use of org.eclipse.n4js.tooling.tester.model.TestTree in project n4js by eclipse.
the class TestDiscoveryHelper method collectTests.
* Collects all test methods available at the given location and returns a {@link TestTree} in which each test
* method is represented by a {@link TestCase}. The location may point to an N4JS project or a folder or file within
* an N4JS project.
* @param resourceSetAccess
* the accessor for the resource set
* @param locations
* the locations referencing to a resource. Can be an N4JS project, or a folder or a file within an N4JS
* project.
* @return The test tree representing one or more test cases. Never returns with {@code null}, but the returned test
* tree may be empty.
private TestTree collectTests(N4JSWorkspaceConfigSnapshot ws, Function<? super URI, ? extends ResourceSet> resourceSetAccess, final List<URI> locations) {
// create test cases (aggregated in test suites)
final Map<String, TestSuite> suites = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// create MultiMap from trimmed(!) URI -> original URIs for this prefix URI
final List<URI> testLocations = collectDistinctTestLocations(ws, resourceSetAccess, locations);
// module URI --> test case URIs
final HashMultimap<URI, URI> testLocationMapping = createTestLocationMapping(testLocations);
// module URI --> module
final Map<URI, TModule> moduleUri2Modules = loadModules(testLocationMapping.asMap().keySet(), resourceSetAccess);
for (final URI moduleLocation : testLocationMapping.keySet()) {
final TModule module = moduleUri2Modules.get(moduleLocation);
if (null == module) {
// Assuming broken AST.
// make sure trimmed URIs processed before non-trimmed ones, in other words we collects all tests for
// test modules first, then later we can skip individual test collecting for test methods.
// so we can make sure, iff there are more than one elements in the list, and the first one equals to
// the module location URI (with any fragments), we can skip the processing, since the whole module
// contains the individual test locations
final List<URI> testLocationsForModule = newArrayList(testLocationMapping.get(moduleLocation));
if (testLocationsForModule.get(0).equals(moduleLocation)) {
// The first item is referencing the entire module
// --> collect all test methods in module and ignore remaining URIs
collectTestCasesAndSuitesForModule(ws, module, suites);
} else {
// we have URIs pointing to individual test methods -> collect all URIs
for (final URI uri : testLocationsForModule) {
collectTestSuiteAndTestCaseForMethod(ws, uri, module, suites);
// if test cases are selected, name of tree is first test method and number of more tests
final ID sessionId = createTestSessionId();
String name = valueOf(sessionId);
if (!locations.isEmpty()) {
final URI uri = locations.get(0);
name = valueOf(uri.trimFragment()).replaceFirst("platform:/resource/", "");
if (name.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) {
name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
// Assuming one single test case.
if (uri.hasFragment() && !suites.isEmpty() && !suites.values().iterator().next().getTestCases().isEmpty()) {
name += "#" + suites.values().iterator().next().getTestCases().get(0).getDisplayName();
if (locations.size() > 1) {
name += " and " + (locations.size() - 1) + " more";
return new TestTree(sessionId, suites.values(), name).sort();
use of org.eclipse.n4js.tooling.tester.model.TestTree in project n4js by eclipse.
the class TestDiscoveryHelper method collectAllTestsFromProjects.
* Collects all test cases from the given projects and returns with a new test tree instance representing those test
* cases.
* @param resourceSetAccess
* the accessor for the resource set
* @param projects
* the projects that are searched for tests
* @return a test tree representing all test cases in the workspace.
public TestTree collectAllTestsFromProjects(N4JSWorkspaceConfigSnapshot ws, Function<? super URI, ? extends ResourceSet> resourceSetAccess, Iterable<? extends N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot> projects) {
List<URI> testableProjectURIs = new ArrayList<>();
for (N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot project : projects) {
URI location = project.getPathAsFileURI().toURI();
if (isTestable(ws, location)) {
TestTree collectedTests = collectTests(ws, resourceSetAccess, testableProjectURIs);
return collectedTests;