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Example 1 with FrameworkLog

use of org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog in project rt.equinox.framework by eclipse.

the class EclipseStarter method startup.

 * Starts the platform and sets it up to run a single application. The application is either identified
 * in the given arguments (e.g., -application &lt;app id&gt;) or in the <code>eclipse.application</code>
 * System property.  The platform must not be running already.
 * <p>
 * The given runnable (if not <code>null</code>) is used to tear down the splash screen if required.
 * </p>
 * @param args the arguments passed to the application
 * @return BundleContext the context of the system bundle
 * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong
public static BundleContext startup(String[] args, Runnable endSplashHandler) throws Exception {
    if (running)
        throw new IllegalStateException(Msg.ECLIPSE_STARTUP_ALREADY_RUNNING);
    framework = new Equinox(getConfiguration());
    context = framework.getBundleContext();
    ServiceReference<FrameworkLog> logRef = context.getServiceReference(FrameworkLog.class);
    log = context.getService(logRef);
    ServiceReference<EnvironmentInfo> configRef = context.getServiceReference(EnvironmentInfo.class);
    equinoxConfig = (EquinoxConfiguration) context.getService(configRef);
    consoleMgr = ConsoleManager.startConsole(context, equinoxConfig);
    Bundle[] startBundles = loadBasicBundles();
    if (startBundles == null || ("true".equals(getProperty(PROP_REFRESH_BUNDLES)) && refreshPackages(getCurrentBundles(false)))) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        // cannot continue; loadBasicBundles caused refreshPackages to shutdown the framework
        return context;
    if (isForcedRestart()) {
        return context;
    // set the framework start level to the ultimate value.  This will actually start things
    // running if they are persistently active.
    // they should all be active by this time
    // in the case where the built-in console is disabled we should try to start the console bundle
    try {
    } catch (BundleException e) {
        FrameworkLogEntry entry = new FrameworkLogEntry(EquinoxContainer.NAME, FrameworkLogEntry.ERROR, 0, e.getMessage(), 0, e, null);
    // TODO should log unresolved bundles if in debug or dev mode
    running = true;
    return context;
Also used : Equinox(org.eclipse.osgi.launch.Equinox) FrameworkLog(org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog) EnvironmentInfo(org.eclipse.osgi.service.environment.EnvironmentInfo) FrameworkLogEntry(org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLogEntry)

Example 2 with FrameworkLog

use of org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog in project rt.equinox.framework by eclipse.

the class LoggingTests method getLogService.

private LogServiceReference getLogService(BundleContext bc) {
    ServiceReference logRef = bc.getServiceReference(ExtendedLogService.class.getName());
    assertNotNull("log service ref is null", logRef);
    ServiceReference readerRef = bc.getServiceReference(ExtendedLogReaderService.class.getName());
    assertNotNull("log reader ref is null", readerRef);
    ServiceReference fwkLogRef = bc.getServiceReference(FrameworkLog.class.getName());
    assertNotNull("framework log ref is null", fwkLogRef);
    ExtendedLogService logService = (ExtendedLogService) bc.getService(logRef);
    assertNotNull("log service is null", logService);
    ExtendedLogReaderService readerService = (ExtendedLogReaderService) bc.getService(readerRef);
    assertNotNull("reader service is null", readerService);
    FrameworkLog fwkLog = (FrameworkLog) bc.getService(fwkLogRef);
    assertNotNull("framework log is null", fwkLog);
    return new LogServiceReference(logRef, logService, readerRef, readerService, fwkLogRef, fwkLog);
Also used : FrameworkLog(org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog)

Example 3 with FrameworkLog

use of org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog in project rt.equinox.framework by eclipse.

the class EquinoxLogFactory method createFrameworkLog.

FrameworkLog createFrameworkLog(Bundle bundle, EquinoxLogWriter eclipseWriter) {
    final EquinoxLogWriter logWriter = eclipseWriter == null ? defaultWriter : eclipseWriter;
    final Logger logger = bundle == null ? logManager.getSystemBundleLog().getLogger(eclipseWriter.getLoggerName()) : logManager.getSystemBundleLog().getLogger(bundle, logWriter.getLoggerName());
    return new FrameworkLog() {

        public void setWriter(Writer newWriter, boolean append) {
            logWriter.setWriter(newWriter, append);

        public void setFile(File newFile, boolean append) throws IOException {
            logWriter.setFile(newFile, append);

        public void setConsoleLog(boolean consoleLog) {

        public void log(FrameworkLogEntry logEntry) {
            logger.log(logEntry, convertLevel(logEntry), logEntry.getMessage(), logEntry.getThrowable());

        public void log(FrameworkEvent frameworkEvent) {
            Bundle b = frameworkEvent.getBundle();
            Throwable t = frameworkEvent.getThrowable();
            String entry = b.getSymbolicName() == null ? b.getLocation() : b.getSymbolicName();
            int severity;
            switch(frameworkEvent.getType()) {
                case FrameworkEvent.INFO:
                    severity = FrameworkLogEntry.INFO;
                case FrameworkEvent.ERROR:
                    severity = FrameworkLogEntry.ERROR;
                case FrameworkEvent.WARNING:
                    severity = FrameworkLogEntry.WARNING;
                    severity = FrameworkLogEntry.OK;
            // $NON-NLS-1$
            FrameworkLogEntry logEntry = new FrameworkLogEntry(entry, severity, 0, "", 0, t, null);

        public File getFile() {
            return logWriter.getFile();

        public void close() {
Also used : FrameworkLog(org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog) FrameworkLogEntry(org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLogEntry) Logger(org.eclipse.equinox.log.Logger)


FrameworkLog (org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog)3 FrameworkLogEntry (org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLogEntry)2 Logger (org.eclipse.equinox.log.Logger)1 Equinox (org.eclipse.osgi.launch.Equinox)1 EnvironmentInfo (org.eclipse.osgi.service.environment.EnvironmentInfo)1