRatio = (Double) FaultToleranceCdiUtils.getOverrideValue(config, CircuitBreaker.class, "failureRatio", invocationContext, Double.class).orElse(circuitBreaker.failureRatio());
int successThreshold = (Integer) FaultToleranceCdiUtils.getOverrideValue(config, CircuitBreaker.class, "successThreshold", invocationContext, Integer.class).orElse(circuitBreaker.successThreshold());
long delayMillis = Duration.of(delay, delayUnit).toMillis();
InvocationManager invocationManager = Globals.getDefaultBaseServiceLocator().getService(InvocationManager.class);
CircuitBreakerState circuitBreakerState = faultToleranceService.getCircuitBreakerState(faultToleranceService.getApplicationName(invocationManager, invocationContext), invocationContext.getMethod(), circuitBreaker);
switch(circuitBreakerState.getCircuitState()) {
case OPEN:
logger.log(Level.FINER, "CircuitBreaker is Open, throwing exception");
// If open, immediately throw an error
throw new CircuitBreakerOpenException("CircuitBreaker for method " + invocationContext.getMethod().getName() + "is in state OPEN.");
case CLOSED:
// If closed, attempt to proceed the invocation context
try {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Proceeding CircuitBreaker context");
proceededInvocationContext = invocationContext.proceed();
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception executing CircuitBreaker context");
// Check if the exception is something that should record a failure
if (shouldFail(failOn, ex)) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Caught exception is included in CircuitBreaker failOn, " + "recording failure against CircuitBreaker");
// Add a failure result to the queue
// Calculate the failure threshold
long failureThreshold = Math.round(requestVolumeThreshold * failureRatio);
// If we're over the failure threshold, open the circuit
if (circuitBreakerState.isOverFailureThreshold(failureThreshold)) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "CircuitBreaker is over failure threshold {0}, opening circuit", failureThreshold);
// Kick off a thread that will half-open the circuit after the specified delay
scheduleHalfOpen(delayMillis, circuitBreakerState);
// Finally, propagate the error upwards
throw ex;
// If everything is bon, just add a success value
// If half-open, attempt to proceed the invocation context
try {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Proceeding half open CircuitBreaker context");
proceededInvocationContext = invocationContext.proceed();
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception executing CircuitBreaker context");
// Check if the exception is something that should record a failure
if (shouldFail(failOn, ex)) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Caught exception is included in CircuitBreaker failOn, " + "reopening half open circuit");
// Open the circuit again, and reset the half-open result counter
scheduleHalfOpen(delayMillis, circuitBreakerState);
throw ex;
// If the invocation context hasn't thrown an error, record a success
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Number of consecutive successful circuitbreaker executions = {0}", circuitBreakerState.getHalfOpenSuccessFulResultCounter());
// If we've hit the success threshold, close the circuit
if (circuitBreakerState.getHalfOpenSuccessFulResultCounter() == successThreshold) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Number of consecutive successful CircuitBreaker executions is above " + "threshold {0}, closing circuit", successThreshold);
// Reset the counter for when we next need to use it
// Reset the rolling results window
return proceededInvocationContext;
use of org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker in project Payara by payara.
the class FaultToleranceStressTest method occasionallyFailingService_Method.
* The method under tests fails every 3rd call whereby in a window of 4 there can be 2 failed calls opening the
* circuit. As delay is just recorded but not enforced there is only a minimal chance another caller does an attempt
* while the circuit is open but occasionally this happens.
* Every 5th call returns a failed Future that should be handed to the caller as is.
* Every 3rd call fails causing a retry. Together with open circuits this might even cause fallback handler to be
* used which will also fail the result as it only rethrows the error.
@Retry(maxRetries = 1)
@Bulkhead(value = 2, waitingTaskQueue = 2)
@CircuitBreaker(successThreshold = 2, delay = 0, requestVolumeThreshold = 4)
public Future<String> occasionallyFailingService_Method() throws IOException {
int called = methodInvocationCount.incrementAndGet();
if (called % 3 == 0) {
// this causes a retry
throw new IOException("Failed");
if (called % 5 == 0) {
// this does not cause a retry, its simply a Future that completes with a failure
CompletableFuture<String> failedValue = new CompletableFuture<>();
failedValue.completeExceptionally(new IOException("Failed"));
return failedValue;
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("Success");