use of in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class LRATest method multiLevelNestedActivity.
private void multiLevelNestedActivity(CompletionType how, int nestedCnt) throws WebApplicationException, URISyntaxException {
WebTarget resourcePath ="/base/test/multiLevelNestedActivity"));
if (how == CompletionType.mixed && nestedCnt <= 1) {
how = CompletionType.complete;
URI lra = new URI("/base/test/start")).request().get(String.class));
Response response = resourcePath.queryParam("nestedCnt", nestedCnt).request().header(LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER, lra).put(Entity.text(""));
// the response is a comma separated list of URIs (parent, children)
String lraStr = response.readEntity(String.class);
assertNotNull("expecting a LRA string returned from " + resourcePath.getUri(), lraStr);
URI[] uris =",")).map(s -> {
try {
return new URI(s);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
// check that the multiLevelNestedActivity method returned the mandatory LRA followed by any nested LRAs
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 1 (the test call went to " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", nestedCnt + 1, uris.length);
// first element should be the mandatory LRA
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 2 (the test call went to " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", lra, uris[0]);
// and the mandatory lra seen by the multiLevelNestedActivity method
assertFalse("multiLevelNestedActivity: top level LRA should be active (path called " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", isFinished(uris[0]));
// check that all nested activities were told to complete
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 3 (called test path " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", nestedCnt, completeCount.get());
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 4 (called test path " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", 0, compensateCount.get());
// close the LRA
if (how == CompletionType.compensate) {
// validate that the top level and nested LRAs are gone
* the test starts LRA1 calls a @Mandatory method multiLevelNestedActivity which enlists in LRA1
* multiLevelNestedActivity then calls an @Nested method which starts L2 and enlists another participant
* when the method returns the nested participant is completed (ie completed count is incremented)
* Canceling L1 should then compensate the L1 enlistment (ie compensate count is incremented)
* which will then tell L2 to compensate (ie the compensate count is incremented again)
// each nested participant should have completed (the +nestedCnt)
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 7 (called test path " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", nestedCnt, completeCount.get());
// each nested participant should have compensated. The top level enlistment should have compensated (the +1)
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 8 (called test path " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", nestedCnt + 1, compensateCount.get());
} else if (how == CompletionType.complete) {
// validate that the top level and nested LRAs are gone
// each nested participant and the top level participant should have completed (nestedCnt + 1) at least once
assertTrue("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 5a (called test path " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", completeCount.get() >= nestedCnt + 1);
// each nested participant should have been told to forget
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 5b (called test path " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", forgetCount.get(), nestedCnt);
// and that neither were still not told to compensate
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 6 (called test path " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", 0, compensateCount.get());
} else {
// compensate the first nested LRA in the enlisted resource
try (Response r ="/base/test/end")).queryParam("cancel", true).request().header(LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER, uris[1]).put(Entity.text(""))) {
assertEquals("compensate the first nested LRA", 500, r.getStatus());
// should not complete any nested LRAs (since they have already completed via the interceptor)
* Expect nestedCnt + 1 completions, 1 for the top level and one for each nested LRA
* (NB the first nested LRA is completed and compensated)
* Note that the top level complete should not call complete again on the nested LRA
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 10 (called test path " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", nestedCnt + 1, completeCount.get());
* The test is calling for a mixed outcome:
* - the top level LRA was closed
* - one of the nested LRAs was compensated the rest should have been completed
// there should be just 1 compensation (the first nested LRA)
assertEquals("multiLevelNestedActivity: step 9 (called test path " + resourcePath.getUri() + ")", 1, compensateCount.get());
use of in project helidon by oracle.
the class NonJaxRsResource method createNonJaxRsParticipantResource.
Service createNonJaxRsParticipantResource() {
return rules -> rules.any("/{type}/{fqdn}/{methodName}", (req, res) -> {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, () -> "Non JAX-RS LRA resource " + req.method().name() + " " + req.absoluteUri());
RequestHeaders headers = req.headers();
HttpRequest.Path path = req.path();
URI lraId = headers.first(LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER).or(() -> headers.first(LRA_HTTP_ENDED_CONTEXT_HEADER)).map(URI::create).orElse(null);
URI parentId = headers.first(LRA_HTTP_PARENT_CONTEXT_HEADER).map(URI::create).orElse(null);
PropagatedHeaders propagatedHeaders = participantService.prepareCustomHeaderPropagation(headers.toMap());
String fqdn = path.param("fqdn");
String method = path.param("methodName");
String type = path.param("type");
switch(type) {
case "compensate":
case "complete":
Single.<Optional<?>>empty().observeOn(exec).onCompleteResumeWithSingle(o -> participantService.invoke(fqdn, method, lraId, parentId, propagatedHeaders)).forSingle(result -> result.ifPresentOrElse(r -> sendResult(res, r), res::send)).exceptionallyAccept(t -> sendError(lraId, req, res, t));
case "afterlra":
req.content().as(String.class).map(LRAStatus::valueOf).observeOn(exec).flatMapSingle(s -> Single.defer(() -> participantService.invoke(fqdn, method, lraId, s, propagatedHeaders))).onComplete(res::send).onError(t -> sendError(lraId, req, res, t)).ignoreElement();
case "status":
Single.<Optional<?>>empty().observeOn(exec).onCompleteResumeWithSingle(o -> participantService.invoke(fqdn, method, lraId, null, propagatedHeaders)).forSingle(result -> result.ifPresentOrElse(r -> sendResult(res, r), // or in the case of non-JAX-RS method returning ParticipantStatus null.
() -> res.status(Response.Status.GONE.getStatusCode()).send())).exceptionallyAccept(t -> sendError(lraId, req, res, t));
case "forget":
Single.<Optional<?>>empty().observeOn(exec).onCompleteResumeWithSingle(o -> participantService.invoke(fqdn, method, lraId, parentId, propagatedHeaders)).onComplete(res::send).onError(t -> sendError(lraId, req, res, t)).ignoreElement();
LOGGER.severe(() -> "Unexpected non Jax-Rs LRA compensation type " + type + ": " + req.absoluteUri());
use of in project helidon by oracle.
the class LraAnnotationHandler method handleJaxRsAfter.
public void handleJaxRsAfter(ContainerRequestContext reqCtx, ContainerResponseContext resCtx, ResourceInfo resourceInfo) {
Optional<URI> lraId = Optional.ofNullable((URI) reqCtx.getProperty(LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER)).or(() -> Contexts.context().flatMap(c -> c.get(LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER, URI.class)));
PropagatedHeaders propagatedHeaders = participantService.prepareCustomHeaderPropagation(reqCtx.getHeaders());
Response.Status resStatus = resCtx.getStatusInfo().toEnum();
Response.Status.Family resFamily = resCtx.getStatusInfo().getFamily();
boolean end = annotation.end();
boolean cancel = annotation.cancelOnFamily().contains(resFamily) || annotation.cancelOn().contains(resStatus);
lraId.ifPresent(id -> {
if (cancel) {
cancel(id, propagatedHeaders);
} else if (end) {
close(id, propagatedHeaders);
resCtx.getHeaders().putSingle(LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER, id);
Optional.ofNullable(reqCtx.getProperty(LRA_HTTP_PARENT_CONTEXT_HEADER)).map(URI.class::cast).ifPresent(suppressedLra -> resCtx.getHeaders().putSingle(LRA_HTTP_CONTEXT_HEADER, suppressedLra));