use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class ConvertedIdeTest method importProject.
* Imports a project into the running JUnit test workspace. Usage:
* <pre>
* IProject project = ProjectTestsUtils.importProject(new File("probands"), "TestProject", n4jsLibs);
* </pre>
* @param probandsFolder
* the parent folder in which the test project is found
* @param projectName
* the name of the test project, must be folder contained in probandsFolder
* @param n4jsLibs
* names of N4JS libraries to install from the local <code>n4js-libs</code> top-level folder (see
* {@link N4jsLibsAccess#installN4jsLibs(Path, boolean, boolean, boolean, N4JSPackageName...)}).
* @return the imported project
* @see <a href=
* "">
* stackoverflow: from zip</a>
protected File importProject(File probandsFolder, N4JSPackageName projectName, Collection<N4JSPackageName> n4jsLibs) {
if (!testWorkspaceManager.isCreated()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("the test workspace is not yet created");
Path projectNameAsRelativePath = projectName.getProjectNameAsRelativePath();
File projectSourceFolder = probandsFolder.toPath().resolve(projectNameAsRelativePath).toFile();
if (!projectSourceFolder.exists()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("proband not found in " + projectSourceFolder);
File projectFolder = projectName.getLocation(getProjectLocation().toPath());
installN4jsLibs(projectName, n4jsLibs.toArray(new N4JSPackageName[0]));
// copy project into workspace
// (need to do that manually to properly handle NPM scopes, because the Eclipse import functionality won't put
// those projects into an "@myScope" subfolder)
final List<Path> filesCopied = new ArrayList<>();
try {
FileCopier.copy(projectSourceFolder.toPath(), projectFolder.toPath(), path -> filesCopied.add(path));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WrappedException("exception while copying project into workspace", e);
// create symbolic link in node_modules folder of root project (if necessary)
if (isYarnWorkspace()) {
try {
File nodeModulesFolder = getNodeModulesFolder(projectName);
Path from = nodeModulesFolder.toPath().resolve(projectNameAsRelativePath);
Files.createSymbolicLink(from, projectFolder.toPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WrappedException("exception while creating symbolic link from node_modules folder to project folder", e);
// notify LSP server
DidChangeWatchedFilesParams params = new DidChangeWatchedFilesParams(FluentIterable.from(filesCopied).transform(path -> new FileURI(path.toFile())).transform(fileURI -> new FileEvent(fileURI.toString(), FileChangeType.Created)).toList());
return projectFolder;
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class ConvertedIdeTest method importProband.
* Creates an empty yarn workspace project with
* {@link TestWorkspaceManager#createTestOnDisk(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Pair...) the test workspace manager},
* starts the LSP server, and then imports all projects in the given proband folder. Each sub-folder of the given
* proband folder is assumed to be a project and will be imported.
protected List<N4JSPackageName> importProband(File probandFolder, Collection<N4JSPackageName> n4jsLibs) {
if (testWorkspaceManager.isCreated()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("the test workspace has already been created");
// this will create an empty yarn workspace
// import the projects
final List<N4JSPackageName> importedProjects = new ArrayList<>();
boolean needToCopyLibs = true;
for (final File child : probandFolder.listFiles()) {
if (child.isDirectory()) {
if (child.getName().startsWith(ProjectDescriptionUtils.NPM_SCOPE_PREFIX)) {
for (final File grandChild : child.listFiles()) {
if (grandChild.isDirectory()) {
final N4JSPackageName name = new N4JSPackageName(child.getName(), grandChild.getName());
importProject(probandFolder, name, needToCopyLibs ? n4jsLibs : Collections.emptyList());
needToCopyLibs = false;
} else {
final N4JSPackageName name = new N4JSPackageName(child.getName());
importProject(probandFolder, name, needToCopyLibs ? n4jsLibs : Collections.emptyList());
needToCopyLibs = false;
// ensure that all projects have been imported properly
final Set<String> expectedProjects = -> "yarn-test-project/packages/" + pn.getRawName()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
final Set<String> actualProjects = concurrentIndex.entries().stream().map(Entry::getKey).collect(Collectors.toSet());
final Set<String> missingProjects = new HashSet<>(Sets.difference(expectedProjects, actualProjects));
Assert.assertTrue("some projects were not correctly imported: " + missingProjects, missingProjects.isEmpty());
return importedProjects;
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class DtsAfterBuildListener method createLibValue.
