use of in project n4js by eclipse.
the class XWorkspaceBuilder method doIncrementalWorkspaceUpdateAndBuild.
* Based on the raw, "reported changes" accumulated in {@link #newDirtyFiles} / {@link #newDeletedFiles}, do the
* following:
* <ol>
* <li>perform an update of the workspace configuration, if necessary, which may lead to additional "discovered
* changes" (e.g. resources in newly added source folders),
* <li><em>move</em> the "reported changes" together with the "discovered changes" to {@link #dirtyFiles} /
* {@link #deletedFiles} / {@link #affectedByDeletedProjects},
* <li>then trigger an incremental build.
* </ol>
protected IResourceDescription.Event doIncrementalWorkspaceUpdateAndBuild(CancelIndicator cancelIndicator) {
// in case many incremental build tasks pile up in the queue (e.g. while a non-cancelable initial build is
// running), we don't want to repeatedly invoke IWorkspaceManager#update() in each of those tasks but only in
// the last one; therefore, we here check for a cancellation:
Set<URI> newDirtyFiles = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.newDirtyFiles);
Set<URI> newDeletedFiles = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.newDeletedFiles);
boolean newRefreshRequest = this.newRefreshRequest;
this.newRefreshRequest = false;
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
if (newRefreshRequest) {
lspLogger.log("Refreshing ...");
UpdateResult updateResult = workspaceManager.update(newDirtyFiles, newDeletedFiles, newRefreshRequest);
WorkspaceChanges changes = updateResult.changes;
List<URI> actualDirtyFiles = UtilN4.concat(changes.getAddedURIs(), changes.getChangedURIs());
List<URI> actualDeletedFiles = new ArrayList<>(changes.getRemovedURIs());
if (newRefreshRequest) {
// scan all source folders of all projects for source file additions, changes, and deletions
// - including source files of added projects,
// - including source files of added source folders of existing projects,
// - including source files of removed source folders of existing projects,
// - *not* including source files of removed projects.
actualDirtyFiles = new ArrayList<>();
actualDeletedFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (ProjectBuilder projectBuilder : workspaceManager.getProjectBuilders()) {
ResourceChangeSet sourceFileChanges = projectBuilder.scanForSourceFileChanges();
} else {
// scan only the added source folders (including those of added projects) for source files
actualDirtyFiles.addAll(scanAddedSourceFoldersForNewSourceFiles(changes, scanner));
// collect URIs from removed source folders (*not* including those of removed projects)
queue(this.dirtyFiles, actualDeletedFiles, actualDirtyFiles);
queue(this.deletedFiles, actualDirtyFiles, actualDeletedFiles);
// take care of removed projects
Set<ProjectConfigSnapshot> deletedProjects = new HashSet<>();
for (ProjectConfigSnapshot prjConfig : changes.getRemovedProjects()) {
for (ProjectConfigSnapshot prjConfig : Iterables.concat(changes.getAddedProjects(), changes.getChangedProjects())) {
for (ProjectConfigSnapshot delPrj : deletedProjects) {
ImmutableSet<? extends ProjectConfigSnapshot> affected = updateResult.oldWorkspaceConfigSnapshot.getProjectsDependingOn(delPrj.getName());
if (newRefreshRequest) {
lspLogger.log("... refresh done (" + stopwatch.toString() + "; " + "projects added/removed: " + changes.getAddedProjects().size() + "/" + changes.getRemovedProjects().size() + "; " + "files dirty/deleted: " + dirtyFiles.size() + "/" + deletedFiles.size() + ").");
for (String cyclicProject : updateResult.cyclicProjectChanges) {
ProjectConfigSnapshot projectConfig = workspaceManager.getWorkspaceConfig().findProjectByID(cyclicProject);
Collection<URI> projectDescriptionUris = projectConfig.getProjectDescriptionUris();
if (dirtyFiles.isEmpty() && deletedFiles.isEmpty() && affectedByDeletedProjects.isEmpty()) {
return new ResourceDescriptionChangeEvent(Collections.emptyList());
return doIncrementalBuild(cancelIndicator);