use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class ProjectCompareHelper method compareModules.
* Specific Comparison between two modules.
* @param apiProject
* API project
* @param api
* module containing the definition
* @param implProject
* API-impl project
* @param impl
* implementation to
* @param includePolyfills
* {@code true} if polyfills should be considered as the part of the API and the implementation.
* Otherwise {@code false}.
* @return data containing the comparison (implementation is in slot 0)
public ProjectComparisonEntry compareModules(N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot apiProject, TModule api, N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot implProject, TModule impl, final boolean includePolyfills) {
String implId = implProject.getImplementationId();
N4JSPackageName implIdAsName = implId != null ? new N4JSPackageName(implId) : null;
ProjectComparison projectComparison = new ProjectComparison(new N4JSPackageName[] { implIdAsName });
ProjectComparisonEntry dummyParent = new ProjectComparisonEntry(projectComparison, apiProject, implProject);
ProjectComparisonEntry ret = createEntries(dummyParent, -1, api, new EObject[] { impl }, includePolyfills);
return ret;
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class ApiImplMapping method put.
* Add a single API -> implementation association to the receiving mapping (if it is not present already).
public void put(N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot api, N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot impl) {
final N4JSPackageName apiId = api.getN4JSPackageName();
if (apiId == null)
// just ignore (complaining about this problem is not our business)
final String implIdStr = impl.getImplementationId();
final N4JSPackageName implId = implIdStr != null ? new N4JSPackageName(implIdStr) : null;
if (implId == null) {
ApiImplMapping.ApiImplAssociation assoc = assocs.get(apiId);
if (assoc == null) {
assoc = new ApiImplAssociation(api);
assocs.put(apiId, assoc);
final N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot replaced = assoc.putImpl(impl);
if (replaced != null && !Objects.equals(replaced, impl)) {
// ooops! we have several projects defining an implementation for project 'api' with the same
// implementation id -> remember them!
putConflict(apiId, implId, replaced, impl);
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class ApiImplMapping method getErrorMessages.
* In {@link #hasErrors() case of error}, returns human-readable error messages. Otherwise, an empty list will be
* returned.
public List<String> getErrorMessages() {
final List<String> msgs = new ArrayList<>();
for (N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot p : projectsWithUndefImplIds) {
msgs.add("project '" + p.getName() + "' does not define an ImplementationId in its manifest");
for (Map.Entry<Pair<N4JSPackageName, N4JSPackageName>, Set<N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot>> currConflict : conflicts.entrySet()) {
final N4JSPackageName apiId = currConflict.getKey().getKey();
final N4JSPackageName implId = currConflict.getKey().getValue();
final Set<N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot> culprits = currConflict.getValue();
final String culpritsStr = " - " + -> c.getName()).collect(Collectors.joining("\n - "));
msgs.add("several projects define an implementation for API project '" + apiId + "' with implementation ID '" + implId + "':\n" + culpritsStr);
return msgs;
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class N4jsLibsAccess method installN4jsLibs.
* Installs one or more N4JS libraries (i.e. the npm packages located under "n4js-libs/packages" in the N4JS Git
* repository on the local file system) by copying or symbolically linking them from their location in the local
* N4JS Git repository clone.
* <p>
* This method should be preferred over an installation from the remote npm registry to use the current version of
* the N4JS libraries of the currently running build. For tests that do not require execution of N4JS code (just
* compilation), method {@code ProjectTestsUtils#createDummyN4JSRuntime(Path)} might be a simpler alternative.
* @param targetPath
* where to install.
* @param includeDependencies
* whether the transitive dependencies of the installed N4JS libraries should be installed, too. This may
* include both other N4JS libraries or third-party dependencies that reside under folder
* "n4js-libs/node_modules" and will be installed by MWE2 workflow BuildN4jsLibs in the early stages of
* the N4JS build.
* @param useSymbolicLinks
* whether symbolic links should be used instead of copying the files.<br>
* WARNING: if your tests changes the installed packages, this will affect a global location that will
* influence other tests!
* @param deleteOnExit
* whether the copied files / created symbolic links should be removed when the JVM shuts down.
* @param n4jsLibsNames
* One or more package names of N4JS libraries that are to be installed.
* @return actually installed packages (including dependencies, if requested) as a map from package name to absolute
* path.
* @throws IOException
* in case of trouble.
public static Map<N4JSPackageName, Path> installN4jsLibs(Path targetPath, boolean includeDependencies, boolean useSymbolicLinks, boolean deleteOnExit, N4JSPackageName... n4jsLibsNames) throws IOException {
Path n4jsLibsLocation = findN4jsLibsLocation();
Map<N4JSPackageName, Path> toBeInstalled = new HashMap<>();
for (N4JSPackageName projectName : n4jsLibsNames) {
Path projectPath = findN4jsLib(n4jsLibsLocation, projectName, false);
toBeInstalled.put(projectName, projectPath);
return installN4jsLibs(targetPath, includeDependencies, useSymbolicLinks, deleteOnExit, toBeInstalled);
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.utils.N4JSPackageName in project n4js by eclipse.
the class N4jsLibsAccess method installN4jsLibs.
private static Map<N4JSPackageName, Path> installN4jsLibs(Path targetPath, boolean includeDependencies, boolean useSymbolicLinks, boolean deleteOnExit, Map<N4JSPackageName, Path> n4jsLibsToBeInstalled) throws IOException {
Map<N4JSPackageName, Path> toBeInstalled = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// add projects in 'projectNames' to 'toBeInstalled'
// add dependencies of projects in 'toBeInstalled' to 'toBeInstalled' (if requested)
if (includeDependencies) {
Path n4jsLibsLocation = N4jsLibsAccess.findN4jsLibsLocation();
for (Path projectPath : new ArrayList<>(toBeInstalled.values())) {
// will be modified in next line!
collectDependencies(n4jsLibsLocation, projectPath, toBeInstalled);
// actually install projects in 'toBeInstalled'
for (Entry<N4JSPackageName, Path> projectEntry : toBeInstalled.entrySet()) {
N4JSPackageName projectName = projectEntry.getKey();
Path projectPath = projectEntry.getValue();
Path targetProjectPath = toProjectPath(targetPath, projectName);
if (useSymbolicLinks) {
// i.e. create parent of targetProjectPath
Path symLinkPath = Files.createSymbolicLink(targetProjectPath, projectPath);
if (deleteOnExit) {
} else {
FileCopier.copy(projectPath, targetProjectPath);
if (deleteOnExit) {
return toBeInstalled;