private String createLibValue() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\"es2019\", \"es2020\"");
for (ProjectReference requiredLibRef : projectConfig.getProjectDescription().getRequiredRuntimeLibraries()) {
N4JSPackageName requiredLibName = requiredLibRef.getN4JSProjectName();
ImmutableSet<String> dtsLibNames = N4JSGlobals.N4JS_DTS_LIB_CORRESPONDENCE.get(requiredLibName);
for (String dtsLibName : dtsLibNames) {
sb.append(", \"");
return sb.toString();
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class RepoRelativePath method compute.
* Creates the RepoRelativePath from a given resource. Returns null, if resource is not contained in a repository.
* If a repository is found, the simple name of the origin is used.
public static RepoRelativePath compute(FileURI uriOfResource, WorkspaceAccess workspaceAccess, Notifier context) {
N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot project = workspaceAccess.findProjectByNestedLocation(context, uriOfResource.toURI());
if (project == null) {
return null;
Path pathOfResource = uriOfResource.toFileSystemPath();
Path pathOfProject = project.getPathAsFileURI().toFileSystemPath();
String fileOfResourceInsideProject = pathOfProject.relativize(pathOfResource).toString();
// strip anchor part if present, i.e. path to type within the resource
int anchorIndex = fileOfResourceInsideProject.indexOf("#");
if (anchorIndex >= 0)
fileOfResourceInsideProject = fileOfResourceInsideProject.substring(0, anchorIndex);
File absolutePathOfResource = pathOfProject.toAbsolutePath().resolve(fileOfResourceInsideProject).toFile();
if (!absolutePathOfResource.exists()) {
return null;
// note: for retrieving the repo relative folder name, we must not rely on single path segments as they
// may appear more than once. E.g. "n4js" maybe the folder of the oomph installation, the simple name of the
// repository folder and a folder representing the package n4js.
File repoFolder = getRepoFolder(absolutePathOfResource);
// for resolving the repo relative path,
// we only care about the repo folder name, since the folder may be named differently
String pathOfProjectInRepo = getRepoPath(repoFolder, pathOfProject.getParent().toFile());
if (pathOfProjectInRepo == null) {
return null;
String pathOfResourceInProject = '/' + fileOfResourceInsideProject;
// ensure slashes
if (File.separatorChar != '/') {
pathOfResourceInProject = pathOfResourceInProject.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
pathOfProjectInRepo = pathOfProjectInRepo.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
N4JSPackageName projName = project.getN4JSPackageName();
String repoName = getRepoName(repoFolder);
return new // repo relative
RepoRelativePath(// repo relative
repoName, // repo relative
pathOfProjectInRepo, // project relative
projName, // project relative
pathOfResourceInProject, -1);
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class JSONIdeContentProposalProvider method proposeLocalPackages.
private void proposeLocalPackages(ContentAssistContext context, IIdeContentProposalAcceptor acceptor, List<String> namePath) {
if (!namePath.isEmpty()) {
// somewhat poor heuristic: propose all projects that are known in the current workspace
String last = namePath.get(namePath.size() - 1);
if ( || {
for (N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot project : workspaceAccess.findAllProjects(context.getResource())) {
N4JSPackageName projectName = project.getN4JSPackageName();
ContentAssistEntry entryForModule = getProposalCreator().createProposal('"' + projectName.getRawName() + '"', context, ContentAssistEntry.KIND_MODULE, null);
if (entryForModule != null) {
acceptor.accept(entryForModule, getProposalPriorities().getDefaultPriority(entryForModule));