use of org.eclipse.n4js.xtext.ide.server.issues.IssueToDiagnosticConverter in project n4js by eclipse.
the class AccessControlTest method compile.
* Compiles the projects generated into the path at {@link #FIXTURE_ROOT}, which in this test case the projects
* representing the currently tested scenario and returns the generated issues.
* @return the generated issues
private static Collection<Issue> compile() {
IdeTestLanguageClient languageClient = testLspManager.getLanguageClient();
IssueToDiagnosticConverter converter = new IssueToDiagnosticConverter();
List<Issue> issues = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<FileURI, Diagnostic> uriDiagnostic : languageClient.getIssues().entries()) {
FileURI uri = uriDiagnostic.getKey();
Diagnostic diagnostic = uriDiagnostic.getValue();
issues.add(converter.toIssue(uri.toURI(), diagnostic, Optional.absent()));
return issues;